I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 919 Selection and Questioning

Chapter 919 Selection and Questioning

After Xu Siyao arrived at the hotel, he had been checking the workflow and details with the brand and the team. After checking, he tried on clothes for another two hours. During the whole process, the staff was also responsible for shooting VLOGs.

After all the preparations were done, she took the team members to go outside together, ready to eat and stroll around.

Because of the film festival, Cannes is a bit overcrowded.

They finally found a restaurant that could accommodate seven or eight of them, but unexpectedly met Liu Qingqing and her team.

The relationship between Xu Siyao and Liu Qingqing was neither good nor bad.

When Liu Qingqing was going downhill, Xu Siyao was just on the rise.

However, because the two of them basically had no competition for resources, there was no conflict.

"What a coincidence, we can meet you here." Liu Qingqing greeted first, and said with a smile on her face, "Why don't we sit together? It's hard to find a place that can sit so many of us."

Xu Siyao did not refuse, but nodded.

"There are so many people here, but we are lucky, we have plenty of time, and we can go out to have a good meal. I heard that Yin Lin's plane is late, and it hasn't taken off yet. Maybe it won't be in time for tomorrow. The opening ceremony." Liu Qingqing shared her news with Xu Siyao, saying that gossip is always the best way to get closer to each other, of course, this is not gossip.

Xu Siyao said: "How can we compare with Yin Lin, she is the actress, even if she is late, it doesn't matter."

Liu Qingqing said: "Hey, there is no such thing as a queen. Let me tell you, popularity is king. Although Yin Lin is a queen, she is not as popular as you."

"Sister Qingqing, don't tell others that. If you say this, I will be mobbed and attacked." Xu Siyao said, "It doesn't matter if you are popular. No matter how popular you are, no one will take you seriously." , saying that you are just a star, not an actor."

"People who say such things are laymen who don't understand this industry, actresses? Hehe, to be honest, you still don't know what the inside story is behind those mainstream awards, the shortlisted ones, and the final winners , None of us know." Liu Qingqing pointedly said, "How did Yin Lin get that actress? Didn't she also like the movie "Bad Woman" with a high box office and great influence? Really, it's about acting skills , are the actors nominated with her worse than her?"

Any award is not absolutely based on the comparison of strength, otherwise, unless young people are very talented, they should not compete with those actors of the older generation.

But Liu Qingqing obviously didn't mean that.

Xu Siyao rolled his eyes and looked at Liu Qingqing curiously.

"Sister Qingqing, are you saying that Yin Lin's shadow has to be tricky?"

Liu Qingqing showed a plausible expression, and said: "Who knows, there are always some voices outside anyway, and it is not so legitimate to get it. To be honest, a big prize, she will have to share it with Zhou Yun in the end. Isn't that ridiculous?" , could it be that the performances of the two of them are so indistinguishable?"

Xu Siyao suddenly remembered, yes, Yin Lin, the best actress, was created by opening double yolk eggs with Zhou Yun.That being said, it is indeed strange.

Generally speaking, double yolk eggs will not open so strangely, opening to the heroines of the two movies.

Just as Xu Siyao was about to say something, suddenly, the TV hanging on the wall of the restaurant suddenly switched channels.

They saw a familiar face at the same time.

Zhou Yun appeared on the TV screen of a restaurant in France, being interviewed by others, speaking in English.

Her dress was very simple, she didn't even wear a necklace, but her face seemed to be wrapped in a soft light, giving her a special look.

For a while, both Xu Siyao and Liu Qingqing were silent.

The woman on the TV, for both of them, is a complicated existence, and they don't know where to start.

The two of them are the most powerful witnesses of Zhou Yun's rising history in just a few years.Of course, they don't want to be such witnesses if they can.

"What show is she on?" Liu Qingqing asked in surprise.

Of course, no one answered her.

"Maybe it's just an interview." Xu Siyao's executive manager glanced at Xu Siyao's face and said, "Aren't there many interviews like this? After all, it's such a big film festival, and a program interviews actors from various countries. It should be something like this programme."

After a while, a staff member of Liu Qingqing's team said: "I read the reports on the Internet just now, and it seems that French TV has specially made an interview program reviewing Zhou Yun's past works, which is now being broadcast live."

An interview program was specially made for Zhou Yun.

Everyone present showed surprise.

this form...

"This is a bit outrageous, isn't it that actors who are generally in their 50s and [-]s will make this kind of program when they become famous?"

This is not a fixed interview program where Zhou Yun is invited to be on this program, but a tailor-made program with Zhou Yun as a guest, and Brad and Rather are invited to interview her.

After learning the behind-the-scenes information of this program, members of Xu Siyao and Liu Qingqing's team fell silent for a moment.

Because of their work, they know much more about the entertainment industry than ordinary fans.However, because they were in the team and followed Xu Siyao and Liu Qingqing, they also had their own limitations in how they viewed Zhou Yun.They know that Zhou Yun's actual performance is very good, but in their eyes, he is only a little more brilliant than ordinary actresses. After all, the best actress is not such a rare thing, and there will be several new actresses every year. However, Zhou Yun is not the only one who has acted in major international productions.Whether it's self-hypnosis, or the perspective itself is biased, most of them don't really think that Zhou Yun has reached a height that no other actress can surpass.

However, this time, they were in France, in Cannes, and saw with their own eyes that a French TV station was broadcasting an interview program completely surrounding Zhou Yun.This kind of program format has been equated with treatment in their hearts.How many actors can be so concerned and valued by the national TV station?

