Chapter 890 Consolation
Not every newcomer is modest, cautious, and timid.

You must have seen that kind of newcomers. Although they have just joined the job, they are not familiar with the surrounding environment and the work at hand. It should be a time to bow their heads and humbly ask for advice and study hard. Unbelievable publicity and confidence—hey, since you recruited me, it means that you have fully recognized my ability. If I don't do well, it's not my problem, but the resources you provide.

In many entertainment-themed novels, the seniority between celebrities and artists is so serious that in daily life, everyone is divided according to class, and their speech has obvious class attributes.But in reality, every celebrity artist has a different personality. Of course, there are newcomers who are submissive in front of popular stars, and there are also newcomers who feel that they have no tutor and have taken the courage of ambition.

Like now.

Zhou Yun really didn't expect that when He Yongcai just mentioned the newcomers in his company, the next second, a young and beautiful girl flew over like a butterfly, full of surprises and delicately shouted "Mr. He!", Blinking a pair of eyes full of surprise, the eyes were filled with brilliance, as if seeing someone whom he particularly admired.

This kind of light is very useful to some people.

Zhou Yun glanced at He Yong, and immediately understood that although He Yong spoke clearly and logically, he also couldn't avoid the weakness of human nature.

This made Zhou Yun chuckle inwardly.

"Mr. He, what a coincidence, I ran into you here." The girl who looked like a flower and a butterfly first spoke to He Yong, then looked at Zhou Yun, and let out another cry of surprise, "Ah, Zhou Yun Cloud?! Ahhhhh, I like you so much, I am your fan! Ah, can I take a photo with you later? I really like you."

This somewhat uncomfortable enthusiasm forced Zhou Yun to smile slightly, nodding his head in agreement.

This is Zhou Yun's own upbringing.Zhou Yun couldn't refuse such a harmless request from a strange and enthusiastic girl.

But at the same time, Zhou Yun's mind was in a trance for a while, and then he saw Zhou Lan throwing an unclear look at her.

Zhou Yun immediately understood the subtext in her heart at this moment from Zhou Lan's eyes: Does this scene seem familiar?

Indeed, the scene felt familiar.

It was like Xu Siyao who met Zhou Yun for the first time.

That kind of enthusiasm, or rather, hospitality.

Thinking of the scene that happened in the past, Zhou Yun couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth.

But this detail seems to make "Flower Butterfly" have the illusion that Zhou Yun thinks she is cute, and becomes more attentive to Zhou Yun.

"The reason why I want to be an actor is because I like you." She looked at Zhou Yun sincerely and said, "I really hope that one day I can act with you."

Of course Zhou Yun could only say: "Okay, there is a chance to act together."

She turned to look at He Yong, pushed the topic ball to him, and said, "Mr. He, who is this?"

He Yong said: "Lu Die, our thousands of newly signed actors are sophomores this year."

Lu Die, wow, what a butterfly.

However, sophomore, really young.

Zhou Yunxiang glanced at Lu Die's youthful face, and said, "So that's how it is."

Lu Die suddenly stretched out her hand, grabbed He Yong's arm, shook it, and said, "Mr. He, when will you let me act in a play with Sister Xiaoyun?"

Both Zhou Yun and Zhou Lan showed expressions of shock and astonishment.

This scene...was even more familiar.
"Lu Die was selected by He Yong who went to the school for an interview in person, and he liked it very much."

Not long after having dinner with He Yong, Zhou Lan received the news that she asked others to inquire about it.

"It is said that acting is also good, and she can act. He Yong is personally picking the script for her, and she is the next one to praise." Zhou Lan said twice, "He Yong has a good eye for actresses. I will go to Lu Die and her." The school inquired about it and got a video of her acting in a drama at school. She is indeed a good seed who can act. I think He Yong really has nothing to say about this. It doesn't matter who he likes or which actress he wants to praise , this actress has nothing to say about her personal ability, and there is no such thing as a fool who can't be praised."

Zhou Yun nodded and said, "I always thought he was doing a great job in this area. You can see that the people he likes are basically popular, and there is no one who is not popular."

"Yeah, he has a vicious eye. He is also well-known in the industry. I admire him a lot. Whether an actor can be popular or not is said to be metaphysics. It's because there are no rules. It doesn't matter if you are as beautiful as a fairy. Well, it doesn't matter if your acting skills are particularly good, there's really no certainty, so his vision is so accurate, it's something that many people can't ask for."

