Chapter 892 Reception
Zhang Na's invitation was kept in Zhou Yun's heart, and when he turned his head, he ran into Xu Siyao again.

It's been a long time since we saw each other. Seeing Xu Siyao again, Zhou Yun glanced at her in surprise, and Xu Siyao also saw her.

The two people's eyes met for less than a second before they staggered away from each other.

This time, Xu Siyao didn't take the initiative to come over like before, pretending to be false or acting weird.

What surprised Zhou Yun even more was that she saw a bit of maturity and restraint in Xu Siyao's eyes—this made Zhou Yun feel an inexplicable sense of right and wrong.

How could this be?
Xu Siyao is arrogant, domineering, does not take others seriously, and is ambitious.This is the label on her body, her true colors. When did she change so much?The reason why Zhou Yun was surprised was because even though she hadn't seen Xu Siyao for a long time, she still often saw news about her on the Internet, and often heard about Xu Siyao from Zhou Lan and the others.

In those news, Xu Siyao was still the same Xu Siyao, nothing changed.Zhou Yun always thought that Xu Siyao was really like that, without any changes.

"Hey, why are you in a daze?" Suddenly, Gu Huaichun appeared out of nowhere.

This kind of brand event is full of stars, and Gu Huaichun was also invited to come.

He was wearing a gray-blue casual suit, and his hair was also bleached purple-gray. The overall makeup style featured a sense of sci-fi blur.

Zhou Yun glanced at him in surprise, and said, "Your appearance is quite unique."

Gu Huaichun smiled, and looked in the direction Zhou Yun was looking at just now with a carefree attitude, and caught the figure that was not difficult to recognize.

"You still can't let go of her? Look at her reluctantly."

Zhou Yun rolled his eyes at him and said, "Don't talk nonsense, when will I miss her, you can pull it off."

Gu Huaichun laughed, "Then why are you staring at his back?"

"You're smiling so wretchedly now." Zhou Yun said speechlessly, "You are really enough, I just think she has changed a lot."

"She has changed a lot? What kind of international joke are you making?" Gu Huaichun was shocked, and said: "When did she change a lot? She is still so domineering and difficult to deal with. Don't you know that she just made another demon moth?" ?”

Zhou Yun said, "What?"

"When she was recording a show yesterday, she drove away a female guest in the same period."

"Drive away?" Zhou Yun frowned suspiciously, "How did you drive him away?"

"How else can I drive you away? Threatening the program crew. If you don't let people go, she won't record." Gu Huaichun said, "She has done many things like this. Everyone said she was crazy, but she was crazy. Have nothing to fear."

"Why do you want to drive people away?" Zhou Yun asked.

She really didn't know about it yet.

"Who knows, it's so weird." Gu Huaichun said, "This show was produced by Yue Hai, and the producer poured out bitterness in the work group, saying that he never wanted to work with Xu Siyao again, but that's all he said. Well, as long as Xu Siyao is out of breath for a day, there will be no program that doesn't want to cooperate with Xu Siyao, she is so good at stirring topics, no matter which show she goes to, the topic level is not small."

Zhou Yun: "It's not that every show needs her. She's torturing herself like this and offending everyone else. People will only ignore her more and more."

"That's what you say, but do you think she has been blocked by major platforms or program groups? No one will have trouble with money." Gu Huaichun sneered twice, "Xu Siyao has topics and is liked by brands, even though she likes to use her Those brands are not high-end brands, but they can’t afford to give money like others. Therefore, you can see what you can’t offend others by looking at Xu Siyao. As long as you have value, then it doesn’t matter if you offend others. These days, red That's the kingly way."

"Why are you so extreme? It's only been a few years. Can a person like her be popular for two years, three years, or ten years?" Zhou Yun said, "And don't forget, even though we are not I like her, I think she is a big name, not easy to cooperate with, and has a problem with her character, but at least she has always done her part beautifully in her own work. So many people don't like her, including me. I like her, but the characters she played are arrogant, domineering, with distinctive personality and huge personality flaws, but they are also sympathetic, this is her ability, and she still has strength in the end."

Zhou Yun never thought that he would say such a thing.

She herself felt incredible.

Gu Huaichun also looked at her with an unbelievable look and expression.

"What's wrong with you? This doesn't seem like something you would say." Gu Huaichun said in surprise, "Could this be the sympathy between the legendary opponents."

"What opponent, don't talk about it." Zhou Yun immediately gave Gu Huaichun a white look, "Don't you think so?"

Gu Huaichun shook his head, "I'm sorry, once I hate someone, this person has no advantages in my eyes, but only disadvantages."

"You are not objective."

"I'm not a judge, I want objectivity." Gu Huaichun said confidently.

At this time, Gu Huaichun suddenly noticed that someone nearby was taking pictures of the two of them with a mobile phone.

He turned his head for a look, showed a bright smile, approached Zhou Yun, and very cooperatively asked someone to take a photo of him and Zhou Yun.

"My agent said, let me take a photo with you tonight. He wants to create a topic for me that we haven't seen in the same frame for a long time, and let me rub your enthusiasm."

"Yo, do you still need to catch my heat?" Zhou Yun said, "You are so popular."

Gu Huaichun said: "This is not to borrow you to promote my position, you are the first among young actresses nowadays, and I am not."

"Pull it down, you should think about the transformation, don't hang around in Yue Hai's self-produced dramas all day long."

"Liu Ziyan came to see me. You are going to film a scene with Yue Hai, called "Flower City". He said you recommended me to play a role in it." Gu Huaichun said, "I agreed."

"He moves very fast." Zhou Yun nodded, "The script of this play is very well written, I like it very much."

"Really?" Gu Huaichun said, "I haven't read the script yet, I only know that it is based on an award-winning novel."

"Hurry up and read the script and study it carefully. This script is very good, and the role I recommend you to play is also very good. It is worth your time to study it." Zhou Yun said, "This will be a very good play. "

Gu Huaichun: "Is the evaluation so high?"

"I'm very picky when I take on movies, okay?" Zhou Yun said, "Besides, this movie will take about half a year to work on. I don't like it, so why would I spend so much time filming it?"

(End of this chapter)

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