Chapter 932 Fedor Dean

Shi Luoqi's phone call came unexpectedly.

"Fedor Dean's film had an unexpected situation. The heroine was in a car accident and suffered a broken bone and went to the hospital. There was no way to film according to the original plan. Now the entire crew is in chaos. The previous filming cannot be used. The producer and The director is looking for a replacement heroine."

When Zhou Yun heard Fedor Dean's name, he inhaled directly into his throat in one breath.

Fedor Dean, the winner of the Academy Award for Best Director, holds two top awards in the three major film festivals and is well-known all over the world.

It's self-explanatory what Shi Luoqi's intention is to make this call.

"Although the actress who acted in this movie was a British actress, I read the script, and Diana in the script has no obvious racial characteristics, and you are completely competent." Shi Luoqi said, "I know you haven't been filming recently, Feel free to go to the film, I have given Fedor your contact information, maybe he will contact you, maybe he won’t, but whatever, you are ready.”

Zhou Yun understood what Shi Luoqi meant.

"Okay, I understand, thank you sister Luo Qi, this, such a good opportunity, I don't know if he will be interested in me." Zhou Yun said.

"I think there will be at least one audition for you." Shi Luoqi said firmly, "The point is, I read the script, the role of Diana, cold and selfish, but defending principles at critical times and not willing to compromise, you play this The character is very suitable, the sense of destruction you showed in "Behind the Scenes" is very similar to this character, but I'm sorry, I can't send you the script, I can only give you a brief introduction."

"I understand, Sister Luo Qi, you have helped me a lot." Zhou Yun said.

She hung up Shi Luoqi's phone and looked at Zhou Lan with a helpless but eager excitement on her face.

"Sister Lan, a very good opportunity is in front of me."
The new film Fedor Dean is shooting is called "May [-]th". According to news reports, it is said to be a film focusing on the background of the pharmaceutical industry. The heroine Wendy Garrigues died in a car accident. I had to withdraw from the filming of this drama. At present, the crew can only adjust the shooting plan, and shoot the scenes without the heroine first.

According to reports from the British media, the actor and Durham Dorr seemed to have conflicts with director Fedor Dean because of the heavy shooting tasks and the impact on their performance status.

Fedor Dean is working with the producer to urgently contact other actresses to see if they can find someone to save the scene.


The above is all the information about this drama that Zhou Yun can find on the Internet.

Two hours after Shi Luoqi called, people from Mo Weisen's agency contacted Zhou Lan.

Sure enough, he came to find Zhou Yun for an audition.

Zhou Yun bought the latest flight and flew directly there.

Does this make her look too active?Not reserved enough?
Sorry, that's Fedor Dean!
At this time, Zhou Yun didn't think about whether his posture was good or not.

She knew that this was an opportunity worth seizing.

Flying from China to the UK, although the itinerary is so tight, but still let others inquire about it.

Soon someone sent news of Zhou Yunfei's UK on the Internet.

For those who follow Zhou Yun, this itinerary reveals some signs.

In Zhou Yun's fan group, everyone also bubbled up and started discussing.

ID "Qinhuaihe Lady": Why did Xiaoyun fly to the UK suddenly?Is there a new job?

ID "Yun Xiang Clothes Hua Xiang Rong": I haven't heard of it. Didn't it mean that Xiao Yun didn't take any other jobs before making the remake of "Year" and would he rest all the time?She was too tired a few years ago and never had a rest, so she was finally able to take a rest.

ID "Zhizhi": Did you go on vacation?
ID "G": Impossible, Xiaoyun has never liked to go to crowded places, and I have never seen her go alone.

ID "Qinhuaihe Lady": Maybe it's a magazine shoot?Or to shoot commercials?

ID "G": This is possible. I heard that after Xiaoyun appeared in the French version of V magazine, the attention of overseas fashion circles has increased a lot. In fact, although Xiaoyun's fashion resources are very good, they have always been Unlike several other people who have received as much attention, her frequency of attending fashion events is too low.

