I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 920 Shy First Meeting

Chapter 920 Shy First Meeting

Zhou Yun still kept smiling, but her previous kindness and enthusiasm had gradually faded away a lot.

Brad's vague disdain for some of her films made her uncomfortable.

She knew that in the eyes of many filmmakers, those commercially oriented films always had no artistic value and were popcorn garbage, but Zhou Yun never saw it that way.

She deeply knows that the reason why the film industry is prosperous is because there are various genres.

Some movies hold up the ceiling of the artistic value of this industry, and some movies crazily harvest the recognition of this art form from global audiences.

Zhou Yun is an actor, and she also distinguishes between commercial films and art films, but she will not praise the highs or the lows because of the difference, especially because she thinks that commercial films have no value, and of course they have their value.

"The "Female Killer" that Wen Bing and I collaborated with was filmed last year. There is no doubt that this is an action scene, but it is different from ordinary action movies. It is not an assembly-line story. In fact, any The story is just a raw material. What I mean is that in the hands of a truly excellent creator, what kind of elements and themes are not the most important. The key is how we deal with the story and what kind of style to present. "Zhou Yun was in front of the camera, his tone softened, "I have many commercial-themed movies that I like very much, such as "Speed", "This Killer Is Not So Cold", Nolan's "Batman", and so on."

Brad said: "Aren't you worried that such a movie doesn't give you so much room to perform?"

"Brad, I've only been an actor for five years. I've only just begun to explore this field. I don't think I've reached the stage where I have to delve into the performance space of each character. In fact, I am very I enjoy participating in the shooting process of different types of films, the more I know about this industry, the more I want to know more and experience more.”
Shi Luoqi is also watching the live broadcast of this interview.

He has worked with Zhou Yun in two films, and Shi Luoqi is full of love and attention for this talented girl. If Xue Qin did not cooperate with the production company of Paimengqi in the latter film, and Paimengqi insisted on letting He Wenyun play the leading role, Both Shi Luoqi and Xue Qin hope to continue to cooperate with Zhou Yun.

But the entertainment industry is such a place, whether it is domestic or foreign, even in Hollywood, the right to speak is not always in the hands of producers and directors.

What surprised Shi Luoqi the most was Zhou Yun's vision in choosing each work.

Moreover, Zhou Yun's luck is also very good.It is not without actors that almost every work is a masterpiece and has a high reputation. However, it is difficult for an actor to be so popular for every work.Zhou Yun became famous in the international film circle because of her two works "Days" and "Behind the Scenes", and she switched to dramas, and she was able to win critical acclaim and love from audiences around the world with "Deep Sea" and "Chen Yin" .

Zhou Yun's works have been in operation in the past few years, which can be regarded as the only one in the world.

You must know that Zhou Yun's works are all produced in pure Chinese, with almost no participation of overseas capital. Under such circumstances, it is a miracle to be able to obtain such influence.As we all know, miracles cannot be replicated, but this well-known truth has different results in Zhou Yun.

At present, Zhou Yun has actually entered the actor lists of major Hollywood production companies. However, because there are very few scripts with Asian characters as the protagonists, and Zhou Yun is rarely active in Hollywood, the current major production companies The company has not yet formed a posture to pursue Zhou Yun.

Shi Luoqi feels that this situation will change after "Killing Song" is released.

Therefore, she also wanted to cooperate with Zhou Yun in another movie before the movie was released.

When it was mentioned before that no big director came to find Zhou Yun, Shi Luoqi himself felt strange why there was no big director in the Chinese film circle to find Zhou Yun to act.

If Zhou Yun were an American girl, she would be active in Hollywood. At this stage, Zhou Yun would already be the top on the list of collaborations with major directors.

In the film industry, there are always some inexplicable fortunes, and Zhou Yun undoubtedly has such fortunes now.
Zhou Yun's interview aroused great repercussions.

European film critics have always favored this Chinese girl, and this interview was broadcast on French TV, so the influence is self-evident.

