Chapter 888 Regret
Liu Lan immediately shook her head and said no.

Liu Lan's call to Zhou Yun today was actually because of the second part of "Under Dress".

Zhou Yun and Zhou Lan didn't let go of their mouths for a long time, and changed their minds, which made Liu Lan feel uneasy all the time.

After all, this project is the first big project for her after she took office at Chengqian Film and Television. If she messes up, the evaluation of her from the headquarters will definitely be greatly reduced.

Liu Lan has made appointments with Zhou Yun many times, but every time Zhou Yun replied that she was very busy, he asked her to make an appointment with Zhou Lan, and Zhou Lan took care of her time.

And Zhou Lan is a person who doesn't like oil and salt. No matter what she says or how she does it, Zhou Lan shuts her out. Although her attitude is somewhat relaxed, she doesn't make any real progress.

In the past half a month, Liu Lan has called Zhou Lan no less than [-] times for this matter, at least two calls a day.

She felt that she still had to find a way to break the situation.

We still have to deal with Zhou Yun, and if Zhou Yun is dealt with, everything will be settled.

Don't mention how regretful Liu Lan is now, she confronted Zhou Yun before and posed for Zhou Yun.

Liu Lan chatted with Zhou Yun on the phone, talking about her recent emphasis on the project "Under Dress", about the preparations of the entire production team, etc. The importance of drama, and the change of her attitude.

Zhou Yun listened, but did not speak.

This time, Zhou Yun didn't interrupt Liu Lan, nor asked her to tell Zhou Lan these words.

Let her hang out for a while, and it's long enough, and I can enter the formal advancement again.

When Liu Lan finished speaking, it was already 10 minutes later.

In the middle, Song Chi came to her twice, lip-synched and asked her why the call wasn't over yet.

Zhou Yun shrugged helplessly.

After Liu Lan finished speaking, Zhou Yun waited for two seconds before speaking, and said: "Mr. Liu, if you had shown such sincerity before, our time would not be wasted, since we have already reached an agreement , then let’s find another time to sit down and decide some specific terms face to face. A lot of time has been wasted. Next, we must hurry up, otherwise, this drama may not be able to catch up with next year’s summer season. "

Hearing that Zhou Yun finally let go, Liu Lan let out a long breath, and her tone became lighter.

"Okay, okay."

After hanging up the phone, Zhou Yun went to the bedroom, but he didn't see Song Chi's person.

She found him in the study.

Song Chi was looking at the computer.

The door of the study was open.

Zhou Yun knocked on the door of the study and said, "I'm done calling."

Song Chi raised his head, showed a look of resentment towards Zhou Yun, and said, "You've been on the phone for a while."

Zhou Yun said: "I didn't expect that this phone call took so long. Liu Lan told me for a long time that she came for the second part of "Under Dressed"."

"It seems that I'm really in a hurry to call you so late." Song Chi got up, walked in front of Zhou Yun, and hugged her with both hands, "I was watching the project "Idol Replica" just now. The script has already been revised, have you read it?"

"Well, I saw it." Zhou Yun said, "I really like this story, and I have a lot of room for acting."

"Before Yue Hai also knew that you were going to make this movie. After reading this story, he thought that it would have good results in developing it into a web drama. He also hoped to get the filming rights of the web drama from us." Song Chi said, "They even promised that the online drama would be aired after the movie theaters were released, but we finally refused."

Zhou Yun said: "This is not very good. Yue Hai asked you for the filming rights of online dramas. You can still earn a copyright fee. Why did you refuse?"

Song Chi: "What's the reason? The same story is filmed by two sets of people. The two dramas are destined to be compared. Yue Hai often engages in those show manipulations, teasing, and provoking conflicts between the two dramas. , or make some gimmicks to attract people's attention. If they are really given the right to adapt this drama, believe it or not, even if it is agreed that the web drama will be broadcast after it is released in theaters, in the middle, there will be constant Toss all kinds of moths to borrow our movie to promote their drama."

He never considered selling the drama of this story to Yue Hai at all.

"If you really want to make a drama, let's talk about it after the movies are released." Song Chi said.

It was not surprising that Song Chi would have such considerations.

It can be said that Yue Hai had "bad deeds" before, and he has done countless similar things.

