Chapter 927

"This drama is worthy of your acting." Zhou Yun said straight to the point, "Not only because it is a big IP, but you must have watched the character who was looking for you, she fits your own personality and temperament very well, and, The character design is also very good, if the acting is done well, the audience will like it.”

Yu Sitian just felt extremely awkward.

She couldn't listen to every word Zhou Yun said to her.

Zhou Yun's face was reflected in her eyes, her mouth opened and closed, Yu Sitian knew what Zhou Yun was talking about, but she couldn't concentrate on what Zhou Yun said at all.

After a while, Yu Sitian came back to his senses.

"I know, I didn't say no because the script and the character were bad," she said.

Zhou Yun showed a surprised expression.

"Then why did you refuse?"

Yu Sitian did not answer.

She looked down at the ring on her hand and said, "I'm not short of acting in this play."

Still the same arrogant look as before.

But Zhou Yun felt that Yu Sitian's words sounded a little insincere.

"I know, you have no shortage of acting, but you have been trying to make your career go further and find a breakthrough in the past few years, haven't you?" Zhou Yun said, "This will be a movie that will make your career go further. , you should know that I will not act in this drama, but Wang Jing will act, and we think this drama can be popular and help her be known by more people, which is the same for you."

Yu Sitian raised her head and glanced at Zhou Yun, a look of surprise flashed across her face, and at the same time, the corner of her mouth curled up in a mocking manner.

"You still pay attention to my career?"

Zhou Yun said: "We are all actors, and we will hear some news more or less. Haven't you been filming in the crew all the time? You stay in the crew for more than [-] days a year. If you don't want to go further, You don't work that hard, you don't need to."

Yu Sitian didn't know how to describe his mood at this moment.

Originally thought that she had been left far behind by Zhou Yun, out of Zhou Yun's field of vision, but now Zhou Yun told her that she had been aware of her movements all along.

Yu Sitian didn't even realize that the spikes in her heart that opened up like hedgehogs retracted a little.

"Why did you ask me to act in this play?" Yu Sitian said, "Do you want to see me being liked by the audience and becoming popular?"

Zhou Yun showed a puzzled expression and asked, "Why don't I want it?"

Yu Sitian bit her lip lightly, turned her head to one side, not looking into Zhou Yun's eyes.

"I've had some unpleasant things with you - I liked Song Chi too much, didn't I?"

"Song Chi never liked you." Zhou Yun said frankly, "Then why do I mind?"

Yu Sitian felt her heart was hit violently.

For a long time, Zhou Yun never cared about the things she had never let go of.

At this moment, a sense of frustration rose from Yu Sitian's heart.

Zhou Yun continued: "Someone may tell you that I would mind about this—"

"No." Yu Sitian interrupted Zhou Yun suddenly.

Zhou Yun was stunned.

Yu Sitian said: "No one has ever told me that you would mind this matter. I think so, but now it seems that I am self-indulgent."

Zhou Yun looked at Yu Sitian silently.

Yu Sitian suddenly lost his temper?
"That's not what I meant." Zhou Yun knew that Yu Sitian couldn't listen to this sentence now, but she still had to say it.

Yu Sitian looked up at Zhou Yun and asked, "I only have one question to ask. You really never minded me?"

"How is that possible." Zhou Yun said frankly, "I also hated you before."

Yu Sitian frowned slightly.

"Didn't you say you don't mind?"

"I'm talking about you liking Song Chi." Zhou Yun spread his hands, "In this world, there are too many people who like Song Chi, and I won't mind it just because you like him, otherwise I myself would have been killed by jealousy a long time ago, I hated you because of other reasons, didn't you also dislike me at that time?"

Yu Sitian: "At that time you became popular with Song Chi, and you didn't have any works and acting skills. I really couldn't understand it. In my eyes, you were just an upstart in the entertainment industry."

Zhou Yun smiled when he heard this.

"You're right. At that time, I had nothing but sudden attention." She said, "It's normal for you to hate me, but these are in the past, at least I think so, what do you think? "

Yu Sitian nodded: "Of course, you have reached a height that we can't even hope for, of course it's all over."

