Chapter 901 Premiere
How should I put it, Wen Bing really has two brushes when writing stories.

This person is very good at photography and pictures, but he is better at the succession and transition of scripts.

In this script, there is no reversal or anything, it just tells a very popular story that hits the softness of people's hearts.

Two people on the fringes of society hugged each other to keep warm under this small eaves. He understood why she wanted to die, and she understood why he became a thief. In just one day, the two walked into each other's hearts. In the end, He gave his life to save her from an unexpected fire.

On the story, it is an extremely simple story, but the good thing is the change of the relationship between the two characters, from confrontation, to mutual temptation, to quarrel, to mutual harm, to licking each other's softness and sensitivities.

From the beginning to the end of the whole script, there is no word of love, and nowhere is this word mentioned, but in the end everyone knows that the boy must have fallen in love with the girl, and the girl must have understood why he knew she wanted to die, but he still wanted to die. Desperate to get her out.

Zhou Yun said: In fact, if there is more foreshadowing and the background of the two people, the characters will be more full.

Wen Bing: I thought about it too, but my original intention of writing this script was to write about two young people who don't know the past, met and got acquainted within a day, and then what happened.

Zhou Yun: But you don’t want to express any feelings of loss. You want to form the last two impacts of life and death. You have to explain more clearly why girls want to die in the first place, and why boys are willing to sacrifice themselves.

Wen Bing: This in itself is an impulse.

Zhou Yun: People's impulses are instantaneous, but there must be years of causes behind the impulses, otherwise everyone will be confused.


The two had different opinions on the script and talked back and forth for several rounds.

It wasn't until Song Chi came home that Zhou Yun gave up temporarily and didn't reply.

Song Chi is mainly busy with two things recently, one is the release of "Jian Yuntai", and the other is the pre-production of the movie that will cooperate with Sedar.

Zhou Yun has no scenes to shoot, no need to join the group, work can basically be finished on the same day, and will go home at night, the two of them lived a rare life where they can see each other every day.

""The Cloud Terrace" is going to be released in July." Song Chi said, "The same goes for my other movie "The Forbidden Army". I guess there will be a fight."

"Can't you take a little time apart?" Zhou Yun said, "Do you want to grab the summer vacation time?"

"Yes, the publicity team thinks that the themes of these two films are more suitable for the summer vacation." Song Chi said, "There will be a lot of publicity to run."

Zhou Yun said, "Yes."

Song Chi took off his coat, sat down, and stretched, "Isn't "Words of Fallen Leaves" going to be released soon? Why haven't you guys done any promotion?"

Zhou Yun shook his head and said, "I don't know either. It was said that it will be released on April 4, but there has been no movement until now."

"Will it be postponed again?" Song Chi asked.

The movie "Words of Fallen Leaves" has been delayed for a while and cannot be released due to various force majeure factors.

Zhou Yun was also worried, afraid that the movie that had finally been finalized would be released again.
Fortunately, things weren't that bad.

Soon Zhou Lan contacted Zhou Yun, saying that "Words of Fallen Leaves" will hold premieres in Shanghai, New York, London, and Seoul.

Shi Luoqi is going to make a big move.

"Words of Fallen Leaves" was first released in China, and a week later, it was released simultaneously in the United States, the United Kingdom, and South Korea, and then slowly spread to other countries and regions.

As soon as the official announcement was released, Zhou Lan immediately joined forces with the film crew of "Words of Fallen Leaves" to push a wave of hot searches on various platforms.

At present, "Chen Yin" has not finished broadcasting, and "Words of Fallen Leaves" is released while the iron is hot. Many people think that the film crew of "Words of Fallen Leaves" is trying to catch the popularity of Zhou Yun and "Chen Yin".

Only the people inside themselves know very well that this has nothing to do with the hype at all, it is really hard to be able to be screened, so hurry up.

In addition to Zhou Yun, "Words of Fallen Leaves" also includes Zhang Mo, a very popular actor, and Yin Zhou, who has already signed to Song Chi's company.

Several companies obviously attach great importance to this movie and are very cooperative with the promotion of this movie. What surprised Zhou Yun the most was that Zeng Lili, whom he had not seen for a long time, finally appeared again.

After her husband failed to fight cancer and passed away, Zhou Yun and Song Chi went to visit her together. At that time, they also asked her when she planned to come back to continue filming, and if she had any plans. At that time, Zeng Lili said that she had no such plans at the moment.

The death of her husband hit Zeng Lili a bit hard. It would be okay if she was directly uncomfortable and emotionally broken. After all, it would be half as easy to vent emotions.

But Zeng Lili was not like this, she only showed a faint sadness on her face from the beginning to the end, but not much, and after finishing her husband's funeral decently, she lived in secluded life by herself.

Zhou Yun greeted Zeng Lili in surprise, hugged her, and said, "Sister Lili, I haven't seen you for a long time."

Zeng Lili smiled and said, "It's been a long time since I saw you, but I am very happy to know that you are getting better and better."

Zhou Yun said: "I am also very happy to see you, Sister Lily, will you come back to film in the future?"

"Look, I don't want to be bored at home anymore, but I still want to go out and walk around. I haven't come out for a long time, and I don't know how many people still know me." Zeng Lili said.

"Too many people know you, and everyone is looking for you to act in a play. I have several roles here that I want to ask you to play." Zhou Yun said, "Sister Lily, as long as you are free, I will send you the script right away. "

Zhou Yun was grateful to Zeng Lili, the senior who took good care of her before.

She also wishes Zeng Lili well.

In the past few years, Zhang Hongyu came back, Jiang Yuzhen's fame soared, but Zeng Lili missed the best period after the release of "Behind the Scenes".

During that time, many people were looking for Zeng Lili to act.

It's just that Lili Zeng stopped acting.

Now if everyone knows that Zeng Lili has come out to act again, there must still be many companies looking for her.

It has been less than two years since "Behind the Scenes" was released, and Yu Wei is still there.

All the actors of "Words of Fallen Leaves" appeared at the Shanghai premiere. When the film was filmed, almost every actor except Zhou Yun was not well-known. Now, many big names have emerged, Zhou Yun, You Jiang, Zeng Lili, Zhang Mo, and Yin Zhou are all comparable to the star lineup of a commercial blockbuster.

In addition to these main creators, Wen Bing, Jiang Xin, Wang Jing, Liu Yun, Ning Yao, Wei Ruxue and many other stars also appeared at the premiere to promote the film.

A low-cost literary film has formed such a momentum to promote it, which is enough to show Shi Luoqi's confidence and ambition in this film.

(End of this chapter)

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