"It's just that, Xu Siyao will be jealous." Zhou Yun smiled, "Once Lu Die comes, she may not be able to get the highest priority resources in Chengqian."

"Currently, Lu Die can't compete with Xu Siyao, but Xu Siyao has a huge bug. She has too much black history in the past, and it's still the kind that can't be cleared up. Official activities, or some positive ones. She doesn't have an advantage in roles that conform to the mainstream traditional aesthetics." Zhou Lan said, "He Yong signed Lu Die in his hand, and he also wanted to use her to fill the vacancy in this area."

"Why don't Wang Jing and Yu Chu fill this vacancy?" Zhou Yun said.

Zhou Lan smiled and waved his hands, "Hey, forget it, you don't know him yet, it's clear that if you don't see rabbits, you won't scatter eagles. As long as Xiaojing and Yu Chu don't agree to break up with our studio for a day, they won't be treated as a person for a day. The resources sent by my own people must be the leftovers of thousands of internal artists, and I don’t expect them to push any good resources, it’s better to rely on myself.”

"It's really a free share for them, and they can sit back and enjoy the benefits." Zhou Yun complained.

"Yeah, the point is that we haven't made any changes yet, and it's not that they haven't pushed resources for us, it's just that we don't like them and don't want them." Zhou Lan smiled helplessly, "Forget it, anyway, Xiaojing and Yu Chuna There is no shortage of drama appointments on the side, but on the business side, Chengqian is an old brand with a solid foundation, which is not comparable to us. We have not maintained many brands in the past two years, and we are competing with female stars of the same level. At that time, neither Xiaojing nor Yu Chu had an advantage, especially Yu Chu, whose endorsements are basically the endorsements of some fast-moving consumer brands, and higher-quality endorsements and business cooperation are basically impossible to grab."

Yu Chu's predicament is actually because she "doesn't have a strong sense of existence".

She definitely belongs to the top model workers in the entertainment industry, but in this line of work, if you make ten mediocre movies, it is better to become famous overnight in one movie.Yu Chu's popularity has increased rapidly, but it has not been effectively transformed into "starlight".Therefore, although she always has drama and exposure, she is not very favored by the brand side.

Under such circumstances, with Zhou Lan's ability, no matter how hard he tried, he could only get her some relatively good, but definitely not high-quality endorsements.

"Xu Siyao wanted to win a branch endorsement from the G family before, and was even willing not to take the endorsement fee, but the G family still didn't let go, fearing that Xu Siyao would hurt their brand image." Zhou Lan said, "These fashion luxury brands , is most concerned about their own brand image, even if Yu Chu is now more famous in China than Xiaojing, but the brand is more willing to use Xiaojing, because Xiaojing is a movie actor with masterpieces, in their eyes, Xiaojing is The style is a bit higher, and it’s not like Yu Chu, Yu Chu’s image is that of a desperate wife and a model worker, which makes the brand feel that her image is not elegant enough, not beautiful enough.”

When choosing a spokesperson for a brand, the more popular the better.Of course, there is no shortage of endorsements for popular celebrities—there are always suitable brands looking for them.

Zhou Yun is popular with the brand not only because of her popularity, but also because of her works, awards, and aesthetics, and she is flocked to by people in various fields. This kind of influence and appeal is more valued by the brand.Zhou Yun's image is a kind of confidence of "speaking through works", not pandering, and calm and composed.Few people can give people this kind of impression-this kind of impression is very illusory, but it invisibly determines how others perceive you as an artist-to a certain extent, this is your value as an artist.

Lu Die's appearance out of thin air did not leave Zhou Yun with much impression of this young girl.She still has a lot of things to deal with. Although there is no drama to be brought up in the future, there is a lot of work to be dealt with. "Chen Yin" is on the air, and the discussion is extremely high. All major brands and event parties hope to invite her to do an event together at this time.Including interviews, and program recordings.

Zhou Yun can't dismiss all of them, especially many of them are old acquaintances who have cooperated several times.

In addition, Zhou Yun also has two dramas "Idol Replica" and "Flower City" that are currently being filmed. To meet the main creators, including the director and other actors, early communication is necessary.

But these tasks were arranged by Liu Yun and the others, and they were basically relaxed, so Zhou Yun would not feel particularly busy.