In particular, Zhou Yun's views on commercial films and art films have aroused many discussions.

This in itself is a clichéd topic, but the fact that a young and successful actress like Zhou Yun expresses her attitude so clearly has also made many people on the side of art films feel dissatisfied with Zhou Yun. Good impression.At the same time, there are also many people who admire Zhou Yun's courage. In fact, most people are not absolutely on one side. Like Zhou Yun, they are OK on both sides. The key is to make a good movie.The reason why they feel that Zhou Yun has the courage is because Zhou Yun dared to say it so frankly in front of the camera-many times, in order to express their pursuit and persistence in art, young actors often use perfunctory and disdainful attitudes to Talk about commercial movies.

When different people were talking about Zhou Yun's interview, Zhou Yun's name became the first name to be hotly discussed at the Cannes Film Festival.

"Oh, dear, you are really hot now." After the interview, Zhou Yun met Elizabeth a little later.

The two of them hadn't seen each other for a long time, and when they met, they hugged each other, praising each other for how well-maintained they were during this period of time, and there was no change from the last time they met.All in all, among women, no matter how good their girlfriends are, they will never go wrong if they praise each other for their good skin and have not changed since the last time they met.

"You finally made a new film." Zhou Yun sighed, "Have you rested for a long time?"

Elizabeth nodded and said, "I was also surprised. They told me that I haven't had a movie in two years."

This is really rare for an actor as young as Elizabeth.After all, Elizabeth is now the best time to compete in the Olympic Games.

Zhou Yun said: "You are just relying on your popularity, so you should be lazy."

"Sigh, I haven't found a script I want to act in." Elizabeth said, "I don't have a script I'm interested in, and I don't have the desire to act."

"Didn't the movie you acted in this time impress you?"

"It's not bad. My agent told me to accept it, but I really want to ask myself if I really want to act. To be honest, I haven't reached that level yet." Elizabeth said, "Now the scripts are all the same. Can't get excited, I read an interview with you on the way from the airport, you said you just became an actor and you are full of interest in different types of movies, God knows how envious I am of you, the kind who just entered this world Industry, when I was still full of curiosity about this industry.”

Elizabeth began acting at a very young age.Her rich acting experience made Zhou Yun feel ashamed.This is why Elizabeth is so young and has such fame and connections in Hollywood.

"But dear, haven't you been doing too many dramas lately instead of movies?" Elizabeth said, "I was watching your show called "Chen Yin", and you did really well, But why don't you do more movies?"

Elizabeth was genuinely puzzled.

Looking at the puzzled look on Elizabeth's face, Zhou Yun felt that he had filmed several dramas in the past two years, which indeed made many people feel the same doubts.

"Just like you, when I read the script, I mainly want to see if the script impresses me. Compared with the movie scripts I watched in the same period, I think the dramas I acted in are better." Zhou Yun Said, "In fact, this is not an era when movies are king. With the rise of streaming media, dramas now also have global influence and dissemination power."

Elizabeth said: "However, in these art forms, movies are ultimately a little more advanced."

"Of course I know. I didn't mean to focus on acting in drama series in the future. I just said that I would not give up a good drama series just to act in an ordinary movie." Zhou Yun said, "Elizabeth, if you can't find anything that interests you in the script of the movie, why don't you go and read the script of the drama? I assure you, if you want to talk about the degree of innovation of creation, the drama is much better than the movie. .”

A look of surprise appeared on Elizabeth's face.

In fact, many Hollywood stars are like Elizabeth. They have gained a firm foothold in the film industry and gained a very high status.Like Elizabeth, even if she doesn't have a movie in two years, she's still one of the hottest young actresses in Hollywood because of the accumulation of movies she's starred in the past.When they already have their own status in the movie circle, they often feel a kind of subconscious resistance to appearing in the series - there is no doubt that the improvement of the production level of the series is something that has happened in the past few years, and if it is not for the rise of streaming media , so that the production level of the series is getting higher and higher, Zhou Yun will not say such a thing.

