Chapter 929

"Yan Zhen really wants me to act, I can feel it, but I don't know about Director Fan."

After the audition, on the way back, Zhou Yun talked to Zhou Lan on the phone.

Zhou Lan: "Director Fan has always been very strict in selecting actors. He always has to struggle for a long time before making a decision. It may not be because he is dissatisfied with you. That's his style."

"I know."

As soon as Zhou Yun came out, he persuaded himself to relax.

"Let's wait for what they say. I'm quite satisfied with my performance today." She said, "Also, I think my ancient costume looks very good, maybe it's been a long time since I've done this kind of look. It’s all about modern plays.”

"It's true that you don't do too many costume dramas. He Yong mentioned to us before that two years ago, he said that he wanted to shoot a fairy tale drama with Chengqian Film and Television, but he hasn't done it yet. I want to ask us now that we have a schedule. Do you want to do it?" Zhou Lan smiled, "I rejected it directly, when is it, how can I let you make a fairy tale idol drama, the time when you are most suitable for this drama has passed."

Now if Zhou Yun were to make a Xianxia idol drama, he would definitely be ridiculed by the entire network immediately.

In everyone's minds, Zhou Yun no longer fits the category of Xianxia idol drama - this drama belongs to young girls in their 20s who are still Xiaohua in the audience's mind, or it belongs to the real top-notch, idol-type actors.

Zhou Yun's biggest problem is that everyone can no longer watch her substituting into a fantasy love story.

This is the constraint of the actor itself.

Zhou Yun said: "Let him find Xu Siyao to act."

"Xu Siyao has acted in three fairy-tale dramas in the past two years, and the audience is probably getting sick of watching them." Zhou Lan said, "I heard that she has been exposed to a suspense crime drama recently, but she has finally begun to transform."

"In the past two years, there have been a lot of blockbusters on this theme, which must have moved her heart." Zhou Yun said.

Zhou Lan laughed.

"Oh, by the way, Yu Sitian has agreed to star in "Three Thousand Worlds." Zhou Lan suddenly remembered something, and immediately said, "The five leading actors of this show have finally been finalized, and it can officially start."

"That's good." Zhou Yun breathed a sigh of relief, "I'm really worried that Yu Sitian won't sign in the end."

"She's just a bit twisted, Fourteen Xing, and her management team also knows that this role is very beneficial to her, and it's easy to explode."

"What is she screwing up?"

"Of course, you and the producer recommended her to act in this movie." Zhou Lan said, "If it wasn't for this, she might have agreed to it long ago. Haha, you have caused too much psychological distress to others. shadow."

"No way." Zhou Yun quickly denied, "You can't talk nonsense."

"I also went to discuss the old detective project of the Republic of China with He Yong and Yao Yuanfeng. He Yong is not very interested. He still focuses on idol dramas for young people." Zhou Lan said, "Yao Yuanfeng is willing to do it. , but requires that all the copyrights be in the hands of Xindun, and the project will be led by Xindun. We only participate in the investment and share the proceeds. Of course, he has no objection to letting Mr. You Jiang play the leading role. The casting rights for a young male lead were given to Xin Dun."

Zhou Yun: "He wants to take over all the rights of follow-up development."

"You're absolutely right."

"What do you think?"

"Let me look at other companies." Zhou Lan said, "Of course the best choice is to keep the development rights of this series in our own hands."

Zhou Yun said: "We don't have the strength of independent development now, so it's hard to keep it in our own hands. Those big production companies are definitely inclined to buy out the copyright completely. energy."

"I know, but it would be a pity if it was transferred to someone else." Zhou Lan said, "If this project can really be developed into a series, it will definitely be a gold mine."

"Isn't it because we don't have the ability to dig this gold mine yet? I know you definitely want to make the studio bigger as soon as possible, but you also know that haste makes waste, so don't worry." Zhou Yun said, "Let's not talk about the series, let's shoot this one first."

Zhou Lan: "Well, if you really can't stay, then of course you have to transfer it to someone else to take the lead."
After the audition for Li Qingzhao's film, Zhou Yun spent most of his time at home reading the script.

