Chapter 921
The word shy is actually rarely associated with a big star.

There are many big-name actors who have shy personalities, but big-name stars—there is almost no such possibility.

To be able to get to the position that attracts the attention of everyone and shine under the spotlight, this road itself has killed the shyness and shyness in their characters.

Fan Deshang: "I talked about you with Jiang Xin before. He spoke highly of you and always wanted to introduce you to me. However, I have been working on "Scheme" before, so I didn't have time."

Zhou Yun said: "I am looking forward to your new work."

Because he didn't know Fan De yet, Zhou Yun didn't have the nerve to say "I've seen a lot of your movies and I like them very much".

However, the respect that should be expressed still has to be expressed, especially since Van der Scheam is an actor worthy of respect in his own right.

"How long has Director Fan been preparing for the filming of "Conspiracy" this time?" Zhou Yun thought to himself, Fan Deshang should have not released a new play for several years, otherwise, with his status and reputation, she should not have had a new play come out. heard about it.

Van der Schamp said: "It has been seven or eight years since the concept was first conceived, and it has been three years since the official preparation."

Three years is not too short for a film.

The longest Zhou Yun makes a movie is at most half a year, even if the preparation time is counted, it is seven or eight months.

As far as the current stage is concerned, it is hard for Zhou Yun to imagine spending three years preparing for a film.

In fact, several directors she has worked with are also efficient, and they never gave her the feeling of "sharpening a sword for ten years".

Director Jiang Xin and Director Cong Lan both belong to the "planners" among drama directors. After the shooting plan is made, basically the entire shooting schedule follows the plan, which is not bad.

Before the work entered the official shooting, both of them had many projects advancing at the same time.As directors whose qualifications have already been placed here, they themselves have a fixed team to help them implement all aspects of progress without requiring them to do it themselves. This also means that they are often a project that is mature enough to enter the official When the shooting stage is over, they will start to devote themselves to it.

And young directors like Wen Bing and Xue Qin are now in a period of bursting creativity. Inspirational players, in just a few years, have already made more than three directors-this is very important in the director industry. It's rare, but Zhou Yun works with such young directors.

Therefore, Van der Schamp's planning and contribution to the film "The Plan" moved her a little for a long time-she has always respected the kind of people who "sharpen their swords in ten years".

Van der Schamp said: "I have a script in my hand, which is about the life of Li Qingzhao. I have been looking for actors before, but I haven't found a suitable one, because I need to act from her girlhood to her death. The span is very large. Among young actresses , I have never met anyone who can handle this role before, Jiang Xin knew that I had this script in my hand, so he specially recommended you to me, and told me to meet you."

Zhou Yun was taken aback.

Li Qingzhao? !

This poetess is known to almost every Chinese.She may not be mentioned as often as Li Bai and Du Fu, but there is no doubt that the status of this person is indeed a page that cannot be ignored in the history of Chinese culture, or in the history of Chinese civilization.

Of the many scripts sent to her, there was never a script for her to play the most famous poetess in history.

On this afternoon in Cannes where the sun is as soft as honey, Zhou Yun and Fan Deshang looked at each other for a long time with gentle eyes full of elder wisdom, before they came back to their senses.

"Li Qingzhao?" Zhou Yun looked at Fan Deshang in surprise.

Van der Schamp said: "Yes, the script was actually written ten years ago. However, due to various reasons, it has not been officially launched. I have seen your photos and some video clips before, and I always think you are too beautiful. But it lacked a bit of the charm of ancient women. Later, after watching Jiang Xin's "Questioning the Heart", I gained a little confidence. I am still not sure whether you can meet the role I want in my heart. I look forward to asking Yin Lin to ask you out this time, because I want to make an appointment with you for an audition, put on your makeup, and let's take a look at the effect, I wonder if you would like to?"

For an actress of Zhou Yun's level, it is rare to be asked to audition.

Although Van der Schamp seldom came out, he also knew this, so he asked, "I don't know if you would like to".

Zhou Yun didn't hesitate at all, and nodded very simply.

"Yes." Zhou Yun said, "Director Fan, I am so flattered by your invitation, I, I still..."

Zhou Yun was really surprised.

She didn't even think about whether she could play Li Qingzhao well - when the three words came from Fan Deshang's mouth, Zhou Yun knew very clearly that she would definitely agree, even if it was just an audition.

At this time, Yin Lin came back.

She didn't seem to know what Van der Schamp wanted to talk to Zhou Yun, she smiled slightly, and put the ordered coffee, juice and dessert in front of each other.

""Scheme" will be screened the day after tomorrow, and I'm really nervous. I don't know what kind of evaluation this movie will get." Yin Lin said.

Zhou Yun was a little curious and asked, "Sister Lin, have you seen the final edited film?"

Yin Lin shook her head and said, "No, the director is very secretive, so we will watch it together the day after tomorrow."

It is already a very rare achievement for Chinese films to be shortlisted for the main competition unit of the Cannes Film Festival.Over the years, Chinese-language films have become less and less popular in the world film world, and even rarely appear.This year, two films were shortlisted at once, which made everyone feel excited.

Zhou Yun was also curious about what kind of film "Scheming" is.
Zhou Lan was also surprised when he heard about Fan der Schamp's invitation.

But what surprised her was different from Zhou Yun's.

"Fan Deshang wants to shoot Li Qingzhao?" Zhou Lan said in shock, "Didn't he always shoot scenes with men?"

"Male drama?" Zhou Yun was taken aback for a moment, not understanding what Zhou Lan said.

"Van der Schamp is a very well-known director who only knows how to shoot men's movies. From the first film he directed to this time "The Plan", the protagonists of every movie are men, and there are not even any male protagonists. And the heroine is a group of men, women are always like vases in his movies, or just a symbol, this is well-known in the circle, what happened to him, suddenly wanted to shoot Li Qingzhao?"

