I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 908 The actors in the studio

Chapter 908 The actors in the studio
On this day, Zhou Lan suddenly came to her side very mysteriously and asked, "Xiao Yun, guess who came to me just now."

Zhou Yun had a meeting all morning, and he was a little dizzy at first. Hearing Zhou Lan suddenly ask this question, he thought about it and asked, "Who is it? You also want to find us as an agent for overseas distribution?"

"No." Zhou Lan shook his head, "If it was this kind of thing, I wouldn't bother to tell you, how boring, it was Yang Moli who brought her son Jingbei over."

"Ah?" Zhou Yun looked at Zhou Lan in surprise, "What are they doing here?"

Zhou Yun hadn't seen the mother and son since he left the mother and son at the reception last time.

Jing Dongtian heard that he had woken up, but other than that, no more news came out.Instead, it was this illegitimate child who appeared out of nowhere, and was taken around by Yang Moli, and he could hear some new news from time to time.Zhou Yun knew that Yang Moli was looking for a suitable agency to sign Jingbei, and wanted Jingbei to follow the path of an actor.

Thinking of this, Zhou Yun showed a surprised expression, and asked, "They don't want us to sign Jingbei, do they?"

"Correct answer." Zhou Lan nodded, "Do you think it's unbelievable? I was stunned. I was ready to send people away with nice words, but Yang Moli told me one thing."

"Huh?" Zhou Yun looked at her suspiciously.

"Xu Siyao approached Jingbei in private and expressed his desire to sign him."

"Xu Siyao?" Zhou Yun was shocked, "What's the situation? Isn't she still signed with Chengqian Entertainment? How can she sign someone else?"

"I don't know the specifics. However, an actress of her level is considered a first-line actress. Finding a family member to open a company and sign with Beijing North. There are many ways to do this. The key is that Xu Siyao told Jingbei that as long as Jingbei is willing, and Xu Siyao will bring Jingbei to perform in every play from now on." Zhou Lan said, "So when I heard about this situation, I came to talk to you, what do you think?"

Zhou Yun said: "We already have Huang Zicheng, Lu Zhongting, and Yu Zhiyang. The male actors in this age group are already saturated, and it's not suitable anyway. They signed Xiuxiu and her older brother Chen Zhuo, and in terms of age, they are actually not a few years younger than Jingbei, our temple is too small to hold so many people, so forget it."

Zhou Lan: "I thought you would say you were afraid of trouble and use this as an excuse not to sign with Jingbei."

"It's the same." Zhou Yun said, "It's just that I think young male actors can't be signed. There are too many. We are a small studio ourselves, and we can attract resources for a few people. Unlike Chuchu and Xiaojing, they are considered to have already started to do it themselves. The main things that need the studio to work are some big productions and high-end business. The few male actors in our studio have not grown up to now. "

Zhou Lan showed sadness.

"That's right, it's strange to say, forget about Yu Zhiyang, he didn't make two movies, Huang Zicheng and Lu Zhongting have also made a lot of movies in the past two years, and their appearances are not rare, but they seem to be well-known and popular. , have not improved much." Zhou Lan said, "Someone told me that the two of them don't have that kind of starlight, and there is no sign of turning red."

"This kind of thing is pulled down when you hear it. Starlight is not starlight. Red energy nourishes people. When red, all kinds of starlight come." Zhou Yun said, "Before we asked them to act more, exercise more, and improve themselves. Acting skills, for the past two years, the two of them have been serious about acting, learning, and improving themselves. In the future, they don’t need to take on any dramas, and they will take on any roles. It is time to design a development route for them. An outstanding role."

Zhou Lan: "That's right, but the two of them really lack a bit of competitiveness. I sent them to various crews to audition, and the other party's reaction was also the same. The acting skills are relatively solid, but they don't have the feeling of making people shine."

"Not every actor will make people's eyes shine as soon as they appear on the stage. I think the two of them are very good." Zhou Yun said, "Really, I have seen many actors, and I really think that after the two of them sign under you , firstly, don’t cause trouble, and secondly, don’t mess around outside. Whatever scenes you accept for them, they will go to the filming honestly. They cooperate very well, study hard, and have a good attitude. If you don’t cultivate such actors well, who will you cultivate? Ah. The two of them are not from majors. They have a guilty conscience and low self-esteem when it comes to acting. In addition, when they go outside, others habitually think of me directly. They always feel that they are not in this industry by themselves. Affected, this can only be done slowly.”

Zhou Lan: "Why don't I know? Otherwise, I wouldn't have specially asked Xiaoju to take the two of them. Xiaoyu's ability is also enough, and she has been trained. In the past six months, the workload of the two of them is not small at all. Filming , Recording programs, auditions, one after another, maybe because I saw you, Xiaojing and Chuchu fighting each other, and the two of them lacked a little bit of desperate effort, which made me feel a little dissatisfied."

"Yu Chupin is because of her own family's special situation. Xiaojingpin is desperately trying to catch up with me. Huang Zicheng and Lu Zhongting don't have a goal. What's there to fight for? If one of them is a little bit It’s okay to be more popular, there is competition, and now the two of them are equal, there is no competition, there is no competition.” Zhou Yun smiled, “Really, there is no need to worry, Miss Lan, what did you say when you signed them, no matter whether they are popular or not in the future. Hong, as long as you are their manager for a day, you will ensure that they have a bite to eat, and now you have done it too, let nature take its course, and it will happen naturally."

Zhou Lan sighed: "Okay, every time I talk to you, I will be taught a lesson by you."

"It's because the bystanders are clear." Zhou Yun said, "I just love them. You are the one who really digs them out with your own hands. You always ask yourself that you are responsible for them. You are afraid that they will not improve and delay them. "

Zhou Lan: "You really saw my mood right to the point."

"Then why not? We've known each other for so many years." Zhou Yun and Zhou Lan got along day and night and talked a lot. They talked about almost everything. What each other was thinking became clearer and more familiar.

"Take your time, Sister Lan, we can take smaller steps, it doesn't matter, the water flows long, and there are still decades to come." Zhou Yun smiled.

Zhou Lan: "I'm afraid that when the time comes, they won't be popular with me, they won't be reconciled, and they will leave as soon as the contract expires."

"People's hearts are long, Sister Lan, how can they not know how good you are to them?" Zhou Yun said, "Besides, it doesn't matter even if you leave, the relationship with work is always only temporary, and they want to change it." If they try it in other places, we will encourage them. If they really try it out, we are happy for them. If they haven’t tried it, we still welcome them back.”

"How can it be? Even if I favor them, feed so many resources, leave as soon as the contract expires, and bring them back, what do the artists who signed after seeing it think?" Zhou Lan said, "I'm afraid Putting myself in a dilemma, just trying to avoid that from happening as much as possible.”

"I still say the same thing, Sister Lan, don't worry, there are still five or six years before their contract expires. As for whether they are popular or not, it really depends on luck, and it is not something we can control artificially." Zhou Yun Said, "Look, Song Chi has also signed some actors, who are really popular, haven't they?"

Zhou Lan couldn't help laughing when he heard this.

This is the case in the actor's profession, Xiaohong relies on praise, and Dahong relies on fate.

And in this circle of fame and fortune, Xiaohong is not easily promoted.

At least Zhou Yun's studio doesn't have this ability yet.

 Another book that has been completed, please support!
(End of this chapter)

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