Chapter 933 Competition
"Is your leg okay? Can you walk normally?"

On this day, Zhou Lan came to the hospital to see Yu Zhiyang, just in time for him to walk slowly accompanied by a nurse.

In fact, it's not going well.

A dense layer of sweat broke out on Yu Zhiyang's forehead.

He looked up to see Zhou Lan, smiled, and called sister Lan.

Zhou Lan asked, "How is your recovery?"

Yu Zhiyang said: "I haven't fully recovered yet, but I'm able to walk. The doctor said that it will probably be fully recovered after another half a month."

Yu Zhiyang's recovery is much better than expected.

Zhou Lan also breathed a sigh of relief.

"That's fine."

Yu Zhiyang sat back on the wheelchair again and asked, "Sister Lan, is there anything you can do to see me today?"

"There is a script for you to read." Zhou Lan said, "I received a script from Haichi, and they wanted you to act. I read the script and thought it was suitable for you, so I took it This mission is here for you."

Yu Zhiyang's brokerage contract is rather special. It is shared by Zhou Yun's studio and Song Chi's company. Both parties jointly manage Yu Zhiyang's brokerage affairs, and the income is shared equally.

So far, Yu Zhiyang has only filmed "Years".

But also because of this film, both sides have formed a consensus that there is no need for Yu Zhiyang to be so eager to make a second film.

He has a very high starting point, and his acting talent is also very high. His performance in "Year" has been praised by Wen Bing many times.

Yu Zhiyang can definitely take the "high-end" route.

If it wasn't for the fact that the script that Haichi sent over this time was really good and full of sincerity, Zhou Lan wouldn't let it go if it was given to the male lead.

Yu Zhiyang is still a rookie who hasn't broadcast any works so far. To be precise, he hasn't even made his debut yet.

The real debut is when the first work meets the audience.

Haichi sent a script and invited Yu Zhiyang to be the leading actor, because he took a fancy to Yu Zhiyang as the leading actor in the movie "Years".

They are sure that Yu Zhiyang will become an instant hit after "Year" is released.

In fact, Yu Zhiyang already has quite a reputation now.

As early as when Yu Zhi Yang was revealed to be the leading actor in Zhou Yun's new film, he received widespread attention, not to mention that he was also the first fixed leading actor in the first part of "Under Dress".

This is a movie about youthful love, adapted from a well-known IP, if it wasn't for this, Zhou Lan wouldn't be tempted.

In her opinion, as long as Yu Zhiyang's second film does not have a particularly bad reputation and can achieve good box office results, it will be of great help to Zhiyang's acting career.

Because "Year" is clearly Wen Bing and Zhou Yun's main scene, Yu Zhiyang needs to settle down.

A movie about youthful love is the best precipitation for Zhiyang at this stage. It doesn’t need great acting skills, as long as the acting is sincere and heartfelt, it will easily move the audience, especially——Yu Zhiyang’s age , itself is the most likely to be liked by girls.

However, Yu Zhiyang is not very interested.

He didn't directly say that he didn't want to act, but Zhou Lan noticed it.

She glanced at Yu Zhiyang hesitantly, and asked, "Zhiyang, you don't want to act?"

Yu Zhiyang lowered his eyes.

This reaction was his answer.

Zhou Lan was puzzled.

"Why don't you want to act?" Zhou Lan didn't mind that Yu Zhiyang didn't want to act in this movie, she just wanted to know the reason.

For Zhi Yang, she always felt that there was something between her and him, which could not be crossed, and could not communicate more deeply and frankly.

Yu Zhiyang lowered his head, but did not speak.

Zhou Lan couldn't help complaining "little kid" in his heart.

There are still not many young people who are stubborn and silent in front of her now.

Zhou Lan asked tentatively, "Do you think the script is not well written?"

Yu Zhiyang shook his head.

Zhou Lan asked again: "So you think this director is too young? Has he made any famous works?"

Yu Zhiyang still shook his head.

Zhou Lan paused for a moment, put his hands together, and looked seriously at Yu Zhiyang's Qingjun face. Looking at it so closely, Zhou Lan walked away for a moment - Yu Zhiyang had a refreshing, handsome and slightly melancholy face , in the current entertainment industry, it is too rare, and it is difficult to imitate and copy.

