Chapter 905 March

Zhou Yun lost his temper after a long absence.

Ever since Zhou Yun became popular and even took the position of representative of Chinese actresses, there have been a lot of voices telling her, either directly or implicitly, that she should start paying attention to her words, and that she can no longer think about everything as she used to. What did you say? After experiencing a series of "though but" ideological struggles, Zhou Yun himself has gradually accepted this cognition, and he really thinks that he should pay more attention to his image, say what he can't think, and pay more attention to influence.

There are more and more fans, and more and more little girls like her. She hopes to have more positive and positive influence on them.

But this time, Zhou Yun didn't hold back.

There are always people who are not optimistic, and there are always people who say bad things, she has long known.

There are too many such voices on the Internet, and Zhou Yun has listened to them many times.

However, no one had ever come up to her to mention this matter so blindly.

Zhou Yun was already annoyed by the reporters who asked questions with guns and sticks in front of them, and then heard someone asking such questions with malicious intentions, the anger in Zhou Yun's heart was like an uncontrollable volcano, erupting suddenly .

There was an uproar at the scene, and all the cameras were on her.

The moment she spoke, she knew that she would make a big news.

There are so many media on site, half of them have already picked up their mobile phones to edit texts, and some even started live broadcasting on the spot.

a mess.

Amidst the chaos, there were still many people around who didn't know the reason and looked around curiously.

She didn't know if she had demons and emotions in her heart for those shots that were directed at her.

Zhou Yun's mood plummeted to the bottom, very disappointed.

Even though she has reached the top of the actor's line, but at such a moment, she still feels powerless.

Emotional is the biggest shortcoming of a public figure.

When Zhou Yun is rational, he understands such truths better than anyone else, but once his mind is overwhelmed and reason is driven out by emotions, no amount of truth can compare to the joy of having to break through the gap.

Knowing that the moment he rushed out was a cliff falling rapidly, he still wanted to rush out.

That is anger.

Liu Yun and Li Yang were afraid that she would speak emotionally again, so they immediately blocked her from left to right, preventing those people from rushing towards her violently.

After finally getting into the car and getting rid of these bone-sucking reporters, Liu Yun let out a deep breath, and then looked back at Zhou Yun full of worry.

"Miss Xiaoyun."

Zhou Yun didn't take off her sunglasses, she waved her hand in a disinterested manner, and said, "Xiao Yun, I want to rest for a while."

Hearing this, Liu Yun stopped talking.

She could only quickly report to Zhou Lan what happened at the airport.
The video of Zhou Yun going berserk at the airport is like weeds igniting fire, spreading across the entire field in an instant, burning as fast as splashing ink, and it can't be stopped.

"It's too much. Zhou Yun really went too far this time. He is really a popular star. He is gone. He is no longer the humble Zhou Yun he was back then." An Internet celebrity who has been commenting on entertainment all the year round said to This matter commented, "Actually, you all know why Zhou Yun's popularity is so good? Because she is different from other female stars. She is always very humble to herself. From her debut to the present, you can see that every time she interviews , or other people's evaluation of her, it's all about never treating herself as a star, she has no airs and so on, but now you see, the reporter just asked her about a rumor on the Internet, and she scolded her for being mentally ill , this temper, hey, it’s not too much to say, right?”

There are many marketing accounts and media people who have similar opinions to this Internet celebrity's comment.

Everyone commented on this matter with one word and one word. The basic opinion is to be critical of Zhou Yun, thinking that it is inappropriate for her to scold a reporter like this.

"Zhou Yun may have been out of temper for a while, and she can understand her emotions. However, now that this matter has become a big deal, she can also see everyone's evaluation of her behavior. If you want me to say, she should stand up and say something earlier. Sorry." Someone else said.

Faced with such voices, Zhou Yun's fans are of course not to be outdone.

Why did Zhou Yun come to apologize.

"What a joke, is Zhou Yun wrong? You people who don't hurt your back when you stand up and talk, if you and your lover are rumored to have relationship problems, can you still speak in such a reasonable way? How can you be so old-fashioned? Are you going to apologize to people on the ground? Speechless, a group of paparazzi with guns and sticks in their mouths, they think they have the right to question in the name of the media, right? Calling you mentally ill is an understatement!"

