Chapter 881
Zhou Yun's response is of course impossible to calm public opinion.

However, in the face of such accusations, even if you know that your response will not calm public opinion, you still have to respond, because this is your attitude.

If you don't respond for a long time, the public opinion unfavorable to Zhou Yun will intensify. Others will suspect that Zhou Yun is "unable to respond" and "accepted".

Zhou Yun didn't want to investigate why Song Zhi did this.No matter what reason she has, Zhou Yun will never forgive her.It's just that Zhou Yun now wants to know other people's reactions after this incident happened.

There were many, many people present that night.It was a party with dozens or hundreds of people, seeing this happening, would any of them be willing to stand up and tell the truth?
Maybe not.Zhou Yun did not dare to expect others to do the same.In the end, she herself chose to hide Li Zhenti's name, let alone others.

But, at least everyone knows what happened to Song Zhi's accusation, right?
Zhou Yun felt a little uncomfortable.

When she got home, she turned off her phone, picked up the script and read it.

There were many scripts sent to her, and she read them one by one.

I don't know how long the time has passed. When I looked up again, I found that the sky outside the window was dark.

There is only this small floor lamp beside her in the room, providing her with light for reading.

Suddenly there was a sound at the door.

It was Song Chi who came back.

He opened the door and called out "Xiaoyun".

Zhou Yun didn't know if it was her own illusion, she felt a little anxiety in Song Chi's voice.

Zhou Yun responded.

Song Chi came in in a hurry, his handsome eyebrows and eyes looked even thinner and handsome under the light and shadow of only one floor lamp turned on, and his eyes were surprisingly bright, full of concern.

He asked: "Is your mobile phone out of battery? I called you and it showed that it was turned off."

Zhou Yun explained: "I turned off my phone, I don't want to read those news, and I don't want to reply to everyone's inquiries. Alas, this happened again."

"Zhou Lan has already told me what happened. Don't be too depressed. Song Zhi must have been threatened or lured by Li Zhentai." Song Chi said, "I called some friends in Korea. , although it may not be of much use, but I am trying to find people who were present that day to see if anyone is willing to testify for you. I know that although this matter is not serious, it will also make you feel very bad. This kind of thing is like stepping on dog poop on the road, no one will be happy, but don't be too depressed, it's okay."

When he said these words, he had already walked in front of Zhou Yun, squatted down in front of Zhou Yun, touched her face, raised his head slightly, and looked at Zhou Yun.

"You're depressed, Li Zhentai and Song Zhi won't feel sad about it, but I will." Song Chi said, "It's nothing, you know? It's okay."

Song Chi's eyes were calm and powerful, which calmed Zhou Yun's mood a little.

She put down the script, hugged Song Chi, and leaned on it.

Song Chi immediately followed her with a smile, letting her nestle softly against him.

"It was really hurt." He said, "Do you want me to coax you?"

Zhou Yun pretended to be angry: "You dare."

Song Chi picked her up and walked towards the bedroom.

""Chen Yin" will start broadcasting tomorrow, and this is your top priority. Other things are trivial, so don't worry about them." He said, "There are so many people helping you solve it, and Li Zhentai is nothing. .”
The broadcast of "Chen Yin" was full of twists and turns, until it premiered tonight.

People on TV stations and video platforms are in a mixed mood.

The good news is that Zhou Yun's popularity during this period is frighteningly high, which has led to the increase in the global popularity of this drama. The worry is that Zhou Yun was accused by Song Zhi of humiliating new actors, which led to many people's resistance to Zhou Yun and criticism of this show. boycott of the show.

Even, because of this incident, the person in charge of broadcasting received a notice of "do a temporary withdrawal".

No one knows if the show will premiere tonight as scheduled.

The boss of the third video, Chen Minghe, was sitting in the office, half an hour before the next meeting.

He was browsing various data of "Chen Yin" on the computer alone.

Sanfan Video participated in the production of this drama and invested a lot of money.

Whether it is directed by Jiang Xin or starring Zhou Yun, the salary is very high.This is actually not in line with the low-to-medium and low-cost route that Sanfan Video has always implemented.However, if any video platform wants to become a leader in the industry, it cannot always make a small fortune, but must really produce big projects.

Chen Minghe took this drama as a turning point for the third video.

If this drama is successful, it will be a signal for Sanfan Video, and it will be arranged on the S+ project track every year in the future.

There have been serious differences in the evaluation of this drama within the company.

I believe that this drama will achieve good results, and I think that this drama will make the high investment go in vain, all of them.

Will the myth of Zhou Yun's invincibility continue?With the prolongation of Zhou Yun's popularity, more and more people, under the influence of the idea that "one person cannot succeed forever", began to no longer blindly believe in Zhou Yun, even if the projects starring Zhou Yun have not been successful until now. Never failed.

