Chapter 910 Trading
The big IP that Zhou Lan took a fancy to was "Three Thousand Worlds", a female-frequency web novel that was popular on the Internet ten years ago.

"Three Thousand Worlds" is a classic IP of sadomasochism, but it is different from the current fairy tales. The core of its own story is still the core of the martial arts novels in the past. A few young people team up to defeat the devil, The story of saving the common people is divided into several dungeons, and different dungeons have different stories.

This big IP has long been said to be filmed, but due to various reasons, the copyright was sold twice and then withdrawn, and this time it fell into the hands of Chen Wenjun.

In fact, with such a big IP, first-line actresses including Xu Siyao will be moved.

It is normal for Chen Wenjun not to want to give the heroine to Wang Jing.The leading role of Wang Jing and the popular first-line leading role like Xu Siyao are completely different concepts.

But Wang Jing still has the power to compete. On the one hand, she is backed by Zhou Yun's studio, and Zhou Yun is on honeymoon with Chen Wenjun because of "Moon on the Sea".On the other hand, if Xu Siyao plays the leading role, the salary will be very high, and at the same time, some other conditions will be attached, such as a few supporting roles.

Zhou Yun proposed this time that she would help hire actors for "Three Thousand Worlds", which really moved Chen Wenjun's heart.

Xu Siyao's starring role is of course a gimmick, but if "Three Thousand Worlds" can be made into an all-star lineup, it will be a gorgeous lineup, and the platform will definitely buy it.

Chen Wenjun asked: "If it's just an ordinary cast, it can't be called an all-star cast."

Zhou Yun said: "Mr. Chen, among other things, I will play a cameo role for you. In addition, if you have any ideas for other roles, just tell me. As long as I think the role is suitable, I will help you find it."

This means selling Zhou Yun's own favor.

In fact, there must be many well-known actors who are interested in a big IP like "Three Thousand Worlds", but if they are already famous actors, they must have requirements for the roles they play. Yes, for various reasons.

Zhou Yun said: "If you are willing to let Wang Jing star in this drama, our studio is also willing to invest 2000 million yuan to produce this drama with you. In this way, it is justified for us to hire actors."

Chen Wenjun was taken aback by Zhou Yun's bold attitude.

The main reason is that Zhou Yun was willing to bring 2000 million yuan to let Wang Jing join the team as soon as he opened his mouth. This courage is a bit like the coal boss who kept a female celebrity back then.

Zhou Yun's willingness to come up with this figure was also discussed with Zhou Lan.

A big IP like "Three Thousand Worlds" is very likely to be a blockbuster. Moreover, with the resources in their hands, whether it is a platform, a brand, or overseas sales, they have channels, which can reduce a lot of risks.

Zhou Yun said: "Maybe we should find a time to sit down and have a serious chat."

When Chen Wenjun heard the words, he immediately agreed.
The script of "Three Thousand Worlds" has been completed, and the filming is just waiting to start.

Zhou Yun told Zhou Lan the phone number between himself and Chen Wenjun, and said: "If we really participate in the production of "Three Thousand Worlds", then we must at least get the overseas sales in our hands. I think "Three Thousand Worlds" is pretty good. There's something for sale."

Zhou Lan said: "If they finally agree to let Xiaojing star in this show, who do you think is more suitable for the leading actor? We might as well talk about the leading actor first, and then talk to Chen Wenjun. His main worry now is It’s Xiao Jing starring, and the platform doesn’t buy it, of course we can build a gorgeous all-star lineup, but if we don’t carry the drama, there will still be some risks.”

"Then in the eyes of the platform, who are the male actors who carry the show?" Zhou Yun asked curiously.

Zhou Lan: "The ones that suit the theme of "Three Thousand Worlds" and the age image of the male lead, needless to say Brother Chi, Zhang Mo, Gu Huaichun, He Xuran, Liu Zhikun, Wei Weicheng, besides these A-list actors Like Chen Jing, Xie Pinyuan, and Xu Zhuqi who have emerged in the past year, they are also more popular on the platform. However, you also know that A-List actors are very difficult to recruit. If you really invite them, they will definitely bring a wave new forces to change the current production structure."

Zhou Yun: "Song Chi will definitely not be able to act, he can't even act in his own company's plays, Gu Huaichun...he has been acting in ancient puppets for the past two years, and it's not Yue Hai's plays, so it's probably a bit difficult Well, He Xuran and Liu Zhikun are focusing on the movie road, Wei Weicheng is filming other movies, so if you calculate it, you can only look for it from among the actors who have emerged recently."

Zhou Lan: "Yes, but Chen Jing probably won't take on this kind of fairy puppet. Two of his films were shortlisted for the main competition in Cannes. Normally, he will definitely focus on the film later. Well, let me think about it. By the way, you didn't mention Zhang Mo just now, do you think Zhang Mo can't do it?"