"Zhou Yun's temper has never been good, but I don't think it's the kind of irritable and swearing. I'm not a fan of her, but I've known her for a long time and know a lot about her. When did she lose her temper without a reason? Judging from the videos that broke out on the Internet, isn’t this the reporter who wanted to gain attention and make a gimmick, so Zhou Yun scolded him? Celebrities are also human, who has lost his temper, and it’s not a soft persimmon.”

"If I'm fine with my boyfriend, I'd be anxious if someone asks me if there's something wrong with my relationship."


The heated discussion caused by this incident is comparable to a social phenomenon.

Since her debut, Zhou Yun's "hotness" has never gone down. There are always some things happening that make her active in the eyes of everyone.

But Zhou Yun never regretted it.

Including this time.

Zhou Lan and the others worked desperately to help her put out the fire, and Zhou Yun felt sorry for them, but thinking about it in retrospect, she also felt that even if she did it again, she would still scold her.

Forget about other things, she doesn't want people to talk about her relationship with Song Chi.

In the evening, according to the arrangement of the producer of "Words of Fallen Leaves", Zhou Yun appeared in a theater that had an early screening.

The audience in the theater did not expect Zhou Yun to come to the road show in such a turmoil, and they were pleasantly surprised for a while.

Some of her fans shouted below: "Xiao Yun, come on, we will always support you!"

Some people who don't know the reason take this as an ordinary fan support, but those who know about it know what kind of attitude this person is expressing.

Zhou Yun picked up the microphone and said thank you.

With a glance, he suddenly saw a familiar figure in the auditorium.

She was stunned.

Others noticed her absent-minded state, but they didn't know what happened to her.

Zhou Yun suddenly laughed.

She said: "some things happened today, not very pleasant, but I don't regret it, good or bad, I accept it, thank you for supporting me, as an actor, I have been doing a good job seriously, as an actor As a public figure, I also hope that I can show everyone a good and positive side as much as possible. However, I am sorry, I still have my immature side, and when I can’t hold back, thank you for helping me. When I was perfect and a little unbearable, I still firmly believed in me and supported me."

Zhou Yun's speech aroused cheers and applause from the audience.

Most of the audience in advance are her fans.

Her speech like this was obviously moved from the bottom of her heart, and it also infected the fans who have always supported her.

After the road show ended, Zhou Yun returned to the lounge, and Liu Yun asked, "Sister Xiaoyun, shall we go back now?"

Zhou Yun said, "Wait a minute."

Liu Yun didn't know why, but nodded.

She didn't know what Zhou Yun was waiting for.

After a while, someone knocked on the door, Liu Yun opened it, and saw the person standing at the door, so she knew who Zhou Yun was waiting for.

"Brother Chi." Liu Yun hurriedly stepped aside.

Song Chi walked in with a bouquet of flowers in his arms, took off his mask, and smiled brightly at Zhou Yun who was resting on a chair.

"You've worked hard today." He gave the flowers to Zhou Yun.

Zhou Yun received it in his hand and looked at him with shining eyes.

"Why are you here? You didn't say anything in advance."

"I want to give you a surprise." Song Chi raised his left hand, touched Zhou Yun's cheek, and said with a little pity, "You have no need to compete with those reporters. It's just making yourself angry."

Zhou Yun sighed, "Impulsive, I can't help it. The tone of his voice makes me very upset. Maybe he just deliberately provoked me. I'm hooked."

Song Chi: "Those people said that we have a problem with our relationship, so let's go out later and let them see if there is a problem with our relationship."

Zhou Yun snorted lightly: "Never mind them."

Song Chi smiled.

He gently pinched Zhou Yun's cheek.

"Now don't you mind what they say?"

"I mind, but I don't want to really care too much just because I mind." Zhou Yun said something twisted, "Now think about it, what happens to us has nothing to do with them."

"However, they spread rumors, and we can't stay out of it. If we don't care at all, then it will be what they say." Song Chi said, "We are angry, we are angry, but what should be made clear, we still have to make it clear. "

Zhou Yun put the flowers aside and hugged Song Chi.