"Chen Yin" has achieved great success in terms of commercial returns so far.

Under the positive influence of "Deep Sea", the overseas distribution sales and advertising revenue of "Chen Yin" are very gratifying.

And Sanfan Video is also counting on this drama to achieve a new record of membership.

Now Chen Minghe is only worried that because Zhou Yun suddenly broke the negative news about bullying the new Korean actress Song Zhi, there will be too much resistance to "Chen Yin", which will cause the show to be temporarily withdrawn. All the previous publicity and funds Put it in, and it's completely in vain.

The secretary knocked on the door and entered.

"Mr. Chen, Mr. Wu Chengbao is here."

Chen Minghe nodded and got up when he heard the words.

Two people meet, smile enthusiastically, and shake hands.

Wu Chengbao said: "Mr. Chen looks particularly good recently. It seems that "Chen Yin" is selling well."

Chen Minghe said with a smile: "No matter how good our sales are, it's not as good as Mr. Wu, you are amphibious in film and television, earning a lot of money at the box office, please sit down."

Two people sit down.

Wu Chengbao and Chen Minghe met today to discuss the sales of the TV series "The Lady of Swords" starring Zhang Hongyu.

The play has already finished the preliminary cut. Wu Chengbao also organized a viewing meeting before, and brought in directors from various video platforms and TV stations to watch the film.

Chen Minghe went there in person.

He himself is a fan of Zhang Hongyu.

The content of the pilot episode is very exciting, attracting major platforms, plus the veteran movie queen Zhang Hongyu starring, the attention is high, and everyone intends to buy it.

Wu Chengbao doesn't plan to broadcast on multiple platforms. Redistribution after the broadcast is another matter, but these days, if it is not an exclusive broadcast, it is difficult to get the best recommended resources on the platform, and if you can't get these, it is difficult Push a drama to the hottest point.

Sanfan Video is very interested in buying the broadcasting rights of "Sword Lady", which is why today's meeting happened.

Both parties had a pleasant conversation, and reached an agreement quickly on the purchase price, cooperation agreement, publicity investment and other aspects.

At this time, Chen Minghe suddenly asked: "Mr. Wu, Song Chi and Xiaoyun are married. Regarding the matter between her and the Korean actress, can you tell me the truth? Now this matter The city was full of disturbances, and I panicked, fearing that I would receive a temporary notice today that the broadcast would not be allowed, or that the broadcast would be stopped in the middle of the broadcast, which really made my heart flutter."

Wu Chengbao said: "What kind of person is Xiaoyun? You have worked with her before, don't you know?"

"What kind of person is this person, or whether he has a bad temper for a while and loses his temper? It's normal. The key is that I know the truth of this matter, so I can deal with it."

"Mr. Chen, let me tell you this. In this entertainment industry, whoever bullies a newcomer can't be Zhou Yun." Wu Chengbao suddenly remembered something when he said this, "You are worried because of the matter of Xie Pinyuan before." gone?"

When filming "Chen Yin", Xie Pinyuan was an actor pushed over by three videos, but his acting skills were too poor and unqualified, which made Zhou Yun very upset in the end. As a result, Xie Pinyuan resigned and replaced him.

Perhaps it was because of this incident that Chen Minghe didn't think Zhou Yun was a friendly person to newcomers?
Wu Chengbao said: "You can't talk about Xie Pinyuan like that. As far as Xie Pinyuan's acting skills are concerned, if you throw them into Song Chi's crew or Zhang Hongyu's crew, it's an ending. How can these mature actors tolerate Xie Pinyuan's acting skills? I played against myself, but think about it, did Zhou Yun humiliate Xie Pinyuan from the beginning to the end? No matter how bad Xie Pinyuan's acting was, Zhou Yun never personally attacked him, right?"

Chen Minghe fell into deep thought.
Today is a fine day.


Zhou Yun and Wen Xi made an appointment to meet in a cafe.

Long time no see again.

Wen Xi just came back from the show.

After fashion week, Wen Xi walked five big shows, one of which opened and two closed. The supermodel status in the fashion circle is stable, and her expressiveness has been well received.

As soon as the two met, Wen Xi smiled and said to Zhou Yun, "How do you feel? It's not too bad, is it?"

Zhou Yun: "You don't want to turn on the pot, I was so depressed last night, I feel better today, don't talk about these unhappy things, you said before that you want to create your own personal brand, how is it? "

"I've been making progress, but it's very troublesome and complicated. It's not that simple." Wen Xi said, "I mainly want to make further progress in the modeling industry, and I think I can still work hard to move forward. a handful."

At present, Wen Xi is already the top TOP among Asian models, and in the world, in recent years, he has often been ranked in the top ten of supermodel money-absorbing ability rankings.

