Chapter 885
He Yong did not expect Liu Lan's attitude to change drastically.

He couldn't help but feel a little contemptuous.

In his opinion, Liu Lan's previous attitude was so firm, as if she would never compromise with Zhou Yun and Zhou Lan, but in the end, she was just a paper tiger.

With Liu Lan's attitude, He Yong was really at a loss.

Since Liu Lan could not further intensify the conflict between her and Zhou Yun, he could only continue to work hard on Zhou Yun and Zhou Lan so that they would not change their minds.

In any case, grabbing thousands of movies and TV shows into his own hands is what He Yong wants to achieve in the next two years.

He Yong thought of this, smiled slightly, and showed a more casual posture in front of Liu Lan, as if he didn't take this project seriously.

In fact, this is exactly He Yong's positioning in this project.For him now, he is basically defined outside the core area in this project.

According to his usual habits, he would definitely not allow such a thing to happen.

However, at this time, He Yong thinks it is quite good, anyway, the project will return to him in the end.

He Yong feels that the biggest difference between himself and Liu Lan is that he doesn't care whether the stars have the right to speak, making the production company a vassal.

He doesn't care.

Every era has its look.

This is a change of circumstances.

His personal power, or Zhou Yun's personal power, no matter how powerful it is, it cannot change the general trend of the overall environment.

If this is the general trend, then what's the point of Liu Lan's reluctance?

And didn't Liu Lan compromise now?
He Yong couldn't help laughing in his heart.

The word came to his mind again:

paper tiger.
Tonight, Zhou Yun and Song Chi were going to attend a private dinner with an insider.

There were nearly twenty people, all people from all walks of life in this circle.

There are not many dinner parties like this, but Zhou Yun rarely participates.

One is because she is not familiar with most of the people, and the other is because Zhou Yun himself is usually very busy, either in the crew or doing other jobs, and rarely has time to do such jobs.

However, such work is actually essential.

Any industry has its own circle.

The more people in the top position, the more they have a fixed circle.

This circle may not be able to make the audience like you, but in many cases, it is like a buoyant pool, giving you a hand when you need it.

Especially when Song Chi started a company and Zhou Yun had his own studio, they sometimes needed the help of others for many things.

These help are extremely important.

At this party, Zhou Yun met many acquaintances.

The last thing Zhou Yun expected was that she would run into Shi Luoqi.

"Hi, Sister Luo Qi, this is such a surprise, I didn't expect to see you here." Zhou Yun hugged her warmly and said, "When did you come back from America?"

"Yesterday, I came to deal with the release of "Words of Fallen Leaves" in China." Shi Luoqi said, "I just wanted to find you. "Words of Fallen Leaves" will be released in the United States in April, so you have to give me some time to come. Participating in the premiere, the film had a small-scale trial screening before, and everyone gave very good reviews."

Zhou Yun nodded and said yes.

"Sister Lan told me before that she will save time, but, Sister Luo Qi, when will this movie be released in China, has it been decided?"

"I don't know yet." Shi Luoqi said helplessly, "I've been stuck."

Zhou Yun also felt helpless when he heard this.

Why are these two dramas so difficult recently?
Is it because the subject matter is sensitive?
However, "Words of Fallen Leaves" is not really sensitive. It tells the story of a Chinese woman after returning to China.

Well, maybe this identity is sensitive?

"Hey, Luo Qi, Xiaoyun." Yin Lin came over, and she greeted them happily.

Everyone is an acquaintance, and the meeting is very warm.

Zhou Yun and Shi Luoqi also immediately came out of the haze of domestic obstacles in "Words of Fallen Leaves".

Yin Lin asked: "How is the movie that Xue Qin is making? When will it be finished?"

"It's still filming." After finishing speaking, Shi Luoqi glanced at Zhou Yun, as if he didn't want to say more.

Zhou Yun immediately realized that the movie that Xue Qin was making was the one she collaborated with He Wenyun.

When they were talking about this cooperation, it happened to be when the media compared Zhou Yun and He Wenyun together. cooperate.

