I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 934 Night of the Truth

Chapter 934 Night of the Truth
Someone called Zhou Lan, but Zhou Lan quickly denied it.

"No, how could it be? It's just that Xiaoyun has been too busy recently. She has a lot of work arrangements in progress, and she really can't find time." Zhou Lan explained, "After this busy period, Xiaoyun has plenty of time. At one o'clock, I will tell her that I will have the opportunity to be on your show then."

Of course, we can't let the outside world have the impression that Zhou Yun will no longer record variety shows in the future.

Although Zhou Yun did want to reduce the work in this area in the future.

Three days later, Zhou Yun received news from the crew of "May [-]th" that Fedor Dean had chosen another actor.

Neither she nor Christina.

It's Elizabeth.

Not long after Zhou Yun received the news, she saw the report on the Internet.

It was The Hollywood Reporter, and it said that Fedor Dean had sent Elizabeth an e-mail with a very warm invitation to Elizabeth to be in the movie.

Elizabeth hesitated for a few days before agreeing.

At this moment, Zhou Yun was surprised, but also a little bit dispirited.Failure in an audition may be a compulsory course for actors, but the taste of failure is not good no matter what.

Christina sent an email to Zhou Yun, which was meant to comfort her.

They both auditioned for the film and both failed together.

Zhou Yun also returned comfort.

Christina suddenly called Zhou Yun again.

Zhou Yun was a little surprised and answered the phone.

"Hi, dear." Christina smiled on the other end of the phone, and the pity came across the ocean. "It's a pity that we all failed this time."

Zhou Yun said: "There is no other way. There are always times when auditions fail. As you said, who wouldn't want to act in Fedor's movies."

Christina: "Oh, Xiaoyun, it's fine if it's a normal audition failure, this time both of us have been tricked, Fedor has already given Wendy Garrigues the first time after the car accident. Elizabeth sent an email because Elizabeth didn't agree to him immediately, so she asked us to audition, just as a backup."

Christina's voice clearly revealed her dissatisfaction.

"Ah, so it's still like this."

"It's too much, alas, but what can we say." Christina said, "Fedor is doing this, and we can't say anything."

Zhou Yun hesitated for a while, and said, "Forget it, if you didn't get selected in this audition, then you didn't get selected. Don't be too annoyed. You are so good, you will definitely get other good films."

Christina immediately said: "That's right, I'm going to try another play soon."

Zhou Yun almost blurted out "What drama?".

Fortunately, she held back when she almost said it.

If she really asked that, Christina might answer no, or no answer.

Before, they did not form a competitive relationship because they were not in the same circle and had different appearances. But this time in "May [-]th", they also discovered an embarrassing fact. If the characters in the script are not clear Zhou Yun's racial characteristics can also be played.

Zhou Yun smiled and said, "Then I wish you success."

After chatting with Christina, Zhou Yun hung up the phone, only to find out that while she was on the phone with Christina, Yu Jiangxing sent him a message asking if she was free recently.

Zhou Yun replied: I am resting recently.

Yu Jiangxing said: Director Zhang Zifan prepared a film three years ago. The heroine temporarily let go of the dove and asked me to help. I read the script and think it is very suitable for you, so I would like to ask if you want to read the script?

Zhou Yun was taken aback.

How come one or two of them are the heroines who have turned yellow recently, and they started looking for help?
If Zhou Lan was here, he would have refused directly cursing.

Since you didn't come to find Zhou Yun to be the heroine at the beginning, why did you come here later?Is Zhou Yun the kind who is always here waiting to save you?

But Zhou Yun had to give Yu Jiangxing face.

This well-respected senior producer in the industry, regardless of his industry status, Zhou Yun himself respects him very much.

The last time he starred in "The Scholar on the Hidden Mountain", he also played a special role at his invitation.

Zhou Yun replied: Mr. Yu, let me read the script first.

