I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 926 Respective Advancement

Chapter 926 Respective Advancement

"Film Market Analysis Report": "According to the information we have received, the three Chinese-language films that Zhou Yun brought to Cannes this time have once again won the favor of overseas filmmakers. Previously, these films were based on the creator's personal enthusiasm and bankruptcy. The works shot with funds have never had any stable sales channels. After the shooting, they are either sold to video sites at a low price, or dust is collected at the bottom of the box. Now, Zhou Yun Studio has begun to promote these highly personalized works. When her works are pushed overseas, is it her own star aura that helped her do this, or is our market extremely lacking in a group of capable promoters to push our author's films overseas?"

Zhou Yun felt a little helpless when he saw this report.

Although she did promote the three films she brought out this time, and sold distribution rights in several countries and regions, but in the final analysis, they were all sold at low prices.

There are no celebrities, not famous directors, and not Cannes works. People are willing to come to see it because of her name. Most of them lose interest when they know that it is not a movie starring her. Occasionally, some people are interested. , After seeing the works, the bids are also very low, even tens of thousands of dollars.

However, for these works, no matter how small a mosquito is, it is still meat.

If there is a chance for these creators to get some income, Zhou Yun is also willing to sell it.

Therefore, the total sales of these three works were less than 200 million US dollars, and Zhou Yun was too embarrassed to mention it to others.

In fact, there are basically no sales in big markets like the United States and the United Kingdom.

People are too lazy to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to buy a literary film that has no market prospects, even if it turns out to be profitable in the end, compared with the energy spent in the same period, it is not worth the loss.

But these incomes are already a pleasant surprise for the directors of the film.
After discussing with Wu Chengbao, Song Chi decided to contact the production companies of the three films that Zhou Yun brought out, hoping to win the domestic distribution rights.

Sure enough, although the overseas distribution rights were negotiated to Zhou Yun, there was no company to take over the domestic distribution.

Song Chi and Wu Chengbao wanted to use these three films to verify their speculation about the literary film market—and these three films were selected by Zhou Yun from many films, and the quality passed the test.

But after winning the distribution rights, they are at a loss as to how to promote and promote a literary film.

It is common sense that you will basically not be able to get a film schedule for a zero-public release.

Song Chi and Wu Chengbao continued to talk about "Jianyuntai" with others, while thinking about how to promote these three literary films.

In the end, they decided to take out the movie "Flowers Blooming But Fruitless" to ask for directions.

First things first, change the name of the movie.

"No one will go to see a movie called "Flowers Bloom But No Fruit." Wu Chengbao said very firmly to the director of this movie, "We hope you will give us a few more alternative names."

The actors in this movie are all newcomers, and the director is even a pure newcomer.

However, the movie is really well done.

This is a story about a pair of good friends trekking through the desert. In the process, the two people review all the things that happened before them, quarrel, reconcile, face the survival crisis together, and finally understand each other.

Typical literary film.

Zhou Yun took a fancy to this movie at the beginning because the movie itself was well-produced, and the lines of the two people were also written very cleanly, without pretentiousness.

She is most afraid of such lines.

During the whole viewing process, Zhou Yun felt comfortable, like reading an essay.

Of course, the two young male actors are very young and have almost no acting skills at all, so they can be regarded as acting in their true colors.

But because almost all of them played in their true colors, Zhou Yun immediately accepted their non-actor-like tonality, just like watching a documentary.

Song Chi and Wu Chengbao finally decided to let this movie take the route of screening, slowly fermenting word of mouth.

First, contact the college film clubs and do special screenings in colleges and universities. You still have to charge money, but only a symbolic five dollars, 150-200 viewers, can basically be offset with the rental fees of college venues, and then socialize If you post a movie review on the platform, you will have the opportunity to get a movie ticket for "Jianyuntai" for free.

Second, do screening activities in some cooperative theaters.

Third, arrange media screenings.

All of the above is to slowly ferment word of mouth.

Since there are no famous directors and stars to promote, we can only work on the movie itself.

Especially the first point, Song Chi's company only has people whom Song Chi knew when he went to college activities, and there is no stable contact channel, so he has to spend a lot of effort to collect the contact information of the heads of various college film clubs.

