I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 924 The Story of the Old Detective of the Republic of China

Chapter 924 The Story of the Old Detective of the Republic of China
You Jiang belongs to a special signing actor in their studio.

One is that he is the only actor with a relatively older generation, and the other is that not all of his brokerage contracts are signed with them, only some of his brokerage contracts are handled in their studio.

But, on the other hand, You Jiang became popular because of "Behind the Scenes". His acting skills are good and are recognized by the industry. Now that he has the recognition of the market, his career development is smooth sailing, and many drama appointments have been handed over.

It's just that Zhou Lan has always insisted on the "artist" line to You Jiang.

Zhou Lan didn't let You Jiang get in touch with those vulgar scripts, and You Jiang's performances were basically dramas.

"Actually, the domestic market is really mature now. Even for serious dramas, the pay is not bad." Zhou Lan said, "Of course, compared with those fairy tale dramas, idol dramas, and costume dramas with big investments, Mr. You takes The pay is still relatively low. Now Teacher You has a very real problem, that is, there are very few leading roles, especially in movies. It's hard to be the leading male lead in a movie."

Zhou Yun said: "If it's not possible, I don't force it. Did Mr. You Jiang himself say that he must play the male lead?"

"He never said it, but Xiaoyun, you also know that if you don't play the leading role for a long time, at Mr. You Jiang's current age, the industry will slowly be positioned as a golden supporting role. Seeing that Mr. You Jiang is still very aggressive in his acting career, he doesn't think that winning the best actor is enough, nor is he content with the status quo, I still hope to help him make a breakthrough."

"But if you really can't find the movie of the male lead, how do you get it?" Zhou Yun asked, "Do you have any ideas?"

"I've taken a fancy to a novel, and I want to buy it." Zhou Lan said, "It's a story about a detective. I want to create a movie series for Mr. You."

Zhou Yun was surprised when he heard this, "Is it true?"

"Really, just like this, our studio will have to spend a lot of money." Zhou Lan said, "Also, we don't have enough money to independently operate a big project."

Zhou Yun said: "If it is made into a movie, how much money is expected to be invested?"

"Preliminary preparations plus shooting, I estimated that 6000 million will go up." Zhou Lan said, "If we want to make a good work."

Zhou Yun and the others have never produced a movie with their own sole proprietorship.

This made her stunned for a moment.

Zhou Yun said: "Do you mean that you want our studio to produce independently?"

Zhou Lan shook his head: "That's definitely not possible. We do it. We form our own team to shoot. However, in terms of investment, I want to take out 50% of the investment share and let others inject capital."

"Can you get investment?" Zhou Yun asked suspiciously.

If the project starring You Jiang can get investment so easily, then it won't be difficult for him to get the lead actor in an outside film crew.

Zhou Yun had already understood this from Zhou Lan's words.

Zhou Lan said: "It's difficult, but I will work hard. All in all, this is a big event, so I have to ask for your approval. First, our studio is going to make a movie on its own. Second, , I am going to spend 3000 million from the studio's income to make this movie."

For this studio, both Zhou Yun and Zhou Lan have decision-making power. If they want to do something, both of them must agree to do it.

Of course, generally speaking, they trust each other very much, and generally support what the other party wants to do.

It's just that what Zhou Lan wants to do this time is too big.

Zhou Yun hesitated for a moment, and said: "Sister Lan, we will make this movie by ourselves. One is that we have no experience, and the other is that the risk is very high. We basically have no strength to resist the risk. Once some unexpected factors occur, this project will not go smoothly. If we move forward, we will have big problems.”

"Yes, I know, so this is also..." Zhou Lan paused, as if he was sorting out his words, "I haven't made up my mind to do this, I just think that our studio will sooner or later If this is the case, why not start accumulating experience now?"

"But this project is not a small project. A movie with a pre-production cost of 6000 million yuan, plus subsequent post-production and publicity, at least [-] million yuan may not be enough." Zhou Yun said, "We don't have such financial strength. , I know, you mean that you want to seek investment, but this is the first time our studio has sought investment for a film project. You may be interested or tempted. We have to face a problem, this Can the project be profitable? Is there room for profit? If we lose money, we can say for ourselves, anyway, if we lose money, we can earn it back in the future, but will those investors still have the confidence to invest in our project next time?"

Zhou Lan: "I've thought about what you said. I just came up with the idea because I was optimistic about the return prospects of this movie project."

"Huh? How do you say it?"

"This is not a literary film. The reason why it requires such a high production cost is because it involves the production of some big scenes." Zhou Lan said, "To be precise, this is a film with two male protagonists. I read When the original book was written, it was always taken away by the story. It was born with an attractive and good story. An old detective leads a rookie policeman to solve the case. One has resourcefulness, the other has force, and the background of the Republic of China. It could be developed into a series."

"For a cost of [-] million, it will take almost [-] million at the box office to pay back." Zhou Yun said, "The risk is really great. Of course, I believe that this kind of theme has a great long-term return prospect, and overseas sales are also good. Whether it is broadcast on the video platform, it can bring us a lot of returns, but... such box office pressure, I don't think our studio can afford it at the moment."

"Indeed." Zhou Lan sighed.

She shook her head and said, "If it doesn't work, let's put it on hold."

"Sister Lan, if you really want to make this movie, you don't need to put it on hold." Zhou Yun said, "We can develop this movie together with other film companies, but don't let us cover the project. We can still If you invest, you can still let Teacher You Jiang play the leading role."

"Do you mean to give half of the copyright to others?" Zhou Lan asked.