"Well, it seems that I should go and see the script they sent me." Elizabeth said.
Zhou Yun is really busy in Cannes this time.

From the opening ceremony, to the red carpet premiere of different movies, to the platform for selling movies, and other activities, Zhou Yun feels that he is meeting different people every day, saying similar things, and putting all his energy into it this above.

Song Chi didn't arrive late until the fourth day after the opening ceremony.

"Has the actor's problem been solved?" Zhou Yun asked.

Song Chi said: "It's resolved, the time is too urgent, and I couldn't find an actor to replace it for a while, so I finally found Yin Zhou to replace it."

Zhou Yun showed surprise, "Oh, Yin Zhou, is his time OK?"

"OK, after he signed with my company, he has been only willing to take on small roles that have not been filmed for a long time, so he has always had plenty of time." Song Chi said, "This time he also knows that we really met big characters." It's troublesome, so he came to help."

"This is also a good opportunity for him." Zhou Yun said, "He hasn't played a leading actor for a long time."

"That's not the case. After the release of "Words of Fallen Leaves", he has returned to everyone's field of vision, and he has been invited to several plays."

"I believe that the plays you make must be better than those outside." Zhou Yun said.

Song Chi: "It's true that I won't cheat him, but all in all, thank God, the crew didn't open the skylight. If Yin Zhou didn't happen to have time, then I really had to find a completely unknown actor to replace him."

The two of them talked for a short time. After a brief exchange, Song Chi was going to meet potential buyers and some partners.

After Zhou Yun separated from him, he also had a job and wanted to meet with Director Fan Deshang.

Originally, there was no such arrangement in the itinerary. Director Fan Deshang took the initiative to ask Yin Lin to make an appointment with Zhou Yun, wanting to meet her.

Van der Schamp has been famous for a long time, and he is also a direct descendant of Cannes. His previous films basically premiered in Cannes.

But this director mainly shoots movies with ancient costumes and historical themes, which are not the same as the movies Zhou Yun usually likes to watch, so Zhou Yun doesn't know this director very well.

Director Van der Schamp made an appointment with her at a restaurant near a hotel.

It's time for afternoon tea.

Zhou Yun took Liu Yun over, accompanied by bodyguards.

They didn't keep a certain distance from Zhou Yun until they reached the restaurant.

Yin Lin and Director Fan Deshang have arrived and are talking.

Yin Lin saw Zhou Yun first, and immediately beckoned.

Fan Deshang is almost 60 years old. He has been in the film industry for decades. He has seen all kinds of people. Now that he sees Zhou Yun, a popular actress, he stretches out his hand to shake Zhou Yun with a smile. Said: "I have always heard that there is an amazing young actress in our Chinese film circle, and we finally met."

Zhou Yun was also surprised that it was the first time she and Fan Deshang met, and they had never met before.

This is also related to the fact that both of them seldom participate in activities in the film circle.In fact, there are many activities in the film industry, not all of which are exposed.There are private gatherings or official gatherings. Zhou Yun basically doesn't attend, and Fan Deshang is also the kind of director who is more secluded from the world.

"Fan Dao, hello, I have wanted to know you for a long time, and finally I have the opportunity." Zhou Yun said.

Yin Lin said: "Sit down, Xiaoyun, what do you drink, I'll get you some."

Zhou Yun said, "A glass of American style."

"Okay." Yin Lin nodded, "Then director, you two talk first, I'll go order something."

Yin Lin went to the bar.

Zhou Yun and Fan Deshang were silent for a while.

The climate in Cannes at this time is indeed very good. The breeze blows in from the window, blowing on the two of them with a soft feeling.

Zhou Yun and Fan Deshang looked at each other face to face for a few seconds, because neither of them spoke. Unexpectedly, both of them showed a somewhat embarrassed and shy smile, and because they saw similar smiles on each other's faces, And even more shy.

(End of this chapter)

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