Chapter 906 Cannes
Zhou Yun did not expect that she would meet an unexpected guest when she was going to Cannes this trip.

Liu Qingqing.

Liu Qingqing, whom I haven't seen for a long time.

She looks very thin.

In fact, Liu Qingqing was very thin before, but at that time she was at least a little fleshy, unlike now, Zhou Yun felt that she could be described as skinny.

Zhou Yun couldn't help but want to ask her, what happened to her?
But she still didn't ask.

Whatever happened, it had nothing to do with her.

Instead, she ran over to look for her suddenly. What's the matter?
"Sister Qingqing, what do you want from me?"

Liu Qingqing smiled and said, "Xiaoyun, I don't go to the Three Treasures Hall for nothing, but I want to ask you for help."

"Huh?" The stone in Zhou Yun's heart fell down instead, and it was normal to ask her for help, "What's the matter?"

Liu Qingqing looked at Zhou Yun, smiled again, and then said: "I heard that you are now distributing movies overseas. On my side... haven't you acted in a few dramas with suspense and horror themes before? I want to ask you , can you help us with the overseas distribution of these dramas?"

Zhou Yun was taken aback.

In the past two years, Liu Qingqing has devoted all her attention to suspense and horror films, almost becoming the "Queen of Horror".

Although her popularity is not as great as when she was a first-line actress in the past, she is more popular than anyone else in a certain circle.

Zhou Yun didn't expect that Liu Qingqing came to her to help distribute those horror films.

"Sister Qingqing, I was indeed engaged in the overseas distribution of movies before, but it was just helping my friends, not on a large scale, and the channels we met outside were mainly film dealers. I don’t know many people.” Zhou Yun said, “Especially horror-themed ones, I haven’t acted in them myself.”

She doesn't want to take the job.

The main reason was that she didn't want to have anything to do with Liu Qingqing.

When she first became popular, she and Liu Qingqing were pulled together every now and then, like bound sisters.

Liu Qingqing was rude to her, and she didn't accept it. There were many conflicts and frictions between the two sides.

It was only because of the appearance of Su Yan and Xu Siyao, two more annoying people, that Liu Qingqing became less annoying against the backdrop of these two people.

Liu Qingqing also seemed to have expected that Zhou Yun would refuse, and immediately said: "I know, you have never released a drama series overseas before, and I don't have any big goals. I just keep these few dramas in my hands. We also have no channels to push it overseas, you know more people than me, no matter how you sell it, it’s better than leaving it in my hands to accumulate dust.”

"There should be stable overseas distribution channels for such horror-themed dramas, and there are also people who specialize in buying dramas with this theme. Has no one contacted you?" Zhou Yun felt abnormal.

Liu Qingqing said: "What they give is the price of cabbage, which is too low, and, mainly for movies, the demand for this kind of drama series is not great, and the main interest is some streaming media, but they can't ask for the price, so it's better It's in your hand."

Zhou Yun understood what Liu Qingqing said. To put it bluntly, it wasn't that there was no channel, but that Liu Qingqing was dissatisfied with the price offered to her.

Horror films themselves are generally low-cost, and the market scope is generally in a specific circle. It is not big, and it is normal that the price cannot be raised.

Zhou Yun said: "Sister Qingqing, it's not that I don't want to help you with this favor, it's that I don't think I can help you. I don't know the channel you want. You know, I've never made a horror movie before. The filmmakers I know don’t make horror films either.”

Liu Qingqing said: "When I go to Cannes this time, there must be many people who are interested in horror movies. If you recommend them, they will definitely be willing to watch it."

Well, Liu Qingqing was trying to use her brand.

This is to make a move through Zhou Yun, so that the asking price can be higher than their own selling price.

After Zhou Yun figured out Liu Qingqing's plan, he didn't have the heart to continue talking with Liu Qingqing.

"Sister Qingqing, I'm sorry, I can't help you with this, I'm sorry."
There are not a few people like Liu Qingqing who want to play Zhou Yun's idea.

Especially for those low-cost movies, it is estimated that the domestic theaters will not get much box office, so they can only take other sales routes.

In just a few days, Zhou Yun's mailbox received more than 20 self-recommended emails.

This was received by Zhou Yun's mailbox. In addition, the studio's mailbox and Zhou Lan's mailbox have received a lot.

There was no other way, Zhou Lan could only temporarily pull up a viewing group to screen all the reported films, which were really good, and then consider whether to win the overseas distribution of this film.

This adds a lot of workload to the already busy women.

But everyone is motivated.The reason is very simple, everyone has a bonus, and if they choose a good film and sell it at a good price overseas, they can all get a bonus.With such an incentive mechanism, even if you have to work overtime, everyone will enjoy it.

Compared with studios of similar size, the turnover of Zhou Yun's studio is very low.On the one hand, it is because everyone is optimistic about the future of the studio, thinking that if they continue to work here, there will be more space in the future. On the other hand, the studio has never skimped on remuneration and is very generous. Year-end bonuses, etc. To put it bluntly, as long as you are willing to work and have ideas, you will be able to "reap what you sow".

