I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 900 "The Eaves"

Chapter 900 "The Eaves"

Zhou Yun's current dominance in the entertainment industry has gradually become a recognized fact.

However, the more this is the case, the more low-key Zhou Yun will be, and he will not be in the limelight.

Zhou Yun is too lacking in qualifications now, and under this "general trend", if he is not careful, he will make people feel disgusted.

Everyone would like to see a young man in full bloom and high spirits, but no one wants to see a young man who is too powerful, and many people even say that he has crushed his predecessors.

Even from an objective point of view, it is true.

The reason why Zhou Yun didn't want to do this was because she knew very well in her heart what the principles of life were and what she expected of herself.

She knows that there are many seniors, but because of the different times, there are differences in opportunities.

Just like Zhang Hongyu, Zhou Yun, who watched her "steal the teacher" performance, knows how superb her acting skills are.

Acting itself is a skill, she has talent, but lack of skills.

Zhou Yun has always hoped to hone his skills.

Zhou Yun thought of Jiang Yuzhen, an old man who had acted in dramas for decades, and was finally known on a large scale in "Questioning the Heart", and then became a big hit in the American drama "Black Forest".

Not every actor is as lucky as Zhou Yun, hard work will pay off.

Zhou Yun has always reminded himself of this point, people must be self-aware.

When the news about the cover of the July issue of the French version of V Magazine became more and more intense, Zhou Yun and Wen Bing went to the hospital to visit Yu Zhiyang.

He could actually be discharged from the hospital, but in order to recover as soon as possible, he was admitted to a rehabilitation hospital.

Zhou Yun brought Wen Bing over here today just to reassure Yu Zhiyang.

"We have postponed the re-shooting time, and we will shoot at the end of August, so that you will have dozens of days more time to recuperate from your injuries." Zhou Yun said, "By then, your legs will be fine, so don't worry. Yes, I heard that you had blisters on your mouth two days ago."

When Yu Zhiyang heard Zhou Yun's words, his cheeks blushed, and he lowered his head in a low voice, embarrassed to speak.

Wen Bing reached out and stroked Yu Zhiyang's head twice.

"Tsk, this hair is hard."

Yu Zhiyang's face was filled with apology, and he said, "I'm sorry, director, because of me, you delayed the shooting plan."

Wen Bing: "It seems that Zhou Yun really did the right thing by pulling me over. There's no need to be like this. Xiao Yu, you should take good care of your injuries. Don't worry about other things. Although this matter is a bit troublesome, it's not It can't be solved."

He said with a smile again, "If you feel sorry, you can help me make another movie later, and you can charge a friendly price."

Yu Zhiyang quickly said: "It doesn't matter if you don't need a salary."

Wen Bing: "That's not necessary, you don't want a salary, and you didn't save me money, just ask a friendly price."

Zhou Yun gave Wen Bing a white look.

"What do you think, are you going to start another show?"

"I wrote a script." Wen Bing said, "I wrote it a long time ago. This was not allowed to be filmed before. Yao Yuanfeng asked me to hurry up and write the script behind "The Female Killer", so I prepared It’s fine to find someone else to shoot, I’ll be their producer.”

"What script?" Zhou Yun asked curiously.

"Talk about a thief who sneaked into the home of an amputee girl, and finally the two fell in love." Wen Bing said.

Zhou Yun: "Huh?"

"I've always wanted to shoot a story that came up on a whim," Wen Bing said.

Zhou Yun immediately asked: "Then, does your director have any ideas?"

Wen Bing said: "Yi Zhe is the photographer of our "Years". I have cooperated with him many times, and he also has the idea of ​​being a director. If there is such an opportunity, I am going to ask him to do it together."

"Or find Xindun to do it?" Zhou Yun asked.

"No, since Yao Yuanfeng is not willing to let me shoot, why should I ask him to cooperate? I signed a director's cooperation contract with him, so that I will be a producer for others without delay." Wen Bing said, "When the time comes, I will be in Get a company outside, and find an investor to get it yourself."

Zhou Yun said: "If you're looking for an investor, why don't you let me vote for you."

"Ah?" Wen Bing turned pale with shock, "You voted?"

Zhou Yun said: "It's a little difficult for me to fully fund, but it's okay to get a part of it. I originally wanted to invest in some books I like. Since you wrote the script, I will help a friend. Yi Zhe is the director. It’s probably hard to attract investment for your debut work, you just need to save money for this show, 2000 million is always the bottom line.”

"Almost, I'm going to find a famous actress to play the heroine." Wen Bing said, "If the salary is not cheap, it will have to go up to 3000 million."

In terms of production requirements, Wen Bing does not intend to lower it.

"Okay, I'll vote for you, and I'll ask others for you." There are also some people around Zhou Yun who are interested in film investment, "Of course, you can also ask Yao Yuanfeng, as far as his enthusiasm for you is concerned, you If you don't let him vote for you, he will definitely miss you for half a year."

Wen Bing: "..."

Wen Bing wants to make movies, just for the benefit of being a well-known director and not being a director himself, but he has connections and resources, so he can set up a business.

"I don't know if this movie will be released in theaters yet, and who knows if it will be able to pay back the cost." He said.

Zhou Yun: "Since you want to shoot, go to the theaters. It's okay. Leave it to me for overseas distribution, and I'll help you sell it in overseas markets."

Wen Bing: "You're really good at it. If there's nothing left in your horoscope, you'll take care of it."

"They are all acquaintances, you, Yi Zhe, Xiaoyang, so what if I don't help out?" Zhou Yun said, "I can help a little bit."

"Then if you are willing to come, you can do more than contribute." Wen Bing said with a smile, "Why don't you come and help me play a role."

Zhou Yun rolled his eyes.

"Just make up your mind."

Wen Bing said, "Do me a favor, it's just a scene or two."

Zhou Yun: "We'll see the situation when the time comes, and I'll help you when I have time."

Yu Zhiyang listened to the two talking, very quiet, did not interrupt a word.

He didn't respond at all to the finalization of his next play in a few words.

He is quite content with his current situation.

He acted whatever Song Chi and Zhou Yun asked him to do, and he didn't have any ideas of his own.

Moreover, Wen Bing and Yi Zhe both know each other and have collaborated on "Year". They are both very good people.

Yu Zhiyang has no objection to filming with them again.

Looking back, Wen Bing sent the script to Zhou Yun.

Zhou Yun opened it and saw that the script was called "The Eaves", and a sullen literary taste came over his face.

She clicked her tongue twice and spent an hour and a half reading, only to find that her tears were streaming down her entire face.

Damn, it turned out to be a tragedy.

Zhou Yun sent a message to Wen Bing: The knife man pierces the heart.

Wen Bing: What do you think?Can it really only be made into an unprofitable literary film?
Zhou Yun: Put it down, as long as this kind of film is not bloody, as long as it is released, the audience will all walk out of the theater crying.

(End of this chapter)

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