Chapter 891
Now, Zhou Yun really doesn't take those voices on the Internet very seriously.

The main reason is that she is becoming more and more aware that in many cases, those voices may not be real voices, nor may they be rational and targeted voices, and there is really no need to listen to them.

But she also understood Shen Lv's uneasiness.

People who have not experienced these things can't avoid panic and tossing and turning.

Compared with hello and me, in fact, everyone prefers to watch Enter the Dragon.

The so-called beautiful friendship will never be as eye-catching as tearing flowers.

Therefore, whether it is between Cheng Shenlu and Xu Siyao, or between Xu Siyao and Zhou Yun, there will never be a shortage of people who pick things up.

To escape from this trap, one must maintain enough rationality and enough objectivity.

But it's too hard.

This is especially true for newcomers like Cheng Shenlu who have just debuted and become popular soon.

Cheng Shenlu really didn't like Xu Siyao, and most of the actors didn't like Xu Siyao.

They are all engaged in this profession, and everyone has a ruler in mind.

But Cheng Shenlu knew better that he was simply not good enough to sing against Xu Siyao.

She has been popular for a few years, and she fought with Zhou Yun. Although she didn't win, she was the only one who forcibly created the popularity of a first-line female star from Zhou Yun.

After being thrown far behind by Zhou Yun, she did not disappear from the crowd and lost her sense of existence. Instead, relying on the "evil girl" character set, the characteristics of "distinctive personality", and the label of "selfish enough to be clear and frank", unexpectedly in She survived this brutal arena and defended her position as an A-list female star.

No one dares to underestimate this kind of ability.

Cheng Shenlu regretted that those words she said at the airport were taken out of context, but she was unwilling to say "Xu Siyao is also an actress I admire, so don't take the marketing account out of context" now.

People still have their own principles.

Cheng Shenlu didn't want to say anything against his will - this is also a common problem among young people.

"Actually, when I think about it now, when I was filming "Under Dress", the act of wanting to add scenes was really too much, but Sister Xiaoyun really didn't mind at all, and she didn't take it to heart at all later. Recommended some suitable plays for me." Cheng Shenlu said privately to his family, "She is really good, not fake, I want to be like her."

It was a headache for the manager to meet an artist like her.

The quickest way to eliminate the online turmoil is for Cheng Shenlu to come out and say that he didn't mean it that way, it was just taken out of context by others, and then the two teams communicate again, and the heat of this matter can be suppressed.However, Cheng Shenlu himself was not happy, and would rather bear the insults and ridicule from Xu Siyao's fans.Those words were ugly, scolding Cheng Shenlu who didn't know the heights of the world when he was just popular, scolding Shenlu shameless, all kinds of things.

Cheng Shenlu's temper has become stubborn at this time, and she feels that since you have said so, then she will stand up to the end, even if she didn't mean it at the beginning, she is not willing to let it go now.

The only thing she felt sorry for was that Zhou Yun was involved in this incident.
There are few secrets in the showbiz.

The disagreement between Cheng Shenlu and the management team quickly spread.

The reason why it spread was naturally that someone in her team was not strict with her mouth.

Zhou Lan told Zhou Yun as a joke: "Cheng Shenlu's team is probably very big, so why do many management teams now take the artist's social accounts into their own hands, alas, there is no way , sometimes immature artists drag down the work of the entire team. This matter is obviously not good for Cheng Shenlu if it continues, but Cheng Shenlu still insists on refusing to cooperate with the team's plan. If it continues, her work will suffer. Influence."

Hearing this, Zhou Yun pondered for a few seconds.

"Actually, she is a very simple girl. When we filmed "Under Dress" together, I thought she was quite simple, a little bit ambitious, and loves beauty, but she didn't have too complicated thoughts. It is understandable to be so stubborn." Zhou Yun said, "We have all been so stubborn before."

"Then you are much better than her, at least you will actively discuss the solution with us, and never insist on it."