Song Chi was jealous afterwards.

He is out almost every day, without a day off.

Mainly because many of the company's businesses take up a lot of his time.However, this is rare, Song Chi can stay with Zhou Yun almost every day.

That night, when Song Chi came back, he didn't see Zhou Yun in the living room, so he went to the audio-visual room to look for her.

At this time, Zhou Yun is usually not reading scripts, watching TV dramas in the living room, or watching movies in the audio-visual room.

As a result, Zhou Yun was not found in the video room either.

Um?Where did you go?
The light at home is on, but the person is gone. Could it be in the bedroom?

Song Chi went to the bedroom to find Zhou Yun again.

When I passed the balcony, I found a figure there.

Song Chi paused, turned and walked towards the balcony.

"Why are you sitting here?"

"It's very comfortable tonight. Sit here and drink some wine and be in a daze." Zhou Yun turned his head and smiled at Song Chi, "Would you like to sit here for a while?"

The balcony is very large and is usually completely surrounded by glass curtain walls.

Zhou Yun opened the curtains today, allowing him to fully see the night scene outside.

Song Chi looked at the bustling night scene outside, and half-lyed down on another chair.

Zhou Yun asked, "Would you like some drink?"

Song Chi said, "Okay."

Zhou Yun also poured out a little on Song Chi, saying, "Today I went to director Fan Deshang's to audition for Li Qingzhao's movie."

"How is it?" Song Chi asked, just after asking, he seemed to suddenly think of something, smiled, "Director Fan probably didn't say anything, right?"

"Yes." Zhou Yun nodded, "After the audition, he said he had worked hard and left, which made me uneasy, thinking that he was not satisfied with my performance, and then Yan Zhen came to me and explained to me for a moment."

"Director Fan has always been like this. Although many people say that he is a serious person who doesn't like to show his emotions, I think he seems to have a little obstacle in interpersonal communication."

"Huh?" Zhou Yun looked at Song Chi in surprise, "Really?"

"I'm guessing, because Van der Schamp is not really serious." Song Chi said, "Do you still remember "Battle of Measures"?"

"I remember, it wasn't the film project that you wanted to do but ended up being rejected because you didn't find a suitable director. You still wanted me to play the role of that princess," Zhou Yun said.

"I also approached Director Fan."

"It's quite appropriate for you to say that. Isn't he very good at filming such war-themed scenes?"

"Yes, but he refused." Song Chi said, "He said he was tired of filming, and he didn't want to make war-themed films in the past few years. However, when he refused me, it took a long time. From how he started to be a director, it took more than an hour to talk about his boredom of war themes. From then on, I realized that he might be different from what the outside world said. He and I When talking, he doesn’t look at me directly most of the time, and thinking about it, he rarely participates in circle activities, including some private gatherings.”

The image of director Fan Deshang appeared in Zhou Yun's mind, and he was a bit unable to connect him with the word "social terror".

"Is Director Fan married?" Zhou Yun asked.

Song Chi said: "He is married, but his wife died young, leaving only one son, who is now following him and working as his assistant."

"Oh?" Zhou Yun said in surprise, "I haven't seen him either."

"Except for the set, he rarely brings his son to show up." Song Chi continued, "I thought he planned to send his son to be an actor, but he didn't. His son is quite handsome."

"is it?"

"Well, the reputation of "Scheme" in Cannes is not very good this time. I heard that this movie has encountered some problems in its domestic release. The company responsible for publicity and distribution has lowered its expectations for this movie. Originally I also want to overturn the signed guarantee agreement." Song Chi said, "Everyone is not optimistic about the box office of "Scheme" now."

Zhou Yun: "Why is this? Although foreign media don't have high evaluations, I see Chinese media's evaluations are very high. Moreover, I watched this movie. For Chinese audiences, it is not an unacceptable movie at all. "

"Isn't that the case with movies? A little trouble will affect other people's evaluation of this project." Song Chi said, "I heard that the announcer originally signed a 10 billion guarantee contract with Fan Dao Company. The sender wants to break the contract."

