Chapter 889 He Yong
He Yong realized that the astonishment on his face was a little obvious, and quickly restrained himself a bit, then looked at Zhou Lan, and said, "I thought you didn't intend to continue with her, why did you suddenly change your mind? No Do you find her difficult to work with?"

"I really found it difficult to cooperate in the front, but her attitude has changed a lot in the back, and she is a lot easier to talk to." Zhou Lan smiled, "I thought it was Mr. He who said a lot to her that made her change like this Great attitude."

He Yong shook his head, "It has nothing to do with me, I'm not familiar with her, and I can't stand her way of doing things myself."

Zhou Lan glanced at him thoughtfully and said, "Really?"

"Yes." He Yong nodded with a generous attitude, and said, "However, it would be best if we can continue to cooperate."

Although He Yong said so, Zhou Lan and Zhou Yun both knew that this was not the case at all.

Liu Lan entered the game strongly, and He Yong's right to speak in this project was directly weakened.

If Liu Lan is not kicked out, He Yong will not have the opportunity to take the opportunity to control this drama, or even control thousands of movies and TV shows.

It's all linked together.

Zhou Yun even felt that the reason why Chengqian Group's headquarters wanted to parachute Liu Lan into the position of general manager of Chengqian Film and Television was to cut He Yong's power when the first part of "Under Dress" achieved such a good result.

Of course, we don't know the truth. Thousands, a big group, always have various struggles for power and profit.

He Yong was coerced into it, and he couldn't avoid it.

Letting Zhou Yun go and let her go out to open a studio is a point that He Yong is often criticized by the headquarters.

In the eyes of many people in the headquarters, this is a major loss.

To some extent, it is true.

Probably every job is like this, and in the end, it turns out that everything becomes a power struggle.

"He is always going to continue working as an artist broker?" Zhou Lan asked.

He Yong smiled and said, "I've been working for so long, if I don't continue to do this job, what else can I do?"

Zhou Lan said: "You have artist resources in your hands, what can't you do?"

He Yong shook his head and said, "It's not that I am the master of the house, how can I hold artist resources in my hands?"

Zhou Lan smiled slightly.

The dialogue between the two people was full of mutual temptation.

Zhou Yun just pretended that he didn't understand anything, turned a deaf ear, and ate in silence.

"This mango is delicious." Zhou Yun pointed to a dessert made of mango pulp on the table, and said to the two of them, "Try it."

Zhou Lan and He Yong paused their conversation, and picked up the mango pulp with a fork.

Zhou Yun kept smiling and said, "It's been a long time since the three of us sat together to eat."

In the past, when Zhou Yun was still in Chengqian Entertainment, after she became popular, this kind of scene usually happened once a month.

For popular artists, He Yong always meets, eats and keeps in touch with them on a regular basis.

This is also one of his strategies.

"If you want to have dinner with me, I'm always available." He Yong joked, "You're so busy at work now, I'm the one who worries about not being able to make an appointment with you."

"Mr. He just said that. When you invited us to dinner, we prevaricated." Zhou Lan slapped Tai Chi back.

Indeed, the relationship between them and He Yong was either close or estranged, separated and reunited, but their attitude towards He Yong was not like that of Liu Lan, who said they would shut him out.

They never blocked He Yong from the door.

"The impact of Song Zhi's slander on you has gradually diminished, right?" He Yong mentioned that Zhou Yun was slandered by Song Zhi for "bullying her".

This incident can be regarded as the worst incident that Zhou Yun has encountered in the near future. The external network, especially the Korean media criticized her verbally and condemned her.

Zhou Yun shook his head and said: "I don't know, I haven't paid attention to it. Although this incident is full of troubles, I really have nothing to respond to. I haven't done anything, and I can't find evidence to prove that I haven't done it. , Anyway, that's it, I won't go to Korea in the short term, as for other people's attitudes, I have already denied what I should deny, so what else can I do, believe me or not, I can't control it."

Approval appeared on He Yong's face.

"I really appreciate your calm demeanor."

"That's when you didn't see me getting angry." Zhou Yun waved his hand, "Don't say that."

"This is not to praise you blindly. I'm serious. Any artist who encounters this kind of thing can't hold back. He has been wronged. He wants to clarify the truth as soon as possible, and wants everyone to believe in himself." He Yong said, "You know that when we are artist managers, the most troublesome thing is often not the outside world, but the personality of the artist himself and the various troubles caused by the artist himself. In your case, the best way is to After responding, keep silent and wait for the wind to pass."

Zhou Yun nodded: "In this case, it can only be like this."

"Yeah, but those who can really keep silent and stay out of things like you are one in a hundred." He Yong said, "Don't think I'm flattering you, I'm serious, for an artist like you, any manager will It's time to burn incense, save worry and effort, and look the same."

Zhou Yun smiled lightly.

"Then when I was in Qianqian Entertainment, I didn't see people like me getting more benefits than others. On the contrary, I suffered frequently." She said mercilessly about her previous experience, "The key is to please people. I like it, no matter what your personality is, there must be someone who is willing to help you."

He Yong shrugged.

"Well, in this matter, I didn't take you into consideration, I admit it." He said, "However, at that time, Wei Ruxue's contract was about to expire, and if I wanted to keep her, I could only do so first. Her intention is to suppress you, you see, after she finally leaves Qianqian, have I suppressed you yet?"

"Pull it down, you're ashamed to admit it." Zhou Lan smiled, "That's Xiaoyun Dadu, don't care about you, replace it with Wei Ruxue or Xu Siyao, and see if they are still willing to associate with you."

He Yong: "That's why I never sit and chat with them at the same table like we do. You and I know everything about the company, and many things are beyond our control. I have said many things like this Over and over, I really think that you are indeed the artist that every manager dreams of, you are talented enough, you are gifted, you don't have a genius disease, and you are very easy to cooperate with."

"If you praise me so much, I won't return thousands of compliments."

"It's because I know you won't return thousands of dollars that I praise you so much." He Yong sighed as he spoke, "You don't even know how difficult it is to be an artist nowadays, and everyone wants to reach the sky in one step. The company signed a contract for a year or two, and blamed the company for not making them popular, saying that the company delayed them. Alas, a group of high-sighted rookies, every time I see them, I think that when you first signed the company, why is it like this now? If you don’t look at how much you have paid, you only know that the company didn’t give them resources.”

Zhou Yun smiled and said nothing.

Zhou Lan said: "Chengqian is considered a relatively friendly company in the industry for newcomers, and they still think that Chengqian treats them badly?"

"Yeah, it's unbelievable." He Yong seemed to really have a lot of temper towards these newcomers, and the expressions of impatience and disgust on his face showed the four words of sincerity.

(End of this chapter)

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