I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 918 Interview on French TV

Chapter 918 Interview on French TV
"I heard that the filming of "Days" seemed to be completed within a week?"

"Yes, it's almost like seven days." Sitting opposite Brad and Rather, Zhou Yun recalled when he was filming "Days", "It was my first starring role in the movie, of course, it was also a literary It’s Bing’s first time as a film director, and we don’t know what the film will look like, but I must say that it was a very passionate and impromptu inspiration process during the whole shooting process. After that, I never encountered this shooting experience again.”

"Can you tell us more about it?"

"At the beginning, I couldn't feel it, or I couldn't separate my real life from the character in the filming. Wen Bing kept the camera on and didn't shout, just sat behind the camera and chatted with me. In the process of chatting, we slowly found the feeling presented in the final movie. The movie as a whole is actually a kind of reminiscence in Wen Bing’s own heart. I am the image deep in his memory. The stories are basically fictitious, but the emotion conveyed by each frame is real."

"As far as we know, you were already a very popular star in China at that time. Why did you want to make such a low-cost film with a new director? Didn't you have a better choice at that time?"

"It's about my agent, Zhou Lan, who discovered Wen Bing. One day she told me that she found a very talented director who made commercials, and then dragged me to watch his films together. Commercials, I was immediately hit by his image." Zhou Yun spread his hands, "I know, many people think that a movie is actually a feature film, and what everyone cares about is the experience of the characters and the development of the story, but I am In addition to these, I actually think that movies are a kind of feeling, an artistic conception, or an atmosphere. Of course, some movies are very realistic and focus on real issues. I mean, it is also about love. Some movies are about a couple kissing on the street, and some movies are about a couple looking up at the moon in the night sky. Different creators will see it from different angles. Wen Bing has a delicate, Unique creative acuity."

Rather said, "Is it because the success of "Days" with Wen Bing this time makes you basically cooperate with new directors?"

Zhou Yun thought about it seriously, and said: "Rather, maybe you don't believe me, it's not that I always choose to work with new directors, but that no big director has ever come to me to make a movie, and I haven't even been invited to audition. Until Merlando came to ask me to shoot "Killing Song"."

Both Rather and Brad showed shocked expressions.

They couldn't believe that for an actor like Zhou Yun, no big director asked her to make a movie.

In fact, they don't like movies like "Killing Song", commercial films, big productions, for filmmakers who pursue the art of film, and the director of "Killing Song" is actually the only one Zhou Yun has collaborated with so far. great director.

Both Rather and Brad were a little shocked.

Especially in France, where art films are prevalent, this all surprised them.

"Why? You are such a famous actor, and the movies you acted in are very good at the box office and won awards."

Zhou Yun said: "I also feel puzzled."
"Zhou Yun is indeed very popular, but if you say that she has really entered the core circle of domestic movies, she hasn't."

Yao Yuanfeng was also talking about this matter with Chen Wenjun.

They were all watching the live broadcast of Zhou Yun's interview, right in France, with an interpreter beside them.

The two of them came to the Cannes Film Festival to sell films and discuss cooperation. They did not expect that a French TV station would conduct a live interview with Zhou Yun, reviewing her past film experience.

When Zhou Yun mentioned that no big director asked her to make a movie, Yao Yuanfeng directly pointed out Zhou Yun's current predicament.

"Actually, we all know that in the current domestic movie circle, the entire narrative core revolves around male characters. If you look at the top three movies at the annual box office in recent years, almost all of them are from the male perspective, whether it is the main theme movie or not. , or a science fiction theme, or a comedy theme, do you want to find Zhou Yun to act? Of course you want to, but the projects they can give Zhou Yun are not in line with Zhou Yun's current needs. Look at the past few days In [-], some of our major Chinese film directors had female characters as the protagonists, and if Zhou Yun was asked to play a heroine as a supporting role in their films, Zhou Yun would not be able to act either.”

"Yes, if you want to find Zhou Yun to act, you won't be able to give her a script with her as the core, but there are not many such scripts, and the entire film market is dominated by male dramas." Chen Wenjun said, " Speaking of which, Mr. Yao still has the courage to customize "The Female Killer" for Zhou Yun. Speaking of which, this should be a rare action movie with women as the core in recent years, right?"

Yao Yuanfeng nodded and said, "The combination of Zhou Yun and Wenbing is still willing to let me take this risk."

Chen Wenjun said: "Oh, you should give other actresses a chance, so many actresses hope to cooperate with Wenbing in a play, don't let Zhou Yun occupy the heroine position every time."

Yao Yuanfeng said: "They are tacit collaborators, and, you see, the films they collaborated in, whether it is "Days" or "One Mountain and Two Tigers", have achieved outstanding results. Other actresses want to play Wen Bing I never refuse the movies, the key is that they have to impress Wen Bing on their own, so that Wen Bing is willing to use them, but, to be honest, you have also worked with Zhou Yun in "Sinking Moon at Sea", and you have worked with Zhou Yun like this actress, is there any other actress who impresses you more than her?"

Chen Wenjun: "During the specific cooperation process, Zhou Yun has indeed shown a very high professionalism. She is not too troublesome and cooperates well. And with her, there will be a lot less trouble in all aspects, including the platform, investors, and various departments of the crew. , no matter how troublesome people are, they all behaved, and speaking of it, if I were He Yong, I would have regretted that such a gold brick was not well guarded."

Yao Yuanfeng said: "For an actor of Zhou Yun's level, don't expect a brokerage company to be able to keep her. Look at the courtesy she receives in Cannes. In the past ten years, has any actress in our country received such courtesy? It is all supported by the previous generation. It can be said that as long as she does not go astray, the official and the mainstream will always support her and give her a platform. It is not easy to appear as an actor like her. This is not just a matter of film level .”

