Chapter 886
Probably everyone has encountered this kind of person in the workplace.

He is a senior and has a decisive influence in this industry. To a certain extent, you respect him because he has indeed made very brilliant achievements, touching works, and qualifications.

You have reverence for him.

However, in a public or private occasion, he suddenly picks on you, maybe intentionally or unintentionally, in a word, he talks to you, evaluates you, or criticizes you with that "you XXX" attitude.

You don't actually resent him for criticizing you and pointing out that you are not good enough, but what you resent is his attitude.

There is nothing that cannot be said well.

Why did he say that?
Yin Lin is also not easy to put on face in front of Jing Dongtian.

Zhou Yun can do it, Ning Yao can do it too, but she can't.

Because before she became famous, Jing Dongtian helped her.Several plays were recommended by Jing Dongtian.This is what she has to admit.In fact, the contact between her and Jing Dongtian has become less in recent years, but it doesn't mean that she doesn't respect him anymore.Contacts have decreased, on the one hand, because she is busier and does not have as much time to maintain those relationships as before; on the other hand, it is because Jing Dongtian has repeatedly said at some private gatherings that Yin Lin won the best female The protagonist's movie is not worthy of its name.

Jing Dongtian looked down on the film she won the Best Actress, thinking it was too commercial and her performance was too exaggerated.

Yin Lin knows that Jing Dongtian is full of prejudices against "pretend to be crazy and sell stupid" and joke-like themes and performance methods, or to put it directly, she doesn't want to see it.Therefore, she never responded once, and silently pretended that she had never heard of it.But it would be a lie to say that she didn't mind in her heart.It was her turnaround work, and it was also the work that she managed to gain a foothold in the film industry. How could she not mind being "disliked" by Jing Dongtian several times?

Today, Jing Dongtian suddenly accused her in front of everyone that she should not participate in an acting PK show, which made her feel a little embarrassed in front of everyone.

Feeling this embarrassment, Yin Lin wanted to find a grandiose reason to leave the scene immediately.

Zhou Yun stood beside Yin Lin, holding her hand calmly.

The moment Zhou Yun held her hand, Yin Lin looked at her in surprise.

Zhou Yun whispered in her ear: "It doesn't matter, we all know that you are doing something that requires courage, which is also a good thing."

A touch of emotion appeared on Yin Lin's face.

Several people persuaded Jing Dongtian to sit on the other side.

Here, although everyone was a little embarrassed, a few people immediately found other topics and revived the scene.

Zhou Yun took Yin Lin's hand to sit down, and took the initiative to mention the attacks he had received in the past few days.

"I think you are really brave. It is easy to be attacked if you participate in this kind of program. I dare not participate." Zhou Yun said, "I used to think that I didn't care about the voices of attacks on the Internet, but in the past two days , I saw many people on the Internet say that I am not worthy of acting in "Chen Yin". I still care about it.”

Yin Lin said: "I'm also chasing "Chen Yin". Step by step, I thought about it several times."

"Chen Yin" is the hottest drama in recent days.

Almost everyone who works in this industry is watching this drama.

After the two talked about the play, the people next to them also joined in the discussion.

"The production level is very high, and the visual images should have reached the movie level, right?" someone said.

Zhou Yun nodded and said: "When I was producing this drama, I followed the production standards of movies. Originally, the number of episodes was not too many, and the script was not too long."

"I thought you would concentrate on making movies, but I didn't expect you to be filming dramas all the time." An old senior said, "Looking at Ning Yao, it's been a long time since you made TV dramas."

"I haven't filmed enough. Although I always feel that filming takes more time, I always say that if the script is not particularly good, I will not shoot it. But every time I read the script, I have to act." Zhou Yun said, "I'm still in contact with another drama. If everything goes well, filming will start next year."

"Why don't you act in more movies and take advantage of the current momentum to challenge an Oscar winner or a winner of the world's three major film festivals?" asked the old man just now.