Then, family by family, go and talk.

Fortunately, there was Song Chi as a signboard. When everyone heard that it was Song Chi's film company, they all chose to continue the chat.

This is a very labor-intensive move, but if such a contact channel can really be established, it will be of great benefit to the promotion of every movie in the future.

Wu Chengbao immediately thought of Zhou Yun.

He immediately went to Zhou Lanchao to cooperate.

"With such a channel established, every film starring and produced by Zhou Yun can be promoted through this channel, and, if you think about it, this is a very stable and popular young people who are interested in movies. In the circle, they are the ones who really know how to buy tickets to go to the movies. If you think about it, it’s such a huge force.” Wu Chengbao said, “As long as you are willing to let Zhou Yun and Wang Jing provide a few A signed photo of a movie poster, or tickets to the movie premiere, or some other benefits, help us open this channel.”

Zhou Lan also reacted immediately and said, "There is no problem at all, but my people will build this channel with you, and we will share this channel."

Wu Chengbao had long thought that as long as he told Zhou Lan about this matter, with Zhou Lan's keenness and wisdom, he would definitely realize how useful this channel was and would not let it go.

He made a look of heartache, but the calculation in his heart was very loud.

With such a large market across the country, it would be difficult for people from his company to quickly open up the situation. It would be a great help to have people from Zhou Yun's side join in.
On the fourth day after returning from Cannes, Zhou Yun received a script from Antonio Silra.

He kindly asked someone to translate a Chinese introduction to the story for her.

The script was in Spanish, and Zhou Yun couldn't understand it, so she had to ask a translator to translate it for her.

The translation took almost a week.

After Zhou Yun finished reading, he contacted Antonio Silra immediately.

"Antonio, if you agree, I would very much like to be in this movie."

Antonio Silra happily said to her in the video call: "That would be great, I believe we can create an interesting movie."

Zhou Yun nodded with a smile.

Moweisen Agency is in charge of helping Zhou Yun sign a performance contract with Antonio Silra's production company.

At the same time, the cover of the French version of V magazine shot by Zhou Yun was officially released.

The cover of this issue has attracted the attention of the global fashion circle - after all, it is the French version of the V magazine, who cares about fashion does not pay attention to the French version of the V magazine.

This also allowed Zhou Yun to receive invitations to several fashion events in a short time.

Among them, there was an invitation to a charity dinner sent by Moweisen.

Zhou Yun has already experienced the benefits of this kind of international event, and he will never miss it when he has time.

The biggest advantage of participating in this kind of activity is that you can meet many people who you don't usually know through channels.

Among them was a fashion event hosted by T Magazine.

However, Zhou Yun's attendance at this event was mainly for another actress who also participated in this event.

Yu Sitian.

The starring lineup of "Three Thousand Worlds" is still worse than that of Sitian and Cheng Shenlu.

Cheng Shenlu has already called her and told her about her situation.Cheng Shenlu directly stated that she will star in "Three Thousand Worlds", and she will handle it by herself with the agent and the agency.

Therefore, Zhou Yun only needs to deal with Yu Sitian.

Zhou Yun did not expect Yu Sitian not to let go of her role in "Three Thousand Worlds".

Mainly, she didn't know why Yu Sitian refused to act.

"Three Thousand Worlds" is a big IP, and there is a good production company. It is obvious that it will be popular if it makes a good drama. It is a great benefit for her to play one of the five protagonists.

Could it be that now he really refuses to act after talking about right and wrong?

Zhou Yun wanted to go and have a chat with Yu Sitian in person.

In this fashion event, Zhou Yun made his final appearance, and Mr. Qin Zhong was the finale.

When Zhou Yun knew that Teacher Qin Zhong had been invited, he was taken aback. He didn't expect it.

The main reason is Mr. Qin Zhong, an old artist who became famous decades ago, but now there are very few activities.

But what Zhou Yun didn't expect was that Qin Zhong didn't walk the red carpet alone. She brought a man with him. This man was wearing a lead gray casual suit and appeared with the support of Mr. Qin Zhong. His handsome face attracted many people's attention. and sizing up.

When Zhou Yun saw him appearing with Qin Zhong, he was stunned.