"Oh, I'm tired."

Song Chi held Zhou Yun in his arms.

"Then hug for a while, we'll leave later."

Liu Yun has quietly left.
After the premiere, many fans of Zhou Yun were waiting for Zhou Yun and the others to come out, wanting to send her away.

However, they waited for a long time, but Zhou Yun did not come out.

Li Yang and the others stood guard outside the lounge, not letting anyone approach them.

When the fans saw that Li Yang and the others were still there, they knew that Zhou Yun hadn't left yet, so even though they were puzzled, they continued to wait.

About half an hour later, Zhou Yun came out of the lounge.

When she appeared in front of the fans under the protection of the bodyguards, there was immediate cheers, and a group of people swarmed up.

Then, they saw the man next to Zhou Yun.

"Song Chi!"

"When did Brother Chi come?"

"You guys are too sweet, ahhhhh—"


A group of fans shouted exaggeratedly.

Zhou Yun's hand was held by Song Chi, just like what he said before, he showed it to everyone, to those who said that their relationship was wrong.

This scene was shared by many people on the Internet.

Regarding this scene, it was naturally interpreted by many people as a "slap in the face".

Song Chi held Zhou Yun's hand and appeared in front of everyone so generously, it was on purpose.

Just when people were interpreting it this way, Song Chi updated the news, just three words: intentional.

Netizens: "..."
"Tsk tsk, these two people have to make some troubles every few days."

Gu Huaichun and Yin Zhou drank together by the river, complaining.

Yin Zhou smiled.

"Why did I hear a sour smell?" He teased Gu Huaichun.

Gu Huaichun sneered, with a look of "you're blind or something", and said, "I'm sour? I'm sour, what's so sour, and it's not the first time I've seen the two of them showing affection."

"Then when do you plan to have a serious relationship?" Yin Zhou asked.

"Don't talk about it, I don't have that kind of thought, I just want to work hard." Gu Huaichun said.

Yin Zhou: "..."

He was speechless.

Gu Huaichun said: "You signed to Song Chi's company, why haven't you seen you make a few movies? His company doesn't take you seriously?"

"No, it's just that the child is still young now, and Yu Chu is busy with work, so I will shoot less scenes and do less work, and I don't want the child to be taken care of by the confinement wife all the time." Yin Zhou said, "When he is older , I'll talk about it when I go to kindergarten."

Gu Huaichun: "Being a father is different."

Yin Zhou laughed.

"Aren't you going to shoot with Chuchu in your next film?" Yin Zhou said, "You will help me take care of her when the time comes. She is serious and won't let others take it lightly. She has to do a lot of things reluctantly."

"You still need to talk about it." Gu Huaichun said, "Don't worry, in order to let her act in this play, Zhou Lan went to the producer three times in order to get her to act in this play. It was finally settled, and he greeted me a long time ago. gone."

This big IP "Si Wuya", which was discussed a long time ago, was regarded by Zhou Lan as the biggest piece of cake that Yu Chu took over.

This drama belongs to the kind of big IP that attracts people, regardless of the reputation of the final broadcast, the popularity and attention are already a certainty.

Yu Chu starred in this drama, so he didn't have to worry about the ratings - after all, there was a more famous Gu Huaichun starring in it, and he could use the fame of this drama to raise his popularity to a higher level.

Gu Huaichun said: ""Words of Fallen Leaves" is released, I don't think Song Chi's company has done any promotion for you?"

Yin Zhou said: "I don't know the specifics, but there are still some. It is said that it is planned to spread out after the film is officially released, because I have disappeared for too long in the past two years, and now there are no works. It is not meaningful to just do publicity. "

Gu Huaichun clicked his tongue, "Did you find out, Yin Zhou, as an actor, if you don't start a company and become the boss, you will always have to wait for others to feed you resources. Song Chi and Zhou Yun are still smart. When I was the most popular, I prepared a strong backing for myself."


"It would be a lie to say that we are not envious, but we have nothing to talk about. Signing to Yue Hai has both disadvantages and advantages. Not to mention anything else, at least there is never a lack of acting, right?"

