Chapter 925 A New Path
Speaking of it, Zhou Yun also found it strange that his friendship with Elizabeth could last for so long, obviously, there was not much real contact between the two of them.

Elizabeth didn't say too much about "The Plan" and quickly changed to other topics.

"Your "Killing Song" is scheduled to be released at the end of this year, right?" Elizabeth asked, "How is the progress now?"

Zhou Yun shook his head and said, "It's still in the later stage, so I don't know the specific situation."

"Did you not accept other films in Hollywood?" Elizabeth asked again, "There should be a lot of scripts handed over to you, right?"

"Yes, but I find it boring." Zhou Yun said, "Hollywood scripts are basically dominated by white people, and the general Asian characters are very symbolic and labelled. What a challenge, I think after "Killing Song" is released, if it does well, the scripts and roles I can get will be much better."

"That's right." Elizabeth nodded, "Actually, you've already been very successful—among Asian actors, there are really very few Asian actors who can be nominated for the Golden Globe Award for Best Actress."

"I know, it was lucky that time, and we didn't even think of it." Zhou Yun recalled now, it was a surprise that "Behind the Scenes" was nominated for the Golden Globe Award for Best Actress, and most of it was due to Shi Luoqi .

Unlike her, Shi Luoqi is a producer who has been in the European and American film circles all year round, and has a wealth of contacts, which is beyond her imagination.

Elizabeth said: "I watched the new film "Blue Bridge and Morning" directed by Xue Qin this time. It is a bit ordinary and does not have the explosive tension of "Behind the Scenes" at all, but He Wenyun's performance is quite good. She's been in a Spielberg movie, and you know, she's pretty popular in Hollywood right now."

"I know, she also starred in Paimonchi's "Chinese Warrior." Zhou Yun said, "I have worked with her before, and she is indeed an actress who is very good at acting."

Elizabeth blinked in surprise, looked at her, and asked, "Aren't you jealous of her at all? Or rather, consider her your competitor."

"Jealous? I'm not jealous of her. Of course, she's excellent, but I don't think I'm inferior to her either."

"Xiao Yun, you have to know that although Hollywood is very big, as you said, we don't really need Asian characters, and now there are two of you and her, who are about the same age and are also beautiful girls. , which means that in the future, Asian female roles in the 30s and [-]s in Hollywood may have to choose one of you, and you will have a lot of competition with her."

"We'll talk about the future. There's no need to compete in advance now." Zhou Yun said, "Actually, I or she don't have to fight to the death in Hollywood."

Elizabeth: "I think you are too naive. Even us American actors are fighting to the death. There can be no peace between you and her. Peace comes when we are all old and everything is settled. Shake hands and make peace."

Zhou Yun couldn't help laughing.

"Your statement is very penetrating."

"Do you think I just have to stay at home every time and wait for someone to deliver the play I want to play?" Elizabeth said, "There are other people who want to play the role I want to play. Good role, everyone Actors all want to act, and competition is simply unavoidable."

"You are right."

Zhou Yun suddenly reacted.

Elizabeth and her can continue to maintain this friendship, isn't it because there is no competition between them?
This sudden discovery of the truth made Zhou Yun feel a little downhearted.
"I know that once people grow up, it is difficult to play together purely and without any thoughts. In fact, Elizabeth is really good to me, but when I think about it, the reason why she is friendly with me is because she is in In Hollywood, there is almost no true friend, and it is impossible to have a true friend. On the contrary, I, who is from China, has no roots in Hollywood, has a completely different image from her, and will not pose any threat to her. The thought of offering a share of emotional value and companionship value from a friend just doesn't make sense to me."

On the plane back home, Zhou Yun and Song Chi were talking about their relationship with Elizabeth.

"I also know that I would think this way, which means that I am not that mature yet, and I still have my own naive illusions about friendship, but how to put it, maybe it is because I really want to keep my own. Small world, at least in my own small world, some things don’t have to be so realistic. After I realized this problem, I couldn’t talk to Elizabeth like I used to. I looked at her face, always I can't help thinking, if I am not a Chinese, but an American with blonde hair and blue eyes like her, oh no, not only Americans, as long as I am white, will she not be friends with me, I The more you think about it, the more uncomfortable you feel.”

Song Chi listened to Zhou Yun's words and wanted to comfort Zhou Yun, but Zhou Yun raised his hand to signal him not to speak.

She went on to say: "Then, two days later, before I got on the plane, I received an email from her, she invited me to a party of hers in July, and I was suddenly relieved that I was uncomfortable before. Those emotions suddenly disappeared. A very rational voice told me in my mind, who said that friendship must be completely pure and without consideration? I suddenly accepted everything, Song Chi, do you know what I want to say? How should I put it, that is, when you discover step by step that you are not as pure and idealistic as you imagined, you feel a little disappointed in yourself, and at the same time, you breathe a sigh of relief. In the real world, it is better to be more mundane. .”

Song Chi raised the corner of his mouth.

He said: “To be honest, in the past few years, you have been in this state of self-reflection and explanation from time to time. Adhere to ideals, insist on purity, and feel that the secular world is not bad for a while. , but I think you have a better change."


"You started to speak out without any scruples." Song Chi said, "It means that no matter how you change, you subconsciously think that you can support any changes in you. This is the confidence you never had before."

"Oh, what you said seems to be true." Zhou Yun nodded.

"In addition, you are an actor, and you are always playing different characters. When you enter those characters, their personalities and ways of thinking also affect you." Song Chi said, "This kind of back and forth, contradictory Emotions are nothing more than normal for an actor.”

"Okay, once you say that, I'm relieved." Zhou Yun paused for a moment, then mysteriously leaned into Song Chi's ear, and whispered, "I really almost thought I was going to have a schizophrenia. .”

