I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 909 All-Star Lineup

Chapter 909 All-Star Lineup

Yang Moli stepped on her high heels angrily and left. After coming out of this building, she turned her head and stared at the building angrily.

Jingbei followed behind her, still expressionless, without saying a word.

Yang Moli complained: "This Zhou Yun really didn't give your father face. As the old saying goes, actors are ruthless."

Jingbei didn't say a word when his mother complained.

"Now that Zhou Yun's studio refuses to sign you, our options are limited." Yang Moli said, "Xu Siyao's place is definitely not allowed, she is too young, and she herself is just a star who can only act in TV dramas. What resources to bring you, we really don't know what she is planning, sign you into her hands, your father still has to use his own strength to send her a best actress award, that's a little bit of thought, It's all written on her face, in this respect, she is really not as good as Zhou Yun, anyway, Zhou Yun can't write anything on his face, no wonder he left her so far."

Listening to these voices of complaints, Jingbei was thinking about other things in his mind.

He never paid much attention to Xu Siyao's invitation from the very beginning.

Just like what his mother said, Xu Siyao hasn't grown up yet, and she doesn't have the capital to praise another person.

Jingbei doesn't have to worry about resources for filming in the future.There is no doubt about this.Jing Dongtian just can't admit his existence to the outside world, but he is his own son, which has been tested for paternity, so it is impossible for Jing Dongtian to sit idly by and ignore him.In fact, it was Jing Dongtian and his mother who instructed him to embark on the path of an actor.

It's just that Jing Dongtian can't make everything too obvious, and his current family doesn't want to see this either.That's why his mother made such a big fuss, and when it got big, people thought they were troublesome and difficult, so they pinched their noses and pretended they didn't see or know anything.

Xu Siyao's words are right, there is a fire in his heart, which has been burning blazingly, burning very vigorously.

Jingbei doesn't have much yearning for this place in the entertainment industry, but it can't be said that he resists it.He knew since he was a child that his father worked in this industry, but he didn't know who it was.When he was in junior high school, his mother told him that his father was the famous director Jing Dongtian.

He only really met Jing Dongtian once when he was in high school.Jing Dongtian came to see him before, but he didn't know, his mother led him to meet him when he didn't know.Jing Dongtian owed him, he could tell, but Jing Dongtian didn't say anything, he just said, study hard, don't worry about things in the future, he will take care of everything.

Jingbei has never had to worry about food and drink since he was a child, and he can basically get whatever he wants.However, there is always a shadow in his heart, he is a child without a father.This shadow is very small, and in his growth process, there is almost only such a regret.But this shadow is also very big, so big that there is a black hole in his heart, and there is a fire in the black hole. He doesn't know what he wants to burn, but he knows that there is hatred in the composition of that fire.

Be an actor?
Jingbei does not have much yearning for this glamorous business.

It's just that since Jing Dongtian and his mother have already discussed to send him on this road, there is nothing to say, just follow their wishes.

As for Xu Siyao, what was she thinking, her self-righteous appearance of seeing everything in his heart, Jingbei only felt hypocritical and disgusting.

As many people have said, the entertainment industry is full of hypocrisy and pretense.

As for which company to sign, Jingbei doesn't care.

None of this is what he really cares about.

Yang Moli was still complaining, scolding Zhou Yun and Zhou Lan with all kinds of ugly words.

Jingbei thought to himself, few people would be willing to accept him with his fucking attitude.

Jingbei knew it in his heart.
In the entertainment industry, few people can not buy Jing Dongtian's account.

This is the case in every line. The most famous people standing under the spotlight may not be the people with the most say in this line, but there are always some people whose names appear on every occasion and are not so important However, he is there for every occasion, and he has been in this industry for decades, and he knows almost everyone. If he needs to accomplish something, it may be a phone call, for his sake That's it.

Jing Dongtian is such a person.

Zhou Yun didn't have much contact with him, but he always met on some occasions and said hello.

They don't necessarily need to be familiar with each other, but as top figures in this industry, they know each other's existence, and when they need it, they will support others and save face. This is what they will definitely do.

"But it's not as simple as giving face."

Zhou Yun did not expect that Chen Wenjun would be entrusted by Jing Dongtian to be a lobbyist in the end.

But yes, as the boss of Haichi Film and Television, he also asked Zhou Yun to shoot "Sinking Moon in the Sea". In Jing Dongtian's eyes, Chen Wenjun may be a person who can speak well.

Chen Wenjun was also very surprised when he received a call from Jingdongtian. He never thought that he would take on such a task one day.