"Zhang Mo is led by He Yong himself. If we want Zhang Mo to come and play the leading role, then He Yong must put forward conditions. Even according to He Yong's current behavior, he may have to get involved." Zhou Yun said, "At that point, we don't have an ace on the table, which is different than when I'm starring in a project myself."

Even Zhou Yun herself didn't expect that she was so familiar with the twists and turns behind the production of film and television dramas.

However, the production of a film and television drama is originally like this.If you want to invite an A-List actor to play the leading role, then the existence of this actor himself has changed the original situation on the poker table the moment he appeared on the poker table.

There are even times when they turn their backs on customers and become dealers.

Zhou Lan pondered for a moment, and said: "There are five main characters in "Three Thousand Worlds", which can also be said to be the five major protagonists. Of course, the first perspective is the heroine we fancy. Besides, the other four characters, if In the end we really found Zhang Mo to act as Xiao Jing's official supporting role in the play, so the roles of the two of them will definitely increase and the script will need to be revised."

"What if we don't do this?" Zhou Yun said, "For example, for the other two main female characters, we find Cheng Shenlu and Yu Sitian, and for the two main male characters, we find Zhou Jianfeng and Xin Zhike who have just become popular but Actors who have not yet become a first-line actor to play, and then, don’t several dungeons also have relatively independent plot lines? For these dungeon plots, go to invite first-line actors to play, I can play one, and Chu Chu can also play one, Gu Huai Chun, He Xuran, Sister Hongyu, Sister Lili, Teacher You Jiang, including Chen Wenjun, will definitely be able to invite some actors to come. If they can form a cast with such a lineup, it will be enough, right? ?”

Zhou Lan thought about it seriously, and said: "If it's Cheng Shenlu and Yu Sitian, Xiaojing is not far behind them. Zhou Jianfeng and Xin Zhike are indeed famous because of their hit dramas, especially Zhou Jianfeng. , the popularity is very high, but they lack qualifications and acting skills. These five young actors form the protagonist group. For a fairy drama like "Three Thousand Worlds", it is indeed a rare lineup. The five protagonists are all well-known actors. The key is these specially invited actors, how many can we finally invite?"

Zhou Yun said: "Let's see if Chen Wenjun recognizes the protagonist group we just mentioned."

Strike while the iron is hot.

Two days later, Zhou Yun met Chen Wenjun.

The two parties sat together and exchanged pleasantries, while Zhou Lan was on the sidelines actively engaging in the topic.

Then, get to the point.

Zhou Yun put forward his own vision for the protagonist group of "Three Thousand Worlds".

Chen Wenjun said: "Xin Zhike aside, would Cheng Shenlu, Zhou Jianfeng and Yu Sitian be willing to come? Although their status is not as high as the real front line, they are all young people who are highly praised by various companies. Now basically It's all about the first and second episodes, the five protagonist groups, who will do the first episode and who will be the second episode?"

Zhou Yun said: "Xiaojing can do five roles, we don't argue about this, as for other people, if anyone has an opinion on the position, I will communicate, I have worked with these people, and the management team has also dealt with them, so I can say The key is whether Mr. Chen agrees with this model."

It doesn't matter if Wang Jing is five.This is a script of a heroine, the other four protagonists gather around her, and the main perspective is also Wang Jing's role.Fan position is the least important thing, the key is the role.

"Of course I have no objection if we can form a protagonist group of this kind of lineup." Chen Wenjun said, "After all, the few of them, if not first-tier, are comparable to first-tier."

Except for Xin Zhike, the status of the other three people is higher than that of Wang Jing. They have real well-known characters, and they are popular because of their characters. Play protectors, people are not so popular.

Zhou Yun breathed a sigh of relief.

"Mr. Chen, if you agree with such a lineup of protagonists, then it will be easy to discuss later." Zhou Yun said, "I won't say too much. There are four copies of this story, and each copy has three main plot characters. Up to four people, adding up to a dozen roles, I will invite you three first-line actors as special invitations, as long as you agree to let Xiao Jing play the role, 2000 million investment plus three first-line actors including me as special invitations The invitation is very sincere."

Chen Wenjun refused to let go immediately.

Zhou Yun didn't know what he was hesitating about.

Afterwards, Chen Wenjun said something that Zhou Yun had never thought of.

"Xiaoyun, I actually don't need your investment, and I don't need you to invite three first-line actors as special invitations. As long as you agree to star in the second part of "Sinking Moon on the Sea", then let Wang Jing star in "Three Thousand Worlds". risk."

Zhou Yun was taken aback.

Zhou Lan did not expect that Chen Wenjun would ask for such a transaction at this time.

"Mr. Chen, as I said, I want to read the script first." Zhou Yun said.

Chen Wenjun: "Well, within three years, you will help me star in a play. Of course, you can choose the script yourself. As long as you agree, "Three Thousand Worlds" will be played by Wang Jing."

Zhou Yun and Zhou Lan looked at each other and exchanged glances.

"Let's discuss it."

(End of this chapter)

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