Wen Xi pointed to rush forward, that is, to sprint towards the legend.

So far, no Chinese model has reached that field.

Zhou Yun admired Wen Xi's spirit.

In fact, with her current status and influence, opening her own brand will earn far more money than she does as a supermodel.

Even her income as a supermodel is not low.

"Come on." Zhou Yun encouraged Wen Xi, "I have watched every show of yours. When I watched it, I was so cool. Your steps are so emotional. Every step is on my heart. , why do you feel that way?"

Wen Xi smiled heartily.

"I live on this."

Two people are chatting.

Wen Xi's eyes fell on Zhou Yun, and he asked, "What about behind you, is there any new play?"

"We are in contact, but they haven't turned on yet." Zhou Yun said, "It's rare to have a free time, so I can seriously take a breath and take a rest."

Wen Xi: "You have worked really hard for the past two years. Take a good rest. It's good. It won't be too late for you to start filming after the next few movies. I remember you still have a lot of stock, right? You have filmed a lot of movies before. .”

"Yes." Zhou Yun nodded, "Oh, by the way, in July this year, I'm going to add some scenes for the movie I worked with Wen Bing on, and I need to add some summer scenes."

Wen Xi: "I'm looking forward to the day you win the Oscar."

"Don't, don't, don't say that, I'm under too much pressure." Zhou Yun shook his hand, "You know what? I think I have a very bad problem now."

"Huh?" Wen Xi was a little surprised, and asked, "What?"

Zhou Yun said: "Now I am also slowly wanting to win awards, that is, I used to tell myself that winning awards is not important, but now I have changed, I must curb my thoughts, otherwise it will That's bad."

Wen Xi couldn't help laughing when he heard Zhou Yun say that.

"You're too cute. It's perfectly normal to want to win an award, but you still think you shouldn't think so."

"I'm afraid that one day I'll think it's normal to act in order to win awards." Zhou Yun shook his head, "If I really think so, it will be bad. Once an actor has distracting thoughts, especially utilitarianism, the state of acting It will change, this kind of thing cannot be hidden from the camera.”

Wen Xi is thoughtful.

"I really don't know about this. I don't know what the state of your actors' acting is, but if it is said that utilitarianism is not conducive to acting, I think many actors are actually not delaying."

"That's because they are really good at acting. I'm not the kind of actor who comes from a professional background. I pay great attention to sensibility. This may also be the difference between me and other actors. Others can use methods to interpret roles, but I can't." Zhou Yun said, "I don't believe in things in my heart, it is difficult for me to really act out, and this is also my limitation."

Wen Xi nodded and said: "But I have also heard many actors say that actors must have their own limitations. Actors with very mature acting skills envy the aura of talented actors, and actors with aura yearn to be that kind of actor." A mature actor."

Zhou Yun nodded with a smile.

When two people meet, they basically chat.In this circle, it is difficult to have such a friend who can chat about the people and things around him from time to time.Because the circle is small, and being watched by so many media, everyone is afraid that a word of their own will be leaked and fermented into a big event.

It is actually very difficult to have such a trustworthy friend.

Finally, Wen Xi still spoke.

"Honey, are you sure you don't want to tell me what's going on between you and Song Zhi?" Wen Xi looked at Zhou Yun with concern, "Although I don't know how I can help, if you want to You can tell me anything you want to talk about.”

Zhou Yun sighed.

"Well, actually, this matter—"

Zhou Yun was about to speak when the phone rang suddenly.

It was Zhou Lan calling.

Zhou Lan said, "Xiao Yun, there is rather bad news."

"Huh?" Zhou Yun was taken aback.

Zhou Lan said: ""Chen Yin" may be temporarily withdrawn."

Zhou Yun felt as if his heart had been hit hard with a mallet.


Wen Xi noticed that Zhou Yun's face darkened instantly.

"This matter has not been confirmed yet, and there is no conclusion. We are all waiting for the news. Don't post the Weibo that premiered tonight." Zhou Lan reminded, "If it is really temporarily withdrawn, we can only wait for this gust of wind. Let's talk about it in the past."

Zhou Yun felt a fire burning deep in his heart.

She hangs up.

Wen Xi asked her what happened.

With a livid face, Zhou Yun told Wen Xi the news that Li Zhenti, Song Zhi and "Chen Yin" might be withdrawn.

Wen Xi was shocked after hearing this.

"You actually suffered such a big loss?"

Zhou Yun nodded and said: "I never thought that this matter would cause me such a big loss. I thought that no matter what, Song Zhi's empty words should not affect the broadcast of "Chen Yin". Come out, I didn't expect..."

At this moment, the anger burned even more intensely in his heart.

She had an urge to declare war on Li Zhentai desperately.

The big deal is that the fish will die and the net will be broken.

(End of this chapter)

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