Chapter 923 Big Bang
The story of "Jianyuntai" - strictly speaking, it is not very good, this is not a movie that relies on the script to support its splendor.

Zhou Yun usually watches a lot of disaster-themed movies—she likes the feeling of powerlessness in the face of disaster in movies, and the thrill of trying to survive after feeling powerless.

"Jianyuntai" grasped this kind of tense and exciting atmosphere, and it was very successful, and it did a very good job in the special effects scene of the disaster.

Zhou Yun breathed a sigh of relief and hung his heart throughout the whole process of watching the movie, until finally the protagonist group led by Song Chi was successfully rescued.

This is a very good disaster film. There are no funny gags in the middle, and there are no various human struggles and heavy reflections. From the beginning to the end, there is a main line, a story of human beings struggling to save themselves and help each other in the face of disasters.

Based on such a basic story, this film, with smooth, no extra editing, realistic and scary special effects, and the real, delicate, and sincere performances of the actors, hang the hearts of the audience from beginning to end, which is why many media The reason why this disaster film is highly rated.

"Watching Movies": ""Jianyuntai" is excellent. Disaster themes are just a small pond in Chinese films. In the past, there were very few good works, almost none. Few film companies have delved into this subject anymore. Song Chi led his production company to produce a movie that surprised us all so much that we couldn't help but stand up and applaud. Disaster films are really amazing, once upon a time, this actor who impressed us with his acting skills finally came up with a film that can represent his identity as a producer after years of experience as a producer."

"Chinese Film Report": "After watching this movie, I remembered what Zhou Yun said in an interview with French TV a few days ago. Good movies should not distinguish between literary and commercial films. Is "Jian Yuntai" a literary film? Can it win an award? No, it is difficult, or basically impossible except for the technical award, but this does not mean that "Jianyuntai" is a bad movie, I can even foresee that this movie will become a disaster movie A big surprise for lovers, at a time when this kind of genre is on the decline—not just in China, but all over the world, this movie will be loved by audiences."

In addition to the Chinese-language media, foreign media also gave good reviews to this film.

Everyone's evaluation of "Jianyuntai" is very good.

This time, many media said that Song Chi had made a good comeback—but to be honest, Song Chi has only been in the company for the past few years, rarely active in the international arena, and basically only mixed in the country. There was no silence.It's just that it's useless for you to tell the overseas media about this.They won't listen. From an objective point of view, Song Chi hasn't appeared for a long time. In their eyes, this is silence.

What surprised Song Chi the most was that, sure enough, although the box office market of disaster movies has shrunk considerably, they still have a fixed audience. I am more interested in publishing, so I came to discuss cooperation with Song Chi as soon as possible.

Will the box office market of "Jian Yuntai" be good?Not necessarily, as I said earlier, the box office market for movies of this genre has shrunk, but in Western countries where the DVD market is mature, this genre still sells very well, and there is still a fixed market for it.

Song Chi immediately entered a busier state.

Zhou Yun also knew that these few days would be the busiest time for Song Chi, so she didn't drag Song Chi to go with her, and went to finish her work by herself.

In Cannes, she also saw many good foreign films.

This made her very satisfied - part of her expectation for the Cannes Film Festival this time is to watch many films that cannot be seen in China.

Whenever he saw a good movie, Zhou Yun wanted to get to know the main creative team, which finally allowed the manager Mo Weisen sent to serve him to have room to play.

Although Zhou Yun has a lot of overseas work invitations, because Zhou Yun spends most of his time filming on the set, and besides that, he spends most of his time in China, Mo Weisen actually has no involvement in Zhou Yun's brokerage business. Too much room to play.

However, Zhou Yun's rising momentum is clearly visible, and a "Killing Song" is waiting to be released, which makes Mo Weisen's internal rating of Zhou Yun always high, just waiting for Zhou Yun to explode globally.

Moweisen, an internationally renowned brokerage company, has always been well-known for its brokerage services, and many big-name stars are their clients.

Zhou Yun, a Chinese female star with relatively low international reputation, should not have been a member of their list of focus and support. However, the development of the Chinese entertainment industry in recent years has been too great. At the same time, many brands are very Focusing on the Chinese market, this huge brokerage cake has been dominated by domestic companies in China.In the past, these big-name brokerage companies were not interested because the cake was too small. Now that the salaries of Chinese celebrities have gradually reached world-class levels, and the commissions they can draw are also expensive, their eyes naturally shifted.Mo Weisen wanted to build Zhou Yun as a successful case, so that he could successfully eat the big cake of the star artist brokerage market in Asia.

It is no exaggeration to say that in the past few days in Cannes, Zhou Yun has met and established contact with more than a dozen directors. These directors all know her, and she also knows these directors because of their film works. They appreciate each other and exchange films. Exchange performances and talk about what they are passionate about and interested in.

Maybe they don't have much time to sit down and have a good and serious chat, but if they get to know each other, have each other's mailboxes, or close each other's social accounts, the future will be long in the future.

What surprised Zhou Yun the most was the Spanish director Antonio Silra. This time he brought "Rainbow" to the Cannes Film Festival. The Teenager".Zhou Yun was a little shocked when he heard the title, but he was also moved by his idea. This movie is about a Spanish teenager who has uncontrollable sex/impulse, and then, in one summer, a beautiful oriental woman becomes his love interest. The neighbor became his sex/fantasy object every night. As a result, the two were accidentally involved in a murder case, and their lives were completely turned upside down.

Antonio Silra even wrote the first draft of the script, but Zhou Yun couldn't read it because it was in Spanish.His English is not bad, and he can communicate with Zhou Yun. This Spanish director with a well-developed beard has a pair of surprisingly gentle eyes.