Yu Jiangxing: Alright, then I will arrange for someone to send you the script. However, Xiaoyun, since the filming of this film has been scheduled to start in a week, whether you want to act or not, please give me an answer as soon as possible.

Zhou Yun replied: OK, I will read the script today.

Two hours later, the script was delivered.

The script reads "Night of Truth", which should be the name of the movie.

There is no outline and no character introduction, it is a complete script.

When Zhou Yun saw the title of the script, he thought it was a literary film.

After reading it in one breath, Zhou Yun realized that this is actually a film that combines suspense and horror with funny warmth.

It tells the story of a 30-year-old single female cartoonist who rented a quiet and remote small suburban house in order to catch up with the manuscript. As a result, after moving in, some disturbing things happened one after another, and the female cartoonist I was so scared that I thought it was a supernatural event, and when I was about to move out of this place overnight, I accidentally bumped into the ghost behind the scenes secretly discussing the truth about how to further drive her away—it turned out that this small house was rented out before , The magpie's nest has been occupied by two children. Every night, the two children will come here to sleep.

After learning the truth, the female cartoonist immediately decided to take revenge (scared back), and a funny and thrilling counterattack started. Two children who pretended to be ghosts and frightened were jumped up and down by the female cartoonist. This part made Zhou Yun laugh and cry.

After successfully taking revenge on the two children and capturing them, the female cartoonist interrogated them strictly, only to find out that the two children had escaped from the orphanage, and in order to avoid the arrest of the director of the orphanage, they After finding such a place as a hiding place, the children begged her not to send them back. From the mouths of the two children, Zhou Yun learned that the two children actually witnessed the dean killing people, so they ran out and were already in the house. I've been hiding in secret for a week.

When she was hesitating to call the police, someone knocked on the door suddenly.The person who came over was the dean of the orphanage, and the dean asked her if she had seen the two children.

The female cartoonist said she hadn't seen it, and the dean took out a badge he picked up in the yard, saying that it was a badge that children in their orphanage would wear. Maybe the child hid in this house and wanted to come in and search it.The female cartoonist refused very strongly and asked him to call the police.Just when the female cartoonist was about to close the door, the child hiding behind the door suddenly couldn't hold back and sneezed. The dean immediately sensed the child's existence and showed a fierce look.The female cartoonist closed the door immediately, trying to stop people at the door, but the dean put one foot in and blocked it between the cracks in the door.But the strength of the two people was very different, and finally the man broke in.Next, there was a struggle. Although there were two children helping, the female cartoonist and the children were subdued by the principal.The three of them were tied up, and the man started digging in the yard outside, as if trying to bury the female cartoonist.The female cartoonist was untied by two children in an emergency, and secretly went to get her mobile phone to call the police, but she was discovered by the dean. After the call was dialed, she only had time to scream.She was gagged again by the dean and dragged towards the door.The neighbor next door who heard the movement suddenly knocked on the door.

The female cartoonist and the two children were locked in a room by the head of the orphanage, but they desperately made noises, trying to make people outside notice that something was wrong, but their hands and feet were tied and their mouths were also gagged , can not make any movement at all.The director of the orphanage pretended to be a tenant, and dealt with it with a smile, saying that he was watching TV at home, and all the movements were from the TV.The neighbor next door left in doubt.However, because of this movement, the dean also realized that the female cartoonist should not be buried in the yard, as it would be easy to be witnessed by people nearby.So, he decided to kill the female cartoonist and two children first, and then take people away.Just as he was about to start, there was another knock on the door.

This time, the female cartoonist and the two children didn't try to make people outside notice the movement. They could only try to save themselves while the dean left.The two children pinched the cloth out of the female cartoonist's mouth with their own heads, and she bit the cloth out of the child's mouth with her own mouth, while shouting "Help!"
This time it was still the neighbor next door who knocked on the door. He was still worried and came to confirm the situation.The director of the orphanage finally sent him away, and he came back again, so he could only continue to deal with it.After finally sending the person away, when he was about to close the door, he suddenly heard the shout of "Help".The head of the orphanage looked at the neighbor who had just walked two meters away, and the latter obviously heard the cry for help.In an instant, the director of the orphanage took out the knife he had been hiding behind him, rushed towards the other party, and stabbed the other party's stomach with a knife.