Yue Hai has too many dramas, and Gu Huaichun is always the priority.Gu Huaichun is limited in the subject matter of the play, but he never lacks a book.As long as he is willing to play those dramas that make money in the eyes of Yue Hai's senior management, he can change the script however he wants.People outside say that Yue Hai treats his actors too badly, with many restrictions and strict requirements. Gu Huaichun does not deny this, but he also knows that at least the actors signed by Yue Hai don't have to worry about finishing the filming of the film and the next part. No matter where the drama is, you don’t have to worry about your mid-life crisis if you are slow to become popular.

"Zhou Yun has been asking me, why don't I take on more serious dramas and serious roles when I have a choice now, actually, I know what she said is right, but there really isn't one. It's that simple." Gu Huaichun sighed, "She has made her own way, but I haven't. I have only debuted for a few years? Five years? The competition is so big, and I know that if I continue to act in these dramas now, I may not be able to follow suit. As I grow older, I gradually lose popularity and become less popular, but I have no choice now, what can I choose now? If it wasn’t for her recommendation, I wouldn’t even have the chance to be a guest star in Wen Bing’s movie. If she hadn't named me to play "Flower City", how could Yue Hai agree with me to play a supporting role? She always thinks that I have many things to choose from, but in fact I don't. Choose among relatively better things."

Yin Zhou knew Gu Huaichun's pain during this time.

"You just play your own play seriously. You are still so young. Ten years later, you will only be 35 or [-] years old. There is still a long time to try." Yin Zhou said, "Zhou Yun, she If you care about it, you will be chaotic. You have made your own way, so I hope you will also follow her way. However, everyone's situation is different, and the environment and choices they face are also different. What she said is right, you just Listen, if it’s not that applicable, just pretend you didn’t hear it. No matter what, it’s rare for us to have a few friends who we’ve known since we debuted and who can continue to this day. In this industry, it’s too difficult to have a few friends you can trust. .”

"Oh, I don't have a problem with her. I only envy her. That's me. Telling you these words is also asking myself, do I really think so, or are I just making excuses for myself? "Gu Huaichun said, "Really, you watched her step by step to the current height. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is no longer a height that we can reach. You will reflect on yourself. Was the previous choice right? ?”

"Whether my choice is right or not is not based on comparison with others." Yin Zhou said, "According to your logic, I will check the state of no such person now. Compared with you, isn't it the previous choice? Not at all? But I don't feel that way myself, I just sacrificed something because I chose what was most important to me, and that choice was the best choice I could have made at the time, and you too, you Are you rambling about your life? Others say you are wasting your fame, but I know that every choice you make is made after weighing the interests of all parties, not only your own career, but also a lot of considerations So, don’t regret it, just do it, and there will be so long in the future.”

Gu Huaichun picked up the wine glass and took a sip.

"You're the only one who will tell me these words." He smiled and shrugged his shoulders.
On the day "Words of Fallen Leaves" was released, the pre-sale box office was 230 million, and finally the box office on the first day fell to 3120 million.

As Zhou Lan expected, someone immediately bad-mouthed Zhou Yun's ability to carry the box office.

Zhou Lan was not to be outdone, and the press release arranged early in the morning was overwhelmingly sent out by hundreds of marketing accounts and good media: Zhou Yun's new film "Words of Fallen Leaves" recovered its cost at the box office on the first day and began to make a profit!
Not only that, Zhou Lan also released the news with great fanfare through the studio's official blog.

All in all, I want to highlight one point: the box office of literary films starring Zhou Yun is very good!

To put it bluntly, it is a war of public opinion.

Zhou Yun was very helpless, but there was really no other way.The market is such a market. If Zhou Yun's ability to carry the box office is really questioned, it will have a big impact on Zhou Yun.

Zhoulan's strategy is very simple.

She asked the official blog of the studio to publish battle reports every day.

The number of viewers of "Chen Yin" overseas, the number of broadcasts, viewers and ratings of "Sinking Moon in the Sea", the box office update of "Words of Fallen Leaves", and——

On the fourth day of the release of "Words of Fallen Leaves", when the cumulative box office exceeded 6000 million, the studio official blog announced that the box office of "Words of Fallen Leaves" on the first day overseas exceeded 100 million US dollars. The combined figure of the four countries of the United Kingdom.