He said to Zhou Yun: "The inspiration for this script comes from a movie you acted in."

Zhou Yun was overwhelmed with surprise and asked, "Which movie is it?"

Antonio Scierra said: "Days."

Zhou Yunfan suddenly came to his senses, "Oh, it turned out to be it."

Sure enough it was.

Zhou Yun is currently two of the most well-known overseas films, one is "Days" and the other is "Behind the Scenes". The image of this beautiful oriental woman is probably from "Days".

Zhou Yun deeply feels the benefits of a successful work to an actor, it is his own business card.

It was also at this time that Zhou Yun knew that it was his proposal to invite her to the premiere of "Rainbow". He hoped to have a face-to-face chat with her at the Cannes Film Festival this time.

Zhou Yun is very interested in "A Boy Destroyed by Desire" - this is a subject that is basically unavailable in China.

"I'm very interested." Zhou Yun said, "Antonio, if you want me to act in this movie, first let me read the script from beginning to end, and then we can have a good chat and discuss when to shoot. okay?"

Antonio Silra nodded.
Two days ago, she was still worried that she didn't have any scripts that she was interested in. After shopping around in Cannes, she unexpectedly found two projects that interested her very much, which made Zhou Yun feel very comfortable.

The manager arranged by Mowesen was very concerned when he learned that Zhou Yun had been invited by Antonio Scierra as the lead actress in the new film - the last time "Killing Song" was signed, there was no Mowesen matter, this time Finally, there is room for them to play.According to their cooperation framework, when Zhou Yun starred in film projects outside of Asia, Mo Weisen will represent her contract and related services.

Zhou Lan didn't expect that Zhou Yun's second international film project would not be a Hollywood film, nor would it be a Japanese or Korean film. She originally thought that these would be the countries of origin for Zhou Yun's second international film project.

"It's really worth it for you to come to Cannes this time," Zhou Lan said.

Zhou Yun nodded, "I still want to participate in more film festivals in the future."

Zhou Lan: "The film festival is indeed the place where filmmakers gather most, which is great."

"That's right." Zhou Yun said, "Before Mo Weisen also handed us a lot of movie scripts, but to be honest, you have seen them too. They are all very boring movie scripts, either horror themes, or Some mystifying concepts, basically no good projects. According to him, the new work of a famous director like Antonio Scierra has long wanted me to star in it. However, he did not send me the script through the brokerage company, but wanted to You have to meet me in person before deciding whether to mention this matter to me, if we want to get a good script, we must do more activities by ourselves, everyone still believes in people they have seen with their own eyes."

"Yes." Zhou Lan said, "Xiao Jing, Huang Zicheng, and Lu Zhongting have all gained something this time. It was useful to let them study and practice English hard. I arranged for them to participate in some activities, and they also got to know some of them themselves. People, they all got some good audition opportunities. I have a big feeling that films from various countries are becoming more and more internationalized, especially commercial films. They all hope to arrange some international elements in their films. Let the actors have more and more performance opportunities."

Zhou Yun was a little surprised when he heard Zhou Lan say that.

"is it?"

"Well, for example, there is a horror movie in Thailand. The producer fell in love with Lu Zhongting at first glance, and took the initiative to chat with him and invite him to star in." Zhou Lan said, "To put it bluntly, he fell in love with Lu Zhongting's face and felt very Good-looking, I think he can be liked by many girls in Thailand, so I want to cooperate."

Zhou Yun couldn't help asking, "Are you sure he thinks that Lu Zhongting's face will be liked by many girls in Thailand, not him?"

Zhou Lan: "... No matter what his purpose is, we are here anyway, and he can't take advantage of his bad intentions. You also know that Thai horror movies have always been very powerful. Lu Zhongting can participate in it, which is also good for him. It’s very good, even if the pay is pitifully low, and it’s basically foreseeable that it won’t be released in China.”

Zhou Yun: "It's okay, being able to participate in different international productions and experience in various crews will benefit them a lot."

"Yes, I think so too, and because Huang Zicheng participated in "Chinese Warrior", even if it was only a small role, he was even more favored by Hollywood." Zhou Lan said, "There is an American producer As soon as I heard that Huang Zicheng participated in "Chinese Warrior", I chatted with him for a while and asked for his contact information. Of course, I also know that basically nine out of ten times in this situation, there is no follow-up. He's not being contacted either, but that's always a good sign."

Zhou Yun said: "They can impress others with their own abilities, which is the best."

"The girl Zheng Xiaoju is becoming more and more capable." Zhou Lan said, "You know how much she can say with her mouth. Anyway, she took Huang Zicheng and Lu Zhongting to meet people at various activities, and she also Don't do anything else, just let others know Huang Zicheng and Lu Zhongting, she was your assistant before and met a lot of people, and this has become her resource, and she knows more and more people."

"Oh, I forgot, Sister Lan, has Xiaoju's salary increased?" Zhou Yun said, "Now we all need her to be alone."

"You don't need to worry about these things, don't worry, I am now training her to be the head of the brokerage." Zhou Lan said, "Our studio has more and more business, and I always have something to learn from the brokerage." When the first-line people quit, at that time, our studio needed a brokerage coordinator to be responsible for all the brokerage work, and the specific work was handed over to the managers below to take care of it. This would be a more suitable model for our studio. I think Xiaoju has such potential.”

"Well, good." Zhou Yun nodded, "Oh, by the way, Miss Lan, have you always been in charge of Teacher You Jiang's work?"

"Yes, I'm still in charge." Zhou Lan said, "His situation is quite special, as you know, but I just personally follow up some very important tasks, and I let others take care of some daily affairs gone."

(End of this chapter)

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