Chapter 928 Auditions
""Words of Fallen Leaves" still received 300 million at the box office this week."

Zhou Lan showed Zhou Yun the box office data of the past week.

A week after returning from Cannes, the industry is paying more and more attention to the box office of "Words of Fallen Leaves".

This is also a very strange phenomenon. Generally speaking, a movie that is about to be released will not attract the industry's attention to box office data.

However, the box office data trend of "Words of Fallen Leaves" is very abnormal.

The daily box office has remained between 40 and 60 for two consecutive weeks, showing no signs of falling.

This miraculous trend has puzzled major film companies and box office data analysis companies.

Of course, a box office of hundreds of thousands in a single day is nothing, but maintaining this figure for two consecutive weeks is a bit scary.

For a literary film, such a trend seems to have the possibility of reaping the box office in the long run?
Zhou Lan said: "Song Chi and his company bought the domestic distribution rights of the three films we brought to Cannes for sale, and they are now doing the pre-promotion of "Flowers Blooming Without Fruits". Oh, they are also planning to give this film Changing the name, saying that they felt it was too rustic and could not attract the audience. They really wanted to study whether they could find a channel for publicity and distribution of literary films in domestic theaters. "This kind of movie has a production cost of less than 200 million yuan, and the publicity and distribution are well controlled. The box office can get 800 million yuan in theaters and it can make it back. This can make it profitable. It's just that this kind of new director, Small-budget literary films that don’t have stars, often don’t get more than 1% of the film schedule, and will be released before the audience knows about it. Of course, even if the audience knows about the movie, they won’t go to the cinema to see it.”

"They are now looking for us to work together as a publicity channel for college students. They hold screenings based on university film lovers' associations, but this point-to-point format is very labor-intensive." Zhou Lan continued, "If you want to It takes at least a team of 200 people to go through the universities in the main ticket warehouse cities within a month. The efficiency is very low, but this is indeed a new way. At present, there are insufficient manpower, so we can only choose a dozen first. Some colleges and universities will do pilots to see how it works.”

Zhou Yun said: "If this kind of publicity is easy to do, those film companies have already started to do it, but, for this kind of literary film that has no publicity point, they want to let theaters improve their schedule and let it be shown in theaters for a long time. One point, give word of mouth a little time to ferment. The early word of mouth and the promotion of the target audience are very important. The key is how to do this well. I think that you need to find the kind of people who love to share their viewing experience on social platforms. , Isn’t there a word called tap water, how to let the audience who can become tap water see this movie in advance, and then let the word of mouth ferment in advance, and be more targeted.”

Zhou Lan nodded: "I'm just trying to figure it out now. Wu Chengbao and Song Chi are doing something amazing. If this road really comes out and a channel that can be copied is formed, then the spring of literary and artistic films will be real. coming."

"Yeah, let investors see that literary films can be profitable, and let theaters see that literary films can produce box office stably, so that it won't just rely on the director's own creative persistence, and occasionally one or two films will pop up. Zhou Yun said, "But it's really difficult."

""Words of Fallen Leaves" is already very successful at the box office. Unfortunately, in the eyes of the industry, the reason why this movie is successful is because you starred in it. In addition, Xue Qin's other movie "Behind the Scene" was released earlier. Many fans." Zhou Lan said, "Everyone always likes to find the factors of its success outside of the content of the movie."

"Because everyone will never know what content the audience likes." Zhou Yun said with a smile, "Everyone likes to find more stable rules, but the content...unless you plagiarize, it is difficult to copy successfully."

"That being said, there are still a lot of people who follow suit, and they can always catch a little bit."

The movie industry is risky, and good content does not mean it will be a hit. Therefore, when you see a movie that sells well, make a movie based on the theme of the other party. At least it proves that the audience loves to watch this theme.

There are too many investors who do not understand the content, and few who understand the content are confident that this content will definitely get a good box office.

To put it bluntly, the Chinese film market has not entered the "big market" for a long time. Each film company has at most 30 to [-] years of operating ideas, and has been changing with the market. People who understand the market.

So, why this line is very "people".

