I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 904 You are out of your mind

Chapter 904 You are out of your mind
After the premiere of "Words of Fallen Leaves", reviews were opened, and the overall evaluation was good. Most people praised that this film has a kind of alienation that is rarely seen in Chinese films in recent years.

Alienated and cold, this is a very "ungrounded" temperament.

In recent years, because of market considerations, whether it is high-cost or low-cost, they have focused on a "close to life" and "down-to-earth" style, whether it is a war film, or a realistic theme, or a suspense film, or a comedy. The film has a humorous part of the gag.

The main thing is a "baggage".

"Words of Fallen Leaves" does not have such a "baggage". The camera shots and character lines are very "serious". In the words of some commentators, it is very "sunshine", or even "high-spirited".

Some viewers complained: "I didn't expect to see such a bland movie in this era. It feels like moaning without illness from beginning to end."

The story of "Words of Fallen Leaves" is not strong, and the whole process revolves around the character of Zhou Yun, and uses her perspective to advance the story of the entire movie.

In addition, this movie is not a traditional story of "twists and turns" and "inception and transition", so it is normal to have controversies, and it is indeed not welcomed by ordinary audiences.

No matter how artistic the film is, it must first be able to be watched by the audience in order to have a good reputation on a large scale.

However, unlike the polarized evaluations of ordinary audiences, this film is quite popular with professional media and film critics. An authoritative film review media used a sentence called: In the era when the market is king, guard the film itself. dignity.

This sentence is a bit exaggerated, but the title is always like this, the words are not surprising and endless.

There is no shortage of topicality, and it has successfully aroused everyone's discussion on this movie.

At odds with the heated discussions, however, are the film's box office estimates.

According to the survey of professional organizations, this movie did not arouse a large-scale desire to watch movies at the public level.

To put it simply, judging from the current information, everyone is not willing to go to the cinema to watch this movie.

Just like "Cigarette" starring Song Chi before.

They are all starring popular actors, and they have also sparked heated discussions, but these enthusiasms have not been converted into box office.

Zhou Lan was worried that the movie would not do well at the box office.

In fact, Zhou Yun already knew that the box office of "Words of Fallen Leaves" might not be much higher when he picked it up, but Zhou Yun hadn't become the current " "Queen of the box office", in the industry, Zhou Yun already has the myth of "no box office misses". The box office of "The Word of the Fallen Leaves" two years ago was average, and it will not affect Zhou Yun. It is a director's debut, but now, if the box office is not good, it will bring up the topic of "Zhou Yun can't handle the box office", and even form such a perception.

For this reason, Zhou Lan immediately arranged a draft, and he put the ugly words first.

The content of the draft is also very simple. The main idea is that "Words of Fallen Leaves" is a low-cost movie with a small investment. In addition, the same crew also filmed "Behind the Scenes", which has already made a lot of money. " has zero box office, and the investors have long since lost money. Secondly, "Words of Fallen Leaves" is a literary film. Zhou Yun's original intention of taking over the film was not for the box office. Here, Zhou Lan It also added an exaggerated content: when Zhou Yun took over the filming of this movie, he even made a good plan that the movie would not be shown in theaters.

All in all, first lower everyone's box office expectations for this movie.

However, Zhou Lan's approach is like a drop in the bucket in terms of the entire market.

Zhou Yun is on the cusp of who made "Chen Yin" hit the air.

And at this time, "Sinking Moon at Sea", which had been blocked for a long time because of an accident with the tail of the finger, suddenly airborne.

Even Zhou Yun and the others didn't get the news in advance, and directly announced the official announcement, which premiered at [-] o'clock that night.

Zhou Yun and Zhou Lan were stunned, and then they received the news from the show, hoping to invite Zhou Yun to participate in the live broadcast event in the evening, so as to promote "Sinking Moon on the Sea".

Once the news was released, the whole Internet was like a frying pan. Zhou Yun's several dramas were released or started broadcasting one after another. How could it not shock everyone.

But as soon as I got to know it, I realized that it was for the sake of having a long night and dreaming. Taking advantage of the hard time to let go of the interrogation, he was directly airborne, so as not to be troubled by others.

"Sinking Moon at Sea" is a network broadcast.

Spy war dramas have always been TV dramas, and this time, Zhou Yun and Song Chi starred in the couple file, and their eye-catching index exploded.

In the evening, Lian Mai has a host, and I don't know where the show crew invited it. Zhou Yun doesn't even know him.