ID "Zhizhi": There is no other way, she basically stays in the crew, how can she have time to participate in so many fashion activities.

ID "G": Then I would rather she has less exposure and more scenes.

ID "Zhizhi": I don't think it matters, as long as it's something she wants to do, she can do it no matter what.


Zhou Yun's sudden trip to the UK attracted a lot of attention, but no one really connected it with Fedor Dean's movie.

After all, the heroine of the movie he had an accident with was not an Asian actor.

In everyone's cognition, if you want to find an actor to replace it, you also need to find a European and American actor to replace it. Only in terms of image can you be consistent.

As soon as Zhou Yun landed, the local person in charge of the Moweisen agency in the UK picked her up.

The service capabilities of large international companies can be seen.

This time Zhou Yun came to the UK in a hurry, and only Zhou Yun and Liu Yun obtained passports—this was the result of the hard work of both parties, and Mo Weisen provided great convenience in this regard.

For this reason, all of Zhou Yun's itinerary in the UK this time will be provided by Mo Weisen's agency.
Director Fedor Dean has a notoriously violent temper.

It is said that he was a roaring dinosaur on the set.

This is what the actors who have worked with him described in later interviews.

Not only actors, but other collaborators, from photographers to screenwriters, and even other staff members, all commented on Fedor Dean in this way.

Despite this, people who want to work with him are still flocking to him.

There is no way, the scenes he filmed are cattle.

You are in this industry, and if you don't cooperate with the best director, what do you want to do?

Hang around and make some money?

Well, there are really some people who are messing around with such a purpose.

But Zhou Yun is not.

So, she was mentally prepared from the beginning.

Zhou Yun arrived at the hotel first, waiting for the contact from Fedor Dean.

Although the heroine was injured, the filming of the film has not stopped and is still being filmed.

Fedor Dean also directed the scene.

At about one o'clock in the afternoon, Fedor Dean's assistant contacted them and asked them to meet the director at the filming studio at three o'clock in the afternoon.

Zhou Yun has never read the script, and only has a basic understanding of the role she is competing for, and she can't make any preparations. Therefore, the only preparation she can do is to know more about Fedor Dean.

According to some information found on the Internet and interviews he received, his father passed away when he was a child, and his mother went to the United States. He grew up with his grandfather. Later, he studied at Cambridge in the United Kingdom and went to the United States to study for a master’s degree. Started as a photographer, after entering this industry, he quickly became famous. His girlfriends changed more frequently than his clothes. They were all young and beautiful girls. According to the news, during that time, he basically lived a life of luxury and wealth every day. , and then, when he was 30 years old, his temperament suddenly changed, he transformed from a playboy, and he no longer kept updating those beautiful girls around him, and he no longer frequented bars, receptions, circle events, etc., almost It disappeared for two or three years, and then made an "Honest Man", which shocked everyone, won the Palme d'Or in Cannes, and was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Director the following year.

The success this time brought Fedor Dean back into the mainstream.However, at this time, those women who had appeared by his side stood up one after another, accusing him of being fickle, indifferent, cruel and irresponsible.For a while, all around Fedor Dean were such scolding voices.

However, amidst the overwhelming sound of crusade, Fedor Dean once again disappeared without any response.

Because there was no response for a long time, the enthusiasm slowly passed.

Fedor Dean disappeared again for three years. Three years later, he returned with "Gate of Life", this time he won the highest award in Venice. In the second year, "Gate of Life" made him appear in the At the Academy Awards, it won the Best Director Award and the Best Picture Award in a row, successfully reaching the top.

Since then, Fedor Dean has begun to bear the name of "Master".

As for the previous criticisms and crusades about him, under his silence and achievements, they have also passed away one after another.

The world is always tolerant of geniuses—what's more, Fedor Dean was attacked by the whole world, and he didn't have any problems of principle.

