Chapter 907 Eight Movies
After Zhou Yun returned from the United States, as soon as he arrived at the apartment, he received another call from Yu Huaijiang.

Yu Huaijiang told her that he was going to take "The Scholar on the Hidden Mountain" to Cannes to organize a private screening, and he wanted to invite her to attend and support the show.

Zhou Yun readily agreed.

The production of this cameo movie has been completed, and Yu Huaijiang is thinking about how to promote this movie in the future.

Movies like "The Scholar on the Hidden Mountain" whose author has a very distinctive personal style usually choose to participate in film festivals.

However, if you participate in the film festival and don't win an award, it will be a bit disadvantageous for the subsequent publicity.

For most films, participating in film festivals is mainly for selling films.

The cost of the movie "The Scholar on the Hidden Mountain" is not high, and the salary for inviting Zhou Yunlai to be a guest star accounted for a large proportion-of course, this is definitely beneficial. Any crew is willing to pay this salary.

Originally, "The Scholar on the Hidden Mountain" was also going to participate in the Cannes competition, but it was not selected.It is a miracle that a new director's debut film is picked up by international mainstream film festivals, after all, it is a minority.In fact, it is difficult for such a film to start at a mainstream film festival.Yu Huaijiang is also not willing to let it go to those ordinary film festivals to be gilded.

Behind this is a very complicated set of things.

Zhou Yun didn't know much about it, but she was willing to help Yu Huaijiang make this movie and support director Mo Conglan because she thought the script was well written and the director was talented.

So, if they were going to hold a private screening in Cannes and invite international studios to see the film, she would be more than happy to stand for the film.
Perhaps because "Chen Yin" was going to be screened in Cannes, Chen Wenjun also came to Zhou Yun.

"Sinking Moon on the Sea" is getting more and more popular, and the discussion is very high, especially attracting audiences over the age of 40, who are very eager to follow the drama.

It can be said that this drama is more popular than "Chen Yin".

The popularity of "Chen Yin" is still focused on young people, while "Sinking Moon on the Sea" has broken through all age boundaries, and its ratings have been rising steadily.

Of course Chen Wenjun was happy.

The following rounds of broadcasting rights were all sold, and the follow-up share of the video platform also continued to increase as the broadcasting performance increased.

At the beginning, the investment in this drama was very large, because there were many episodes, and the remuneration of Song Chi and Zhou Yun alone was not easy, and the sum was almost over [-] million. rich rewards.

When Chen Wenjun came to find Zhou Yun this time, he also wanted to ask Zhou Yun to match up and let "Sinking Moon on the Sea" hold a screening in Cannes to see if he could find some good buyers in Cannes.

There are still some people on the Internet who don't understand, and wonder why a film festival in Cannes can still show the series.

In fact, compared with the film premieres, awards and movie stars shown in the media, the film festival also carries a very important function, which is the function of the film sales market.

Not just movies, a lot of episodes are traded here every year.

That's why so many studios, producers and practitioners gather here.

Haichi, where Chen Wenjun works, does not have a stable international distribution channel.

The dramas produced in the past are generally sold in Asia, but basically they can't sell much.

Now in the international mainstream market, streaming media is king.

However, due to reasons such as the production environment and process, Chinese-language drama series have not been well integrated with this system, and people are not very interested in drama series that are not aimed at streaming audiences during the production process. At most, they are interested in Big Red The dramas of the TV series throw an olive branch, but the price is definitely not as good as the serious first-line works.

Chen Wenjun has heard from others that Zhou Yun's influence in these mainstream film festivals is not blown out, and many people really buy it. That's why he moved this idea and wanted to use Zhou Yun's side to see if he could We cannot find a good buyer for "Sinking Moon at Sea".

Zhou Yun couldn't laugh or cry when he heard this.

However, if she can promote the works she starred in, of course she is also very happy.

After thinking about it, she decided to help with this matter.

Fortunately, her trip to Cannes this time is not as intense as before, and it is all work, so it is difficult to adjust the time.

This time, there was no need to hurry back to the set, and there was no urgent work to urge her to leave.

She really wanted to seriously experience the film festival itself.

Perhaps it is because there are many Chinese filmmakers attending the Cannes Film Festival this time, and the attention and enthusiasm of domestic media to report on it is unprecedentedly high this time.

Everyone is very curious, whether the two Chinese-language films shortlisted for the main competition this time will win an award.

This time Zhou Yun plans to watch all the movies he can watch as long as time permits.

She usually reads a lot of films, but she doesn't actually watch many foreign films, especially those from less popular countries.

She had already made such preparations, but when she was about to leave for Cannes, Zhou Lan suddenly told her that she would be invited to attend the premiere of about eight participating films this time.

Zhou Yun was dumbfounded.

"Eight, eight parts?"

Zhou Lan had expected her reaction in this way, and gave her the work plan he had made early in the morning.

"First of all, our own two main competition Chinese films, "Scheme" and "One Word", they sent invitations immediately. If you don't help us stand on stage, it won't make sense, right?"

Zhou Yun nodded.

"Then there is Brother Chi's "Jianyuntai". Although it is only a screening unit, it is also a serious world premiere, and there will be a grand premiere." Zhou Lan said, "You have to attend, right? "

Zhou Yun nodded again.

