I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 884 Strong Capital

Chapter 884 Strong Capital

In the past two years when Zhou Yun was making great strides, Xu Siyao also did not rest.

Although she hasn't entered the movie circle for the time being, she is in the drama circle like a duck to water.

Even those who don't like her have to admit that she has an unyielding spirit, and her acting is not bad. She never plays a white lotus that doesn't match her image. She is a goddess or princess with a savage personality. All in all, people who don't like her will not feel that she is against her. After seeing her, they think the character is very cute, and then this good impression covers Xu Siyao herself.

He Yong always felt that Xu Siyao's popularity would not last long, but his precise judgment failed on Xu Siyao.

In fact, Xu Siyao is more open-minded than he imagined, and can make troubles.

First of all, Xu Siyao is a person who complains bitterly and tiredly, but he has never had a break. He goes to variety shows and filmes movies, and from time to time, he makes some hot searches and news. He maintains a high popularity and high exposure. Clearly, it just happened to catch up with this era that doesn't like the heroine Madonna and "Truth, Goodness and Beauty", and gathered a group of diehard fans.

Secondly, Xu Siyao is very capable of doing things.At the dinner table, she can drink very well, no matter who she is drinking with, she is very heroic.This makes her popular among all female stars, especially some investors.Therefore, Xu Siyao has never been short of funds for filming. She can bring her own funds into the group, or she can directly bring in some advertising brand investment for the platform.This makes her more confident on the capital table than other actresses.

He Yong felt that times had really changed.

When he took Wei Ruxue and Ning Yao before, these two actresses were also individualistic, but they rarely made him feel out of control.

Now, whether it's Zhou Yun or Xu Siyao, each of them seems to be spared by luck, no matter what, they are now standing in the circle of first-line female stars.

In the eyes of others, everyone said that he had good vision, and now four of the top female stars were discovered by him.

This is not wrong, but He Yong himself knows that Zhou Yun and Xu Siyao are the key to making it to where they are today.

The two of them, even without thousands of help, can make a splash on their own.

He Yong had a hunch that these two people, although Zhou Yun was already ahead by a large margin, with Xu Siyao's "endless" Xiaoqiang spirit and "forgiving" attitude, in the next few decades, These two people may become lifelong enemies, entangled endlessly.Even if Zhou Yun doesn't want to get entangled with Xu Siyao, it's useless. He Yong can see clearly that Zhou Yun has become Xu Siyao's heart demon. Once Xu Siyao gains momentum, Zhou Yun will definitely become the one she most wants to surpass.Xu Siyao couldn't let go of this demon if he didn't step on Zhou Yun for a day.

It is also from these two people that He Yong feels that he does not want to be an actress so much these two days.Especially actresses in the age group of Zhou Yun and Xu Siyao.It's not that other actresses in this age group have no living space, but that the top positions are basically full, and the best resources and best opportunities have to pass through those people's hands before they can flow. Come down, the room for newcomers to rise is too small and the difficulty is too great.

He Yong's energy was basically put on Zhang Mo and Zhou Jianfeng.

Xu Siyao was retaliated by Zhou Yun, but He Yong ignored him.

These are all harmless things.

Anyway, Xu Siyao would do this kind of thing. Although everyone paid a lot of attention, they wouldn't be surprised—Xu Siyao would do this kind of thing. To the public, it feels a bit "normal".

He Yong was thinking about one thing by himself.

He wanted to take thousands of movies and TV into his hands.

Now I only work as an artist agent, and I am not competitive enough.

The main reason is that both the platform and the producer have started to make the chain with full hands.

The existence of thousands of film and television has always been relatively tasteless.

He Yong didn't need to care about this before, because the ace actor in his hand was his biggest bargaining chip at the negotiating table.

But now the company's several trump cards, with the changes of the times, no longer have absolute advantages.

He Yong has always wanted to be promoted to the headquarters of the group, but this requires more seniority and opportunities.

Relying solely on the business of artist brokerage, the ceiling is limited.

If he can grasp the film and television business and integrate the two businesses, he will have more resources at his disposal.
The premiere of "Chen Yin" ended, and all the data became popular, with seven or eight hot searches.

This is all normal.

