I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 883 Premiere Night

Chapter 883 Premiere Night
It has been more than ten years since Ning Yao debuted.

Her career as an actor has gone smoother and luckier than most actresses in China.

She has an audience, and everyone likes her.

She is also recognized as one of the top actresses in China.

Before Zhou Yun appeared, she was recognized as one of the most likely to win the internationally influential best actress award.

Why do you like Ning Yao?
This is actually an indescribable, inexplicable feeling.

Some people just have a face, and that face makes you feel comfortable and compatible, so you like it.

And some people have a certain temperament in their body, such as a sense of wealth, or a sense of romance, that kind of temperament makes you linger in your dreams.

The marketing account writes about Ning Yao, always writing about her innocence, her casualness, and her true temperament for more than ten years.

Therefore, Ning Yao's popularity, popularity, or those objective statistics may not be the highest, but no one will deny that her popularity and audience image have always been the best among actresses.

In this regard, Zhou Yun, who has been so popular in the past two years, can't compare with Ning Yao.

Zhou Yun still has a lot of black fans.

Ning Yao suddenly posted such a post to testify for Zhou Yun, and the domestic public opinion became overwhelmingly hardened.Before, although everyone supported Zhou Yun, they were somewhat lacking in confidence.Everyone supports Zhou Yun based on their usual understanding of Zhou Yun as a person, and also because Zhou Yun is an actor from his own country.

Now someone like Ning Yao who was also in the city came forward to testify for Zhou Yun. Even with the witness, Zhou Yun did not do anything to bully Song Zhi.

However, in South Korea, Ning Yao's voice did not change the attitude of the media.

Even, many people thought that Ning Yao was lying, and the two teamed up to bully such a young actor as Song Zhi.

There is neither on-site monitoring nor any objective evidence for this kind of thing. To put it bluntly, it depends on which side's voice is loud enough and which side can convince more people.

In addition, South Korea is Li Zhenti's stronghold, with him behind the scenes, the South Korean media's rumors and attacks on Zhou Yun will not stop.

The key is still in the field of public opinion, what is the mainstream attitude.

In the past few years, Zhou Yun has encountered countless public opinion crises, and in the end he relied on the most mainstream passers-by to make a comeback and win everyone's love.

This time, Zhou Yun's main battlefield of public opinion is not in South Korea or China, but in other places.

"You have such a reputation and influence internationally, and your disadvantages have also been exposed." Zhou Lan said, "You used to only transfer in China. It's a big thing. People don't know you, so it's not so bad." The popularity is huge, but now there are more people who know you all over the world. Everyone is talking about what happened to you, but in fact, a celebrity artist, or to say the least, a public figure, fans will always be fans It is a small part, most of them are passers-by, just know you, pay attention to you, out of a kind of curiosity about celebrities, but not know your whole picture, or want to believe in your personality, this is a fact that cannot be changed no matter what , Therefore, we can never hope that after a bad thing happens, everyone will believe in you unconditionally, will believe in you unconditionally, and will always be the small number of fans. Once you become famous, the public relations battle will be forever With you, forever."

Hearing what Zhou Lan said, Zhou Yun couldn't help chuckling.

"This time I suffered a big loss."

"Not to mention, I thought about it carefully, this matter is not a particularly bad influence on you, we just feel powerless to Li Zhentai and the Korean media driven by him, but we have not really suffered a bad influence , and the reason why we can do nothing is because it is their base camp, even if we say something outrageous, they will not pay attention to it." Zhou Lan said, "I have been thinking about this for the past two days. I thought about it, but there was nothing. Shouldn’t you stand up to stop Li Zhentai? Or should you not go to Korea to promote "Chen Yin"? This battle will be fought sooner or later, and Song Zhi will fight against her. It's a matter of character, we can't think we did something wrong just because she blamed her."

Zhou Yun nodded.

"I think so."

"But after all, we still gain wisdom from a pitfall. We didn't respond quickly enough, and we still let them seize some opportunities. We should deny this matter first, and then talk about other things." Zhou Lan did not forget Replay, "Look at the reactions of Europe, America, and other Asian countries. After you deny this, public opinion basically begins to change. Unless there is a real hammer, at this time, you will be more determined than anyone else. That's right."

Zhou Lan said: "Before Ning Yao spoke up, I was going to find someone to describe a vague outline of the incident in the tone that was present at the time, and to describe the whole incident in a vague way, and to describe it with a hidden attitude. Spreading this matter, according to the usual practice, everyone will discuss more and more fiercely, and the focus can also be shifted to Li Zhentai. We did not take the initiative to mention Li Zhentai's name, but the activities at that time were all published in the news. Under the spread of rumors and gossip, someone will definitely pick up on Li Zhentai, and Korean media have reported many similar news about Li Zhentai before, so the focus has shifted."