Chen Wenjun knew what Yao Yuanfeng meant.
A breeze blows.

Zhou Yun stroked the hair that floated in front of him.

"I noticed that the plays you've taken on this year are mainly commercial films. What's the reason for this?" Brad asked.

Zhou Yun shook his head and said: "I have collaborated with Wen Bing in a film, which is not a commercial film, but there is not much news about it, so you may not know. As for commercial films, first of all, I am very happy to act in a commercial film. If it There is a good idea and a good story, not just a popcorn story. In addition, I have always felt that as an actor, if I want to continuously improve my ability, or further broaden my vision , I need to objectively increase my popularity. Only in this way, when I encounter a project that I want to act in, can I have the ability to escort the project, whether it is investment or the producer, yes It's also good to control the theme and style. If I don't stand high enough, but just stay in the image of an actress with good acting skills, of course I can be an actress who is recognized by everyone wherever I go. But investors, film companies or other partners, they won't listen to you, because they need more than just acting."

"You mean, only when you become a superstar can you guarantee that the movies you act in will not be affected by other factors?"

"This is one aspect." Zhou Yun nodded and admitted, "Every film will be affected by many aspects during the production process, and if the creator is in a position without the right to speak in this production system, In fact, it is very difficult to stick to my own artistic pursuits, and I have to admit one more thing, because the status given to me by the film industry now allows me to block out many unfavorable factors from the films I star in."

"Don't you think that's more than an actor's responsibility?" Rather asked.

Zhou Yun: "Indeed, if I don't have the ability to do it, I will do what an actor should do on the one-acre three-point land of an actor, but if I have this ability, then why don't I use my own strength to let the actor do what he is supposed to do? Is this movie better? You are also an actor, and you must have encountered that kind of work that was very good in the preparatory stage, but after signing the contract, for some reason, the script changed. Due to various reasons, it was not pleasant, and the final film presented was extremely bad, but in fact, you have long been aware of this problem. You have the ability to solve this problem and prevent that bad result from appearing. You will definitely do it. of."

Film is the art of the director, but the actor is also one of the creators of this work.

No creator would like to see the work they participated in becoming a piece of garbage.

Rather shrugged his shoulders and said, "In this case, how can you guarantee that your will will not affect the director's own design of the film?"

Zhou Yun: "Oh, Rather, you misunderstood me. I never want my will to become the intention of this film production. When I choose a director, I must be the most cooperative and obedient on the set. The director's actors, I mean those influencing factors, are factors other than creation."

"Do you think you can block these factors?"

"Now." Zhou Yun said confidently, "If you want to invite me to participate in this project, then OK, you have to accept that I don't allow things other than creation to interfere with the creation itself."
Chen Wenjun clicked his tongue.

"Look at this young girl who can say such things on TV so calmly and confidently. I don't think there is any actor in our country who can say such things except her."

"An actor who has the confidence to say such a thing will not say it, and an actor who is willing to say such a thing in public does not have her confidence. Indeed, only her." Yao Yuanfeng said, "But even if she is a little arrogant, Which film and television company doesn't want to snatch her?"

"The momentum is booming, and the starring projects can explode. Of course, there is no film and television company that does not want to snatch her." Chen Wenjun nodded.

"The Moon in the Sea you collaborated with this time should make a lot of money, right?" Yao Yuanfeng asked Chen Wenjun in a playful tone with a smile on his lips, "The ratings are high, and the webcast data is also good."

Chen Wenjun said: "If I say no, you will definitely not believe it, but compared to those projects that Zhou Yun acted in before, this project naturally does not earn so much. Zhou Yun and Song Chi co-starred, and the cost is much higher. "

"Who asked you to use the two of them as the leading actors? You don't need them at all, and you can still achieve the current results." Yao Yuanfeng said, "And you just added an extra leading actor who has to be paid for in vain. "

Indeed, inviting Zhou Yun and Song Chi to play "Sinking Moon in the Sea" is bound to give them a certain amount of investment before they agree to act.For actors at their level, no one is staring at that salary anymore, especially now that there is a salary limit order in China, and the salary is limited.

Chen Wenjun: "At least we have produced a classic like "Sinking Moon at Sea" now."

What he didn't say, he must use a lineup like Song Chi and Zhou Yun, because his plan for this drama is not only one drama, but also a spy universe.

The first one was an instant hit, and many projects can be derived later.

There are even movies derived from TV series.

The theme of the spy war has a small cost and a large audience, so it is a natural story embryo.

Now, the reputation of "Sinking Moon on the Sea" is still high, and the ratings are good. The second part has been put on the agenda. Before that, a spin-off of this show has already been filmed and is going to be broadcast online in the second half of the year.

With the foundation laid by "Sinking Moon at Sea", the performance of the derivative drama of this drama will definitely not be bad.

Of course, because this universe has not been exposed yet, Chen Wenjun did not tell Yao Yuanfeng.

The industry has always said that Yao Yuanfeng is a master of cost control, and a project that can be supported by two first-tier stars will never use a third first-tier star.Chen Wenjun also appreciates Yao Yuanfeng's ability, but everyone has their own way of playing.His gameplay is of course hoping to establish a long-term cooperative relationship with Zhou Yun and Song Chi through this series, not only personal friendship, but also a more far-reaching business cooperation.

Just like "Three Thousand Worlds" that he has promised to go out now.

Chen Wenjun will also join forces with Song Chi's company to develop other works.

(End of this chapter)

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