Even Zhou Yun's fans felt that Zhou Yun's exposure was a lot more.When Zhou Yun was filming on the set before, it was normal for Zhou Yun not to come out for two or three months. Everyone was anxious to wait.Now Zhou Yun has a public itinerary every three to five times, and every public event must have a new look, including some new news and dynamics, which makes Zhou Yun's fans very happy.Fans are actually very simple. They just want to know more about you, and they will be happy when they see things related to you.

But Zhou Yun's busyness also made some people who thought Zhou Yun "affected" feel puzzled.

Why does the Song Zhi incident seem to have no effect on Zhou Yun?Those verbal and written criticisms, those overwhelming accusations, and those gestures that seemed to bury Zhou Yun in a grave, why are they all gone?

In fact, it is not surprising that some people are surprised.The overwhelming accusations against Zhou Yun on the Internet before were indeed ferocious, making people think that Zhou Yun really encountered the most serious public relations crisis since his debut.But they didn't realize that most of it was the sunspots bought by Zhou Yun's opponent to create momentum, and it wasn't Zhou Yun who really caused public outrage.In fact, Zhou Yun's response is a kind of self-clarification, and most people must believe Zhou Yun.There was no evidence for what Song Zhi said. On the contrary, Ning Yao made a special statement to help Zhou Yun clarify, which made everyone believe Zhou Yun even more.

It's just that these things can't be directly reflected on the Internet.

Many people have become accustomed to taking the voices on the Internet as the whole situation, but in fact, many people do not voice their voices on the Internet, or do not care about their voices on the Internet at all.

And when the attacks of the sunspots ceased, the impact on Zhou Yun would be over.

An actor like Zhou Yun with works, awards, and popularity with the audience will not be crushed by some unwarranted attacks casually.
On a supposedly peaceful Thursday morning, Cheng Shenliu was surrounded by some fans at the airport.

Someone asked her when she would join the filming group.

Cheng Shenlu said that he was reading the script.

Because of the popularity of "Chen Yin", Cheng Shenlu has also gained a lot of popularity and attention recently.The character she plays is smart, alert, wise, lively and cute, completely different from the bitter and bitter Chen Yin, and because she takes on one of the few funny plots in the play, she is loved by everyone.

Cheng Shenlu has been very busy recently, and he is very busy.

She is very glad that she took over the show and played this role.

At the same time when Xiaohua was already acting as the heroine, she still played the supporting actress, which made many people who believe in "better be a chicken head than a phoenix tail" not understand.

The popularity of "Chen Yin" proved the correctness of her choice.

Her team didn't buy her a hot search, but because of her high popularity, the platform itself actively promoted her.

The number of unsolicited jobs coming to her has also grown exponentially.

"How does Shen Lu feel about your current acting skills? Everyone praises that your acting this time is very different from before, and it is a more relaxed acting."

Cheng Shenlu is also very willing to share with his fans the feeling of filming this movie, so he said it directly.

"This time I acted more confidently, working with a good team, all aspects are professional, I just need to do my own thing, and everyone around will help you to do your own thing, which makes me It is easier to get into the state at the filming scene." Cheng Shenlu said, "I had a lot of fun filming "Chen Yin" and learned a lot."

"Two days ago, a website said that you and Xu Siyao are the top young actresses who have debuted in the past three years. Did you see that?"

"Ah? Really? I didn't see it, but these are not important. I don't care about these claims. I'm still young and don't have much experience. Let's film well first and hone my acting skills. I My idol is Sister Xiaoyun, I hope to become an actress like her."
In fact, it was such a normal exchange, but it was taken out of context as "Cheng Shenlu avoided talking about Xu Siyao, and bluntly said that Zhou Yun is her idol".


In the entertainment industry, such news appears every day, taken out of context, embezzled, explosive, interesting, and eye-catching.

Zhou Yun knew about this, and she only found out after Cheng Shenlu sent her a message to apologize.

Cheng Shenlu said: Sister Xiaoyun, I'm sorry I caused you some trouble. I didn't mean it. I didn't expect that some unscrupulous marketing accounts deliberately fermented other meanings into what I said.

Zhou Yun was a little puzzled when he saw the message from Cheng Shenlu. He searched the Internet to find out what happened.

Zhou Yun comforted Cheng Shenlu: It's okay, a little thing is not what you meant.

(End of this chapter)

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