I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 893 Rich and charming eyes

Chapter 893 Rich and charming eyes

Suddenly, there was a commotion at the door.

Zhou Yun and Gu Huaichun turned their heads to look suspiciously.

A tall and handsome young boy walked in with a gracefully dressed middle-aged woman.

They were all unfamiliar faces, but it seemed that many people knew them.

Zhou Yun was a little puzzled, not knowing who they were.

She looked at Gu Huaichun, Gu Huaichun also shook her head and said, "Don't look at me, I don't know them either."

Fortunately, Zhang Na knew her.

She said in a tone of great shock, "How did they come here?"

Zhou Yun quickly asked: "Sister Na, who are they?"

"Don't you know who they are?" Zhang Na seemed surprised that Zhou Yun didn't know about it, "Their photos have been spread all over the circle these two days."

"Huh?" Zhou Yun asked, "Is it a new actor?"

"No, they are the protagonists of the explosive news." Zhang Na said, "They are the concubine and illegitimate children raised by Jing Dongtian outside."

Zhou Yunfan suddenly woke up.

It was them!
Zhou Yun opened his mouth in surprise.

The second day after Jing Dongtian entered the hospital, Zhou Lan told her that Jing Dongtian had raised another family outside. She was surprised for a while, but she didn't expect that she would meet the legendary person so soon.

Zhang Na said: "After Jing Dongtian fell into a coma, they made a big fuss in the hospital, forcing the Jing family to divide the family property between them. On occasions, I don’t shy away from my identity at all, and I’ve heard that I want my son to enter this industry as an actor.”

Zhou Yun was surprised.

She looked at the mother and child from a distance.

In the eyes of everyone, the mother looked calm, even a little complacent, kept smiling, and greeted everyone, while the boy standing next to her was a little quiet and reticent, just standing beside his mother, occasionally answering a word , followed his mother completely.

Gu Huaichun was as curious as she was, and kept looking at him curiously.

Zhou Yun asked Zhang Na: "Then they are so high-profile outside, what about the Jing family?"

"What else can they do? They treat the mother and son like a scourge, but they can't control them. They can't do anything except itching their teeth with anger." Zhang Na said, "Now I just hope that Jing Dongtian will wake up quickly, otherwise , this mess will only get worse."

"He has terminal cancer, and he didn't hurt his head, so why can't he wake up?" Zhou Yun asked curiously.

"Who knows." Zhang Na said, "Now the Jing family doesn't let the mother and son visit Jingdongtian, and doesn't recognize their existence at all. The mother and son can't see Jingdongtian, so they keep telling their stories on various occasions. Anyway, it’s a chicken feather all over the place.”

Zhou Yun suddenly remembered what Zhou Lan said.

In such a situation, even if Jing Dongtian woke up, he pretended not to be awake.


"Oh, you are Miss Zhou Yun! I really didn't expect to see you with my own eyes."

Zhou Yun did not expect that 10 minutes later, he would be caught by this man.

The main reason was that Zhou Yun's scalp was numb because of this pretentiously intimate and tired voice, and he didn't dare to answer for a while.

She looked at him in surprise, "May I ask who you are?"

"I'm Yang Moli." She introduced herself, "It's another wife of Jingdongtian, this is me and his son, Jing BJ Bei, come here, call me sister Xiaoyun."

Embarrassment and struggle flashed across the face of this 1.8-meter-long boy who seemed to be underage, and called out "Sister Xiaoyun" in a low voice.

Zhou Yun felt that his skin was about to get goosebumps.

She gasped, and turned to Gu Huaichun for help.

Gu Huaichun unexpectedly avoided her gaze, shouted "Brother Chen" to a person passing by with enthusiasm, and ran away.

Zhou Yun: "..."

As if she didn't notice Zhou Yun's resistance, Yang Moli said, "Miss Zhou, my son also studies acting. I wonder if there is a suitable opportunity for him to learn from you? My son, he You are very serious and hardworking, and I would like to ask for your support."

Zhou Yun said embarrassingly: "It doesn't matter if I say it, the producer or director has the final say on which actor to use."

Yang Moli immediately said: "Oh, Miss Zhou, don't think that I don't understand your industry just because I'm an outsider. Although I don't do this industry, Lao Jing has told me several times that people like you An actor of the same level can speak more effectively than a director. Ms. Zhou, I know, although it is a bit abrupt for us to come to you so hastily, why don’t you see this, let’s add a WeChat first? We will contact you later, although Jingbei is My son, but regardless of this relationship, he is also suitable to be an actor, look at his appearance, figure, even the old capital said that he has eyes that can act."

Zhou Yun was shocked.

She was a little tired of Yang Moli's relentless pursuit, so she smiled slightly and said, "Sorry, I have other things."

She decided not to pay any attention to Yang Moli and left indifferently.

But Yang Moli chased after her.

"Miss Zhou, don't leave. Do you not believe in the relationship between Lao Jing and me? I didn't lie to you, it's true. If you don't believe me, you can read the parent-child relationship certificate between Jingbei and Lao Jing. We have done it Appraised." Yang Moli chased after Zhou Yun.

Fortunately, at this time, both Zhou Lan and Liu Yun sensed something was wrong and came over.On such occasions, they generally would not stay by Zhou Yun's side at every step.Zhou Yun has always disliked being completely protected by the team members, and everyone who wants to contact her has to pass through the team's barrier first.Therefore, in such a relatively safe place, Liu Yun and the others were a few steps away from Zhou Yun, and they would not come over until something like this happened to help Zhou Yun block the difficult person.

Yang Moli's relentless pursuit made Zhou Yun feel frustrated and irritable.

Zhou Yun suddenly remembered that people often say that to be a human being, you should have a better posture.Yang Moli should really study this sentence seriously.

Yang Moli's posture was too ugly.
After Zhou Yun had left, Yang Moli stopped in resentment.

She didn't expect that Zhou Yun wouldn't let him in, and wouldn't give him any kindness.

In the past two days, she has used the sign of Jingdongtian, not to mention giving more favors, at least she will not embarrass her.But Zhou Yun left as soon as he said, and didn't care about the "Old Beijing" she opened and closed at all.

She is really a top female star, no one will give her face.

Yang Moli rolled her eyes, looked around the magnificent reception scene around her, and finally her eyes fell on Jingbei.

Jingbei, her son.

16 years old this year, 1.8 meters tall, handsome, thin, silent, not inferior to the popular male stars.

Yang Moli thought to herself, she must bring her son to break into this rich and charming entertainment circle.

(End of this chapter)

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