Every celebrity who comes to the world likes to talk about international influence and international popularity, but how much gold does this have, how many people really know you and recognize you, there is no fixed number, so everyone will Habitually use some indicators to measure, such as how many times you have been published in international magazines, what kind of media you have been reported by, what international awards you have won, what level of international activities you have attended, and so on.

Zhou Yun was able to be interviewed by French TV - this matter seemed to be beyond the dimension of Xu Siyao and Liu Qingqing. When their team made various plans, they would not set similar goals on Xu Siyao and Liu Qingqing On the body, because starting from reality, this is simply an impossible task.

Now, Zhou Yun has done it.

If they had known that this was a temporary program on French TV, they might have been even more at a loss.
"You are already filming the Hollywood movie "Killing Song". I wonder if you have paid attention to French movies?" Lasse asked suddenly.

Zhou Yun smiled slightly and said: "Of course, in fact, French movies are also very popular in China. For example, there is a French movie that we Chinese like very much. Almost everyone who loves movies has seen "The Killer Is Not So Good." "Cold", French films are very prosperous, I have too many French filmmakers I like, I admire Isabelle Huppert, Jean Reno, and Rohmer director who I have watched almost every film."

Rather asked: "If one day you were invited to shoot a French film, would you come?"

"I am very willing to participate in this kind of filming journey, but I still have to read the script and find out whether the character I play is suitable." Zhou Yun said, "I have not studied acting professionally, so I have to be honest. Said, I don't have a set of basic and systematic performance methods to allow me to challenge various roles, I can only judge in advance whether I have the ability to play such a role, such a play, if my ability Not enough, I think I should not delay others."

Rather showed a slightly surprised expression, maybe he didn't expect Zhou Yun to be so humble.

"I heard that you have also started to be a producer?" Brad suddenly asked, "Are you planning to start your own production company like those big Hollywood stars?"

"Oh, that's not, of course not." Zhou Yun shook his head, "In fact, I rarely really get in touch with the work content of the production, but someone in my work team is in charge of this matter, as I said before, I have to make sure During the whole production process of the movie I acted in, it always moves in the most suitable direction without going off track. In addition, I will also help some good and unknown art films to promote , let them be recognized by more people, but if I want to say that I plan to start a production company and make a movie from the source, I don’t have this plan at present, and I haven’t fully understood the things about acting. Woolen cloth."

Zhou Yun didn't know if it was her own illusion. She felt that Brad seemed to be relieved, as if he didn't want to see her start a production company.

Brad suddenly said: "I admired your husband very much before, Song Chi, he was also a very promising actor, but he has hardly played any impressive roles in recent years. Yes, I used to think that he would become the greatest actor in your country. Later I learned that he opened a company and started to do production work. I think he is a typical example of being distracted a lot of energy. His focus seems to be Not on show."

"Oh, Brad, you misunderstood." Zhou Yun shook his head and said: "Although he did open a production company, his main energy is still on acting, but maybe many of the plays he acts in Not here in France, and if you want, I'd be more than happy to send you a copy of the films he's acted in over the years."

"Really?" Brad shook his head, "With all due respect, it's not that I don't understand what he's doing. His company has been producing some boring, vulgar dramas instead of artistic pursuits. Isn't it? Even you and him recently aired a series "Sinking Moon", although I haven't seen this production, but it is still a series about spies, agents, I Really disappointed you guys should be pursuing a higher art."

"Brad, I really hope that I have the opportunity to let you see for yourself what kind of work "Sinking Moon in the Sea" is. This is a work that Song Chi and I have devoted [-]% of our concentration and creativity to. It is indeed a series about spies and agents, but it does not mean that it is about fighting and killing, it has very rich connotations and expressions.” Zhou Yun said, “Maybe after you have watched this After this work, you will have a different evaluation."
At this moment, many people are actually somewhat dissatisfied with this film critic named Brad.

Because they have all seen "Sinking Moon at Sea" and know what a good work it is.

Especially Chen Wenjun, this time he came here to promote his works in the international market, the most important of which is "Sinking Moon at Sea".

Originally, he was very happy to see Zhou Yun being interviewed on French TV, which shows that Zhou Yun is a truly internationally renowned actor, and he is not a braggart like others.

Chen Wenjun feels that this may make everyone more interested in "Sinking Moon at Sea".

Who knew that in this program, the film critic would directly bombard "Sinking Moon on the Sea" as a work with no artistic value.

He was very upset.

Yao Yuanfeng comforted him: "The film critics here in France are all pissed, don't mind, they also criticize Hollywood movies."

Chen Wenjun said: "These people just stand up and talk without pain in their backs. Anyway, they don't care about whether tens of millions or hundreds of millions of investment can recover the cost and whether a company can continue to operate. Art, art, just let them embrace it. Art goes to the grave."

Yao Yuanfeng laughed twice.

"Mr. Chen, why are you still betting this way with their film critics? The show "Sinking Moon on the Sea" is not broadcast in France. He hasn't watched it, so it's fine to say a few bad words."

"Mr. Yao, if this person speaks nonsense about your "Female Assassin", how will you react?" Chen Wenjun ignored Yao Yuanfeng's reassurance, because the fire didn't reach his own yard, and he could watch the fire from the other side.

Yao Yuanfeng had just finished saying "What's there to say about "The Female Killer"", when he heard the translator translate what Brad said just now.

Brad asked Zhou Yun: "You and Wen Bing filmed a female action film called "Female Killer". Is this film similar to "One Mountain Two Tigers" in style?"

The smile on Yao Yuanfeng's face froze instantly.

(End of this chapter)

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