Zhou Yun said helplessly: "I don't mean that, I just think that when our conflicts are shelved, we should still have something to cooperate with, such as this "Three Thousand Worlds", I am serious, I think you are suitable to play this play."

"I can't act." Yu Sitian shook her head, "I can't find the state I was in before."

"What do you mean you can't find the original state?"

Yu Sitian looked at Zhou Yun and said nothing.

Zhou Yun suddenly noticed something, opened his mouth, and finally said: "If you can't find the state you were in at the beginning, maybe this drama is a good opportunity. This character is confident, flamboyant, daring to love and hate, and not afraid of anyone. No one pays attention to her, but she is also pure, kind, and emotional. If you can't find the original state, maybe you put everything aside and enter the state of this character, and you will feel the same. In that state at the beginning, we were actors, and relying on characters to gain a rich experience is the greatest convenience that our job brings us, isn’t it?”

She looked at Yu Sitian seriously, "Think again, don't miss this opportunity."
Zhou Yun wondered if Yu Sitian would change her attitude in the end.

But she has said what she should and can say, and she has tried her best.

Just when she was about to finish her work and leave, Qin Zhong suddenly came over.

Jingbei is still by her side, supporting her, like a filial junior in the family.

Zhou Yun quickly stood up and nodded to Qin Zhong.

Qin Zhong stood in front of her with a smile and said, "Xiaoyun, we haven't seen each other for a while, congratulations, you have made so many good works again."

April belongs to Zhou Yun.

Two episodes, one movie, followed by a big exposure in Cannes.

What Qin Zhong said was based on the encouragement of the elders to the younger ones.

Zhou Yun understood very well.

"Thank you, Teacher Qin." Zhou Yun said, "It's a pleasure to meet you today."

Artists of the older generation like Qin Zhong rarely come out to show their faces, but every time they show their faces, they are always like a pinnacle of Dinghai.

Zhou Yundu had already greeted Qin Zhong, so he couldn't turn a blind eye to Jingbei anymore.

She smiled slightly and called Jingbei.

On the contrary, Qin Zhong showed a look of surprise, "Oh, you already know each other? I was thinking of introducing him to you."

Zhou Yun said, "I've seen it before, I know it."

Jingbei also whispered in Qin Zhong's ear: "Yes, Grandma Qin, we have already met."

——Grandma Qin.

This title.

It seems that the relationship between Jingbei and Qinzhong is closer than what they show.

Zhou Yun's understanding of Jingbei has increased, but this did not change her attitude towards him much.

Qin Zhong said with a smile: "Since you already know each other, I won't talk too much. You young people have the opportunity to talk and communicate more."

Zhou Yun kept smiling and didn't say yes or no. Then he remembered something and said to Qin Zhong: "Mr. Qin, Song Chi has been telling me that there is a play that I want to ask you to play a role. Do you have any plans for filming in the second half of the year?"

Qin Zhong smiled and waved his hands directly, and said: "Thank you for your kindness, you still remember me, and asked me to act, but I have not been feeling well recently, so I can't act, sorry."

"You're being serious, let's wait for you to recover, and then we'll find a chance to film together." Zhou Yun said with a smile.

Qin Zhong suddenly changed the subject and asked, "I heard that you and Song Chi are both producers?"

Zhou Yun said: "It's mainly Song Chi. He opened a production company. I only occasionally invest in some film and television projects that I am interested in. I don't really produce a project by myself."

Qin Zhong nodded and said with emotion: "You young people are really amazing now, and you have done a lot of things that we didn't even dare to think about at the beginning."

Zhou Yun shook his head and said: "We just get the benefits and conveniences that the current industry environment gives us. What I really want to be is someone like you who has dedicated his life to the study of performing arts. I often feel that I am It’s not that I did too much work that distracted me, so that I didn’t fully devote myself to the acting career, but sometimes I feel that I need some other work to buffer my exhaustion from acting.”

Qin Zhong showed pity on his face, she hugged Zhou Yun, and said, "Xiaoyun, don't worry about other work affecting your acting, as long as you are serious and enthusiastic about acting, all work that has nothing to do with acting, life Everything that happens in the world will become your nourishment."

