Chapter 896 Unbelievable
The production of a play is always full of various accidents, and to some extent, this is very common.Actors were sick, injured, and filming had to be interrupted.The capital chain was broken, the investors withdrew their funds, and the filming had to be interrupted.The platform returned the goods, canceled the production, and there was no platform to pick up the order, so the shooting had to be interrupted.All kinds of situations will happen, and no one wants to see such a situation happen. However, after it happens, few people will blame it on the person concerned.

After all, no one wants to get hurt.

But the trend of this matter is a bit strange.

Liu Yun said: "Nowadays, there are many fans of Miss Xiaoyun on the Internet who blame Zhiyang for dragging you down. I thought it was a sunspot, but I clicked on the homepages of a few popular people and looked. Usually it is really you. Your fans are not black fans, and they are not deliberately recruiting black fans for you."

Zhou Yun felt very incredible when he heard Liu Yun's words.

why?She logged into her social accounts, and found that almost every social account of hers has many people leaving messages to her, and they are all comforting her. It seems that Yu Zhiyang was injured and the reshoot of "Year" was postponed. She was greatly affected. loss.

Zhou Yun watched carefully for a long time before she realized what her fans meant: they believed from the bottom of their hearts that if "Year" was successfully filmed and the post-production was done well, this movie could help Zhou Yun win another Best Actress trophy .

Zhou Yun didn't know what to say for a while.

At this moment, Zhou Yun's cell phone vibrated suddenly. She picked it up and looked at it. Her heart was shaken by the content she received, with mixed feelings in her heart.

Yu Zhiyang sent her a message, apologizing to her, because his injury delayed the filming of the movie "Years".

Zhou Yun immediately called Yu Zhiyang.

"You stupid, what those people on the Internet say, you are really affected? Who would have imagined that such a car accident is a force majeure factor. If you really blame yourself for this incident, then you It's so stupid." Zhou Yun's tone became a little anxious, and she realized it after saying these few words, but she couldn't change it, maybe it was out of the mentality of caring and chaos, maybe it was the same as Zhou Lan, because Zhou Yun was afraid that Yu Zhiyang would be overly sensitive and hurt herself due to those bad life experiences in the past, so she adjusted her tone and made it a little softer before continuing, "Heal your wounds well, don't read those words on the Internet. , the production team, we will all coordinate together, don’t overthink, it’s normal to encounter various unexpected factors during the filming process, you are not the first, nor will you be the last.”

Yu Zhiyang hummed, his tone still full of apology.

Zhou Yun was helpless.

There is nothing that can be done about this kind of thing except helplessness.

Such voices intensified.Zhou Yun felt strange, why did this happen?It stands to reason that such a trivial matter, even if some people get angry for a while, it will pass quickly. Why are more and more people expressing dissatisfaction with Zhi Yang?After several hours of fermentation, there are more and more voices like this on the Internet, and they have even become popular search terms.

"Is there someone behind the fire?" Zhou Yun asked.

She feels abnormal.

Zhou Lan also felt abnormal.

She leaned on the table with one hand, looked at Zhou Yun, and said, "I've had someone check it out, and this sign is indeed a bit abnormal, but those leading queens are all of them with more than a year or two years old. Fan you recorded, not the kind of sunspots who rebounded, we also communicated with a few of them in the name of the studio, hoping that they can delete the speech, and there is no feedback yet.”

"If there is really no one behind the scenes, then how about it, Sister Lan, you make an appointment with them, and I will invite them to have a meal together." Zhou Yun said, "Including a few of them, they have been active before. Yes, fans who have helped me promote my new drama and done a lot of things are all invited here. I want to chat with them face to face and exchange ideas. They are the most active and active people among my fans. Among my fans The influence in the group is also great, I hope they can understand my true thoughts, I don't want them to do something I don't want to see because they care about me."

Zhou Lan showed a surprised expression.

"You want to eat with them?"

"Yes." Zhou Yun said, "Actually, we should have done this a long time ago. They have done a lot of things for us before, writing protest letters to Merandu, helping me fight against Heizi on the Internet, and supporting me. Thank you verbally, but I have never really done anything. Having a meal with them and chatting with them is always what I can do now."

Zhou Lan thought for a moment, nodded, and said, "You can do this if you want. It's a good thing. They do have a lot of influence among your fans. Our studio often communicated with them and sent gifts, but This is not as good as meeting them in person and having a chat, if only she can really understand our thoughts."

Zhou Yun nodded.
Under the persuasion and explanation of the studio staff, several fans who led the condemnation of Yu Zhiyang deleted their Weibo, but soon posted a new post, saying that they deleted it only after Zhou Yun's studio persuaded them. Not for any other reason.

At this time, Zhou Yun also released a news: Every drama is achieved by the joint efforts and dedication of many people. Everyone hopes that this drama will be good, but we all know that in the process, there will always be force majeure We cannot blame someone because of these force majeure factors. Believe me, when this kind of thing happens, no one blames himself more than the person involved. As friends and partners, we must do our best. Be that supportive person and try to solve the problem.

Zhou Yun's activities were not mentioned in Zhiyang at all.

However, after a few hours of fermentation, half of the people who followed Zhou Yun also knew what Zhou Yun's Weibo was referring to.

People who don't know the reason will know what's going on after checking it.

Wen Bing also reposted Zhou Yun's Weibo, which was also an attitude.

As soon as the two of them uttered their voices, the scolding about Yu Zhiyang gradually died down.

