I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 922 In the Silent Place

Chapter 922 In the Silent Place
"Did you think it was fake before?" Zhou Yun asked with a smile.

Zheng He raised his hands as a sign of surrender, and said, "Forgive me, it's because everyone says they have a good relationship with everyone now, and I don't know if it's true or not. I don't really believe what the media says."

He asked curiously, "Where's Song Chi? Didn't he come with you?"

"He wants to meet with a British director tonight, and it's not over yet." Zhou Yun explained, "He was supposed to come a few days ago, but he was delayed by some domestic affairs, so a lot of work was crowded together and he was very busy. "

Zheng He nodded, "I haven't seen him for a long time, and I just met him at the premiere this afternoon. Unfortunately, I'm going back tomorrow. This time, I don't have a chance to sit together and have a good chat."

Hearing what Zheng He said, Zhou Yun knew that Zheng He and Song Chi should have a good relationship.

In fact, Zhou Yun had already discovered that Song Chi had a good relationship with many people in the circle.

In terms of making friends, Song Chi is better than her.

Zhou Yun is always afraid of trouble and doesn't want to know so many people. He thinks that a few friends are enough, and other people need to spend energy to maintain relationships if they know many people.

But Song Chi is different from Zhou Yun. He has a great need for interpersonal relationships and connections, and he also believes from the bottom of his heart that maintaining relationships is a part of life.

Zhou Yun and him are completely different in this regard, but they understand each other.

"Brother He, why are you going back tomorrow?" Zhou Yun asked.

Zheng He said: "I came out this time and asked for leave from the crew. I was filming a movie. Now that the screening of "Scheme" is over, I hurried back."

"Oh, no wonder." Hearing this, Zhou Yun said with emotion, "It's the most troublesome thing to come out to work while still filming. I'm sorry to ask for leave from the crew to cause trouble, but I have to make another job for another job. compromise."

Zheng He asked: "Xiaoyun, are you filming now?"

"I didn't. After filming "Killing Song", I have been resting and didn't join the crew." Zhou Yun shrugged. Knowing that I rested for a month or two and didn't go to filming, I began to miss the life of filming in the crew, as if I was addicted to acting."

Yin Lin said: "So this is the reason why you can be so successful. This is the rhythm of you wanting to become a drama idiot."

"I dare not say that, the name is too big, I dare not wear it." Zhou Yun said hurriedly, "What I am most afraid of now is being praised by others, and I always feel that I am not worthy of virtue."

Yin Lin: "Who would dare to say that you are unworthy of virtue? To be honest, when I was your age, I didn't even know what acting was. How to shape a character, how to act, how to present a character state, everything It’s about being stupid and following the director’s lead. At your age, you can create a character from the perspective of an actor, and the acting is different from conventional acting. It can be called talent, or it’s your own research. Well, all in all, no matter what kind of praise I give you, I think it is worth it, I like watching your plays very much, and it often inspires and inspires me."

Zhou Yun was overwhelmed by Yin Lin's words, and was even at a loss for a while, not knowing what to say.

"Don't praise her in front of her. Look at her, her ears are red." Zheng He smiled and pointed at Zhou Yun, "She is really humble, I feel really embarrassed."

Yin Lin held Zhou Yun's hand and said seriously: "Thank you for supporting us this time."

Whether it was Zhou Yun who agreed to attend the red carpet premiere of "Scheme", or when the audience left a third and stood up and applauded after the screening ended, Zhou Yun showed her loyalty.

Yin Lin climbed up from the bottom in the entertainment industry, and she is used to seeing too much cold and warm, so she understands the kindness and morality of Zhou Yun's move.

Having known Zhou Yun for so long, Yin Lin knows that Zhou Yun is not just pretending, which is really nice.Especially after today, Yin Lin has a new understanding of Zhou Yun.
Almost all the crew of "Conspiracy" left Cannes, and no one stayed, including Yin Lin.

The movie was met with cold reception from critics and booing from audiences, no chance of winning an award, and no one stayed.

This is also the normal state of a participating crew.

Generally speaking, most film crews will not stay at the film festival from beginning to end, but only participate in the activities of their own film, and usually go back after participating.

When it's time for the awards, the officials will recall the crews that have won the awards.

Zhou Yun felt a little sad in her heart, but she had too much work, and she would soon have to devote herself to other work.

Watching one movie after another, meeting and chatting with people, discussing cooperation, and negotiating deals, all kinds of things presented all aspects of the movie in front of her like a kaleidoscope.

The film industry is too special.In terms of output value, its box office and various revenues combined may not be comparable to an ordinary branch line in other industries, but it is so eye-catching—the media and exposure all over the world revolve around it. No country or region dare to ignore it. In fact, for a country, its economic value has never been its core value, but the value of culture and propaganda. This is one of the symbols of a country's soft culture, and it is also a national Between the "discourse power" and "national image" display.

The more Zhou Yun understands this industry, the more prudent she feels. As an actor, she is so important and yet so unimportant in this industry.

Everyone appreciates her, but this kind of appreciation is entirely based on the works and the aesthetic appreciation of art.

This industry is an art and aesthetic industry, but it is far from that. It is easy to accidentally fall into the pit.

For example, a female celebrity who enthusiastically wants to take a photo with her, Liu Yun is very impolite before they take a photo with an excuse that there is an urgent matter, and pulls away Zhou Yun. Zhou Yun didn't know about a female celebrity who blatantly insulted Hua, and once the group photo spread, Zhou Yun obviously couldn't "one who doesn't know is innocent", this is just the most common.

In addition to this kind of thing, there are more unpredictable, political figures, religious figures, or other various, there are threats, temptations, sweet cakes delivered to the door, and unpredictable traps and hooks.