Zhou Yun shook his head: "We didn't talk about this aspect, and I don't know why he suddenly wanted to shoot Li Qingzhao, but I was at a loss when you suddenly said that, so should I not agree to his audition invitation? ?”

"That's not true, you can't say that. He is a very good director. He has only made historical period films, and all of them are serious dramas. Therefore, many young people may not have seen his films, but he is in the film. The prestige in the circle is unique.” Zhou Lan said, “The theme of ancient costumes is a very important part of our film and television creation, but there are very few well-made historical movies. There are many excellent works with modern backgrounds, but ancient basically can’t think of them in your mind at the first time.”

"They're all martial arts movies," Zhou Yun said.

Zhou Lan: "We haven't seen the script yet, so we don't know anything. Fan Deshang is worth your audition. It won't be too late for us to learn more about this project before making a decision."

Zhou Yun nodded.

"As soon as I heard the words Li Qingzhao, I was stunned." She said, "Before this, I never thought that one day I would have the opportunity to play Li Qingzhao."

"If you act, this will also be your first film with a character prototype." Zhou Lan said, "The classification in the film is a biographical film. This kind of film is always very easy to win awards, but it is also easy to rush. street."

Zhou Yun: "I don't even know if I have the ability to play this role, but I know very well that I am very excited. I am very excited to play Li Qingzhao."

Zhou Lan laughed, "I've rarely seen you so excited about playing a role."

Zhou Yun: "Yes."
"Chinese Film Report": "Today, "The Plan" directed by Van der Schamp finally revealed its true colors at the Cannes Film Festival. This film, which brings together an all-star cast of Chinese films, encountered a very bad situation at the Cannes Film Festival. ——Nearly one-third of the audience left the screening hall before watching the movie. At the same time, the evaluation of the movie by foreign media tends to be polarized. Some people say that this is the best ever directed by Van der Schamp It is also said that this movie has many characters, messy story lines, and people don’t understand. It is completely different from foreign media’s evaluation. The Chinese media gave this movie a rare high score. Our special The invited film critics and reporters also gave this film a very high evaluation, thinking that this is a classic that will be recorded in film history."

"Watching Movies": "Director Van der Schamp's "Conspiracy" uses three narrative lines to tell a story of tricks. This film is based on the background of the Three Kingdoms. , Life and Death, this is destined to be a film that seriously conflicts with Western values, but it is undoubtedly a peak of Chinese-language films. mark."

"V·FilmChina": ""Scheme" was almost hopeless to win an award in Cannes. The ups and downs at the screening made the main creators somewhat embarrassed. What is surprising is that after the screening of the film, Zhou Yun took the lead to stand up , applauded for this movie, led by Zhou Yun, Song Chi, Ning Yao, Xu Siyao, Liu Qingqing and other stars who came to watch the movie also stood up and applauded the main creators. Zhou Yun said in an interview with this magazine Speaking of, it may take time for this movie to be understood by overseas audiences, because there are cultural and historical barriers between it and overseas audiences, but she believes that time will prove to everyone that this will be a film. good movie."


The screening of "Suan Suan" set the lowest score of the media in the main competition unit of this year: 1.6 points.

Obviously, this movie is not liked by the media and film critics. Many media even "bad words", thinking that this movie is deliberately using a distorted perspective to show people's cunning, and trying to build on this cunning, In the name of justice.

To put it bluntly, this is a conflict of values.

Zhou Yun later attended a movie-themed reception and met many film critics.

They all mentioned the movie "Conspiracy", and even in front of Zhou Yun, they were glad that she didn't participate in such a movie.

They genuinely thought the film was terrible.

"Of course, the grandeur of the big scene is astonishing, and the overall production level of the actors' performances, photography, and music are all very high, but the concept contained in the story itself is beyond our comprehension." Some foreign film critics said directly Said.

Even the French actor Lasse, who had just interviewed her before, also expressed his dislike for the movie.

Zhou Yun tried to explain to them why the movie was like this, but they also did not accept her explanation.

This is a cultural difference.

The "bad reviews" after the release of the work obviously made the main creators of the entire crew feel a little frustrated.

Being able to enter the main competition unit, there is no one who does not hold out hope for winning.

But under such "bad reviews", there is almost no hope of winning an award——Zhou Yun wanted to comfort the main creators of "Scheme", but there was almost no time, she had her own work arrangements, and the reception tonight However, she didn't meet any of the main creators of "Scheme", including Yin Lin.

After work, Zhou Yun sent a message to Yin Lin: Sister Lin, are you in the hotel?

Yin Lin replied after a while: I was drinking with Zheng He.

Zhou Yun said: I just finished my work here, so I came over to have a drink with you?
Yin Lin said: OK.

She went back to the hotel first, changed her clothes, and went to find them at the address Yin Lin sent her.

Yin Lin and Zheng He made an appointment to have a drink together because among the crew members who came this time, only two of them were close in age. The other actors were almost all older generation actors, and they couldn't usually hang out together.

The result of the "bad reviews" of "Scheme" obviously made it hard for them to accept.

None of them brought up the subject, but it was evident that each of them was in a bad mood.

Zhou Yun can understand them very well.If the movie she participated in encountered such a situation, she would also feel uncomfortable.She believes that when each of them participated in the creation of this film, they did it with the best expectations and the most serious attitude.

Zhou Yun found them and hugged them.

Zhou Yun and Zheng He have met before, but they are not very close.

He is a capable actor with a low reputation. Everyone in the industry knows that he can act and is a good actor.

Zheng He smiled at her and said, "I've heard that you and Yin Lin have a good relationship, so it's true."

(End of this chapter)

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