He was in charge of the process, and one of the questions was to ask Zhou Yun: "Xiaoyun recently met with you for three dramas at the same time. The fans all said that this is the first time Xiaoyun you have three dramas at the same time, right?"

Zhou Yun nodded and said, "Yeah, this is the first time I've experienced this kind of three dramas being released at the same time. I was in a hurry. I was still at the premiere of "Words of Fallen Leaves" in the morning, and received "Moon at Sea" in the afternoon. The news that was broadcast shocked me, not just me, I think everyone should have been shocked."

"Unprepared." Song Chi answered, "Fortunately, the Internet is relatively developed now. Even if we are not in the same place, we can still promote this drama to everyone through live broadcast. Otherwise, the colleagues in charge of publicity will probably lose their hair. gone."

"Hahaha." The host smiled appreciatively, "The two collaborated on a new drama after three years. Do you feel any different?"

Zhou Yun said: "There is a tacit understanding."

Song Chi also said: "When acting in the opposite role, I believe in the other party more than when I first cooperated with "Ask the Heart". This is actually very important for actors to act. You can completely trust the opponent and know that no matter what, she can catch you. It will be of great help to you in creating a character.”

The host said with a smile: "Because the two of you are already married in reality, during the broadcast of the drama, there should be many viewers who are curious about your relationship in the drama, can you reveal a little bit?"

Zhou Yun thought for a while and said, "I don't want to spoil any spoilers in advance. To describe it in one word, I think it should be like-minded. Our relationship in the play is like-minded."

"That's right." Song Chi also nodded, "Whether it's emotionally or religiously, the two of us are consistent in the play, so no matter what kind of misunderstanding occurs, we can clear up the misunderstanding in the end."

The host said: "Do you have any hopes for the ratings of the drama "Sinking Moon in the Sea"?"

Zhou Yun still just said: "It's good that everyone likes it. What is the final ratings? Of course we hope that the more the better, but the key is to hope that everyone likes this drama, otherwise it will be meaningless no matter how high the ratings are."
The broadcast of "Sinking Moon on the Sea" did not have any pre-heating. When the ratings came out on the first day, it fell below everyone's expectations, and it was only 0.7%. This was achieved in the case of a single channel.

Although everyone knew that without a warm-up, the ratings would not be high, but they didn't expect it to be so low.

After all, it is a new drama starring Song Chi and Zhou Yun, and no one is surprised that it only got this rating in the end.

Zhou Yun's other drama "Chen Yin" is still on the air, and the results are so good.

Why did "Sinking Moon at Sea" fail so much?
In contrast, this drama has achieved a very good reputation.

There are often two extremes in spy war dramas, either they are called masterpieces by everyone, or they are picked on by everyone until they are bruised.

The plot and filming of "Sinking Moon" are top-notch, as are the performances.

After getting the first broadcast ratings, Zhou Lan was a little surprised.

She immediately contacted the show party.

The show crew was also surprised by this result. Of course, in today's TV drama market, such a broadcast result cannot be said to be bad, but it is not suitable for a starring lineup like Zhou Yun and Song Chi.

The producers, broadcasters and actors were not discouraged by this.

Everyone has increased their publicity.

Compared with the poor ratings, Zero Point was updated on the video website, and the number of viewers exceeded [-] million within one hour of broadcasting, which is very gratifying.

Therefore, except for the TV station, when the other parties publicized the results of the first broadcast the next day, they all chose the webcast data as the focus of publicity.

The drama crew of "Sinking Moon on the Sea" finalized the promotional plan with Zhou Yun. Originally, they wanted to strike while the iron was hot, and increase publicity by recording variety shows and holding media meetings in the next few days. After confirming the promotion plan of "Words of Fallen Leaves", she will leave for Japan the next day, and then go to the United States to attend the premiere ceremony. The plan has been set long ago and cannot be changed.

Zhou Yun had no choice but to clarify the matter with the show crew, and the burden of publicity could only fall on Song Chi.

I ran all the way, finished the premieres of the other three countries, and participated in several promotional activities of "Moon at Sea" through video.

It was finally over, and Zhou Yun returned to China without stopping, ready to start the road show of "Words of Fallen Leaves".

As a result, as soon as he landed at the airport, he was chased and intercepted by a group of media reporters.

Zhou Yun is really hot.

During this time, the news in the entertainment industry was basically chasing after Zhou Yun.