It really has unique conditions.

Zhou Lan said: "Zhi Yang, you have to understand that the communication between us is fuller and more thorough, so I know what you want, and I can better figure out what kind of drama I want to take on for you."

"Don't want this kind of intimate scene." Yu Zhiyang said suddenly.

Zhou Lan froze on the spot when he heard Yu Zhiyang's words.

Intimate scenes?

Zhou Lan frowned slightly.

In this script about youthful love, the most intimate scene is the kiss scene, which is really nothing. Could it be that Yu Zhiyang misunderstood it?
"Zhi Yang, there is no sex scene in this scene, did you make a mistake?"

"You just said that there is a kissing scene between the male and female protagonists." Yu Zhiyang raised his head, his eyes were clean and clear, and there was a bottomless depth in them, "I don't want to act in such a scene."

Only now did Zhou Lan understand.


Yu Zhiyang lowered his head again.

He didn't speak.
United Kingdom.

At the hotel about an hour's drive away from the filming site of "May [-]", Zhou Yun woke up after a full sleep and went for a run nearby.

The security personnel arranged by Mo Weisen's agency ran with her.

Met with Fedor Dean last night and tried a scene on the spot.

Without the help of the male protagonist, it is completely her one-man show.

After the trial, Fedor Dean did not make any comments, but simply chatted with Zhou Yun about her previous performances.

Then, the audition is over.

Zhou Yun didn't know whether Fedor Dean was satisfied with her audition, but she thought it was not bad.

The clip of the audition is that the heroine is hysterical alone.

There is only such a fragment, without any hint of background and character logic.

Fortunately, Zhou Yun learned the basic setting of the heroine from Shi Luoqi.

She didn't completely lose her mind in the act, but in the hysterical collapse, she was still vainly trying to grasp a little reason to regain her composure, and in the futile failure, she fell into an even more inextricable madness.

What Zhou Yun substituted was the state in "Behind the Scenes" where he completely lost control of his entire life.

During the running, Zhou Yun kept thinking about his audition last night in his mind.

Although she didn't know Fedor Dean's final decision, she had already done her best.

She flew home at three o'clock this afternoon.

After running, Zhou Yun went back to the hotel to take a shower, and then began to study the script.

The next three films to be filmed are Li Qingzhao's film, "A Boy Destroyed by Desire" directed by Antonio Silra, and Song Chi's "Idol Replica".

For these three films, Van der Schamp is still making final preparations, "A Boy Destroyed by Desire" is still changing the script, and "Idol Replica" is looking for a director, and it has not yet been finalized.

But fortunately, these three films cannot be officially started shooting in a short period of time, so Zhou Yun has such a chance to compete for "May [-]".

At noon, Zhou Yun had lunch in the hotel restaurant.

While eating, he suddenly heard a somewhat surprised question: "Xiao Yun?"

This crappy pronunciation—

Zhou Yun looked up and unexpectedly saw Christina standing in front of her.

"Ah, it's really you." Zhou Yun's earliest friend in Hollywood, an actress from Spain, smiled pleasantly at Zhou Yun. Her green pupils seemed to be able to reflect the brightest light, she said , "Why such a coincidence?"

Zhou Yun did not expect such a coincidence.

After all, this is not London, England, nor is it a hotel in a prosperous area. Even in an environment like the former, it is difficult for two people to meet by chance, let alone here.

Almost instantly, a guess appeared in Zhou Yun's mind.

Christina seemed to have thought about it at the same time.

The eyes of the two met at the same time.

Zhou Yun didn't pretend to be stupid, she nodded frankly and said, "I'm here to audition."

A lot of thoughts flashed through Christina's mind at this moment, and they all turned into a smile in the end.

"We...wouldn't be trying the same play, would we?"

Auditions are a very common thing in Hollywood.

No matter how big your star is, you have to audition.

Even Scarlett Johansson, who is already famous, was eliminated for the first time when she auditioned for Black Widow. Later, she was replaced because she couldn't act.After Black Widow became famous and became a global box office superstar, she went to audition for "Gravity", but she was still eliminated.