The figure of 100 million US dollars is not large, but the key is the significance of this figure: the best first-day overseas box office performance of a Chinese-language literary film in the past five years.

One after another, the hot searches are soaring.

A large sum of publicity expenses was paid out.

Zhou Lan felt distressed when he signed, but there was nothing he could do.

Zhou Yun's golden body cannot be broken.

Fortunately, "Words of Fallen Leaves" is very upbeat, and Zhou Yun's fans are also very upbeat.

Although it is a literary film, the story is not strong, and it is not attractive, but everyone is working hard to make this movie known to more people, so that more people can go to the cinema to watch this movie.

The trend of "Words of Fallen Leaves" is not bad.

After 3000 million on the first day, the daily box office did not fall below the [-] million mark on the seventh day. Therefore, a week after its release, the box office of "Words of Fallen Leaves" broke through [-] million.

This made Zhou Lan heave a long sigh of relief.

As a result, another round of publicity drafts were sent out overwhelmingly.
"I like "Words of Fallen Leaves" very much."

During the interview, Gu Huaichun was outspoken and did not avoid suspicion at all.

"Of course, if you want to say that I like this movie because Zhou Yun and Yin Zhou act in it, I don't deny it."

Gu Huaichun still acted like that, and said: "But you can't deny that this is indeed a good movie, right? Although you may think it is different from ordinary movies with twists and turns, it is indeed in the Make a movie seriously."

The reporter asked: "Then Huaichun, if it were you, would you act in such a literary film?"

"Of course I will. The premise is that I meet a script I like." Gu Huaichun took out his interview skills, "In fact, a good script is hard to come by. For a script like "Words of Fallen Leaves", I To be honest, if it was delivered to me, it might not be able to be delivered to me, because Director Xue Qin had never filmed a film at that time, he was a newcomer, and this was a literary film, so my team might screen the script. If it’s gone, I don’t even have a chance to make a choice.”

The reporter did not expect Gu Huaichun to say such a thing.

"You mean your team will help you filter out a lot of good books?"

"That's not what it means. When you choose a book, you actually look more at factors other than the content. In our industry, especially our actors and teams, there are really not many people who can read books." Gu Huaichun Said, "I can't do it either. Actors like Zhou Yun who can really read scripts and judge whether a book is good or not from the content, aside from those old dramas, are rare among us young actors. It's not that we don't want to, it's that Not capable of that."

The reporters were dumbfounded.

What happened to Gu Huaichun?Why did you suddenly bury yourself?

Seeing this, the manager on the side changed his face, and wanted to stop it quickly, but he couldn't.

This is a live broadcast of CCTV's interview. He wants to rush over to stop it. If CCTV gets angry, he will be scolded by the whole network for his behavior.

The reporter didn't know what to say or what to ask for a moment.

I was afraid that if I asked another question, Gu Huaichun would say something unexpected.

"But it's also normal. We are a group of young people who are inexperienced and not that capable. We can only act in one play after another to accumulate our own experience." Gu Huaichun continued on his own, and it was considered fulfilling. A scene, "I mean, I see that many people are wondering why Zhou Yun would act in a play like "Words of Fallen Leaves". Let alone "Behind the Scenes", which helped Zhou Yun get a Golden Globe nomination for Best Actress, is It was only filmed because of this movie, just the movie "Words of Fallen Leaves". How good the movie is."
Gu Huaichun's interview caused an uproar.

The first is his criticism of himself and young actors for not being able to choose scripts, which catered to the criticism of young actors and the team’s standards for picking plays in the past two years, and gained a lot of reputation as "sober". The recommendation of "Chinese Language" has caused many people to criticize him for being brainless.

Gu Huaichun himself was talked about by his agent for how long afterwards, but the turmoil caused by this interview made the box office of "The Word of the Fallen Leaves" rise instead of falling, and the box office rose by about 500 million. It is known in the industry as "An interview worth 500 million box office".

Originally, the box office of the movie "Words of Fallen Leaves" has come to an end, and the daily box office has only remained in the range of 300 million, which is estimated to be between 1.2 and 1.4 million.