Zhou Yun: "I also thought about doing this at the time. If Ning Yao didn't stand up and do it, I was ready to do it. Even if I confront Li Zhentai, I don't want to sit still and be done by Li Zhentai. I must tear him down. .”

"No need, what is he, it's not worth your death with him." Zhou Lan said, "We suffer from this matter because the foundation is not stable, and the major international media are not familiar with it, and it's not as good as it is in China. He caught him off guard."

Zhou Yun's rise was too fast, and he couldn't keep up in every aspect.

Why do you say that you need to maintain more relationships, all aspects of relationships must be maintained?

At this time, its importance is highlighted.
7:55 in the evening.

"Is there no new news yet?"


"How? To broadcast, or not to broadcast?"

Chen Minghe was sitting in the conference room, not only him, but also many other people filled the conference room to the brim.

Everyone was somewhat silent. At this time, very few people spoke.

This is a very difficult time.

There are already various news circulating on the Internet. Many people have heard the news that "Chen Yin" may be withdrawn. However, this news is not certain, and there are many discussions.

Especially for the Sanfan video, the traffic surged.

This should have been a great joy for Sanfan Video.

The surge in traffic also means a surge in advertising revenue.

However, they all know that if "Chen Yin" is not launched as scheduled, the three videos will also suffer serious backlash.

This is very helpless, but when the third video takes "Chen Yin" as the highlight of this year, from investment promotion to the release of the annual plan, "Chen Yin" is always in the most eye-catching position, this result has long been obvious.

When there were only 3 minutes left before the originally planned launch time, there was still no certainty that it would be broadcast.

The meeting room was extremely quiet, and everyone silently looked at Chen Minghe, waiting for his decision.
Zhou Yun made a special call to Ning Yao to thank her for her righteous words.

Instead, Ning Yao said on the phone: "Sorry, I should have spoken out earlier, but I haven't made up my mind before."

"Anyway, you've done me a great favor." Zhou Yunfa said this from the bottom of his heart, "If it wasn't for you speaking for me, I wouldn't have anyone to testify, so I could only be beaten up."

"That night, you were not the only one present, and I was the same. I know what happened now." Ning Yao's tone was somewhat helpless, "I thought you would explain everything clearly. , but thinking about it later, if I were in your position, I would also be in a dilemma."

There is no evidence to prove that Li Zhencheng did it, and there is no real hammer. Based on the previous incidents, the accusation may be justified in terms of cleaning up, but it will not convince too many people, and it will only embarrass themselves.

"Can the drama "Chen Yin" be aired normally?"

"Still waiting for news."

Just as Zhou Yun finished speaking, he suddenly heard a surprise "It's broadcast!" from the next room.

Ning Yao also heard it on the other end of the phone.

She smiled and said, "It seems that it has no effect. Congratulations. I'm still on the set, so I won't talk for now. We'll meet and talk later when we have time."

"it is good."

After hanging up the phone, Zhou Yun walked out of the room.

Zhou Lan and the rest of the group all looked happy.

Zhou Lan came over, opened his hands, and hugged Zhou Yun affectionately, with a lot of strength.

""Chen Yin" is broadcast."

Zhou Yun also heaved a sigh of relief.

She didn't know how to describe this feeling.

After filming and appearing in so many scenes, "Chen Yin" is by far the one that worries her the most.

Various things happened in between.

There are too many difficulties behind the broadcast of a play.

Zheng Xiaoju is here tonight.

She struggled to bring in snacks and drinks, and said happily, "Let's watch the premiere together."

The appearance of snacks and drinks caused a burst of happy cheers from everyone.

Zhou Yun sat down and watched the first episode with everyone.

This is already the third time she has watched the first episode.

But the mood at this moment is very different, the mood before and the mood now are completely different.

Zhou Yun sat among the crowd, but his thoughts drifted away.

She looked at herself on the screen, indifferent, or in other words, there was a calmness of watching fire from the other side.

She knew that this was the relief after excessive tension, and the relief revealed an infinite and vast state of mind.It's not solid, it's fleeting.But at the moment, she is immersed in it.

"Sister Xiaoyun's acting skills are really getting better and better." Liu Luying, the head of the public relations team, said suddenly, "I looked at the person on the screen, and I knew she was an actor I knew, but she was full of strangeness. I feel familiar."