"The copyright stays in our own hands, and half or more of the proceeds can be distributed." Zhou Yun said, "We don't need to rely on this project to make money, don't we? The main purpose is to tailor a movie for Teacher You Jiang. The first is the film, and the second is to accumulate film production experience. Although I still have concerns about our studio’s plan to produce films, I thought that for at least five years, we would not lead the production of such commercial films with an investment of more than 2000 million. "

Zhou Lan: "Maybe it's the recent period that has made me optimistic and inflated. I am calm and calm, but you said that it is feasible to develop this movie with other film companies?"

"Why is it not feasible?" Zhou Yun said, "Movies are inherently a high-risk project, and it is normal to find someone to share the risk. Of course, for us, the most suitable choice is to choose that kind of big company. We need another small and medium-sized company to share the risk with us, and everyone is in the same situation."

"I'm afraid that if I want to find other companies to develop this project together, the first request they make is to kick You Jiang out of the game. If Teacher You Jiang is allowed to play a supporting role, no company will have any objections. However, the male lead of the film Number one? Almost no company agrees, unless it is a literary film, which is not aimed at the theater box office."

Zhou Yun: "Didn't you say that this is a story of two male protagonists? There is a rookie policeman, which is very suitable for a young actor. For this role, it is necessary to find an actor who can convince investors and film companies. got smaller."

"But such an actor, would he be willing to be You Jiang's second male lead? After all, although it is a double male lead in terms of role, the core of the whole story is still unfolding around the old detective." Zhou Lan said, "No young actor who can be the number one actor now would be willing to play the second part."

Zhou Yun said: "I think this is much less difficult than making this movie by ourselves. The key lies in what you said. After the movie is finished, it can be made into a series. Any series that can make money is very important for a family. For a big movie company, it’s something that can’t be met. You make a fuss about this, convince the company, and then—well, although it’s very utilitarian to say it this way, it’s undeniable that Mr. You Jiang won the Best Actor Award. For the protagonist, being able to co-star in a movie will be a fatal attraction for certain male actors."

"You mean - those actors who have a lot of traffic, but their acting skills are not enough?" Zhou Lan asked.

Zhou Yun nodded: "There are a few male actors who are very popular and have a lot of traffic, but their acting skills have been ridiculed. If they want to find a good team to improve their acting skills, those crews are not willing to want actors like them. Of course, we are not That kind of crew with a famous director, but starring in a movie with You Jiang, it should still be very attractive."

Zhou Lan: "I'll try it. After I go back, I'll contact some film companies first."

Zhou Yun: "Yes."

In fact, Zhou Yun never felt that the film could attract really good young actors from the beginning.This is a very common theme type, and it is a crime-solving story with the background of the Republic of China. From Zhou Lan's description, this movie should not have much room for breakthrough in performance. It is basically a movie story aimed at looking good.Actors at the level of Song Chi and He Xuran, unless they spend money, they have little hope of being accepted—or they spend favors.

As for actors like Zhou Jianfeng who have just become popular, they have never acted in movies, and they cannot convince investors.Now the barriers between movies and dramas are getting thicker and thicker. Actors who become popular through dramas, especially online dramas, will basically not enter the field of vision of filmmakers. These are completely two circles.Zhou Yun himself is out of the circle, and he is well aware of this.Otherwise, with her current achievements, she wouldn't have only received film invitations from director Van der Schamp.

Although she is popular, for those famous directors, they themselves are the biggest box office guarantee and don't need her.

Zhou Yun was not in their circle, and they didn't bother to take her to play.

She is very popular, and her acting skills are very good, and she will chat and greet enthusiastically when you meet her.

But, a movie is a movie.They don't need a popular, powerful actress to influence their own high-profile movies.

Zhou Yun's pace was too fast, so fast that he didn't accumulate those big guides, and relied on his own vision and luck to reach a height that almost no one could match.

People also have a "respectful distance" towards her.

Even Fan Deshang considered her because Jiang Xin was his good friend, and Jiang Xin recommended her.
With the successive screenings of the main competition films, the trip to Cannes is coming to an end.

Zhou Yun finally had the chance to meet Elizabeth again.The popular star with fans all over the world sat down with Zhou Yun in a cafe by a small river in Cannes after the promotional work was over.

As the film festival draws to a close, there are finally fewer people in Cannes.

Zhou Yun and Elizabeth sat at a small table by the cafe, wantonly enjoying the warm breeze of this season.

"Your support for "The Plan" has aroused a lot of people's resentment." Elizabeth said directly, "Some film critics I know scoffed at your support, saying that you gave up on movies in order to support movies in your own country. artistic pursuit."

Zhou Yun shook his head and said helplessly: "Why can't they accept it? Even if they don't like some movies, there are still people who like them? It's fine if I like this movie so much, but almost all the Chinese people around me Filmmakers, all spoke highly of this movie, and I know I'm right, even if this movie is not accepted by others because of cultural barriers, I still like it."

Elizabeth said: "If you express your position so clearly, it will cause dissatisfaction among many people. After all... you also know that there are not many Chinese working in Hollywood."

"Could it be that they will close the door to me because of my support for "Scheme"?"

"At least it will make some people prejudice against you." Elizabeth said, "At least at this time, you don't have to sing against them so clearly, don't you? How bad-tempered those film critics are, even us Native American actors dare not confront them collectively, and when they scold us, we can only be scolded honestly."

"I want to stick to my position, especially my position on movies." Zhou Yun said, "I don't want to say that I don't like my favorite movies against my conscience."

"Oh, that's not what I meant, Cloud."

"I know."

"Honey, I know what you mean, I am very grateful, but I know what I am doing, if I refuse to stand up and tell others at this time, this is a movie worth watching seriously, then I will look down on me Myself." Zhou Yun said with a smile, "I have very strong self-esteem in this regard."

(End of this chapter)

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