After one night, Zhou Yun reconsidered what Song Chi had said, and then gradually realized that he really thought too simply last night, or in other words, didn't think seriously at all.She has an inflated mentality - no matter what Yue Hai does, it will not affect her, anyway, she will act seriously and make this movie a good one.This kind of inflated mentality is that as long as you do well, you don't have to worry about anything else.

Zhou Yun couldn't help washing his face seriously, admonishing himself to get rid of this inflated mentality.

In the morning, Zhou Yun went to the studio to meet Zhou Lan, and there were still a few important things to communicate.

Among them is the advancement of the second part of "Under Dress".

"Jingdongtian's health is very bad." Zhou Lan and Zhou Yun finished talking about business, and then brought up Jingdongtian.

"Yes, I heard that the cancer is terminal." Zhou Yun said, "I was shocked."

Zhou Lan said: "People still have to pay more attention to their bodies, otherwise no one knows when something will happen. Jing Dongtian is only in his 60s, right? Or [-]? Anyway, according to the average age, he still has ten years to live." It’s a good job, alas, it’s not easy to get to where I am today.”

Zhou Yun asked, "Sister Lan, are you familiar with him?"

"I have met many times, but I can't say I am familiar with it, but I am a little emotional." Zhou Lan said, "Before, I had dinner with Jing Dongtian at the same table with Chen Jing. The whole night, Chen Jing In front of Jing Dongtian, he posed as a junior, and Jing Dongtian also picked a lot of faults with Chen Jing's performance, and Chen Jing did not show any displeasure."

Zhou Yun couldn't help frowning in doubt: "Why does Jing Dongtian like picking other people's thorns so much?"

"Well, seniors, no one can say anything about finding fault with the juniors." Zhou Lan said directly, "Besides, like Yin Lin and Chen Jing, they have more or less been trained by Beijing Dongtian since their debut. My caregiver, including Song Chi, is rarely able to become famous by himself in this circle."

Zhou Yun thought of the conflict between Cong Lan and Jing Dongtian, and what Mrs. Cong Lan had said to her.

Zhou Yun also thought of his impression of Jingdongtian.

Such a person has his good side and his bad side.

"However, that's not what I want to talk about." Zhou Lan suddenly showed a mysterious expression.

Zhou Yun came back to his senses, looked at Zhou Lan in astonishment, and asked, "What do you mean? Sister Lan, what do you want to say to me?"

Zhou Lan raised the corner of his mouth slightly, and said, "Late last night, a mother and son went to the hospital to visit Jingdongtian."

"What do you mean?" Zhou Yun looked at Zhou Lan suspiciously, "Jing Dongtian's wife?"

"Of course not." Zhou Lan said, "It's Jing Dongtian's illegitimate son."

"An illegitimate child?" Zhou Yun finally showed a look of shock.

Zhou Lan: "Didn't think of it, did you? Jing Dongtian's family members are all green, but he is a real son, and he is only 14 years old."

Zhou Yun showed shock again.


"I showed up at the hospital overnight, because I was afraid that Jing Dongtian would pass away in the hospital, and the family property would not be distributed." Zhou Lan teased, "You don't know about this yet, do you?"

Zhou Yun shook his head.

"When I had breakfast with Song Chi in the morning, he didn't know either."

Zhou Lan said: "After all, it's a big scandal. The Jing family kept this matter very tight and didn't want the outside world to know, but good things don't go out, and bad things spread thousands of miles. This kind of thing happens in a place like a hospital, and there will always be rumors. revealed."

"Is Jing Dongtian awake?"

"Who knows? If I were him, I would continue to pretend to be unconscious even if I woke up. After all, I would face the Shura field when I woke up." Zhou Lan said, "I heard that Jing Dongtian's grandson ran away on the spot, and he was with the 14-year-old The illegitimate son of the family is doing it."

"Uh." Zhou Yun didn't know what to say for a while.

Zhou Lan's face shone with the same light as when sharing gossip.

"I really feel now that no one knows what kind of person who is." Zhou Lan said, "Even for a man like Jing Dongtian who has never had any sexual news in his life, he will still be unsafe after all, and , To hide this matter so well, an illegitimate child is only 14 years old, and the family members don’t know about it, and they haven’t thought about it in this direction at all, it’s inconceivable to think about it.”