Zhou Lan: "In addition, Spanish director Antonio Silra's new film "Rainbow", Japanese director Yu Zhihe's new film "Walking and Watching", and Merando's new film "Pirate No. 13" have all been sent. Invitation, Yuzhihe is your friend, you will not refuse, Merlando is behind "Pirate 13", we are cooperating with him on "Killing Song", it is not kind to others, and "Rainbow" , This is Mowesen’s special call to me, please help us to stand on the stage, the director Antonio Silra is their new client, and the star of "Rainbow" Mayer Hage is also their client, Since Mowesen has acted as an agent for your overseas brokerage work, our cooperation has been very pleasant."

Zhou Yun: "..."

In this way, it seems necessary to go to these six films.

"Then there are two—"

"The new movie "Blue Bridge and Morning" co-operated by Xue Qin and He Wenyun is likely to be selected as an alternate for the main competition, or it will be the unit of 'A Kind of Concern'. Shi Luoqi has already greeted me in advance." Zhou Lan said, " If you are selected in the end, I will also invite you to attend the screening.”

Zhou Yun: "Oh, their movie has also come out."

"Yeah." Zhou Lan said, "The last film is "Jenny" starring your old friend Elizabeth. Now "Jenny" has not been confirmed to participate in Cannes, but Brian has been fighting for this movie to be put in Cannes Come to the premiere, as you know, Brian has maintained a good relationship with several major Hollywood production companies. He has always hoped to attract more stars and maintain the starlight and popularity of Cannes. An all-star lineup like "Jenny" Movies, he is bound to win, if you really want to come to Cannes in the end, then Elizabeth should invite you to participate, she is also the producer of this movie."

Zhou Yun: "Wow, okay."

Zhou Lan said: "So, conservatively, we also need to prepare ten outfits."

"Please, this is too exaggerated."

"Honey, don't blame me for being too exaggerated. If you want to blame, blame you for being too popular now. Everyone wants you to help stand on the platform." Zhou Lan said, "And you have so many friends and many favors, so you have to maintain them. "

Zhou Yun took a deep breath.

"It's really exaggerated. I, I myself promised Yu Huaijiang and Chen Wenjun to help them stand up." Zhou Yun said, "I thought it would be easier this time. There is not so much work. Who Knowing still so much."

"Looking at it from another angle, you originally wanted to go to the movies more this time, aside from the red carpet, you have achieved your goal," Zhou Lan said.

Zhou Yun: "All right."

Two days later, the Cannes Film Festival announced that the American films "Jenny" and "Blue Bridge and Morning" were selected for the main competition.

Elizabeth immediately sent an email to Zhou Yun, inviting her to participate in the screening of "Jenny" in Cannes.

Shi Luoqi followed closely and called Zhou Yun.

The people in the studio started to get busy like a spinning top.

Zhou Yun will stay in Cannes for the entire trip.

There are no less than ten official red carpet events, and there are many other itineraries besides this.

When Zheng Xiaowen heard this, she wanted to eat all of Zhou Yun's clothes in one go, but she knew she would definitely not be able to.

Brands who heard the news began to "fight with gods".

Zhou Yun ignored the whole process and handed it over to her cooperating stylist, who was busy making the final decision.

Which movies should be released overseas, and go to Cannes to promote them.

I have to meet different directors and producers every day, chat with them, and watch movies.

In the end, Zhou Yun only signed three films to help them distribute overseas.

Contact the coordinating venue to determine the size of the screening event and invite list.

Song Chi said that Zhou Yun's posture was busier than when he had a movie to compete in.

But Song Chi was no better than Zhou Yun.

His company has produced so many film and television dramas, and this time it will be sold.

All very busy.

At the last moment, Zhou Lan secured the invitation letters for Wang Jing, Yu Chu, Huang Zicheng, and Lu Zhongting through the brand relationship, and all of them will appear on the red carpet of the opening ceremony.

Some people in the studio are worried about being ridiculed for "packing".

Zhou Lan raised his eyebrows, he didn't care at all, and said, "Whoever has the ability to pack for the red carpet in Cannes is a fool if he doesn't."

This kind of high-level exposure has to be packaged.

Zhou Lan's words made everyone in the studio nod in agreement.

Indeed, compared to being questioned about "packaging" by others, it is more beneficial for artists to be exposed on the world-class stage of Cannes.

One advantage of being signed by Zhou Lan is that the partnership with top brands is very easy to get. Of course, people like Huang Zicheng and Lu Zhongting basically only take the name and don't take money, and they won't give them endorsement fees.

Yu Chu and Wang Jing were slightly better off, but they didn't take much.

The cooperation of top brands is like this. If it is not a very top artist like Zhou Yun, it is usually others who beg to cooperate with them. Many people do not take a penny to be "brand ambassadors" for others, to get a name , Raise your own social status, and borrow things when you attend the event.

Maintaining a cooperative relationship has many benefits for artists.

The invitation to the Cannes Film Festival this time is a typical example.

Even if a few of them didn't have a movie shortlisted, and they didn't get an official recommendation like Zhou Yun, they could justifiably attend with the invitation letter from the sponsoring brand.

Zhou Lan arranged all kinds of media, and pointed to this trip to increase their exposure.

 My other book, which tells the story of "meeting my ex-boyfriend in the entertainment circle after breaking up", is finished, go read it!
(End of this chapter)

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