Zhou Yun pretended not to know.She put her right hand lightly on Yin Lin's left arm and said, "What is sister Lin doing recently?"

"I'm resting and reading the script, but I haven't seen a particularly good script. On the contrary, there is a variety show about acting competition, which I think is quite interesting." Yin Lin said.

"Are you going to be a mentor?" Zhou Yun asked curiously.

Variety shows like this often come to her, but she refuses them all.

Zhou Yun has never felt that he is qualified to guide others now.

Not at all.

Yin Lin shook her head and said, "I don't dare to accept the tutor's job. This is not at the level of Teacher Zhang Hongyu. Who dares to say that I have the ability to instruct others how to act? They want me to compete with others as a competitor."

"What?" Both Zhou Yun and Shi Luoqi showed shocked expressions.

Yin Lin shook her hands immediately when she saw the two of them, and said with a smile: "Don't get me wrong, this show is different from the acting competition shows you've seen before, and all the actors invited are very mature actors. , according to the lottery, seven actors and guests invited their actor friends to rehearse a certain segment of the lottery result together. This is where I am interested in this. There is a lot of room for creation, and I can play in a short time Different roles, tempering skills."

Zhou Yun understood after hearing what Yin Lin said.

It turned out to be the case.

She thought there was a show that wanted Yin Lin to compete with a group of young or immature actors.

If so, it would be incredible.

"Yin Lin, you shouldn't be participating in this kind of variety show." Jing Dongtian suddenly interrupted, "Is there any need for an actor like you to participate in this kind of show?"

Jing Dongtian's words came in abruptly, making everyone stunned, and they didn't recover for a long time.

Jing Dongtian is an old senior with a lot of experience.Zhou Yun also dealt with him, that time was at an awards ceremony, and later, Zhou Yun also learned that Jing Dongtian and Cong Lan had conflicts before.But in any case, in the Chinese TV circle, Jing Dongtian is someone you can't avoid and will definitely deal with.He seldom acts as a director himself now, and basically only works as a producer and supervisor, operating a drama series through his industry experience and connections.

But, on the other hand, Jing Dongtian is also a very useful person.Not only that, but he also has a wide network of contacts. He is the leader of several official background organizations.If not, Cong Lan would not have been suppressed for so long.

Directors like Cong Lan cannot be suppressed casually by ordinary people.

Even so, Zhou Yun and Jing Dongtian did not actually have any real conflicts.It is true that there are not many contacts.Her understanding of him was limited to a few limited encounters and comments from other people.

"Old Jing, Xiao Lin wants to record a show, so it's none of your business, you're nagging, you're really old." Immediately, a person with similar qualifications as Jing Dongtian smoothed things over with a smile.

Yin Lin also showed a slightly embarrassed smile.

Jing Dongtian said solemnly: "Do you really think that this kind of acting PK show is a good thing for our industry? I watched those shows, all of which were boring and vulgar performances that would growl and What breaks out is good acting, and everything else is bad acting, let this kind of show continue, what is a good performance, what is a bad performance, it's all messed up."

Jing Dongtian spoke quite excitedly.

At this time, everyone was still in the rest area of ​​the box and did not serve the table.

Jing Dongtian's sudden words made the originally lively box quiet a lot.

"Mr. Jing, I've also heard about Yin Lin's show. It's directed by Chen Yuanqi, and it's different from the previous variety shows." Another person smoothed things over, "Besides, it's also good for Yin Lin to participate in that show. Let more audiences realize Yin Lin's good acting skills."

Zhou Yun and Song Chi belonged to the younger generation in this group of people. When something like this happened suddenly, they looked at each other, but neither of them spoke.

In fact, it's really embarrassing for something like this to happen.With Yin Lin's current status, basically no one would dare to accuse her of doing something wrong face to face, and only veterans like Jing Dongtian in the industry are qualified to say such things.However, although Jingdongtian is qualified to say such a thing, no one would think that this is a suitable place.

In front of so many people, Yin Lin would feel very embarrassed if Jing Dongtian denied her next job like this.

(End of this chapter)

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