Chapter 879 Sharp Arrow
Everyone is expecting "Words of Fallen Leaves" to win an award.

Zhou Yun's luck with awards in the past two years has been very good, and "Beyond the Fallen Leaves" is the original cast of the award-winning masterpiece "Behind the Scenes", which is even more exciting.

Zhou Yun knew what they were thinking, and also knew that everyone's expectations for her were due to her great fortune in winning awards before.

It's just that Zhou Yun always feels that every play has its own destiny, and not every good performance will win a trophy.

The more you understand the industry, the more you understand this fact.

Zhou Yun only hopes that this movie will be released well, that it will be seen by the audience and liked by everyone, and that is enough.

Others, dare not expect extravagantly.

The promotional trip in the United States went well, and nothing like South Korea happened.

During the period, Zhou Yun also received a message from Jiang Minghuai: Are you really not going to meet Director Spielberg with me?

Zhou Yun did not reply.

She knew Jiang Minghuai's thoughts clearly, she hoped to stay away from Jiang Minghuai, and the two of them would not have any intersection or relationship in the future - even though Zhou Yun himself knew that this was very unrealistic.

Jiang Minghuai is rich and powerful, so he can't force Zhou Yun, but if he just appears by her side and creates all kinds of "encounters", it's not a problem at all.

This is not bad, but I'm afraid that Jiang Minghuai will be unhappy for a long time in the future, and suddenly love and hate will cause her some troubles, which will be depressing.

Not surprisingly, Zhou Yun and Jiang Minghuai met again on the plane returning home.

Jiang Minghuai was still the same opening line: "Miss Zhou, what a coincidence, we met again."

Zhou Yun smiled lightly and said, "Isn't it planned for a long time?"

Regarding Zhou Yun's words, Jiang Minghuai was not embarrassed, but showed a surprised expression.

"It turns out that you know my ulterior motives, that's great."

Zhou Yun felt as uncomfortable as eating a fly.

Why can Jiang Minghuai turn a blind eye to her rejection repeatedly, and at the same time repeatedly show the so-called courtship gesture towards her?
Zhou Yun was very displeased with Jiang Minghuai's seemingly open-minded attitude—behind the so-called open-mindedness, he actually didn't take her rejection and resistance seriously at all.

Regarding this person, Zhou Yun did not have anyone he could complain about without any scruples.

Including Song Chi.

Song Chi knew about this, what should be his attitude towards Jiang Minghuai?
Disgusted, ask him for a warning?
Song Chi did have the confidence to do so. No matter how big the Li Wei Group was, it would not be able to block actors of Song Chi's level.

However, Zhou Yun didn't want to cause Song Chi any trouble.

If Song Chi really exchanged fire with Jiang Minghuai, even if Li Wei Group couldn't do anything to Song Chi, it would eventually cause them some trouble.

This was not a good thing for Song Chi.

Zhou Yun hoped that he could solve this matter, but Jiang Minghuai stuck to her like a dog's skin plaster. While sticking to her, he didn't do anything out of the ordinary. Zhou Yun didn't have a place to get angry.

I can only hold back my temper and wait for the opportunity.

After returning from the United States, after landing, Zhou Yun's cell phone vibrated suddenly.

A lot of messages came pouring in.

This can only show one situation, something went wrong.

Zhou Yun was helpless.

But there is a feeling of getting used to it.

never mind.

Zhou Yun sat in his seat and read the news one by one without getting anxious.

Liu Yun came here to look for her, and was a little surprised to see that she didn't stand up, so she asked what was wrong.

Zhou Yun asked: "Have you not received the message on your mobile phone?"

Liu Yun said: "I haven't switched modes yet, it's still in flight mode, what's wrong?"

At this time, Zhou Lan walked over with a look of surprise on his face, looked at Zhou Yun worriedly, and asked, "Do you know?"

"Well, I got it." Zhou Yun nodded, raised the phone in his hand, signaled it, and at the same time sighed helplessly, and said, "What should I say this time? I got pecked in the eye? Don't scold me. "

Zhou Lan gave Zhou Yun a sad look, "Why am I scolding you, alas, who would have thought of encountering such a white-eyed wolf."

"What's wrong?" Liu Yun didn't know what happened, she looked puzzled.

She canceled the airplane mode, and some messages that she hadn't received before popped up on her phone.

So she knew what was going on.

South Korean actress Song Ji has accused Zhou Yun of physically attacking and abusing her during the Berlin Film Festival.

All the blood in Liu Yun's body rushed up.

"Isn't this the actress who was slapped by Li Zhentai at the Berlin Film Festival, and then she was insulted by Li Zhentai?" Liu Yun still has a very good impression of this actress. Afterwards, she worried that the actress would be disadvantaged when she returned to Korea.

Song Zhi was interviewed by reporters at a press conference for a new drama, and said that after meeting Zhou Yun at the Berlin Film Festival, she was ridiculed and humiliated by Zhou Yun.

The scene almost exploded.

Zhou Yungang became famous in South Korea because of what happened in South Korea and was known by everyone.

Many Koreans still felt ashamed that Zhou Yun had encountered such a thing in their country, and criticized the hotel management. As soon as Song Zhi spoke out, the attitude and evaluation of Zhou Yun in the public opinion circle immediately changed direction.

——Zhou Yun is such a person?

——I really didn't expect it, isn't this female star usually very considerate?I have seen a lot of news about her helping newcomers on the Internet before, are they all fake?

——Song Zhi is so pitiful, she is just a newcomer, why should she be humiliated by others?Who didn't come from the stage of rookie?This incident really disgusted me. I used to think that what happened to Zhou Yunlai in our country was very pitiful, but now I feel that I really deserve it, it is simply retribution.

——Our Song Zhi is too pitiful, should newcomers be bullied?Zhou Yun must apologize!Even if she is a superstar in China, she must apologize!


There was an uproar on Korean social media, especially on Twitter and INS. Zhou Yun's account was under siege.

Zhou Yun's fans fought back very quickly, pointing out that Song Zhi's statement was empty. If Zhou Yun had humiliated Song Zhi, they would have to show evidence, or if there was someone who was also present, Song Zhi could not say what she said.


Zhou Yun was surrounded by many reporters at the airport.

This matter fermented very quickly. The media who knew Zhou Yun's itinerary were waiting at the airport early, and wanted to wait for her immediate response.

Zhou Yun didn't say a word, and under the escort of Zhou Lan, Liu Yun and Li Yang, he got into the car and remained silent.

Zhou Yun just felt helpless and disappointed.

When she stood up and scolded Li Zhenti angrily, did she expect that she would encounter such a backlash today?
Zhou Yun didn't dare to think about it, didn't dare to think too much, he didn't care what he said, but when the matter came to an end, it was a sharp arrow that pierced her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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