With the appeal of Zhou Yun and Jiang Xin, as well as the strength of the promotion of "Chen Yin" in the early stage, it is not surprising that there will be such a result.

The key is still in the back, whether the popularity of this drama can be maintained.

There is a group where the producer posted several battle reports, including the battle reports of "Chen Yin" in South Korea and Japan.

The first broadcast results are also very impressive.

In South Korea, the number of viewers of the first episode exceeded 300 million two hours after its launch, and in Japan, this figure also exceeded 200 million.

Not to mention in China.

And six hours later, the US streaming media went online, and the number of viewers of the first episode exceeded 500 million within an hour, which is also because it covers almost all English-speaking countries and regions.

The first episode of "Chen Yin" has received unanimously good reputation.

The key is that it is very popular and has a lot of people watching.

All major media immediately issued their own comments.

Film critics also basically issued their own comments immediately.

——This is the first Chinese-language TV series that has attracted so much global attention on the first day of its premiere.

In China, many media introduced this drama in this way.

Regarding "Chen Yin", what should be said, what should be said, has been said a lot in the process of publicity these days.

At this moment, it is very rare for a play to launch such a big campaign of publicity. So many popular stars, regardless of the protagonist and supporting roles, are all in the battle and widely publicized.
"This show is really hot."

Three days after the broadcast, Cheng Shenlu's manager said to her with emotion.

Cheng Shenlu nodded and said, "Yes, these days, many people have sent me messages saying they are watching this drama."

In fact, whether a drama is popular or not is not only based on the popularity on the Internet, but also from the degree of discussion around it.

Cheng Shenlu's agent said: "I thought this drama would be very popular before, but I didn't expect it to be so popular. I have already received an invitation from a Japanese brand, and I want to invite you to participate in their brand activities. "

Cheng Shenlu was a little surprised: "Going to Japan?"

"No, the event was held in Shanghai, but the brand is from Japan, because "Chen Yin" is also very popular in Japan, and your appearance has also attracted a lot of attention and discussion in Japan."

After hearing this, Cheng Shenlu was surprised.

"It was the right decision to accept this drama." The agent said, "I think this drama can help your career to a higher level."

"En." Cheng Shenlu nodded.

The agent said: "Moreover, this time we also encountered an unexpected good opportunity."

"Ah?" Cheng Shenlu was a little surprised, "What do you mean?"

"Because of Zhou Yun being accused by the Korean actress Song Zhi, although this show is very popular in South Korea, the attitude towards her in South Korea is quite complicated. I think maybe you can learn from this show. The drama received more bonuses." Cheng Shenlu's agent said, "Just like Xu Siyao and Zhou Yun's "Fixed Storm" at the beginning, it was Xu Siyao who received more bonuses in the last drama."

Cheng Shenlu thought it was a good opportunity.

It turned out to be the case.

She frowned slightly.

"That Song Zhi must be telling lies. I know Miss Xiaoyun is not that kind of person."

She herself is a newcomer here, and she was also a newcomer when she first met Zhou Yun.

Cheng Shenlu is very clear about Zhou Yun's attitude towards newcomers.

The agent said: "Whether Zhou Yun is that kind of person, whether he has done that kind of thing, it is not clear in one or two sentences now, but now Korea does not want to see her, this is a fact that cannot be changed in a short time .”

Cheng Shenlu sighed.

"Anyway, you must not speak for Zhou Yun on the Internet like Ning Yao. No one knows what is going on in this matter. Don't be accidentally injured at that time. You are attracting people's attention now, and many people are talking about it. Staring at you, trying to pull you down."

Since "Under Dressing" was broadcast, Cheng Shenlu became an instant hit and her popularity soared. Since then, many people have been following her and trying to pull her down.

Cheng Shenlu said: "Afterwards, I will be filming the second part of "Under Dress". At that time, reporters will definitely ask questions. Can I avoid talking about it?"

"Let's just say hello, don't say stupidly that Zhou Yun will never bully newcomers." The manager repeatedly urged.

Cheng Shenlu: "Even if it's about the matter between myself and Miss Xiaoyun?"