Zhou Lan told Zhou Yun that the fans who contacted were very excited. Except for one girl who couldn't come because she had an operation, the other fans all came to have dinner with her the day after tomorrow. Of course, Zhou Yun's studio also paid for the transportation.
The broadcast mode of "Chen Yin" is a weekly broadcast, and the popularity continues to rise with everyone's discussions.

Now all parties are increasing investment in publicity and distribution, trying to push the popularity of this drama to a new high and push it to the sinking market.

But "Chen Yin" is indeed a bit "acclimatized" in the third- and fourth-tier cities. As long as the tone is a bit heavy, it is inherently unable to obtain a large audience.

Within a week, the three videos covered a vast area in third- and fourth-tier cities.The third video is now full of energy, and they want to push "Chen Yin" to the position of the drama king of the year.At the beginning, Sanfan Video wanted to focus on the keyword "Zhou Yun starring", but the effect was not good. According to market research, in fact, Zhou Yun's popularity in this market is not that great, and his influence is not that great. Sanfan Video Decided to focus on "The most influential Chinese-language drama overseas in recent years, have you watched it?" in third- and fourth-tier cities.

In order to attract traffic, Sanfan Video did not implement VIP to watch this drama.

Sure enough, under the free + overwhelming publicity, the viewing data of "Chen Yin" continued to rise, which was very impressive.

The most important thing is the degree of discussion. The number of mentions of "Chen Yin" on various platforms continues to rise, which is eye-catching.

The heroine played by Zhou Yun, who is gloomy and silent in the early stage and explosive in the later stage, is still in the transitional stage that has not yet exploded, which makes people a little anxious to watch.

On the contrary, Cheng Shenlu's character, in this heavy tone drama, is particularly brilliant with his funny character design.

The discussion about Zhou Yun is all about her good acting skills and her new performance, but most of the discussions about Cheng Shenlu are "funny", "laughing to death" and "I kind of like her".

Since the broadcast, Cheng Shenlu is the actor who enjoys the most role bonuses.

Her rise in popularity has been very noticeable.

Seeing this, Zhou Lan was a little anxious.

Ever since Xu Siyao stepped on Zhou Yun's position in the drama "Ding Feng Bo" and Xu Siyao ate all the bonuses, Zhou Lan was very wary of Zhou Yun being stepped on by other people in the play.

She is ready to buy a marketing release.

When Zhou Yun learned about it, he quickly stopped her.

"Sister Lan, don't do this. It's normal for everyone to like Cheng Shenlu. She didn't use any improper means to step on my position. The publicity is very restrained. Why bother." Zhou Yun said, "Don't worry, this The script is my favorite, and the character is also my favorite. When the show is over, everyone will feel the same as the role I played, and it will be unforgettable, so don’t worry.”

Zhou Lan said: "I'm really worried that you will be used by others. Xu Siyao is a lesson from the past."

"Xu Siyao is a lesson from the past, but there is no need to use her to judge everyone. Cheng Shenlu is very good. She is more liked now because she plays well. Everyone likes her role. We should step on it now. We shouldn't, we shouldn't. It will only increase the resentment." Zhou Yun said, "It really doesn't matter."

Zhou Yun persuaded Zhou Lan.

It's just that Zhou Lan was still a little unwilling. In the end, although he didn't release the draft as originally planned, he still increased his marketing to Zhou Yun to promote the "new level of acting skills" that everyone frequently mentioned.

Zhou Lan's consideration is that when a drama is broadcast, the discussion and popularity of a supporting actress cannot be higher than that of Zhou Yun. Otherwise, in the eyes of the industry, it will be Zhou Yun's failure.

Zhou Yun doesn't care at the moment because she is confident and is sure that with the development of the following plot, her character will definitely be liked, moved and deeply loved by everyone.

It's not that Zhou Lan doesn't believe it, she just feels unsafe.

She needs an insurance policy.
"Look, Zhou Yunfang couldn't sit still anymore after seeing your discussion and popularity skyrocket, and started to frantically buy manuscripts and trending searches."

The manager turned his head in the front row and said to Cheng Shenlu who was sitting in the back.

Cheng Shenlu was wearing earphones. He was chatting with someone, but when he heard the manager's words, he silently pretended not to hear them.

The agent continued to say: "I wanted to market it to you before, but you still refused to do so. You are worried about Zhou Yun, and anyone with a discerning eye can see that your character is now the most popular character in "Chen Yin". When you don’t stand up, when will you stand up?”

Cheng Shenlu still didn't speak.

The agent said: "What's the matter with Zhou Yun even if she's the actress? It's worth your fear that you dare not compete with her? Cheng Shenlu, now is your best chance. There is no one who doesn't love her role. It's a matter of method, if you continue to be so peaceful in order not to make her uncomfortable, you will only miss such a great opportunity."

Cheng Shenlu finally spoke at this time.

"Promote my role, promote me, I will listen to your arrangements, but don't bring others off the stage, and don't compare yourself with anyone else, otherwise I won't cooperate." She finished softly, without looking at her agent, "I'm a little tired, sleep for a while, wake me up when you arrive."

He made it clear that he didn't want to continue talking.

The manager had an irritable expression on his face, as if he hated iron but not steel.

Cheng Shenlu's resistance to his current agent has been growing.

Having known each other for several years, Cheng Shenlu felt that there was a fundamental difference between him and her.

Too eager for quick success, too unsophisticated.

Cheng Shenlu frowned slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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