The women around him can change clothes faster than changing clothes-for a talented director who became famous at a young age, this is really nothing.

Since then, Fedor Dean’s creative passion has never declined, and a new work will be released almost every two to three years. Either the film critics have a very good reputation, or the audience has a very good reputation. The altar was shocked.

However, his tyrant-like temper on the set gradually spread.

He has always kept a low profile with the public and the media, rarely giving interviews or appearing on camera.However, the more mysterious it is, the more curious the public is about him.More and more people who have worked with him complain about his temper.This has gradually become something that everyone knows.Of course, it’s still the same, the world is always tolerant to geniuses, and the show business circle can tolerate the bad temper of a talented, master-level director more than the ocean.
Zhou Yun was already mentally prepared to be picked on by Fedor Dean.

But she didn't expect that the first thing she encountered was not criticism, but cold reception.

Arriving at the set on time in the afternoon, she didn't see Fedor Dean until nightfall.

At night, Liu Yun became a little impatient, and asked in a low voice, "Sister Xiaoyun, are they deliberately leaving us alone?"

In itself, a Chinese actor with a non-European appearance is going to take the role of a British actress, which sounds very unreliable.Once this news gets out, it is estimated that the entire film industry will say that the crew has lost their minds and gone crazy.No one would think that Zhou Yun's innate conditions were different for him to be able to continue.People always have preconceived ideas.

Maybe Fedor Dean was not willing to let a Chinese play this role, but he didn't directly reject Shi Luoqi.

Maybe he just wanted to use this method to make Zhou Yun retreat.

Zhou Yun was also a little anxious, but nothing showed on her face.The more it is like this, the more immovable it is.Zhou Yun signaled Liu Yun not to be anxious with his eyes, and said, "Go and ask if there is a restaurant nearby. If so, buy some food and bring it back with you. We will continue to wait here."

Liu Yun seemed to want to say something more, but under Zhou Yun's determined gaze, she finally swallowed all the words she wanted to say, nodded, and went out.

About half an hour later, Liu Yun came back with hamburgers, salads, and juice.

She said there was only fast food nearby.

Zhou Yun nodded, and they simply ate something, and finally, they waited until nine o'clock in the evening.

Fedor Dean was late in arriving.

There were others with him.

Sara, the film's producer, and Fedor Dean's assistant.

"Sorry for keeping you waiting." Sara spoke first, apologizing to Zhou Yun, "There was something wrong with the filming today, and we just resolved it."

Zhou Yun smiled slightly, paused his eyes on Sarah and Fedor Dean, and then said: "Then, shall we do our audition now?"

Zhou Yun didn't say that he didn't mind waiting a long time for this matter.

It's not that she doesn't want to show her friendliness—just kidding, she even came here to audition for the first time, how can she be so angry at this time.

Rather, on the one hand, according to Shi Luoqi's introduction, the character of this character is a woman who is indifferent and not very human.

Zhou Yun is letting his aura and style approach such an outward appearance.

Sensible, not too emotional, with a kind of shrewdness.

Sarah glanced at Fedor Dean.

Obviously, he was looking at what Fedor Dean meant.

Fedor Dean had a look of tiredness on his face, but his gaze on Zhou Yun was still spiritual, serious and deep, and Zhou Yun didn't know what he was thinking in his head when he was looking at himself.

And at this moment, Fedor Dean finally spoke.

"Is it okay to audition in your current state?" he asked.

Standing in front of the great director Fedor Dean, Zhou Yun felt somewhat guilty, but she still showed a calm and rational attitude.


In other words, from the moment Fedor Dean and the others entered, Zhou Yun was already in the state of audition.

This point, only Liu Yun who is familiar with her can detect it.

So, after they came in, Liu Yun didn't say a word, and just stood beside him expressionlessly, not wanting to show clues on her face and affect Zhou Yun's state.

It's been a long time since I felt this kind of challenge!
(End of this chapter)

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