Chapter 898 Sensation
V magazines have always been very difficult to get into. Zhou Yun has been in domestic V magazines twice. Both times, she won awards because of the movie. The brand bought her a cover, and the magazine nodded.

As for the V magazines in other countries, Zhou Yun has never been published, but has photographed the inside pages.

In the eyes of many people, appearing on the cover of V magazine means recognition in the fashion field.

The difficulty is so high that it was even used by many fans as a real achievement.

Among them, the cover of the American V magazine is the most difficult to get published, and other than that, it is the French one.

Zhou Yun was the first female star in China to receive this cover invitation.

No other Chinese actress has ever appeared in the French version of V magazine.

This was why Zhou Lan was so excited.

Nowadays, there are not many job invitations that can make Zhou Lan so excited.

This is the most powerful proof of Zhou Yun International's influence.

They are all talking about overseas popularity, international influence, and cultural output, but how many people can really do it and have substantial results?

No one dared to claim such an achievement.

Originally, the theme of their cover shoot was planned to be in Japan.

They wanted to shoot cyberpunk themes, and they wanted to shoot in the grotesque night scenes of Tokyo, Japan. Zhou Lan felt that it was hard for him to go to the French version of V Magazine and communicated with them many times. switched to Hong Kong.

If you want that kind of cyberpunk feeling, Hong Kong also has such an environment and scene.

For this shooting, Zhou Yun was also very concerned.

She knew that the final audience of this work would be different from the previous ones.

In previous works, the main audience was domestic or within Asia, but this time it will directly stand in the window facing the whole world.

Zhou Yun put forward several ideas of his own on the shooting plan.

The photographer invited Louis King, who is very famous in the world. This photographer has attracted worldwide attention in recent years and has been on the cover of almost all major magazines.

If he can be moved, Rogge will pay for it.

That's right, the one who helped Zhou Yun public relations to the July cover of the French version of V magazine was Rogge, the century-old Italian watch brand that Zhou Yun had previously endorsed.

This brand has done very little marketing, and it is rare among luxury brands to engage in large-scale marketing.

This time, he suddenly spent a lot of money to help Zhou Yun with public relations, and he didn't know why.

But generally speaking, it is a good thing for Zhou Yun.

There are always no secrets in the circle.

Especially for the cover of the French edition of V magazine, many people are staring at it. Maybe not many people know the people who know the news directly, but they also know those who know the people who know the news.

That's how word of mouth spread the news.

So, within two days, the news spread.

Many people in the circle heard the news and came to inquire one after another.

Especially in the fashion circle.

It has never been worse in the fashion circle to hold the high and step down.

This circle is updated too fast, and it is the home of young people. Everyone is full of a sense of crisis, which makes everyone tense.

Everyone wants to gain some status before they are eliminated.

Without status, it is difficult to move forward.

The editors of several fashion magazines in China called one after another to confirm the authenticity of the news with Zhou Yun.

These editor-in-chiefs are in charge of the domestic fashion industry, but in the international arena, they still have to listen to their own headquarters, and even because of their "status", they don't have that much right to speak, and sometimes they have to "be low and be small".

International fashion resources like Zhou Yun, for most domestic artists, are actually obtained from the resources in the hands of editor-in-chiefs like them.

Only a very small number of top artists like Zhou Yun have their own resource channels.

Zhou Yun's appearance in the French version of V magazine this time is a feat that has never been achieved by a Chinese actress, or even a Chinese female artist.

Of course they wanted to come and have a good chat with the Lord.

In fact, not only celebrities need international influence, but they also need to make contacts around the world.

At home, they may be praised and coaxed, but abroad, they also have people they want to publicize.

For a big brand like Rogge, these editor-in-chiefs are also the big sponsors that eight hundred people want to get into their hands.

People are willing to pay for Zhou Yun's public relations French version of the V magazine, which at least shows Zhou Yun's status in their hearts-it's not just for the Chinese market behind Zhou Yun, and now, many big brands in the country are brand ambassadors. Is it for the domestic market, for the fans and traffic of their ambassadors?
Zhou Yun didn't expect that taking a cover photo by himself would cause such a big commotion.

(End of this chapter)

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