When he came back to his senses, Zhou Yun's temper was still suppressed.

No need.

In fact, this incident did not generate any real negative public opinion on her—except for the Korean media who were driven by Li Zhenting to pour dirty water, domestic fans, or other cooperations , were not affected in any way.

Over the years, she has experienced too many things, and the partners are not surprised, especially after a long time of contact, everyone has a little understanding of Zhou Yun's temperament, what kind of person she is, and she knows that she "turned over". How low is the probability.

The only bad thing is "Chen Yin". It was originally affected by malicious reports before it was aired, and it was finally scheduled to be aired.

This is what makes Zhou Yun most depressed.

But at this moment, Zhou Yun had nothing to do.

She could only wait for the news in silence like everyone else.

Wait until eight o'clock in the evening.

As long as it is not urgently stopped before the broadcast, it will still be broadcast according to the original plan.

This is the tone set by the TV station and the third video.

At this moment, people from all walks of life are "active" in BJ, thinking of various ways to make this drama broadcast smoothly.

Zhou Yun doesn't know many people in this area. She has been well protected by Song Chi and Zhou Lan, and she never has to worry about "management".

Moreover, the official attitude towards her has always been very good.

After all, she is one of the most influential Chinese actors in the world these years. It is not easy to have such an actor. The seniors in the industry and the official attitude are all supporting and encouraging her.

It can be seen from Jiang Xin's attitude of encouraging Zhou Yunduo to film internationally.

Those who really love this industry hope that Chinese film and television can open up the situation internationally and gain influence.

The appearance of an actor like Zhou Yun is like the appearance of Song Chi back then. Most of the seniors are very willing to help Song Chi and push him away, only hoping to push him further.

The same is true for Zhou Yun.

She has been so smooth in the country. So far, the crises that have emerged are basically confined to the circle or the surrounding environment and personnel. She has not encountered any destructive resistance, and she has official support behind her. attitude has a lot to do with it.

Otherwise, it would be enough to deal a huge blow to Zhou Yun if he attacked his family or some other powerful forces that Zhou Yun could not resist.

"Chen Yin" has never said that it cannot be broadcast.

In fact, even in radio and television, there are always people who are working hard to make this show air normally.

It's just that some people were worried that a public opinion incident would really happen, so they got stuck for a long time.

What happened when Song Zhi accused Zhou Yun of humiliating a new actor, the most troublesome thing about this incident was the so-called international image problem.

Zhou Yun was given such a hat, except for those who believed in her and knew her well, most of the passers-by had already been brainwashed by Song Zhi's accusation.

The broadcast of "Chen Yin" at this time is the second fermentation.

In the evening, Zhou Yun couldn't sit still at home, so he got up and went out for a walk nearby.

She needs to go around the neighborhood and let her mind go.

She also needs to reflect on herself, how did she suddenly fall into this situation.

Intervening in the affairs between Li Zhenti and Song Zhi is the first.

Regardless of Li Zhenzhen's threat, he still went to South Korea to promote "Chen Yin", which is the second.

He was intimidated by Li Zhenti, and never dared to fight back against Li Zhenti. Instead, he was turned against him, and he was the third.

Zhou Yun gradually regained his sense and calmness, and no longer worried about the broadcast of "Chen Yin".

——Anxiety is meaningless, the key is to eat a pit and gain a wisdom. In the current situation, what should she do to change the situation in front of her?
Zhou Yun pondered, and because of her thinking, her pace became faster and faster.

For her now, the truth cannot be clarified in front of everyone for a while, and her top priority is to change the direction of public opinion.

And to change the direction of public opinion, she must either show Song Zhi's evidence, or——

An idea popped up in Zhou Yun's mind.

She narrowed her eyes and already had an idea.
Among the people who decide whether the drama "Chen Yin" can be broadcast as scheduled, there are those who support it and those who oppose it.

While people outside were waiting for news, they were also watching the situation.

"Zhou Yun is our own actor in China. How can we delay the broadcast of a Korean actress' new drama because of her unsubstantiated accusation? If this happens, how will the international community see it? Japan, South Korea and In the United States, they are all scheduled to premiere together tonight, and they have no intention of postponing the broadcast."

"On the extranet, some people in South Korea have organized to boycott the broadcast of "Chen Yin". Of course we want to support Zhou Yun, there is no doubt about it. Is it airing today with so much pressure?" someone asked.

"Because of this, we should broadcast it even more. Our own actors, we don't protect or support them. Who should we protect and support?"

Saying that, everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.



At night, ten past six.

Ning Yao finished the recording of a program, and walked through the crowd with a bright smile on her face. It wasn't until she walked into the lounge that the smile on her face fell.

She asked the assistant beside her: "What is the current situation of public opinion about Xiaoyun on the Internet?"

The assistant had already prepared that Ning Yao would ask such a question, and immediately replied: "It's okay in China, mainly because South Korea is attacking Zhou Yun in an organized way, and the Internet has already become noisy."

It's not hard to wonder, although Song Zhi is just a new actress, but Li Zhenti is behind this matter, and the group he backs is spending money and hard work, no matter how small a matter is, it can make you hot.

A large group of "envoys of justice" appeared out of nowhere to help Song Zhi crusade against Zhou Yun and demanded an apology from Zhou Yun.

In contrast, although Zhou Yun has a lot of fans, compared to this kind of black fans who take money to do things and have experience, their fighting power is relatively not that strong.

Ning Yao's eyelashes drooped slightly.

Seeing this, the assistant whispered, "Sister Ning, let's keep silent this time, right? This time the incident is so big, Li Zhentai made it clear that he wanted to fight Zhou Yun to the end."

Ning Yao rubbed his forehead.

"That's not who I am."

She said this softly, and she already made a decision in her heart.

At [-]:[-], an acquainted reporter friend of Ningyao posted an instant report on the social media accounts of domestic media and external networks: The famous Chinese actress Ning Yao said: On the night Zhou Yun and Ms. They were all there, had no direct contact with Miss Song Zhi, and never saw Zhou Yun bullying her. On the contrary, it was a man who bullied Miss Song Zhi that night. There were many people present that day. Could it be that Miss Song Zhi even Who the hell got the gender of her bully wrong?

This piece of news exploded the matter further.

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