There are many employees who have this idea.

There are many types of businesses currently working, but the core business still revolves around Zhou Yun.

For a top star like Zhou Yun, if he wanted to smooth out all his work and business, it would be impossible without a team of ten people.

Brand endorsement, business cooperation, film and television negotiation, program recording, script screening, styling and makeup, legal public relations, itinerary services... It's not that Zhou Yun needs so many people to serve him, it's that Zhou Yun's work involves too many aspects and must be different people do things differently.

In addition, Zhou Yun himself also brought several special businesses, such as the overseas distribution of film and television dramas, and Zhou Lan's expanding business, other people's business brokerage.

People in the studio will never be short of resources or projects. They want to get exercise, and this is the best place.
This time at the Cannes Film Festival, more than 20 Chinese celebrities attended, most of whom were invited by brands.

Zhou Yun and Song Chi were not invited by the brand, but the official guests invited by the Cannes Film Festival, mainly for the two people's soaring popularity and popularity this year.

And this time there are also four Chinese-language films participating in the Cannes Film Festival.

Two were shortlisted for the main competition unit, and the other two were shortlisted for other units, including Song Chi's "Jianyuntai".

The finalist for the main competition unit is the Three Kingdoms background film "Scheme" directed by Fan Deshang, with an all-star cast, led by the veteran actor Xu Yuliang, Chen Sihai, Qin Zhong, Fan Zhu, Zheng He, Chen Jing, Yin Lin, etc. A three-generation combination of old, middle-aged and young, and the other is the new film "One Word" directed by Lu Xingxing, starring Chen Jing.

Chen Jing starred in the two films shortlisted for the main competition, which made this young actor attract much attention.

Chen Jing is another actor signed by Ning Yao's manager Luo Peiyao. Before Song Chi had to resign from "The Balcony" because of a leg injury, Song Chi was replaced by him.Zhou Yun worked with him in "Chen Yin", and his performance in this drama was also well received.

All of a sudden, Chen Jing became the hottest young actor at the moment.

The media, which has always been keen to make troubles, immediately began to praise Chen Jing, praising Chen Jing as if there is nothing in the sky and no earth, and there is no one before or after.

In fact, these manuscripts, to put it bluntly, are as eye-catching as they can be written. Chen Jing now has two films shortlisted for the main competition in Cannes. If they have something to say, they can't talk about it.

Among them are He Xuran, Liu Zhikun, Gu Huaichun and other popular young actors. The implication is that Chen Jing is about the same age as them and debuted at about the same time. Now there are two starring actors The film was shortlisted in Cannes, but they were still in domestic commercial production, and they were dumped a lot. They also mentioned Song Chi, saying that although Song Chi was brilliant in the past, he had no fame and no real achievements in the past few years. It hit the street (it was not until "Sinking Moon" relied on Zhou Yun to turn the tide), and the movie was also quite satisfactory (although "The Inaction" had a good box office, his performance was quite satisfactory, and "Cigarette" did not do well at the box office).

It can be said that such a voice appeared as expected.This is the case in the entertainment industry, even if you don’t hold high and low, others will help you push high and low. Everyone always likes to give everyone a high and low point.

It's just that Chen Jing is more cautious and honest. After seeing such a post, she immediately called Song Chi to apologize and explain.

Song Chi had a good relationship with Chen Jing and admired him very much, otherwise he would not have asked him to act in his place after he could not act in "The Balcony".

He knew the pissing nature of those media on the Internet, so he comforted Chen Jing for a while, telling him not to take it to heart, and at the same time told him seriously: "This kind of thing will happen a lot in the future, you don't have to be so nervous, it's normal, I don't There will be misunderstandings because of this kind of report, and, I am very happy for you, really, work hard."

Zhou Yun knew that Song Chi's words were not polite.

Song Chi has always hoped that more Chinese actors will go to the international stage.

Actors are the faces that are most likely to be familiar to everyone. When more and more Chinese faces are recognized by everyone, Chinese-language movies will naturally be seen by more people.

Zhou Yun said: "If Chen Jing hadn't been signed by Luo Peiyao, would you have poached him here?"

"He is very good at acting. If he falls into the hands of a brokerage company without foresight, I will really think about it." Song Chi said with a smile, "However, he is led by Ning Yao, and he has no shortage of resources or escorts. ,fine."

"Are you really not afraid that one day he will replace you as the leader among young actors?"

"I've been in this business for so long, and I've come to a conclusion." Song Chi said suddenly.

Zhou Yun asked cooperatively, "What conclusion?"

"Compared to the past, the end is the same, manpower is overwhelming, especially in our industry, who can become popular, who can become a classic in film history, basically has nothing to do with personal efforts." Song Chi said, "All It is a mistake, or it can be said that it is the arrangement of fate. I am not saying that my own efforts are not important. The height that can be reached depends on fate."

Zhou Yun: "...Although I agree with what you said, I always feel weird when I hear you say such things."

