I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 897 one step further

Chapter 897 Further

An agent's vision can be said to be important or unimportant.

But there is no doubt that if the agent's vision cannot keep up with the artist's vision, the conflict between them will become bigger and bigger.

As an actor on the rise, Cheng Shenlu's past few years have been particularly critical.As an actor, even if 1 people say that strength is important, in fact, you still have to be popular, and only then can you have the right to choose and get the role you want.In this process, planning, dealing with film and television companies, producers and directors, investors, TV stations or video platforms, cooperating actors and other staff, etc.

As the key person representing her to contact these people, the manager's attitude is her attitude in the eyes of others.

The manager's vision, in a sense, also represented her vision.

Cheng Shenlu became popular when she was young, and she had moments of youthful vigor, but in front of Zhou Yun, she knew that there was still a long way to go, and she was not able to go head-to-head with him now.

The agent wanted her to take a shortcut and step on Zhou Yun's position, which was also a disguised promotion.Looking back, didn't Xu Siyao get to the top position through "Fixing the Storm"?Because of this drama, Xu Siyao had a lively "fight" with Zhou Yun for a while.Even if Xu Siyao was soon left far behind by Zhou Yun, who was constantly awarding awards, it is a fact that Xu Siyao's fame has soared, and it is a fact that his coffee position has been promoted. After that, it is also a fact that he played the leading role in every drama.

The benefits are already there.

It's not that no one wants to copy Xu Siyao's path, it's just that few people have the opportunity to copy it.

Because the premise of copying this path is to be able to play a play with Zhou Yun, and secondly, the role you play is more popular and more powerful than Zhou Yun's role.

Now, Cheng Shenlu fully meets this condition, and her manager wants to use this to send Cheng Shenlu into the ranks of first-line actresses in one fell swoop.

This can save years of travel.

So it's a shortcut.

But Cheng Shenlu didn't want to do that.

She is young and energetic, and therefore proud and arrogant.

Why do you want to rub Zhou Yun?

Cheng Shenlu has her own principles and her own moral bottom line, and she believes that she will gradually reach the front-line position.

No rookie has more momentum than her.

Although there are not many leading roles, the evaluation of the roles played is not low, and the popularity is also high. She is a popular little flower without water. In various inventory, as long as the actress with the most development potential is mentioned, she will definitely be mentioned. Almost everyone is optimistic about her development.

Given a choice, who would be willing to offend others?What's more, this person is still the top actress, and she is the "noble person" of Cheng Shenlv.

Her first play that made her famous was "Under Dress". She was able to act in that play only because of Zhou Yun's nod.

Although this "Chen Yin" was not Zhou Yun's nod, but Zhou Yun did not say a word of objection, otherwise she would definitely not be able to act.

In fact, without Zhou Yun as the leading actor, it would be absolutely impossible for "Chen Yin" to gain so much attention with such a great momentum.

The short-sightedness and quick success shown by the agent in this matter made Cheng Shenlu deeply feel a kind of worry.

She was afraid that she would be held back.
Zhou Lan's publicity for Zhou Yun was very extensive, coupled with the attention that the drama "Chen Yin" brought to Zhou Yun, the number of mentions of Zhou Yun's name on the Internet reached a terrifying level.

Zhou Yun's partners are very satisfied with Zhou Yun's recent popularity.

And when "Chen Yin" aired to the fourth week, the character played by Zhou Yun finally started to fight back.

When the self-question and self-answer scene of her "blackening" was broadcast, Zhou Yun's name ignited the Internet for the first time without Zhou Lan's terrorist marketing.

As Zhou Yun said, she believed in the integrity of the character she had set her eyes on.

She knew how depressed and uncomfortable the audience felt about this character, and when she broke out to fight back, the depressed anger in the audience's hearts would be released.

This scene was filmed on a rainy night.

Zhou Yun got off the bus without an umbrella, and hid under the shed at the bus station to avoid the rain.

It was cold and windy.

She was shivering with cold.

When a homeless man suddenly appeared and attacked her unexpectedly, she habitually cowardly and dodged, and finally, she fell into the puddle in a panic.

In an instant, grievance and forbearable anger appeared on her face.

The homeless man snatched her bag angrily, swearing "son of a bitch".

Zhou Yun was lying in the puddle, watching the back of the homeless man walking away, his eyes suddenly fell on the stone in front of him.

Here, the camera gives her a close-up.

The dazed expression on her face gradually solidified, and then, she gritted her teeth and picked up the stone. She got up from the ground, clenched the stone in her hand, and walked towards the homeless man.

Rain is heavy.

The noise of the rain.

Neither of them had an umbrella, hidden by the vague color of the rainy night.

The homeless man was walking while rummaging through the bag he had just snatched from Zhou Yun.

If you find something useless, just throw it on the ground.

Suddenly, the back of his head was hit by a sharp pain.

He raised his hand, touched it, and saw that it was red, and the red was quickly washed away by the rain, so he couldn't see it.

He turned around in disbelief, and saw the woman who had just fallen into the puddle staring at him, eyes filled with hysterical hatred.

She raised the branch she picked up from nowhere in her hand, and yanked it towards him.

"Give it back to me! Give me back the bag!" Zhou Yun yelled hysterically while smoking. Her facial features were distorted, making her look even more ferocious in the majestic rain.

However, Jiang Xin handled this scene too well.

What he wants is such an explosion after being suppressed for a long time.

The more ferocious, the more hysterical, the more vented.
Zhou Yun's acting style is generally more restrained, and rarely acted this way.

