Chapter 903 Screening
"Words of Fallen Leaves" received a lot of attention. At the premiere ceremony, apart from Wei Ruxue and Ning Yao, who were formally invited and grandly attended, there were other people who were not on the official invitation list but came by themselves.

All in all, this premiere is star-studded and highly anticipated.

Before the official viewing of the movie, this event has already been on the top searches on major platforms.

Some say the film's premiere has a stronger star cast than some gala or brand event.

This is not wrong.

However, Song Chi did not appear at the premiere this time, which also confused many media.

They discussed why Song Chi didn't come to the premiere of "Words of Fallen Leaves", and some media who deliberately grabbed attention directly asked if there was something wrong with Zhou Yun and Song Chi's relationship.

Zhou Yun was joking with everyone at the scene, and he didn't know that someone was already taking the opportunity to spread rumors to gain attention.

On the contrary, Song Chi was the first to discover the voices of speculation on the Internet after being reminded by his assistant, and directly sent a post: Because of work, I couldn't rush to the scene to support, but I have been following my wife remotely.

Attached is a photo taken by Zhou Yun while waiting for the scene, which is a sideshow photo of winking mischievously.

Song Chi told everyone through this update that there was no problem between him and Zhou Yun.

As the most watched couple file nowadays, the two of them are young people with many fans and attention in the industry. Not only are they each popular actors, but they are also award-winning and outstanding among their peers.

Many people hope that they can go on forever, but there are also many people who are waiting for the two of them to break up.

After Song Chi posted this post, there were no shortage of bad actors below, and they even felt that Song Chi was trying to save his respect.

Song Chi was furious.

In fact, he has seen almost all these voices on the Internet for so many years.

It's just that when it comes to things about him and Zhou Yun, he can't bear it as much as other aspects, and he often gets angry and wants to lose his temper.
"Words of Fallen Leaves" tells the story of a Chinese who has lived overseas all year round after returning to China.

It can actually be seen from the title of the movie that the fallen leaves originally took the first two characters of "fallen leaves return to their roots".

However, what Xue Qin is telling is not a story of "returning to the root", but conflicts, contradictions, and final reconciliation.

In the movie, as soon as Zhou Yun appeared on the stage, he carried a literary and artistic style that seemed to be in late autumn.

In fact, make-up was applied, but it showed a bare-faced effect.

In addition, the whole picture is in a cooler tone, and there is a sense of coolness blowing over the face.

Everyone already knows that Zhou Yun is very good at acting.

This is a halo, but also a bondage.

Everyone's expectations for her will instinctively increase, and if she delivers an [-]-point performance, everyone will feel that she is only [-]-point.

However, this kind of halo is also a kind of filter - no matter how you act, others think it is right.

The cooperation between Zhou Yun and Xue Qin started from this movie, going on scene after scene.

He Wenyun sat in the auditorium and watched the movie seriously.

She just finished filming a movie with Xue Qin, which is Xue Qin's third movie.

As Xue Qin's second heroine, coupled with her similar experience in overseas performances, many media have compared her with Zhou Yun.

He Wenyun filmed "Deep Sea" with Zhou Yun, and she knew her well. She also became famous in China because of this drama. However, He Wenyun later returned to Hollywood to film because of the big production of "Chinese Warrior". After filming "Chinese Warrior", she took over Xue Qin's new movie.

Nowadays, in Hollywood, her fame and Zhou Yun's reputation are actually at the same level.

However, Zhou Yun has been nominated for the Golden Globe Award, and has been very popular in the past two years. "Deep Sea" has won Zhou Yun many fans in the United States.

In comparison, if the production company has Chinese female characters, they will still give priority to Zhou Yun.

He Wenyun's advantage is that she has been in Hollywood for a longer time, knows more people, and has a cooperative relationship with Pimchi, so she can get more recommendations when it comes to film resources.

But the comparison between actors and actors is of course not just this.

Especially these two actresses who both pursue acting.

He Wenyun was most concerned about Zhou Yun's performance.

Wen has no first, Wu has no second.

When it comes to acting, there has never been an absolute certainty that anyone can perform better than anyone else.

It is precisely because there is no quantifiable standard that there is room for debate.

Some media have said before that although He Wenyun also performed well, Zhou Yun has more charm than He Wenyun.

Things like Shen Yun are even more mysterious.

In fact, if the person who said this was asked to analyze what kind of charm was added, the person probably would not be able to tell.

However, there is a difference.

This thing exists, not fictionalized.

Even if He Wenyun doesn't regard Zhou Yun as her opponent, there are various voices around her constantly reminding her that Zhou Yun is her opponent.

When cooperating with Xue Qin on the new movie, Xue Qin never mentioned what her cooperation with Zhou Yun was like.

But once she overheard the staff members of the film crew discussing, she wondered why Xue Qin didn't revise and adjust the script much on the spot when making a film this time.

He Wenyun inquired again and found out that when Xue Qin was filming "Words of Fallen Leaves" and "Behind the Scenes", she often made some adjustments on the set, which caused the crew to often face emergencies.

He Wenyun didn't think it was because Xue Qin was more experienced and mature, so she didn't make changes on the spot.

She can also detect that He Wenyun didn't spark too many sparks in the process of cooperating with her.

To be precise, it is the passion and desire to create.

He Wenyun herself believes that she has made all kinds of preparations for each scene, and Xue Qin has never been perfunctory on the set, and is very serious, but the creative atmosphere between the two of them is missing.

After each scene is filmed, we communicate with each other occasionally, and follow the steps until it is finished.

Now, sitting in the auditorium, He Wenyun looked at Zhou Yun on the screen. Under Xue Qin's lens, the latter seemed to be shining with light when he slightly raised his eyebrows.

Lost, fragile, lonely.

These auras lingered on Zhou Yun's body.

He Wenyun watched and suddenly lost her mind.

What if you play the role yourself?

She knew it would be a different feeling.

Where is the charm missing?
Maybe it's the feeling of being in front of the camera, walking into a no man's land where the whole world seems to have nothing to do with her.

At the end of the showing, the lights in the theater went on.

The audience applauded.

He Wenyun also applauded, she had put away all the emotions in her heart, and a smile appeared on her face.

(End of this chapter)

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