Especially those who have been successful.

Because he has succeeded, even if you don't know why he succeeded, but you will believe that he always has something to achieve success.

It doesn't matter if you don't know, as long as he has.

Zhou Lan said: "Director Fan Deshang asked you to audition, can you do it next week?"

"I can, if there is no other work arrangement." Zhou Yun said.

Zhou Lan: "No, just shoot for a magazine, it's very simple, I've pushed you for other jobs, you have been in the public eye for a while, the exposure is too big, stop for a while, otherwise it will easily attract people's attention. No matter how much you like a person who dangles in front of your eyes every day, you will get tired of it."

Zhou Yun nodded.

"That's good, follow your arrangement."

"In the past two months, I won't accept jobs with high exposure for you. In the past six months, your exposure has been too high. Therefore, shooting magazines and commercials is OK. I will try to focus all the commercials you endorse on here. The filming will be canceled for a while, and the show will not be shown first." Zhou Lan said, "After you finish filming "Year", we will see the situation and pick up a few shows for you to appear in front of everyone."

Zhou Yun said yes.

As of now, she still has no filming plans for the rest of the year.

"What's more, if you still don't have a shooting plan after filming "Year", I'm going to communicate with Yue Hai to see if "Flower City" can be filmed in the second half of this year." Zhou Lan said, "Otherwise , The shooting time of this tome is very long. If you don’t shoot it this year, your time will be very tight next year. The sequels of "Killing Song" and "Female Killer" are likely to be shot next year. Other than that , and "Idol Replica", Li Qingzhao's movie and that Spanish movie, next year you may make five movies in one go, which is kind of scary."

Zhou Yun's eyes widened.

"Wow, can it be done?"

"Let's see, anyway, no one has come to us to make an appointment now." Zhou Lan said, "The one that has signed the contract to shoot is the Spanish movie, but they are still preparing."

Zhou Yun: "Sister Lan, you asked someone to help me find some biography and interviews of Li Qingzhao. I want to prepare in advance. This is my first role with a historical prototype. There is a lot of homework to do."

Zhou Lan: "Okay."
The second time I met Van der Schamp was at Van der Schamp's own production company.

The audition took a whole day, from modeling to auditioning, Zhou Yun went through it all over again.

It's been a long time since I went through such a process. During the whole process, Fan Deshang didn't say a word, but his producer kept talking, so that Zhou Yun wouldn't be too embarrassed in the extra silence.

Zhou Yun felt a little nervous inside.

She was originally nervous about playing such a famous figure in history, and Fan Deshang kept silent and expressionless, which made Zhou Yun feel uncertain.

In comparison, producer Yan Zhen is much more enthusiastic towards Zhou Yun.

When Yan Zhen found out that Fan Deshang asked Zhou Yun to audition, he was very surprised. After all, actresses of Zhou Yun's level basically don't audition anymore in China.

Of course, he also very much hopes to finally be able to cooperate with Zhou Yun in this movie.

Biography is originally a film with low box office prospects. Even if Van der Schamp is the director, it is difficult to find investment.

Especially when the film "Scheme" was not well received in Cannes, it made it difficult to find investment.

If Zhou Yun can finally join and star in this movie, the problem of investment will definitely be solved.After all, Yan Zhen is a producer, unlike a director like Fan Deshang who spends most of his time working on his own work, he has a more comprehensive and cutting-edge understanding of the industry and information.

In the past few years, Zhou Yun's rising trend among actresses in the entertainment industry has made Yan Zhen always want to throw an olive branch to her.

However, because Van der Chan has been busy with the production of "Scheme" before, his energy is basically devoted to Van der Chan's works. Before Van der Chan nods, he will not pass over Van der Chan to use an actress.

The cooperative relationship between Yan Zhen and Fan Deshang is very deep, one of the reasons is that Yan Zhen has always respected Fan Deshang very much.

Generally, famous directors like Van der Schamp will have their own production companies and producers that they regularly cooperate with.

Their job is to help these directors solve all the troubles so that the film can be shot smoothly.