Therefore, after this episode was broadcast, Zhou Yun's counterattack in the rainy night was frequently mentioned and reposted by many people.

Zhou Yun's good friend, the editor of "Victor", and a self-media blogger with millions of fans, Wen Lanlan, just after this episode aired, he posted a long article in which he said :
To be honest, before today's episode aired, my palms were sweating, because Xiaoyun played a very thankless role. Everyone said that Xiaoyun's acting skills are good, but, helplessly, This character is not likable, even though I am Xiaoyun's friend, I have to admit that this is not a character that we will enjoy watching or sympathize with.She was too depressed, expressionless, taciturn, and even made people feel gray.I wondered for a while, why did Xiaoyun play such a role?Just because she hasn't played such a bullied and ignored character?Just because of the heaviness of the role?
After this episode aired tonight, I finally figured it out.A character, she has changes, and tonight, she finally has a change, we are all sweating for Chen Yin, feel aggrieved and uncomfortable for Chen Yin being wronged and suspected, and Chen Yin's unhappiness Resist, do not justify and feel angry.Now, tonight, one breath was like a balloon that was constantly being inflated and finally exploded.While Chen Yin was beating that homeless man again and again, why wasn't he beating his cowardly self in the past?Is a brave person born brave?How can a cowardly person gain his own courage?
Zhou Yun's provocative vision has always been praised.This time, she chose to play "Chen Yin", willing to play a cowardly and inferior character who is not liked by the audience in so many episodes before the plot unfolds. Perhaps it is to show a change of character and a kind of courage starting from tonight obtained.
After reading the text written by Wen Lanlan, Zhou Yun couldn't help sighing, as expected of an editor, the writing is really good.

Wen Lanlan was originally a blogger with a lot of fans, and also the editor of "Victor", her long articles were viewed by many people.

In fact, many viewers felt the same as Wen Lanlan after watching this episode.

It's just because their expressive ability may not be as good as Wen Lanlan's, and they don't know how to organize the language and express their feelings. Therefore, after they read Wen Lanlan's words, they all have a feeling of empathy, or Like, or comment.

Zhou Lan immediately spent money to buy exposure for Wen Lanlan's long article, so that more people could read it.

This is no longer an era when the smell of wine is not afraid of deep alleys.

Zhou Lan thinks that Wen Lanlan's article just highlights Zhou Yun's goodness in this play.

So, she wanted to promote this entry: Why did Zhou Yun play "Chen Yin"? ——
"Actors like Zhou Yun don't need to take risks at all. There are many roles that are suitable for her and can also show her acting skills. The kind of big heroine, with a sense of justice, there is no lack of big IP, and there is no lack of more commercial value. Yes, in fact, everyone can see that "Chen Yin" is not a big hit drama in the traditional sense. Its style is more realistic, and it is a movie-like realism, which is very rare in Chinese dramas. This kind of realistic drama series that uses film narrative method has achieved such a response and enthusiasm, and it is the only one. Director Jiang Xin and Zhou Yun took a big risk to expand the Chinese drama series The most commendable thing is that this excellent series is still premiered all over the world at the same time. According to the information we have learned, the overseas ratings of this series are very gratifying, and it has already won more than "Deep Sea". The excellent results have allowed overseas audiences to see how well-produced our Chinese dramas can be.”

This is a comment made by film critic Liu Luyao on CCTV's film review column.

This comment comes from the day after Wen Lanlan's long article was published.

The official mainstream media also started to speak out, supporting the drama "Chen Yin", especially Zhou Yun.

Some time ago, Zhou Yun encountered the accusation of Korean actress Song Zhi, and was caught in public opinion for a while. Everyone was worried that Zhou Yun's public image would suffer a serious setback.

But unexpectedly, after the turmoil passed, Zhou Yun was still Zhou Yun, standing safely in her original position, without any influence, not even a brand that wanted to terminate her contract.

Facts also proved that Song Zhi did not have any evidence to prove this matter.

The bad effects of this turmoil have basically disappeared.

And the new drama starring Zhou Yun is shining brightly in the world and has gained a very good reputation. It is hard for such an actor to appear frequently and set new highs in the world. The attitude of the mainstream media is of course to protect her.

Not to mention, Zhou Yun himself is an up-and-coming and hard-working actor, and deserves their support and protection.

The emergence of a good play brings not only economic value and returns, but most importantly, any film and television drama is actually a literary work, and a literary work, to a larger extent, represents a country, a To a certain extent, it is even a symbol of a nation and the civilization of an era.Although film and television drama works have not yet reached such a height, in terms of broader influence, it is currently the most influential literary and artistic work, almost none of them.

Therefore, the appearance of "Chen Yin", a Chinese-language drama that has truly gained international influence, is a positive incentive for the industry.

The mainstream media will definitely support it.
In the next week, Zhou Yun will be interviewed by an international media almost every two days.

They came to interview Zhou Yun because of the drama "Chen Yin".

Therefore, no matter how many interview invitations there are, Zhou Yun will follow.

Such an opportunity to maximize the global popularity and reach of "Chen Yin", with Zhou Yun as the leading actor, he does not want to miss it.

The media in various countries have their loyal and regular users, and most of them may have never read "Chen Yin", or even heard of it.

Zhou Yun's interview, even if only one-tenth of them are interested in watching this show, is a very large number of people.

At this time, a very gold-rich fashion magazine cover invitation came over.

The French edition of V magazine invited Zhou Yun to shoot the cover of the July magazine.

(End of this chapter)

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