Some reporters who discriminated against her asked her why "Words of Fallen Leaves" had been filmed long ago and it took so long to release it. Some people also directly asked her what she thought of China's film censorship mechanism.

Of course she hopes that she can speak freely, but this is not only a domestic environmental problem, but also an international environmental problem. When many people ridicule the domestic environmental censorship, they do not see the same prejudice against the Chinese in the international community. At the time, you already have a preset answer in your heart, which tempts you to say it, and then use it as evidence to attack some phenomena in a generalized manner.

Zhou Yun is not a liberal person, otherwise, she would not have the character she has now.

She knows that there is no absolute freedom, and absolute freedom is endless chaos.

In Cannes, she would rather be a vase who only understands film art. Naive, or ignorant, when a question that is inconvenient to answer comes to her, she will pretend to blink her eyes as if she did not understand your question.

However, can she show this image completely indifferently?
——You are currently the most well-known and representative actress in China in the world. How can you be an ignorant vase?

Such self-demand bothers her.

"Why do you say that "Scheme" is a good movie? We have all watched this movie. To be honest, isn't this really a mystery?" An Italian reporter said before the screening of "One Word" Find Zhou Yun and interview her.

Zhou Yun said: "First of all, "Scheming" itself is a movie based on the background of the Three Kingdoms era in China, so I know that for overseas audiences, there are many backgrounds that are not understood. In fact, I have seen many People commented on this movie that the relationship between the characters is confusing and the narrative is unclear. It is because of this, so I say that for Chinese audiences, this movie is actually easier to understand. Secondly, many people are criticizing this movie The concept of life and death and the concept of family and country presented are different from the concepts of many Western countries. I understand the differences. Every country has its own development process. Because the process is different, different cultures will be accumulated. Why do I say "Scheme" is a good movie? Because I can understand what this movie is talking about, and because I understand it, I think it's amazing that this movie can be made into what it is now."

"I admit that "Scheme" has done a good job in some scenes and scheduling, but do you think that a movie can be called a good movie only if it is liked by the audience in your own country?" The reporter asked.

This question is tricky and difficult to answer.If it only needs to be liked by the audience in the country to be called a good movie, then it seems that Zhou Yun's structure is too small, and it is easy to be labeled as "in order to give the movie platform of one's own country, open your eyes." Eyes tell lies" hat.However, if this is denied, it is also true that "Scheme" has not been recognized by overseas audiences, so why does she say "Scheme" is a good movie?
In the blink of an eye, many thoughts flashed through Zhou Yun's mind.

In the end, she did not evade this question, but said: "A movie is a work. For individual audiences, this itself is a very personal aesthetic matter. Even classic movies have audiences who don't like them, and even bad movies have audiences. I like it enough to be willing to watch it ten times. I think it is a good movie, the reason I have already said, what is a good movie, in fact, it doesn’t matter who says it, people who think it is a good movie say That's all."

The reporter immediately asked: "So you think that the various classics we have selected are not good movies. In the eyes of people who don't like them, this is not a good movie."

"For most people who like it, it is of course a good movie, but for those who don't like it, it is not." Zhou Yun said, "Actually, this is just a movie that must be done according to your question. Good and bad divisions, why do we have to make a good and bad division of movies?"

"Because we all need good movies to tell everyone what movies should be like, don't we?"

"Of course what you're talking about is one aspect, but if our film industry is only as good as everyone's mouth, then many classics will not appear." Zhou Yun said, "There are always some works that need to go through a temporary process. Some people are not recognized and liked, and after the accumulation of time, everyone will find that it is a movie worth watching."

The reporter wanted to continue asking, but Liu Yun took advantage of this opportunity and said to Zhou Yun, "Director Lu Xingxing is looking for you, Miss Xiaoyun."

After she finished speaking to Zhou Yun, she turned to look at the reporter and said in English, "I'm very sorry, Ms. Zhou Yun has other meeting arrangements later."

The reporter didn't want to let Zhou Yun go.

But Liu Yun blocked the reporter very resolutely.

Zhou Yun showed a helpless smile to the reporter and walked towards director Lu Xingxing.
Unexpectedly, after the screening of Lu Xingxing's "One Word", the audience applauded for 5 minutes.

Of course, this is not surprising.

This is the atmosphere of the film festival. As long as it is a movie that everyone is willing to watch, everyone will not be stingy with their own applause to encourage the creators face to face.

Lu Xingxing took Chen Jing to bow and thank everyone.

Zhou Yun also liked "One Word" very much. This time, Lu Xingxing still insisted on his creative style and told the story of a teenager with cancer.

The narrative style of the entire film is very flat, including several plot conflicts, which are handled with the restraint of a documentary.

This is the style of films directed by Lu Xingxing, with a sense of documentary, a little warmth like the afternoon sun, and very little didactic meaning. Don't use that kind of hazy imagery for everyone to guess.

At the end of the movie, it neither talked about whether the cancer boy was cured of cancer, nor gave any hints. It talked about the eternal theme of life.

Under the shadow of death, people burst out with desire for life and search for the meaning of life.

This movie is about such a grand theme.

Generally speaking, the more grand themes are, the more difficult they are to deal with, either in a provocative way or in a "cold and ruthless" way.

Lu Xingxing used a restrained but meticulous shooting style, which shocked the audience in silence.

And this is very much in line with the taste of the Cannes Film Festival.

If "Scheme" was a "big failure" in Cannes, "One Word" was a "big success" in Cannes.

The program score reached 2.9, becoming a high-scoring work, and was regarded by the media as a favorite for winning awards.

At the same time as "One Word" became popular, "Jianyuntai" was also screened.

Zhou Yun and Song Chi walked on the red carpet of "Jianyuntai" together. Two hours later, the media commented on "Jianyuntai", calling it "the best disaster movie ever made in China".

(End of this chapter)

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