After several days of word-of-mouth fermentation, the ratings of "Sinking Moon on the Sea" have successfully broken 1, sweeping away the declining ratings of the first broadcast, and the statistics of the webcast are also impressive. The audience of spy war dramas is very large. His performance was praised by many people and attracted more attention than "Chen Yin".

"Chen Yin" is a weekly broadcast, unlike "Sinking Moon in the Sea" which is updated every day. The discussions on "The Moon on the Sea" continued and became very popular. In addition, the relationship between Zhou Yun and Song Chi in the play was complicated and confusing. Today, the two are still swearing at each other. The next day, they found out that the two were acting against others. Turn, let everyone surprise.

As for the premiere of "Words of Fallen Leaves" in various countries, Zhou Yun contributed several sets of beautiful looks, which received enthusiastic attention and discussions from the fashion circle, including the news about the cover of the French version of V magazine, which was known by more and more people , For a while, every day was filled with various news about Zhou Yun.

Zhou Yun was blocked at the airport and could only answer the reporters' questions to satisfy them.

The questions were all focused on a few plays, but their questions were much sharper than those asked by the host hired by the show.

Someone asked Zhou Yun, "Chen Yin" and "Sinking Moon in the Sea", which play she thought she acted better.

Zhou Yun said that he had put in 40% of his efforts at the time, and people didn't listen to this balancing act at all, so he insisted on asking. He also said that "Chen Yin" was also very popular, but most of them were chased by young people, but "Shanghai "Shen Yue" captured many audiences over [-] years old, and asked Zhou Yun why "Chen Yin" was mainly liked by young people, and did not break through the age limit.

Zhou Yun was very helpless and could only say: "Different dramas have their own target audiences due to their themes, stories, and themes. I am just an actor. My job is to perform the tricks well. Other things It’s beyond my control, whether it’s a 20-year-old audience, a 40-year-old audience, or a 60-year-old audience, I have put in my best efforts to create a character for them to see.”

Someone asked: ""Sinking Moon on the Sea" is becoming more and more popular, but Song Chi has been promoting this drama for the past two days, but you have been promoting "Words of Fallen Leaves" because "Words of Fallen Leaves" is a movie. , but is "Sinking Moon at Sea" a TV series?"

Zhou Yun was even more helpless, and said: "That's not the case at all. Whether it's a movie or a TV series, in my mind it's just a difference in the form of expression, and there is no distinction between high and low. The reason why I am promoting "Words of Fallen Leaves" these days , because this drama was scheduled earlier than "Sinking Moon at Sea", and these promotional plans were made before. I can't let people compare it with the original schedule just because "Sinking Moon at Sea" is also scheduled to be broadcast at this time. It's not kind to cancel the publicity plan."

"But don't you think it's a bit unfair?" Someone asked deliberately.

Zhou Yun was very speechless, and said: "Where is the preference? Human energy is limited, and time is also limited. If I can be split into two people to use, of course I am willing to devote the same time to the two plays, but I Just one person, "Words of Fallen Leaves" has long asked me for promotional time, and I agreed, and then they made a series of promotional plans based on my time. Could it be that I want to suddenly broadcast another drama, Did you just disobey the publicity plan for "Words of Fallen Leaves" without authorization? Is this job so random? Did I completely ignore "Sinking Moon at Sea"?"

Zhou Yun's response attitude became a little anxious later on.

Seeing that the situation was not right, Liu Yun immediately took a step forward and stood in front of Zhou Yun, with a smile on her face, and said, "I'm sorry, Zhou Yun has been busy with his schedule these days, and he's a little tired. I'm in a hurry, so let's find time to chat with you next time."

Li Yang led a team of bodyguards to fend off the media reporters and fight for a way for Zhou Yun.

The scene was chaotic.

Suddenly, a voice asked loudly: "Zhou Yun, you don't want to participate in the promotion of "Sinking Moon in the Sea". Is it because, as rumored on the Internet, you have a problem with Song Chi and you don't want to share the stage with him?"

Zhou Yun's footsteps stopped.

Liu Yun suddenly felt bad and wanted to hold Zhou Yun's hand.

But her action was too late.

Zhou Yun took off his sunglasses, and looked coldly at the person who asked the question just now.

Her eyes were as cold as ice skates.

She opened her mouth and said, "Where did you hear the rumors? Are you out of your mind to believe in such rumors?!"

 Recommend another entertainment-themed novel that I have finished, "After Breaking Up, I Became a Popular Superstar in the Entertainment Circle"


(End of this chapter)

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