Although he was not very happy, but as said before, Jing Dongtian called him personally and asked him to do such a favor, and he still had to do it if he was not willing.

Zhou Yun could only directly refuse.

"Signing an actor is not such a simple thing. You have to be responsible to the person. The contract period is several years." Zhou Yun said, "Mr. Chen, why do you have to sign Jingbei to my studio? I have already signed We have already hired several male actors, and the competition is huge."

Chen Wenjun said: "Of course Director Jing saw that you have become so popular in the past few years and your influence in the world has grown. He hoped that his son would be by your side and enjoy the fame. This is also normal, let alone him. I kiss my son, even the actor I signed myself, I hope to be able to be sent to your crew to shoot two movies, to be in your honor, and I will look much better on my resume."

If it is not a well-known actor, when they go to meet the group, the works on their resume are indeed a place that is very popular with producers and directors.

When others see that this actor has participated in a project starring Zhou Yun, they will take a high look.

The more actors used by such a large group, the more it proves the actor's ability to a certain extent.

Many people will think so.

Zhou Yun reluctantly refused: "Mr. Chen, it's really inappropriate. I don't know much about Jingbei, and I've only met him once. Besides, I really can't accept his mother's way of acting. Have you seen it?"

"Fuck... You mean Yang Moli? I've met you twice, and I understand what you mean. Alas, it's not good to say that, but she is indeed a person that people dare not get close to." Chen Wenjun said, "I am also affected by it." I made this call to you only after being entrusted by Director Jing, anyway, it’s okay if it’s really impossible, but there is one thing you should know, if you are willing to help him, he will definitely use his strength to help you later.”

Zhou Yun: "I'm very tempted, but compared to the troubles caused by signing with Jingbei, I'd better refuse."

Chen Wenjun laughed.

"Okay, I'll go and tell Director Jing. By the way, "Sinking Moon at Sea" has been broadcast so well, and the platform is also asking me if I can make a sequel. I know you have never made a sequel before, but "Sinking at Sea" "Month" is a special theme, it is a spy war, after the book is finished, it will still be a very wonderful work, if the book is well written in the end, would you like to play it?" Chen Wenjun asked.

Zhou Yun said: "Something happened to my fingertips. Who can I ask to write a sequel? The main reason is that I have two series to shoot later, one is "The Female Killer" and the other is "The Song of Killing". It is difficult to adjust the schedule."

Chen Wenjun: "You can wait for the schedule. Anyway, it's something that hasn't been written yet. My idea is that the sequel doesn't have to be so long. It's about ten or twelve episodes, and I want to make a "Sinking Moon on the Sea" "series, of course, apart from the characters played by you and Song Chi, other characters can also develop spin-offs when the time is ripe. We have done a survey, and the audience's enthusiasm for the sequel is very high."

Zhou Yun did not immediately refuse.

She hesitated.

The reason for this is that, as Chen Wenjun said, "Sinking Moon on the Sea" is actually different from other themes. It is a story that happened on a ship, and the sequel can be placed in another space, allowing the protagonists to face other crises and complete other tasks.

At the same time, Zhou Yun also considered that if he made a sequel, he could film with Song Chi again.

She and Song Chi usually get together less and leave more. If they can work and stay together, it will be very good for both of them.

Zhou Yun said, "President Chen, let me think about it."

Rejected Jingbei, and ushered in the sequel of "Sinking Moon on the Sea".

Are you going to make a sequel?

Zhou Yun is not that resistant to making a sequel, but needs to come up with a good idea, otherwise, making a sequel purely for the sake of making money and popularity, Zhou Yun thinks it is unnecessary.

She doesn't need such heat.

"Okay, you think about it, let's talk later." Chen Wenjun said, "Zhou Lan approached me before and wanted to win a play for Wang Jing. He and the investors will not agree, so he can only be the second female lead, and find a male lead who can handle dramas to take her with her. Although the drama Zhou Lan likes is a big IP, it is also a great female lead. , The investment is huge, if we use Wang Jing, we will be under a lot of pressure."

Zhou Yun knew which drama he was talking about.

"Try to fight for it, Mr. Chen, although Xiaojing still lacks a bit of nationality and ability to handle dramas, her acting skills and public image have always been very good, but she lacks a suitable drama that allows everyone to know her." Zhou Yun said, "Although she is the leading heroine, there are many main characters in this show. If Xiao Jing can play the role, I will help you find actors and form an all-star cast."

(End of this chapter)

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