"Do you think this is not a statement? Do you think the media will repeat what you said?" The agent said, "Don't be naive, the media can talk nonsense about you if you haven't said it, and take it out of context and tell them It’s even more commonplace, and they don’t need to say anything at that time, they just say that you are hinting, and you still stand up and respond, you don’t mean it? Do you think Zhou Yun is not good to you when you are a newcomer? This matter, Your best attitude is to say nothing, so as not to give anyone room to ferment, Ning Yao can say it, because she has the confidence, no matter what she says, it will not affect her status, you are different."

Cheng Shenlu couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

She knew the agent was right.

She also knew that for her, the most sensible thing to do was to listen to her agent.

But there was always a voice in my heart, some vague words came, telling her that this was wrong.
Sense and emotion.

These five words seem to sum up the attributes of human beings so easily.

Of course, this is far from the truth.

Zhou Yun is very happy about the popularity and success of "Chen Yin".The broadcast of this drama has gone through so many troubles and problems, and it was unable to be broadcast for a while, but when it met with the audience, it finally got a good feedback.

There are many voices discussing the drama "Chen Yin".

In the main creative group of "Chen Yin", someone forwarded a link from time to time, and it was everyone's discussion on "Chen Yin".

In this group, everyone will share from time to time, especially when watching dramas, everyone is following dramas in real time.

The drama "Chen Yin" adopts a rhythm of two episodes per week, one episode on Friday night and one episode on Saturday night.

So far, two episodes have aired.

In the first two episodes, Zhou Yun's forbearance, silence, and introverted acting skills were highly praised.

However, those voices who insulted Zhou Yun for bullying the newcomers, and called her vicious thoughts have not disappeared.

As long as Zhou Yun searches his name on the Internet, he can always see such a grand occasion of "two heavens of ice and fire".
"Zhou Yun was scolded so hard, why did you back down? Before this happened, I advised you not to be so aggressive in front of Zhou Yun. You didn't take it seriously and thought you could handle everything. If you didn't listen, As a result, she just didn't take you to play, and now her situation has become worse, it is the time when you can take advantage of the victory and pursue it, but you are unwilling to negotiate at this time."

He Yong shrugged his shoulders, showing an incomprehensible expression.

Sitting opposite him was Liu Lan.

Today's lunch is an impromptu idea.

Both of them came to the headquarters for a meeting. At the meeting, the senior management of the headquarters asked about the progress of the second part of "Under Dress". Liu Lan said that they were still in further communication, and did not truthfully inform Zhou Yun and Zhou Lan that they were looking for other co-production companies. .

He Yong did not expose Liu Lan directly.

However, after the meeting, He Yong used this as an excuse to invite Liu Lan to have lunch.

Liu Lan seemed to be really scared.

Her arrogant arrogance at the beginning disappeared without a trace as if being drenched by a heavy rain after she found out that Zhou Yun and Zhou Lan would really go to another production company.

Even if He Yong's "provocative" words reached this level, Liu Lan had no intention of letting go.

"The initiative is on them, isn't it?" Liu Lan said, "I used to think that our Chengqian Film and Television was the first production company, and nothing is more important than the original production team. We should hold the core The right to speak, but as you said, the core of this project is Zhou Yun, without her, this project cannot be done, so there is nothing to negotiate."

He Yong was a little surprised.

He originally wanted to encourage Liu Lan to continue negotiating with Zhou Yun and Zhou Lan, so that the second part of "Under Dress" would be completely out of Liu Lan's hands. Drive away, and then borrow this project to grab thousands of movies and TV shows.

However, Liu Lan's attitude changed suddenly, and she didn't buy it anymore.

He Yong asked: "You are...why did you suddenly change?"

Liu Lan chuckled lightly and said: "I just recognized the reality. If Zhou Yun's "Chen Yin" fails and everyone doesn't like it, then forget it, but this drama is so popular now, I still have it." What capital is there to talk to people? Zhou Lan is right in saying that the second part of "Under Dress" does not have thousands of movies and TV shows, it can still be filmed, and someone will still pay for it, but without Zhou Yun, VX will not pay the bill. Advertisement Merchants will not pay the bill, and the platform will not pay the bill.”

She twitched the corners of her lips somewhat disinterestedly.

"I also don't like the situation where those celebrities have the right to speak, so I have always disliked Zhou Yun. She is too strong, but there is nothing I can do about it. She has strong capital. There is nothing I can do, and neither can you."

(End of this chapter)

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