"Sister Lan, do you have too much filter on me?" Zhou Yun showed an unbelievable expression.

Zhou Lan frowned in doubt: "Really?"

Zhou Yun: "I myself know how stubborn I am sometimes. You even said that I am much better than Cheng Shenlu. It seems that you can't believe your evaluation of me in the future. You think you are objective, but in fact you have already Bless my filter, haha."

Zhou Lan clicked his tongue twice and said, "It seems to be true. I thought about it carefully. In my heart, you are almost a person without flaws."

"Look, my god." Zhou Yun squinted.

"You can't blame me. Not all people are like this. After getting along for a long time, it's always like this."

The two talked and laughed for a while.

Zhou Lan said: "We have to make a final decision on the play "Flower City". Whether to sign or not, to act or not? They have been waiting for us for more than a year, and they can't hold on to them anymore. Waiting for our quasi-letter."

"Act." Zhou Yun nodded, "Sign a contract with them, the script has been revised almost, and I am also satisfied."

"That's fine." Zhou Lan nodded, "Now they can breathe a sigh of relief."

"However, this drama will take a long time to shoot." Zhou Yun said, "The script is very thick."

"Well, it is probably the longest filming time since your debut. Roughly, you have to give them at least 120 days of filming time here. I guess this is not enough." Zhou Lan said, "You have a lot of dramas. You've never been filming for so long, have you?"

"No." Zhou Yun shook his head.

It really doesn't.

This is just a conservative estimate.

Zhou Lan said: "Fortunately, you have a lot of stock, and there are still many dramas that have not been shown. Even if you don't leave the mountain for half a year, you will definitely be well exposed."

"Well, it would be great if one day I could not care about the exposure." Zhou Yun was not arrogant enough to think that he didn't need to be exposed now.

Zhou Lan: "There will be a day when the only difference you have now is your age. Let's take a slow, step-by-step approach to filming and walk over step by step."

"Yeah." Zhou Yun nodded.
On this day, Zhou Yun participated in a reception for a brand event, and because she was the spokesperson, she dressed up to attend.

At the reception, she accidentally ran into Zhang Na, the producer of the Female Filmmakers Forum.

"Hi, Miss Na."

"Xiaoyun, long time no see." Zhang Na greeted her in surprise, "Wow, you are so shining today."

Zhou Yun: "Thank you, you too, I really like the earrings you are wearing today."

"Really?" Zhang Na exchanged pleasantries with her for a moment, "I heard that you finally have some free time recently, and you don't have any plans for shooting later?"

"In July, I will continue to shoot a few scenes of a movie. Apart from that, I really have no other shooting plans this year. I was too tired before, and I also want to take a good rest."

"I'm preparing a show and I want to invite you to record it." Zhang Na said, "I heard that you like reading mystery novels before, and this show is about detectives and solving crimes."

Zhou Yun was taken aback, "Huh?"

Zhang Na said: "Similar to role-playing, each episode has different characters appearing in a case story, and we want to find out who the murderer is."

"Such a program seems to exist already?" Zhou Yun said.

In recent years, various types of programs have emerged one after another, with all themes.

Although Zhou Yun participated in very little, he saw a lot.

Do you want to participate in a program recording?
Zhou Yun didn't think it through.

In fact, for her, she feels that she needs to maintain the sense of mystery as an actor and reduce frequent exposure, so that she can have a sense of expectation and surprise every time she comes out.

But to some extent, now is not the time for actors to maintain a sense of mystery.

Zhou Yun's own concept changed unconsciously.

When she chooses a job, she increasingly considers more factors.

The invitation that Zhang Na discarded happened just when she was hesitating.

She asked, "Sister Na, how long does it usually take to record a program?"

Zhang Na said: "We are a crime-solving reasoning program, and the recording time is generally one to two days."

It doesn't take long.

Zhou Yun said: "Let's find a time later and talk about it in detail, shall we?"

Zhang Na was overjoyed when she saw that there was something going on.

"Okay, of course."

(End of this chapter)

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