Qin Zhong's words contained very sincere elder care.

Zhou Yun: "Thank you, Teacher Qin."

Qin Zhong glanced at Jing Bei, blinked at Zhou Yun, took Zhou Yun's hand, patted the back of her hand lightly, and said, "Don't be afraid of what other people say, either you or Song Chi, They are all young people that we value and cherish very much. Our love for this industry is no less than anyone else. We hope this industry will get better and better, and this requires the efforts and efforts of generations. Come on.”

Zhou Yun quickly concealed his surprise.

Did she get it wrong?

Zhou Yun smiled slightly and said, "We will work hard and will not disappoint your expectations."
"Tell me, is Teacher Qin Zhong hinting at me that some unfavorable remarks may come out later?" Zhou Yun discussed with Song Chi, "It may also be that I think too much, I just have an intuition that I should Otherwise, well done, why did Teacher Qin Zhong say such things suddenly? ——Don't be afraid of what others say, it just means something."

"If it means something, what do you think it means?" Song Chi asked.

Zhou Yun shook his head, "I don't know, if I knew, I wouldn't think she was hinting at me, but today is also very strange, she brought Jingbei together, and later, she brought Jingbei to me , I thought she was here to help Jingbei match up and let me take care of Jingbei in the future, but after she knew me and Jingbei before, she seemed to not want to mention this again, and turned her head to encourage me."

"Do you think her attitude may have something to do with Jingbei?"

"I don't know, but I think when she first brought Jingbei to me, she didn't know that I had already been in contact with Jingbei. She probably didn't want to do the job of introduction after she knew that Jingbei and I had known each other. In other words, she doesn't really want to recommend Jingbei to me and ask me to take care of him, maybe she just can't get rid of some affection."

"You're right, at least this should be the case." Song Chi said, "But that person still has a lot of sympathy, and he can let Teacher Qin Zhong bring Jingbei to attend public events—oh, it's his own after all. son."

Zhou Yun and Song Chi looked at each other and smiled tacitly.

"Actually, he can generously use his own energy to praise his son. Isn't he the director? He can make a movie by himself and praise his son as the leading actor." Zhou Yun sneered.

"Isn't it because he still has a wife and a son at home?" Song Chi said in the same teasing tone, "The son outside has to be taken care of, and the wife and son at home have to be comforted. How can he be too visible?"

Zhou Yun: "It's really rubbish. He raised a concubine and raised an illegitimate child. Now everyone in the entertainment industry knows about it. He shamelessly found someone to pave the way for his illegitimate child."

Song Chi: "They are powerful and powerful. They manage the Actors Association and are old enough. They have a lot of contacts in the circle of the older generation and have the right to speak, don't they? We can't understand it, but we can only watch from the sidelines."

Zhou Yun: "Didn't Jing Dongtian ask you for help? Now that you start your own company to film a movie, why don't you ask you to make a movie for him?"

Song Chi: "I've found it. If I have a suitable project, I'll find him. I didn't say anything dead. It's not good to refuse directly and offend people."

"Look, it's all like this, there's nothing you can do about it." Zhou Yun said, "Besides, no one knows how well Jingbei is doing or whether he can act."

"Whether you can act or not, I don't recommend people like this." Song Chi seemed quite angry, "I want the leading actor at once, and hinted that the dramas I produce will be more favored by some awards in the future. Hearing this I'm annoyed by hints of a transactional nature. I didn't set up a production company to win awards for the show. Of course, I would be happy if you were willing to give me a few awards, but that's not the case. I used to respect him quite a bit. The older generation has produced a lot of works and is highly respected, but now they have such a face, I am really disgusted."

"I'm the same as you." Zhou Yun smiled, "Look, what Teacher Qin Zhong said before, combined with these things, don't they sound more meaningful?"

Song Chi: "You mean, Teacher Qin Zhong is implying us, no matter what Jing Dongtian says, even if they cause trouble for us later, there will be some old people who will help us and support us?"

"I think she means it."

(End of this chapter)

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