He dragged the person into the house, threw them aside, and came to the room where the female cartoonist and two children were locked up. The head of the orphanage, covered in blood and with a ferocious face, frightened all three of them into a daze.Especially the bloody knife in his hand, which made the two children scream.The director of the orphanage decided to deal with the two children first. At this moment, the female cartoonist desperately moved in front of the two children, protecting them behind her back.When the dean of the orphanage raised the knife and was about to stab the female cartoonist, the neighbor who lost blood and fainted and was mistaken for dead by the dean of the orphanage woke up. At this critical moment, he unexpectedly detained the nurse. The long neck dragged him back and pressed him under him.

The knife in the dean's hand fell off. When the two of them were fighting, the female cartoonist immediately picked up the knife and helped a child cut the rope on his hand, and asked him to cut the knot on his hands and feet for herself. Then, she rushed up with a knife and stabbed the head of the orphanage in the back.


After reading the whole story of the script, Zhou Yun's back felt cold.

In this story, the entire narrative rhythm is very tense. Ever since the director of the orphanage appeared, there has always been a sense of excitement that his life is hanging by a thread.

It's a very thrilling genre.

In fact, if this kind of story is badly written, it will be a bloody story, and if it is well written, it will be a suspenseful story with tight hair throughout.

This screenplay is clearly in the well-written category.

Zhou Yun immediately called Yu Jiangxing.

"Mr. Yu, I've finished reading the script. Is this another script written by a newcomer?" She asked in surprise.

Yu Jiangxing said: "This is director Zhang Zifan's adaptation of the script based on a story on an online forum. Three years ago, he accidentally read this story on the Internet and bought the right to adapt it."

Zhou Yun was surprised.

The reason why Zhou Yun speculated that he was a newcomer was because generally speaking, mature and experienced screenwriters would not write such a novel and thrilling story.

She said: "I don't know director Zhang Zifan, but it is indeed something I have never tried. I want to try this role."

"I knew you would be interested." Yu Jiangxing said, "When he was preparing this film, he didn't dare to consider you at all, because the budget of this film is only 2000 million. In fact, you know this film, it's nothing. For a big production, one scene can be shot. I asked him if he had handed you the script. Guess what this person said? He said that an actress of your level would never consider a movie of this kind. Just talked about him."

"I like it very much. The script is well written. Who did he find to play it before? Why did they let the pigeons go?"

Zhou Yun didn't understand.This kind of script, when you can read the script, you know that you should try not to miss it, unless there is a better script.Among other things, this type of movie has a lot of basic audiences, and the box office will definitely not be bad.

Yu Jiangxing said: "He also sent scripts to some actresses who he thought might be willing to act, but because of the small investment, his reputation and qualifications were not competitive, so no one responded to him, and finally found a woman named Lan Mei. Actress, who knew that when the filming started, Lan Mei got a role in a TV series adapted from a big IP. The two filming schedules collided, so she released Zhang Zifan's pigeons. The filming was about to start, Zhang Zifan was so worried that he couldn't sleep , if you can't find an actress when the filming starts, the investment you finally got will probably be ruined again, so you come to me and ask me for help. I know you never mind the director and the investment scale of the film. After reading After the script, I thought I could ask you to read it, if you are interested, it would be perfect."

Zhou Yun laughed.

"I'm interested. This script is very mature." She said, "It's a very bloody story, and he writes it with a sense of suspense throughout, which is very good."

"Alright then, I'll tell him the good news. If this kid finds out that you agreed to act, he probably won't be able to sleep anymore." Yu Jiangxing said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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