Chapter 895
Yu Zhiyang looked inexplicably pitiful.

His skin, which was originally dark, was still pale.

It is estimated that it hurts to death.

Zhou Yun walked over, sat down, and said: "We came here in a hurry after receiving the news, and we didn't buy you anything. We came empty-handed, so we can only visit you verbally."

Yu Zhiyang frowned and said, "No, you, you can come to see me, I'm already very touched."

He faltered and faltered, still with the clumsy feeling of not knowing how to speak.

"How did you get hit?" Zhou Yun asked.

Yu Zhiyang said: "I was walking on the road, it was fine, and I was hit."

He looked innocent.

The assistant at the side said: "Zhi Yang was wandering around the Thirteenth Department tonight, and when he passed an intersection, he was hit by a motorcycle that appeared out of nowhere."

"Then what about the motorcycle driver?" Zhou Yun asked.

The assistant said: "It's a little girl. She was rushing to take the exam. After Zhi Yang knew about her situation, he let her go to the exam first."

Zhou Yun glanced at Yu Zhiyang in surprise.

She didn't realize before that Yu Zhiyang was such a tolerant person.

"Then you don't plan to find someone to pay for your medical expenses?" Zhou Lan asked.

Yu Zhiyang said: "She, she is still in school, forget it, I left by myself, and she didn't mean it."

Zhou Lan showed an unbelievable look.

"You are stupid, even if she is in school, she will be responsible for hitting you." She said, "Didn't you be deceived by someone? Are you sure that she is a student and can ride a motorcycle to take the exam?"

Yu Zhiyang said: "I saw her student ID card."

"I'm convinced of you. I've broken bones, so remember to look at their student ID card." Zhou Lan complained precisely.

Yu Zhiyang showed embarrassment on his face.
"I never thought that Yu Zhiyang would be such a kind and tolerant person."

After leaving the hospital, Zhou Lan sighed with Zhou Yun in the elevator.

Zhou Yun asked with a smile: "Then what kind of person did you think Yu Zhiyang was?"

Zhou Lan said: "I can't say that I thought Yu Zhiyang was not kind, but, to be honest, if I was hit by someone driving a motorcycle, even if she was a student, I would definitely not be like Yu Zhiyang." If Yang is like this, she casually lets people go, don’t you think that girl saying that she is in a hurry to take the exam is an excuse?”

Zhou Yun nodded and admitted: "I feel the same as you, but I don't think it's strange that Yu Zhiyang would do this. He is a very kind person. , How many people can still keep their own heart? If they are not kind-hearted people by nature, it is impossible not to feel resentful towards a woman like Xu Guiying, but after he comes to us, do you see any hostility in him? ?”

"It's true when you say that." Zhou Lan nodded, "I just sometimes feel that I don't know how to communicate with him, because I know that he has had a difficult life in the past, and it was also very bitter. I can't help it." I just want to be nice to him, and I’m also afraid that what I say will accidentally stimulate his sensitive heart, but the more I am like this, the more cautious I am, this is neither, nor is it, but I want him to release something for me. Everything is OK Signal, very frustrated."

"Ah? Sister Lan, do you still have such a time?"

Zhou Lan is a person who deals with people every day, Zhou Yun never expected that she would still have such times when she doesn't know how to deal with it, especially if this person is Yu Zhiyang.

Zhou Lan: "Don't say you didn't think of it, I didn't think of it myself."

"Okay." Zhou Yun said, "I'm really shocked."
The news of Yu Zhiyang's car accident was posted on the Internet by many witnesses.

Because he is not well-known and not many people know him, this news did not attract a lot of attention.

Until a marketing account got the news from nowhere and said that because of Yu Zhiyang's injury, the summer re-shooting of Zhou Yun's new film "Years" will be postponed.

(End of this chapter)

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