Song Chi couldn't hold back and laughed.

A mouthful of white teeth.

Spirit boy.

Zhou Yun: "Don't talk about me, let's talk about your "Jianyuntai". How much did you gain this time?"

Song Chi said: "Several international film studios have already made offers, but they all opened their mouths to ask for the global distribution rights outside of mainland China. "

"Which ones have bid?"

"The U.S.'s Ring History, Pimchi, and Dylan have all bid, and filmmakers from other countries have also come to ask, but they all only want the distribution rights in their own country." Song Chi said, "The three companies in the U.S. have all bids. When it reaches more than 800 million US dollars, the proportion of our share is also appropriate, but what we want is global distribution. In fact, it is the most trouble-free to sell to one of the three of them. We don’t have to worry about other things, and wait for them to share the proceeds regularly. Just call us, and it will be a lot of trouble if you disassemble and sell to filmmakers in different countries, but if we establish cooperation, it will also help the sales of other films of our company."

Zhou Yun thought for a while and asked, "How much box office do you expect "Jian Yuntai" to get worldwide?"

"It's hard to say in China. My domestic box office is expected to be in the range of 5 to 7 million." Song Chi said, "As for Europe and the United States, it depends on the ability of distribution. Now the film is screened in Cannes, and the evaluation is very good. Just watch it. Can the distribution allow local audiences to enter the cinema, and at the same time get a good schedule."

Zhou Yun said: "If this is the case, then I think it is better to choose one of the three companies in the United States to give the best conditions. Since you have said that it depends on the distribution ability, we must admit that these large companies in the United States have the best conditions in the world. Its distribution ability is stronger than that of other countries.”

"However, if we can sell them separately to local filmmakers, although it is troublesome, we can get better screening conditions and promotional conditions. After all, foreign ones are always inferior to local snakes." Song Chi said, "After returning to China, I will get better conditions for screening and publicity. Let Wu Chengbao discuss it again, all in all, the screening in Cannes was a great success, which really made us breathe a sigh of relief, and "Jian Yuntai" is also preparing to be released in this summer."

"July or August?" Zhou Yun asked.

"Maybe in mid-July." Song Chi said, "If you can get a good schedule, the students will go on vacation on a large scale at this time."

Zhou Yun nodded.

"The competition for summer slots is also very fierce. Having a good reputation in Cannes is indeed conducive to the promotion of "The Cloud Terrace". If it is delayed until August, the bonus time limit of Cannes will disappear a lot."

""Words of Fallen Leaves" is still in theaters, do you know?" Song Chi asked suddenly.

"Huh?" Zhou Yun was a little surprised, "I don't know, it probably hasn't been released yet, what's wrong?"

"Wu Chengbao shared a set of data with me. "Words of Fallen Leaves" has been running for a week, and the daily box office has been fixed in the range of 60 to 80."

"Huh?" Zhou Yun was taken aback.

Before Zhou Yun went to Cannes, the box office of "Words of Fallen Leaves" had accumulated to 1.7 million, reaching the peak box office position of domestic literary films.

It's just that, basically, they can't generate much box office now. Zhou Yun didn't know what Song Chi meant by this.

Song Chi said: "In China, the general box office is decreasing day by day, but "Words of Fallen Leaves" has been in theaters for more than a month, and it still generates a box office of 60 to 80 yuan a day, and there is no decreasing trend. This is a small miracle. Many film companies have paid attention to this phenomenon. They are studying why it can have such a long-tail effect. For example, these days after you went abroad, it has won a box office of nearly 600 million yuan. Of course, this is not the case. It’s a very high number, but no one knows how long the daily box office will last before dropping, and it hasn’t dropped for a whole week, which has already broken the law of the market.”

Zhou Yun roughly understood what Song Chi meant.

She said: "Perhaps because of the controversy about "Words of Fallen Leaves" in the early stage, many people know about this movie, so everyone is going to the cinema to watch this movie one after another?"

"Generally speaking, the degree of discussion will bring a new or peak box office to the movie, rather than such a peaceful and continuous state." Song Chi said, "If the last movie really exerts a long-tail effect and breaks through [-] million box office, Then the whole industry will probably be shocked.”

At present, "Words of Fallen Leaves" is still more than 2000 million away from the box office of [-] million yuan. According to the current box office of "Words of Fallen Leaves" this day, it is almost impossible to reach it.

This is why Wu Chengbao specifically shared the box office data of "Words of Fallen Leaves" with Song Chi.

He was pondering one thing: literary films may not have a box office market in China's huge film market.

For a literary film with a production cost of only a few million to 2000 million, basically as long as the box office can reach more than 2000 million, it will definitely be profitable-because there are also TV broadcasts, online on-demand screenings, overseas sales, DVDs, etc. Peripheral sales.

However, whether literary and artistic films can get box office in theaters is basically a case, not a stable situation.

Wu Chengbao is not surprised that "Words of Fallen Leaves" can get a box office of 1.7 million. After all, it is directed by Xue Qin, starring Zhou Yun, and "Behind the Scenes" is in the lead, which can attract many audiences.

However, at this time, the fan effect is obviously exhausted, and box office can still be produced under such circumstances. Why is this?
After analyzing various data, a conclusion has been drawn: there is a group of audiences in China who are willing to watch literary and artistic films, and the size of this group of audiences was not large enough to support the market for literary and artistic films, but now it seems to have reached a corresponding level. scale up.

If this is the case, it will be a great thing for Song Chi's production company.

It is also a great thing for Zhou Yun's small studio.

Medium and low-cost literary and artistic films happen to be the strengths of the two of them.

As long as they prove that there is such a market, they can slowly develop a stable path to produce some excellent literary films.

(End of this chapter)

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