Zhou Yun frowned.

"That's dishonest."

"It involves a guarantee contract of 10 billion. Now the risk is greater and the box office prospects are not good. Of course, they would rather lose some money." Song Chi said, "Now the two parties are negotiating this matter, I didn't expect them to have time to specialize There's an audition for you."

Zhou Yun: "Speaking of which, they really value me, and took the time to get me an audition."

Song Chi: "If other film companies know that Fan Deshang asked you to make a movie, and even got an audition in a serious way, they will definitely complain about other things in private. As far as I know, the attitudes of major film companies towards you have reached the point of If you are willing to shoot, all projects will be given the green light. Your previous achievements in movies are very impressive, especially you have never failed. Even a literary film like "Words of Fallen Leaves" can get nearly 2 million yuan at the box office. Which movie? The company doesn't care."

Zhou Yun: "You're lucky. You say that I'm worth [-] million at the box office. That's ridiculous."

"But luck is the one thing everyone believes in the most, even I have to believe it." Song Chi smiled, "I started to make film and television dramas, and I became more and more aware of why those producers use star actors, why sometimes A group of powerful people send a lot of traffic. If you don’t do this, investors will not buy it, partners will not buy it, and the platform will not buy it. This is not an industry where you can do whatever you want. A whole industry chain, as long as you don’t hold the absolute With the right to speak, anyone can get involved."

Zhou Yun: "Then what should we do with the movie "Scheme"?"

"There is a high probability that it will be announced by another company, and the release will definitely be released. The production budget for this movie must be quite large." Song Chi said, "These actors' remuneration alone is not low."

"Then what do you think of the box office of "Scheme"? Will it really lose money?" Zhou Yun was puzzled.

Song Chi: "I don't know how much "The Plan" actually cost, but with director Van der Schamp's pursuit of big scenes and this cast, none of the [-] to [-] million won't make it, which is still an underestimation. So, counting the sevens and eights, if we want to get back the money, the box office will have to go up at least [-] to [-] million."

Zhou Yun: "This box office range depends on whether it can impress the target audience into the cinema."

"Yeah, it's also very popular." Song Chi said, "But any movie with an upwards of [-] million yuan will be very popular with the audience. You can give a low score to your film critics, but the audience must like it and recommend it to people around you. There is room for such growth.”

"Well, I really like the movie "Scheme", and I also think it deserves to be liked by the audience." Zhou Yun said, "If it is affected by the poor evaluation of overseas media, it will be too bad. Pity."

"So, not every film is suitable for participating in the film festival." Song Chi said directly, "Especially the main competition unit, which is also the most critical unit for film critics."

The two sat on the balcony chatting.

Without turning on the lights, there was only a little light between them.

The night view of the city from afar also comes from the moon in the sky.

At this moment, their mobile phones rang at the same time.

This made the hearts of both of them sink at the same time, because this sign often indicates that something bad has happened-only in this way, their team will contact them personally at the first time.
"The Actors Association has prepared a 'Enlightenment Project' to encourage and support young actors. Young actors who participate in this plan will be recommended by the Actors Association to major production companies."

Zhou Lan briefly told Zhou Yun the information she had received on the phone.

"This 'Enlightenment Project' is very important, because some official forces have come to an end, and we plan to use this plan as a test to cultivate a group of actors with good roots. In short, they are our own people."

Zhou Yun's eyes flickered slightly, and the first question was to ask: "What level has this official power reached? Is the official in the film and television industry even higher?"

Zhou Lan: "I didn't find out the details, but the background of this plan is that young actors have been violently stormed in recent years. As you know, just like Li Ci before, in the past few years, there have been several famous actresses almost every year. Young actors have been banned because of some issues such as personal morality, but this kind of chaos has attracted the attention of the higher authorities, so they also want to carefully select and train a group of young actors, how to put it, to set an example."

"Hmm, I understand, but even if such a group of young actors are selected for this project, it can be guaranteed that they are all of good moral character?" Zhou Yun only felt that this statement was a bit self-deceiving.

(End of this chapter)

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