Her stage name is Lan Yi. She is over 60 years old and used to be a very famous actor. After getting older, because she has not caught up with the industrialization of stars, her fame is not as great as Zhang Hongyu now.Zhang Hongyu is a beneficiary of star industrialization, with high popularity and popularity.However, her prestige and status in the circle are still very high, and everyone respects her very much.

Zhou Yun said with a smile: "I want to too, but I can't force it. I think I should act according to my own ideas. I will talk about it when I have a chance. I am not particularly interested in some of the scripts that Hollywood has handed me. , maybe after the movie "Killing Song" is released, the situation will be a little bit better, and the people who come to me now are basically action scenes."

Lan Yi was a little surprised, and there was a trace of innocent doubt in his eyes.

"They told me that your previous roles in "Days" and "Behind the Scenes" have also attracted quite a lot of attention in Europe and the United States. Didn't they help you attract the attention of some art film directors?"

"It's not impossible, but we haven't encountered suitable projects and stories to cooperate with." Zhou Yun said, "Cooperation for the sake of cooperation is always a bit awkward, and this kind of thing can't be rushed."

Lan Yi: "You are so sober, just as sober as Xiao Song."

Song Chi, who had been standing by Zhou Yun's side all the time, smiling and saying nothing, only now grinned, revealing his neat white teeth.

"Aunt Lan, if you praise Xiaoyun, you can praise Xiaoyun. Why do you also praise me by the way?"

"If you praise you, just listen carefully. If you get a bargain, you'll be good." Lan Yi lightly annoyed Song Chi.

Song Chi smiled slightly.

"Ah—" There was a sudden exclamation from behind.

Everyone was startled by this exclamation and turned around quickly.

Zhou Yun saw that at the other end of the box, Jing Dongtian didn't know what happened, and suddenly fell to the ground. The two of them knelt down in panic, and shouted: "Teacher Jing? Teacher Jing? You—"

People around got up one after another.

Song Chi also strode over immediately.

Zhou Yun and Yin Lin stood up and looked ahead without moving.

There are already a lot of people, and they didn't play any role in the past, but they added trouble in the past.

Just looking at the scene where Jing Dongtian fell to the ground, Zhou Yun noticed that Yin Lin's face turned pale.
The private party ended badly.

Jing Dongtian was rushed to the hospital, and no one else had the intention to continue the party.

Everyone had a simple dinner, and they didn't continue to chat, talk, and drink like they used to.

At the end of the show, Zhou Yun looked at Yin Lin, who was still in shock, not so calm.

Zhou Yun could also understand her mood.

Jing Dongtian fell to the ground after criticizing her, and if this incident got out, it would more or less make people think that she made him faint.

Although there is no such thing at all.

Zhou Yun wanted to comfort Yin Lin with a few words, but everyone seemed to have the same thought. There was always someone around Yin Lin, so Zhou Yun never passed.

She and Song Chi got into the car and went home together.

The driver drives and both of them sit in the back.

Song Chi had been looking at his phone all the time. After about 5 minutes, he put down his phone, but his tone became more serious, and he said, "Ms. Jing, he has terminal cancer."

Zhou Yun was startled suddenly, startled, and all the accumulated opinions about Jing Dongtian in his heart were instantly swept aside.

"The cancer is terminal, what, what's going on?"

Song Chi said: "It is said that he had stomach cancer long ago, but it has not been announced to the public."

Zhou Yun looked at Song Chi in surprise, and was speechless for a long time.

Song Chi frowned slightly and sighed softly.

"I think, let's find time to visit him in these two days." Song Chi said, "He has taken care of me many times in the past, I want to visit him."

"Okay." Zhou Yun nodded.

Everyone will meet some noble people of their own in the process of growing up.

No one can succeed without the help of others.

Zhou Yun is not very familiar with Jing Dongtian, if it was just herself, she probably wouldn't visit him.

However, she and Song Chi are now a family. If Song Chi goes, if she has time, she still wants to stay by Song Chi's side as much as possible and go together.

"When something like this happens, there may be some voices that are not good for Yin Lin."

(End of this chapter)

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