Song Chi: "My core point is, don't worry about whether you will be surpassed or replaced by others, just do your own thing, let nature take its course, it should be yours, everything is yours, In an era, in an industry, there is no such thing as life and death.”

Zhou Yun nodded and agreed: "This is what you will say."

"What's the difference?"

"What you said earlier has a kind of despondency that seems to be open-minded but actually depends on fate. What you said just now is in line with your arrogance that is humble on the surface but full of self-confidence."


"Don't tell me you don't have arrogance." Zhou Yun squinted at Song Chi.

Song Chi pouted and gave up arguing.

How should I put it, everyone is arrogant, especially him. In his professional field, Song Chi has always only recognized himself.It's just that Zhou Yun refused to admit it for a while when he pointed it out.
Before going to Cannes, Zhou Yun went to the United States again.

"Words of Fallen Leaves" was released in the United States, and the box office results are not bad. It is a literary film and has received more than 100 million US dollars in box office so far, which is a good box office among foreign language films.

This is mainly due to the fans of the movie "Behind the Scenes" and Zhou Yun's popularity in the United States.

So far, the box office results of Zhou Yun's several films released in the United States are actually not bad. They are basically the only ones among Chinese-language films, but the absolute box office figures are still not high.

Zhou Yun went to participate in a publicity event.

The distributor held an exchange and dialogue event for the main creators of "Words of Fallen Leaves", and also invited director Chen Zicheng and Jiang Yuzhen, who became famous for "Black Forest".

After participating in this event, Zhou Yun filmed a public service advertisement with two Hollywood female stars, and then took time to have an afternoon tea with Tim Lange, the director of "Killing Song".

Tim Lange shared with her the current progress of "Killing Song". He is still working on post-production special effects and is expected to be completed by the end of this year.

Now, while Tim Lange is busy with the post-production of "Killing Song", he is discussing the cooperation of another project with Merando Company.

It was a purely American film, based on a best-selling novel, and it was a suspense-adventure type of story.

Tim Lange said that he was worrying about a role, and that role required an actor with very rich experience in action scenes, but he hadn't found a suitable one.

When Zhou Yun heard this, he immediately thought of Liu Gang who had worked with him in "The Female Killer".

"I worked with an action actor before, Liu Gang. His action scenes are very good. If you are interested, how about meeting him?" Zhou Yun said.

Upon hearing this, Tim Lange nodded and said yes, let Liu Gang record an audition for him.

Zhou Yun immediately sent a WeChat message to Liu Gang.

She knew this actor when she worked with Liu Gang on "The Female Killer".

Obviously he is a very good actor in action movies, but due to the decline of action scenes, almost all of them have now become post-production special effects. It is not necessary for everyone to have real materials on him, and he has not ushered in his own best era. .

If there is a suitable opportunity, Zhou Yun is very willing to recommend it.

"I went to an episode of 'Chen' last night," said Tim Lange.

Zhou Yun was a little surprised and asked, "What do you think?"

"Honey, I don't particularly like it." Tim Lange expressed his feelings very directly. "It's a bit dark, depressing, not my style. Of course, it was shot very well."

Zhou Yun nodded, "Indeed, many people say that the opening part is a bit depressing, it doesn't matter, everyone has their own preferences."

Tim Lange: "Jiang Yuzhen is also in this drama, she is an incredible actress, I have never heard of her before, but she is so magical, the last time I saw her at a party, She is like a mysterious oriental witch in the crowd, and everyone can't help but look at her."

This is pompous...

Zhou Yun is also used to it.

Americans always like to exaggerate in this way.

Putting this aside, Jiang Yuzhen is indeed an actor with very good control over her acting.An actor who has control over her own performance, the performance she presents has a degree of relaxation and a rhythm that belongs to her.And once the audience is brought in by her rhythm, then the next thing is to watch her laughing and cursing or hooking you away with anger or foolishness.

Now Jiang Yuzhen is filming in the United States, filming the second season of "Black Forest".

Because her role exploded in the first season, her role in the second season has also increased a lot.

"Chen Yin" was broadcast in the United States, and Zhou Yun only came to promote it once. The rest of the promotion was basically undertaken by Jiang Yuzhen, and she appeared on several American TV programs. Only when you go up do you get the chance.

Tim Lange said: "Unfortunately, there is no suitable role for her in "Killing Song", otherwise I really want to cooperate with her."

Zhou Yun laughed.

"Tim, if you want to cooperate with her so much, then find a suitable project." Zhou Yun said, "Or if you are interested, if our Chinese film has a suitable project, you can also direct it."

Tim Lange: "Oh, I don't understand your filming environment in China at all, and I'm afraid I can't handle it."

"There's nothing you can't handle, you have so much experience." Zhou Yun said, "The premise is that you really want to try."

Tim Lange said: "No Chinese film company has approached me."

"If you are interested, let's go and see if there are any suitable projects we can cooperate with," Zhou Yun said.

She felt that Yao Yuanfeng should be very interested in working with Tim Lange.

(End of this chapter)

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