
"You did a good job on this matter, Li Zhentai is very satisfied, and he arranged a new play for you later."

The agent said to Song Zhi who was on the cusp of the storm.

The expression on her face was radiant, revealing a kind of complacency, "Look, Song Zhi, I told you, as long as you make Li Zhentai happy, your future star journey will be smooth sailing."

Song Zhi frowned with a gloomy expression.

"Okay, stop talking." She turned her head and looked out of the car window.

Seeing this, the manager knew that Song Zhi had lost his temper again.

"Why bother, anyway, I have already said it in front of the reporter, so I can only grit my teeth and go on."

"If you didn't force me, how could I say that." Song Zhi accused coldly.

"If I don't force you to do this, you can only be banned." The manager's attitude is rather arrogant, treating Song Zhi as a child who has a temper, "You are willing to work hard for so long to make your debut Career, did everything disappear overnight?"

Song Zhi didn't speak.

"If you hadn't slapped Li Zhentai in the face, none of this would have happened." The agent said, "Speaking of which, I think you are stupid. It is your luck that Li Zhentai has a crush on you. If you take good care of it, say Maybe you can use his light to climb up, how do you think Han Suqi and Jin Zhulin became popular, they are all newcomers, and they will be heroines as soon as they debut."

Song Zhi still didn't speak.

She silently watched the fleeting street scene outside the car window, with various thoughts in her mind ups and downs.

"Does a person have to walk on this road to get what he wants?"

"Who didn't go on this road in the end?" The manager glanced at Song Zhi in the rearview mirror, "Your conditions are so good, as long as you are willing to give something, a little something leaked from those people's hands, you will be fine." It’s enough for you for a long time, when you become popular, you can do what you want, before that, you have to give something, endure something, and everyone else does the same.”
Zhou Lan paced anxiously, stopping to take a look at Zhou Yun who was sitting silently on the sofa.

The studio staff are also waiting for instructions from the two of them.

Six hours have passed since Song Zhi spoke.

After Zhou Yun returned to China, he was going to go home, but because of this incident, he changed to the studio.

Regarding the response to this matter, three versions have been written, but Zhou Yun and Zhou Lan have not decided which version to use.

Regarding this matter, the most important thing is that Zhou Yun has always thought about how to respond.

"Ning Yao was also there at the time, but Ning Yao may not be convenient to publicly prove the truth for us. You also know that she acted in "The Mortal Realm" directed by Kim Byung-deok, and she is likely to rely on this movie to win several awards in Korea. I don't want to get her involved." Zhou Yun's concern is here, "The three versions you wrote are all right, you can post any one, but I hope to delete Ning Yao from our response, don't mention her, Whether she wants to speak for me in the future is her business, but we don't take the initiative to mention her, it will bring her a lot of trouble."

Zhou Lan has a different opinion on this.

"Xiao Yun, at present, it is still possible to consider whether this situation will affect Ning Yao. Those Korean media are now chasing you like mad dogs. If we don't mention that there were witnesses when the incident happened, then we The response is not strong at all." Zhou Lan said, "We have all unified our attitude, at least we can't directly mention Li Zhenti's name, if we do so directly, there will be legal risks, after all, the parties have already responded. It’s very likely that someone will sue us for infringing on his right of reputation, not to mention the series of problems caused by this matter, we can’t mention Li Zhenti’s name, we can only treat Song Zhi as a slut We didn’t go there to help Song Zhi, but Song Zhi bit me back, if we only responded like this, no one would believe our words, you have to trust our judgment.”

"At that time, not only Ning Yao and I were present, there were many people present."

"But Ning Yao is the only one who can stand up to help you speak up and help you prove the truth," Zhou Lan said.

This is a helpless and sad fact.

Zhou Yun was silent for a moment, "Then don't mention the facts, just deny it. They can't tell me what I haven't said or done."

Zhou Lan couldn't beat Zhou Yun.

She also couldn't disregard Zhou Yun's original intention and act according to her own ideas.

After hesitating for a moment, Zhou Lan nodded.

"Let's respond like this first, and deny this matter first." Zhou Lan said, "We can no longer let those Korean media pour dirty water on our heads."

After this was confirmed, Zhou Yun's studio did not directly speak on the official blog, but contacted an entertainment media that usually cooperates, and made Zhou Yun's response through their report.

——Xiaoyun was never one to bully young rookies, and she never humiliated her in the background as Korean actress Song Zhi said, it was completely fabricated and maliciously slandered, we don't know why she did it, why To make up such things, in other words, what reason does Zhou Yun have to do so?Even in such a bad situation in a Korean hotel, she never said a humiliating word to the hotel staff.

In response to this, the major media quickly forwarded it.

Zhou Yun's studio also forwarded it, showing his attitude.

Zhou Lan and Zhou Yun looked at each other.

"Let's do this first." Zhou Yun said, "I'm a little tired and want to go back and rest."

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