Chapter 887
The so-called bad voices, for example, Yin Lin had a dispute with Jingdongtian, and Jingdongtian fainted at the dinner party and was rushed to the hospital, or because Yin Lin insisted on recording a certain program, Jingdongtian was angry at him for not fighting, Very disappointed, and so on.

If this matter really gets out, Yin Lin will definitely be ridiculed and criticized by a group of people.

In China, "respecting the old and loving the young" is a tradition, and traditional things will always be turned into rigid moral tools by some people to attack others.

Song Chi: "The people who came to participate today are basically people from this small circle. Everyone's mouth is still relatively strict, and it should not spread to the outside world."

"I'm not optimistic." Zhou Yun smiled and said: "When there are too many people, there will always be people who can't control their mouths. They don't tell the media, I believe, but if you say they won't talk to the people around them When my friends talked about it, I didn't believe it at all, but as the story spread, the rumors would naturally leak out."

Gossip is a very magical thing. While it satisfies people's desire for prying eyes, it also quietly corrodes our rationality and boundaries like dripping water pierces a stone.

In the beginning, we might just watch the show from the other side, but later, we couldn’t help but want to know more, just like carving an unearthed clay sculpture, carefully dusting off the dirt, just to get a glimpse of the dust. The true face underneath, in the end, came into the room.

The heart of gossip is not the weakness of human nature.

In the performing arts industry, Zhou Yun himself can't help gossiping about others, and dare not have too much hope for it.

Song Chi knew what Zhou Yun was worried about.He couldn't come up with more reasonable words to persuade Zhou Yun not to be so pessimistic. In fact, he was just talking about it, and he couldn't think too much about the idea that this matter would only spread in a small area—it was easy to hit himself. Face.

"Sister Yin Lin is fine, and may be discussed by some people in the short term, but she has always been generous and kind, and she is not arrogant or domineering or disrespectful to her predecessors. Although there are always people who criticize her, this will not really affect us. Her opinion." Song Chi shook Zhou Yun's hand, "Teacher Jing has always been a very polarized person from the outside world. He really loves and encourages the younger generation. However, his views on movies He only accepts his own set of aesthetic standards, and works that do not meet that standard will be dismissed with contempt. He also opposes actors recording variety shows. He has publicly criticized some actors on many occasions, causing many people I actually don't like him."

"Director Cong Lan has a grudge with him, and the two have a feud." Zhou Yun said, "However, this is also a matter of their older generation. I just think that everyone has some personality flaws to some extent. This is unavoidable, as long as this person’s intentions are generally righteous, I will allow myself to accept it.”

"I know, this is what Zhou Lan has always said about you is scary." Song Chi smiled as he spoke, his brows and eyes curled up, and a warm light appeared in his eyes, falling into Zhou Yun's eyes, " She said that most people have their own likes and dislikes, and they act according to their own likes and dislikes, but you always go beyond your likes and dislikes.”

"It's out of exercise." Zhou Yun said, "Aren't you the same? It's work, and you know all kinds of people. If you don't do this, your mind will be messed up."

Back home, Zhou Yun and Song Chi went straight upstairs from the elevator in the parking lot.

Before entering the door, Zhou Yun's cell phone rang.She picked up the phone and looked at it, showing a puzzled expression, and said, "Why did Liu Lan call me at this time?"

Song Chi opened the door, looked back at Zhou Yun, and said, "Maybe it's for the second part of "Under Dress"? Didn't you plan to find another production company to do it?"

Zhou Yun nodded.Regarding the second part of "Under Dress", because Liu Lan's attitude was too strong, and the lion opened his mouth wide, and did not follow the rules of the game at all, Zhou Yun and Zhou Lan decided not to waste time and start a new one.But as soon as their attitudes changed, Liu Lan immediately followed suit.Liu Lan has really achieved the ultimate in the six words "can afford and let go".Because of this, the current situation has changed a little bit.Zhou Lan felt that since Liu Lan was able to change his attitude and lower his attitude again, it would of course be better to continue to use the production team of the first film.

Otherwise, it is not the same as using the original actors to be called the original cast.

The influence of the production team on a work cannot be underestimated, it just doesn't have as much influence as the actors in front of the audience.

After Zhou Yun entered the door, he answered the phone.

"Hey, Mr. Liu, why are you calling so late?" Her tone was gentler, and when she raised her eyes, she found that Song Chi had already taken out her slippers and placed them in front of her.

Zhou Yun changed his shoes with a smile and walked into the living room.

"Xiao Yun, I'm sorry to bother you at night. I heard that you had dinner with someone tonight. Teacher Jing Dongtian fainted and sent to the hospital?" Liu Lan asked.

Zhou Yun smiled helplessly.

You see, don't overestimate that people's mouths will be tightly shut. If it could be tightly closed, God would not have opened an opening for it when it was created.

She sat down on the sofa, leaned her back against the backrest, and relaxed her muscles comfortably.

"Your news is so well-informed. How long has it been since this happened, and it has already reached your ears." Zhou Yun said, "Isn't this news already flying all over the sky?"

Liu Lan smiled secretly twice, did not mention where the news came from, and continued: "I heard that you were also at the scene, so I wanted to call to ask what's going on, alas, The main reason is that we also want to cooperate with Yin Lin in a project later on, and if something like this happens suddenly, it will be bad if Yin Lin is boycotted by everyone."

Zhou Yun smiled.

"Jing Dongtian's fainting has nothing to do with Yin Lin. Didn't the person who told you about it tell you that the reason why Jing Dongtian fainted was because of his body?"

Liu Lan: "I really didn't tell me this, what's wrong with his health?"

Zhou Yun: "I don't know the details. I only heard that it's because of your health. Mr. Liu, you didn't call here just to gossip, did you?"

(End of this chapter)

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