Who knows, Gu Huaichun's interview has aroused everyone's analysis of the movie "Words of Fallen Leaves".

Many people began to analyze this movie on various social platforms, and why it is worthy of Zhou Yun's acceptance.

This phenomenon has driven the attention of "Words of Fallen Leaves" on various platforms, and everyone's interest in going to the cinema to watch this movie.

On Saturday, "Words of Fallen Leaves" unexpectedly rose to a daily box office of 2600 million, shocking the industry.

Zhou Lan and Zhou Yun were very confused.

Shi Luoqi even called Gu Huaichun to express his thanks.

Gu Huaichun himself was also confused.

When he was interviewed, he just sent out his feelings, and he babbled a lot. Who knew that he would accidentally renew the life of "Words of Fallen Leaves"?

For this reason, the publisher of "Words of Fallen Leaves" immediately allocated more publicity funds, because they saw that there was still room for the film's box office growth.

Shi Luoqi is also a shrewd person. Taking advantage of this wave of enthusiasm, he made use of his network, contacted a large group of old friends in the industry, and participated in the topic discussion of #Why《落叶之语》值得周云解#.

There are often filmmakers bombarding the status quo of the industry, for example, the movies being made are not movies at all, or the current industry environment, the small fresh meat and small flowers are too bad to accept the film, and so on.

Zhou Yun and "Words of Fallen Leaves" have become a typical case.

The official media also felt that this was a very good case, and they sent people to interview Zhou Yun to spread the concept of what is a good standard for accepting dramas to everyone.

Zhou Yun smiled embarrassedly in front of the camera.

"Actually, I didn't think too much about "Words of Fallen Leaves" at the time. It was purely because I liked the script and the story. I lived alone in a foreign country. Work and life had already caused her a lot of harm, but she herself She has been holding on, because of family affairs, she returned to her own country, and then met some people in the past few days, encountered some things, quarreled, angry, emotional outbursts, accumulated emotions for a long time because of changes in the external environment It poured out, this kind of inner explosion is what moved me the most." Zhou Yun said, "Later, I met Director Xue Qin and talked about this role and this script, which gave me the desire to act in this movie even more. Everyone should know that before I acted in this movie, I have never acted in such a movie driven by inner emotions. Before that, I have always acted in a movie with a very neat story structure, so it is very new to me. It's also challenging."

Zhou Yun's interview has aroused great repercussions in the industry.

Many producers, directors, screenwriters and actors in the industry reposted this interview in their circle of friends.

Among them, Yao Yuanfeng wrote such a passage: "How can an actor go further? It doesn't mean that he is more popular, nor is he more famous. Popularity will disappear one day, and fame will always pass away one day, but you are right. The characters, your understanding of the script, your understanding of the performance, your cognition of what is a good role and a good play, are things you will never lose. An actor like Zhou Yun can pick plays by himself. Her greatest confidence."

The producer Zhou Yun has worked with the most is Yao Yuanfeng.

His speech was praised by many people.

Aside from Yao Yuanfeng's own little things, he actually has a love for film and television, and he also has his own aesthetics for acting.

Yao Yuanfeng is not the kind of second-hand dealer who doesn't understand this industry, he knows what good production and good aesthetics are.

Zhou Yun is such an actor, he is so partial, not only because of her popularity and box office, but why not let him cherish her talents? ——
In late April, "Chen Yin" finally came to an end.

The Cannes Film Festival officially announced that Zhou Yun will take "Chen Yin" to this year's Cannes Film Festival and participate in the screening of "Chen Yin".

No films were shortlisted, but she was still a guest at Cannes.

Brian personally called Zhou Yun and invited her to participate in the film festival this year.

Zhou Yun readily agreed.

In addition to selling films for "Chen Yin", she also has several films to participate in Cannes, looking for buyers.

Besides her, Song Chi also participated.

His "Jianyuntai" was shortlisted for the screening unit.

No competition, mainly to sell films.

The couple once again joined hands to participate in the film festival. Many people still remember the official announcement of the two at the Berlin Film Festival. This time they will attend together again, which is highly anticipated.

 I recommend this book, which has already been completed, go read it!


(End of this chapter)

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