Zhou Yun said: "Maybe it's like what you said, his family never thought that he would have another family outside."

"I think it's terrible." Zhou Lan said, "It was supposed to be the closest person, the most trusted person, but ended up getting along with him day and night for the rest of his life, only to find out in the end that you didn't know this man at all."

Zhou Yun asked: "Are you worried that Lin Zhiping also has many secrets that you don't understand?"

"Of course." Zhou Lan said, "He's so nice, so nice that I wonder if I'm dreaming."

Zhou Yun showed surprise.

Before Zhou Lan, he rarely told Zhou Yun about Lin Zhiping.For Lin Zhiping, Zhou Lan basically keeps everything in his heart and does not share it with others.Therefore, Zhou Yun suddenly heard her attitude towards Lin Zhiping from Zhou Lan today, which caught Zhou Yun by surprise.Zhou Yun originally thought that Zhou Lan would avoid topics related to Lin Zhiping as before.

Zhou Yun immediately adjusted his mentality - since Zhou Lan took the initiative to speak, it must be that Zhou Lan himself has been holding back for a long time, and really wants to find someone to share it with.

She blinked at Zhou Lan and asked, "Sister Lan, why do you think so?"

Zhou Lan sighed, "Let's put it this way, I actually know that I am not the kind of woman who is very suitable to be a good wife and mother, especially for those men who are very successful in their own careers. A woman who finds it difficult to devote time to her family is not a suitable wife. Of course, I am not ashamed of myself, and I do not regret it. I am just stating a fact. Therefore, when dating Lin Zhiping On the one hand, I think he is a very suitable person, I like him very much, no matter what aspect it is, it makes me feel comfortable and happy, but on the other hand, I always feel uneasy in my heart, and I always feel inappropriate You know, now that I like him and I like each other, many things can be overcome, but in the future there will always be a day when rationality will overcome sensibility."

Zhou Yun understood what Zhou Lan said. To put it bluntly, Zhou Lan still had no confidence in being with Lin Zhiping.

"Sister Lan, I once felt the same as you." Zhou Yun said, "I can't tell you that your worries will never happen in the future, but you know how I finally decided to marry Song Chi. Continue to be together, do you want to get married?"

Zhou Lan looked at her.

"I think the big deal is that the two of us can't get along anymore, and we're going to split up, so it's no big deal." Zhou Yun said, "It's really hard to get along, after that, I love Song Chi is a firm fact, I think It is a firm fact that I want to be with him, and it is a firm fact that I am willing to sacrifice something for him. If I choose to give up because of worries, I am no longer qualified to say that God does not give me a chance to be happy, and I refuse it myself. Outside the door, I think you and Lin Zhiping are also like this, I understand your worries, but the big deal is that you can’t make it through in the end? If you really can’t hold on, let’s just get together and break up.”

Zhou Lan was silent for two seconds, smiled helplessly, and said, "Why does such an important matter seem so simple when you say it?"

"I don't want to regret, I never regret what I did, I only regret what I didn't do."
At noon, Zhou Yun and Zhou Lan had dinner together, but they ran into He Yong at the entrance of the restaurant.

He Yong, alone, took advantage of the opportunity to join their lunch.

"What a coincidence," he said.

"Yeah." Zhou Lan smiled, "I can meet you whenever you go out for a meal. This fate, Mr. He, you didn't come here specially to follow us, did you?"

He Yong made two "haha" sounds and said, "I'm not Zhou Yun's illegitimate fan, why would I do such a wretched thing?"

Zhou Lan said: "Isn't it because Mr. Liu has blocked you recently? You have to worry about whether she will show up wherever you go."

"Did Liu Lan go too far?" He Yong said with an innocent face, "I really didn't expect it, but this is the first time for her to take such an important seat, and she has never directly dealt with celebrity artists and teams before. , it’s normal to deal with it immaturely, you should be more tolerant.”

Zhou Lan chuckled, looked at He Yong thoughtfully, and said, "Of course we will take care of it, Mr. He, after all, we will continue to work together on the project "Under Dress"."

There was a slight smile on He Yong's face.


(End of this chapter)

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