In this regard, some producers will interfere more with the content, including the cast, while some producers respect the director's creative opinions, basically do not interfere, and completely act as a butler .
After the audition, Zhou Yun went to the dressing room to remove her makeup.

Yan Zhen came over and knocked on the door.

"Xiaoyun." Yan Zhen came to greet her, "You have worked hard today."

"No, no, you have worked hard." Zhou Yun didn't stand up because he was removing the headgear, and smiled at Yan Zhen from the mirror, "Mr. Yan, it's a pleasure to meet you this year."

Yan Zhen, as Fan Deshang's queen producer, besides producing for Fan Deshang, like Yu Jiangxing, he often acts as a producer for films by new directors and unknown directors.

The film circle is actually not big, and most of the time, they help each other.

Although Zhou Yun had no direct contact with Yan Zhen, she had heard Song Chi mention him.

When filming "Inaction", Yan Zhen served as one of the producers and helped the film a lot.

Yan Zhen walked up to Zhou Yun and asked, "Xiao Yun, what do you think of this script?"

Zhou Yun said: "I like it very much, it is very solid, especially the handling of several important life nodes of Li Qingzhao. I thought this would be a panoramic script describing Li Qingzhao's life, but after reading this script, I am even more drawn to it now. The core of this script is touching, now that I think about it, if it is really a script that describes Li Qingzhao’s life in a panoramic way, it is difficult to focus on some themes, and the structure tends to be scattered.”

"Director Fan also said this." Yan Zhen smiled, "At the beginning, the appearance of this script is what you said, panoramic, but Director Fan didn't drop it after reading it. He said that the reason why he wanted to shoot Li Qingzhao , because when he was a child in school, he read those few poems, just those few poems, which made him always want to see what kind of person this poetess is."

Zhou Yun asked: "Could it be that Director Fan wanted to take photos of Li Qing since he was a child?"

"That's not true. It's just that the reason why he wanted to make a movie about Li Qingzhao later has a lot to do with the director being moved by Li Qingzhao's words when he was a child. In fact, after learning about her life, I feel more and more that this Everyone's life is really worthy of being made into a movie." Yan Zhen said, "I don't know if you have noticed that in our film and television dramas, the images of great poets such as Li Bai, Du Fu, and Bai Juyi often appear. Looking forward, Qu Yuan, Sima Qian, Wang Anshi, Su Shi, looking back, Zhu Xi, Song Lian, Zheng Banqiao, these cultural celebrities are not necessarily the protagonists, but they often appear, but Li Qingzhao, a great poet, is rarely seen in film and television dramas. Director Fan has always hoped to use The form of movies allows everyone to understand this great poet no longer just from books. Looking at her life, it can be found that she is not only highly educated and good at writing Ci, but also has a very firm character. Ups and downs, never down."

Zhou Yun nodded slightly when he heard Yan Zhen tell about Li Qingzhao.

As for Li Qingzhao's life, she had done her homework before and knew the basics.

But as for why Yan Zhen and Fan Deshang made this film, listening to me explain the reason for the creation, which is also very helpful for Zhou Yun to understand this film.

"I'm still very curious. It's said that director Fan Deshang only shoots men's scenes. Why did he suddenly want to shoot Li Qingzhao this time?" Zhou Yun laughed.

Yan Zhen sighed.

"I know that some people on the Internet say that Director Fan is a misogynistic director because women never take on the main roles in his films." Yan Zhen sighed again, "If they really understand what kind of director Fan is? You know how big their misunderstanding is. Fan Dao just never shoots things that he is not good at. He has always been only interested in ancient themes, wars, and conspiracy themes. You know, this kind of The theme of the story is placed in ancient times, because of the constraints of the times, it is basically a man’s business, it’s not that Fan Dao doesn’t want to shoot women, it’s the theme of his strongest creative desire, and there is not much space for women to be active.”

Zhou Yun listened to Yan Zhen's words and nodded.

She had seen the comments about director Van der Schamp on the Internet, but she didn't take it seriously.

What a person looks like can be seen from his contact with him and his works, but he cannot be seen from other people's comments and slanders.

(End of this chapter)

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