This is simply unimaginable in the domestic film market.

It's not that there are no actors in Hollywood who don't need to audition. Of course, those who stand at the top don't need to. Those projects are all led by them.

However, if their stars want to act in projects led by others, they still have to audition.

Be it Zhou Yun or Christina, they are all rising stars in Hollywood. They are young, beautiful, the darling of the media, and have many fans.

However, for the crew of "May [-]th", they all seem to be relatively inexperienced.

Christina sat down opposite Zhou Yun.

"It's such a coincidence," she said.

Zhou Yun nodded, "It seems that the crew has found many actors to audition."

"Who says no, who doesn't want to act in Fedor's new movie." Christina said, "I was asked to audition for this movie before, and I didn't PK Wendy Garrigues that time, Fedor I've always had a preference for British actresses, he's always been willing to work with them, and I don't know how this time."

Zhou Yun listened to Christina's words, nodded, and said, "I'm lucky, it's fine if I don't get this role."

Christina said: "Anyway, "Killing Song" will be released at the end of the year. After that, you will definitely become the most sought-after actress in Hollywood. Alas, sometimes I hesitate. Marvel invited me before, let me go Playing a superhero, but I have never thought about it. I always feel that I will be tied to one role for the next few years, which makes me a little resistant. In fact, acting in a commercial blockbuster is really helpful to my career. Even Penelope was in Pirates of the Caribbean."

There is no doubt that a world-renowned commercial blockbuster will be a blessing to the actors. However, there are also many actors who hold their own identities or pursue art and are unwilling to act in that kind of popcorn-style commercial blockbuster. It is undeniable that if you start from From the perspective of the play, it is really not a deep movie, at least from the perspective of human nature and society, there is not much to explore.

Christina is also an outsider to Hollywood.

She is not a standard American beauty, she has a kind of wild beauty.

In the eyes of some people, this is an unparalleled charm, but it cannot form a large-scale pursuit.

Where she can go, there is no precedent to refer to.

After all, the most successful Spanish actress so far, Penelope, is actually far from reaching the top.

Zhou Yun said: "When I participated in the Cannes Film Festival before, a film critic asked me my opinion on commercial films and art films. In fact, I still have the same opinion. Don't make a distinction. Simple, as long as there is something in this movie that moves me, then I can do it."

Christina said: "You have the big market of China to give you a retreat, but like me, if I fail more than three times in a row in Hollywood, I will never be able to receive good roles and good scripts. This is something that no one is immune to." The iron law of my country, and my own country - its market is not big, it can't let me realize my own ideals."

Zhou Yun shook his head and said: "I know what you are worried about, but for this kind of thing, the more you worry about it, the more difficult it is to move forward, isn't it? Don't be afraid of failure. If you don't have the ability to be an actor, how can you have you? What about all this now?"

Christina is by no means unknown in Hollywood, she is already a leader among her peers.

If she has no vision for film selection and acting ability, she is an "outsider", and it is impossible for her to obtain all these.

Everyone understands the truth, but everyone is at a loss sometimes.
As an actor, there are always people competing with you.

Rational competition?Fair play?Gentleman's competition?
OK, whatever you want to say, give this matter a not-so-popular rapprochement, in fact, no one can deny that when competing for a role you want to play, no one can back out unscathed.

Zhou Yun didn't know how this incident would change the relationship between her and Christina. Maybe neither of them was selected, which was the best ending for their relationship.

But of course their goal is not to maintain the friendly relationship between the two of them—it can be used as a bonus for winning "May [-]", but it cannot be a substitute.

Zhou Yun returned to China, held meetings with Wu Chengbao non-stop, selected the director of "Idol Replica", and then held a promotion meeting for the second part of "Under Dress", "Three Thousand Worlds", met with director Fan Deshang, and chatted According to the script of the movie, Li Qing talked about character creation, and had a video conference with Antonio Hill in almost a week to talk about "A Boy Destroyed by Desire", not to mention the email exchange in between.

These jobs alone filled her life to the brim.

And she also attended the premieres of seven films.

Not a single show was recorded.

As a result, many program groups are wondering whether Zhou Yun will not participate in the recording of these variety shows in the future?
(End of this chapter)

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