"Maybe this drama can help Miss Xiaoyun win another actress." Zheng Xiaoju said suddenly, "I have a hunch."

Zhou Yun came back to his senses, smiled lightly, waved his hands, and said, "Stop praising me like that."

"I didn't want to boast." Zheng Xiaoju said sincerely, "But I can't help but want to boast."

On the night of the premiere, Zhou Yun should have been a little nervous.

After she came to her senses, she was indeed a little nervous.

Although she said not to praise, but these compliments made her quietly relieved.

Many people thought that Zhou Yun wouldn't feel nervous about the broadcast or release of a new play of hers after acting in this role. Her acting skills are obvious to all.

Only Zhou Yun knew that it was not just broadcasting, but before joining the crew, she would be nervous and uneasy, not knowing which way to interpret the role she was about to play.

The turmoil did not end, and the broadcast of "Chen Yin" intensified the turmoil.

The first episode was aired, and there were many hot searches on the Internet, and Zhou Yun's popularity also remained high.

A wave of voices of sunspots suddenly appeared in the country, boycotting the drama "Chen Yin" - these sunspots appeared strangely, they didn't show up when Zhou Yun and Song Zhi had the most serious trouble before, but they appeared tonight up.

They boycotted Zhou Yun, an actress who is one-faced and one-faced. Even if "Chen Yin" is filmed well, it cannot be denied that the lead actor is a low-quality actor with questionable conduct.

Such words spread on the Internet, like cancer cells spreading and growing.

When Liu Luying received the news, she glanced at her phone, and her face immediately changed.

She immediately went to Zhou Lan to report these negative voices on the Internet.

"Who did it?" Organized sunspots and unorganized sunspots are clear to a person like Zhou Lan who has been in the industry for a long time.

Liu Luying said: "Wei Ruxue, Xu Siyao and Yang Xi are on the left and right, and they are the only ones who will make trouble at this time."

"Why?" Zhou Lan was a little puzzled. At this time, the drama has already been aired, so what's the point of being black again?
Liu Luying said: "The three of them are strong contenders for this year's post-screening."

Zhou Lan suddenly realized.

When "Chen Yin" was broadcast, the few of them panicked when they saw the quality of the show and Zhou Yun's performance, so they wanted to use this method to tarnish Zhou Yun's reputation?
When it comes to awards, it has never been an absolute comparison of strength over strength, acting over acting.

If Zhou Yun is really deeply involved in the scandal, the organizer is very likely to remove her from the nomination list.

Zhou Lan heard the words and said, "There's no need to respond to these sunspots' remarks, just throw back the material we caught before and fight back."

In Zhou Lan's hands, he has been saving the "dirty materials" he usually accumulates, especially Zhou Yun's opponents, just to use them at critical times like now.

This evening, it was very lively.

First, Xu Siyao was revealed to have sat on someone's lap with a mysterious man at the wine table, and then Wei Ruxue was revealed to have yelled at female No. [-] on the set, and in the sneak shot video she was like a shrew cursing the street.

Two popular actresses were thrown black material, which immediately caused a huge splash.

At the same time, Liu Luying also arranged for her own people to start working hard to push the draft of Zhou Yun's performance in the drama "Chen Yin".
"It must be Zhou Yun!" Xu Siyao screamed angrily, and she cried to He Yong on the phone, "You always watch her bully me like this, I am no better than her, He Yong! Now she goes out to open a studio by herself Well, I'm still your signed actor!"

He Yong was used to Xu Siyao's crazy screams.

Of course, habit is habit, when he heard Xu Siyao having an attack, he still took the phone away.

He didn't want to have ear problems at a young age.

Whenever this happened, he would quietly wait for Xu Siyao to finish venting before opening his mouth.

Xu Siyao scolded for 10 minutes, and finally, his mouth was so dry that he couldn't move anymore.

He Yong said: "You have to blame yourself for this matter. I told you earlier, don't provoke her. She is not something you can afford now. If you insist on making trouble at this time, she will not retaliate against you. She is Zhou Yun?"

Xu Siyao's voice, which had died down just now, immediately regained its prestige, cursing angrily: "I'm not the only one who is blackmailing her!"

"She didn't just take revenge on you." He Yong said indifferently.

Xu Siyao: "Are you helping her or helping me! You need to figure it out, I'm the one who has stayed in Qianqian all this time!"

He Yong: "I told you, as long as you don't try to kill yourself, with your current popularity and acting skills, it will be a matter of time before you win an award, but you can't help yourself, what can I do? How can I help you?"

(End of this chapter)

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