It turned out to be Jingbei.

It's not just Zhou Yun who is paying attention to Jingbei, but also everyone else.

During this period of time, Jingbei has attracted almost everyone's attention in the entertainment industry. The identity of Jing Dongtian's illegitimate son makes him carry a strong smell of gossip when he appears, and people can't help but talk about him and talk about him.And he himself is not low-key, there is a mother who promotes him everywhere, and she always appears on occasions like today's activities, letting people who don't know him know his existence.

But today, Mr. Qin Zhong attended with him, which still surprised many people.

It's like a school's favorite boy who suddenly walks with the tail of the grade crane one day, looking out of place.

"Mr. Qin Zhong, is this helping Jingbei to support the platform?" Zhou Yun heard a person behind him asking the person next to him.

This is actually Zhou Yun's own doubts.

If not, Zhou Yun felt that there was really no need for Teacher Qin Zhong to do this.

Perhaps, it was Jing Dongtian who greeted Qin Zhong and asked Qin Zhong to help him.

Otherwise, what happened tonight cannot be explained.

But no matter what, this matter has nothing to do with her, Zhou Yun.

Zhou Yun still focused on the conversation with Yu Sitian later.

How to persuade Yu Sitian to join "Three Thousand Worlds", Zhou Yun hasn't fully figured it out yet.

She doesn't know much about Sitian, but she knows that she must be careful not to give Yu Sitian a sense of "condescending", otherwise this matter will not be able to reach an agreement.

After all, without her appearance, Yu Sitian would still be the most popular little princess in the film industry.

At that time, it didn't matter if she couldn't afford the box office of big productions.The number one female lead in youth love movies, the second female lead and the third female lead in movies with famous directors and great directors, all of which added glory to her resume.It wasn't Zhou Yun's appearance, but Yu Sitian's performance was the best among the young florets in the film industry.However, Zhou Yun's appearance completely raised this level. She single-handedly left everyone far behind.

Yu Sitian also knew that Zhou Yun would come today.

Once upon a time, Zhou Yun was the "upstart" she looked down upon, but now, she has become a peak that she also needs to look up to.

Yu Sitian couldn't tell whether she was more jealous or more envious in her heart.

In the past few years, she has been immersed in the filming of the crew, and rarely steals the limelight on various occasions like before.

People around her say that she has grown up and become much calmer.

Yu Sitian didn't know if she had really grown up, or if she just realized that she was not that good, so she lost the confidence to stand out.

The harder and more devotedly you delve into a character, the more overwhelmed you feel.There are many ways to perform a scene, and she can't judge which one is the most suitable. She doesn't have such judgment.And I know that I haven't fully acted to that state in a certain play, but I can't show it no matter what.Yu Sitian has suffered repeated setbacks in the past few years, feeling her mediocre performance on the set.She felt that she had regressed more and more, and she was no longer as energetic as before.The director who was not familiar with her praised her for her methodical acting. After the director who was familiar with her worked together again, she worriedly told her agent that she had lost a little of the vigor she had back then.

What kind of energy is it?
Yu Sitian didn't know.

When she watched the scenes she acted in the past, she only felt that the girl in the camera was full of self-confidence between glances.

A newborn calf is not afraid of tigers, she thinks from the bottom of her heart that she is talented, and she acts arrogantly and recklessly, which is the state she is no longer in anyway.

For "Three Thousand Worlds", Yu Sitian is really not interested.The character who came to her was too noisy, too naive, and too similar to her before, she subconsciously resisted.

Yes, it's not Zhou Yun's reason anymore, it's because she herself doesn't want to play a role that is very similar to her former self.

Even though Chen Wenjun gave a very generous remuneration, even her agent was moved and began to persuade her to take the film.

Yu Sitian didn't want to pick it up.

She didn't want to see herself powerless on set, powerless to her former self.

"Sitian, are you free? Let's chat." Zhou Yun suddenly appeared in front of her and said proactively.

Yu Sitian was on guard subconsciously, and looked at Zhou Yun with some vigilance.

Zhou Yun looked at her sincerely and said, "I want to talk to you about the drama "Three Thousand Worlds"."

(End of this chapter)

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