Chapter 936 My Pride
Something dramatic happened.

When one of the investment companies objected, Zhou Yun didn't express any opinions yet. The other two investment companies communicated directly, dragged director Zhang Zifan and the producer, and kicked that investor out of the game.


Zhou Yun, who heard the news, didn't know what to say for a while.

"That company is also not clear-headed, and they still don't agree to this condition." Zhou Lan complained, "Other big companies are willing to offer higher conditions. How much money can they make without Xiaoyun starring? This movie has it." Starring Xiaoyun, the potential income can directly go up to [-] million, theater box office, video website copyright, TV copyright, on-demand income, and overseas sales income, how short-sighted they must be."

Lin Zhiping, who was sitting opposite Zhou Lan, said with a smile, "Maybe he has his own considerations."

"No matter how much you think about it, you can't have trouble with money." Zhou Lan said, "I just can't figure it out. If you are a layman, I can understand a little bit, but you are a film investment company. You are engaged in films, don't you? I don’t know if Zhou Yun participated, it would be a completely different fate for this film?”

Lin Zhiping: "There are stupid Bs in every industry."

"That's right, I just can't figure it out." Zhou Lan laughed again as he spoke, "However, now the other two companies have kicked that company out, directly expressing that company's share, and the two of them will share equally. Even willing to invest more, as long as Xiao Yun is willing to act."

"However—" Lin Zhiping was a little puzzled, "Are you so superstitious about big stars in your film industry? I see that there are also many movies starring big stars that hit the box office in the end."

Zhou Lan: "Of course, but the biggest difference between Xiaoyun and those big stars now is that she is just now popular, and many big-name star actors are not popular after they get promoted. This kind of momentum is not on them. Xiaoyun is not, she It belongs to the sudden popularity, the popularity of the fast, and the popularity for a long time, so that everyone subconsciously believes in her. The other, Xiaoyun has not had a failed work so far, let alone hit the street, even an ordinary work has failed. No, whether it is a series or a movie, they are all very profitable. Look at "Words of Fallen Leaves" and "Behind the Scenes". Money? The return on investment is almost 500%.”

Lin Zhiping was surprised when he heard this number.

"These two films are still making money." Zhou Lan said, "Under such a halo, as long as Xiaoyun doesn't fail once, she is a myth in this circle."

Lin Zhiping understood.

"Okay, I get it. I understand it according to what you said." Lin Zhiping reached out and held Zhou Lan's hand, "But, are you going to participate in the production of this project again? Wouldn't it be very difficult?" busy?"

Zhou Lan said: "Don't worry, this movie has its own producer, and when we get involved, we can only do supervisory work at most. We don't need to do much real work by ourselves. Xiaoyun has a lot of arrangements for the next movie project. , Liu Yun has also been trained, and I can almost let go of Xiaoyun's specific affairs, which can save a lot of time."

Lin Zhiping nodded.

He looked at Zhou Lan tenderly.

"That's good. I'm still worried that it will affect our dating. Originally, we didn't have much time to spend together." Lin Zhiping said.

Zhou Lan: "Oh, regarding this point, it's not just my responsibility. I'm not the one who went on a business trip for 20 days last month."

Lin Zhiping smiled and lowered his eyelashes.

"Thanks for helping me babysit Bruce," he said.

Bruce is a dog raised by Lin Zhiping, a German shepherd.

In the past, when Lin Zhiping was on a business trip, his friends took care of him.

The last time he went out, Lin Zhiping entrusted Zhou Lan here.

Although Zhou Lan found it troublesome, he still agreed.

Zhou Lan said: "It's quite worry-free, it doesn't have that much trouble."

Lin Zhiping: "As long as you like it."
"Truth Night" exposed the news on the Internet.

Then, everyone found out that Zhou Yun had accepted another movie by an unknown director.

Moreover, according to rumors, it is still a small-budget movie with an investment of only 2000 million.

Many people were stunned.

Why did Zhou Yun accept such a movie?

Couldn't she get another movie?

Couldn't she get a bigger movie?
Doesn't she have a famous director to ask her to make a movie?

All kinds of doubts arose.

On the Internet, there are many people who are puzzled by this.Including many practitioners, they also have their own social accounts, and they also feel puzzled.

Of course, they knew that Zhou Yun definitely had no shortage of big productions and good shows, so they couldn't figure out Zhou Yun's choice.

Judging from the leaked news, this movie is not worthy of an actor of Zhou Yun's level.

Zhou Yun is already used to this.They did not make any response or explanation for this.Study the script, prepare for the show, try on makeup, do the styling, meet the actors, read the script.

Although it is a low-budget movie, Zhang Zifan and the production company are still very attentive to the preparation of this movie.

This can be seen from Zhou Yun's contact with them.

The house has been found and the entire arrangement has been completed.

All the details are in place, especially the floor, which was specially demolished from the floor of other houses, not the brand-new floor in many movies that can almost be used for commercials.

There are very few actors in this movie, and there are only five of them.

Zhou Yun, two young actors, Cheng Yang who plays the neighbor, and Zou Xingming who plays the director of the orphanage.

None of these actors are well-known, but they have all been acting for a long time.

At the script reading meeting, Zhou Yun met with them.

The two young actors are also small actors, they have acted in several plays, they are very good, they are only ten years old, a boy and a girl, the boy is called Su Tianqi, and the girl is called Liu Luyao.

As soon as Zhou Yun met, he squatted down, hugged them, introduced himself to them, and gave them small gifts prepared in advance.

When filming with children, you must get close to them.

They are not so mature professional actors, and they often rely on real reactions.

This is the experience she learned when filming "Years".

Both young children were accompanied by their parents.

And Cheng Yang and Zou Xingming are also very enthusiastic and outgoing people. Everyone greeted each other happily, and after saying hello, they began to read the script.

As soon as the script was read, Zhou Yun realized that it was really in place.

These two people have really good lines.

They come very lightly, and there is a sense of relaxation as soon as you open your mouth.

Because everyone is here today, what they read is the second half of the script.

Zou Xingming has a white and fat face, very friendly, who knows that there is a gloomy feeling of a needle hidden in the cotton when he opens his mouth.

In this kind of play that focuses on a specific space and a few characters, actors are more important than ordinary plays.

The script reading was carried out for three days, a total of two times.

In this crew, everyone respects Zhou Yun's opinion very much.

Any question asked will look at her attitude.

This is the status of a big-name star actor in a crew.Even if Zhou Yun himself doesn't need this kind of atmosphere, everyone will form this kind of atmosphere unconsciously.

When the crew of "Night of Truth" was moving forward in an orderly manner to the official start of filming, the previous "Qi Ming Project" finally officially contacted Zhou Yun.

However, their contact this time is somewhat different from the version of the news they heard before.

"We hope that Zhou Yun will serve as a recommender and recommend a young actor to join the 'Qi Ming Project'."

It was Teacher Qin Zhong who called Zhou Yun.

Hearing Teacher Qin Zhong's voice on the phone, Zhou Yun was stunned for two seconds before asking, "Recommender?"

Didn't they say to let her join the "Qiming Project"?

Qin Zhong said with a smile: "Some people have proposed before that they want you to join the 'Qiming Project'. However, several old comrades raised objections, including me. Let me say that someone like you who has succeeded and won If you still need to recommend an actor for an authoritative award, it will completely deviate from the original intention of this plan."

Zhou Yun couldn't help smiling when he heard this.

"Mr. Qin, you are right."

"As for the specific introduction of this plan, I will ask them to send it to your mailbox later. You can compose a text message from your mailbox and send it to me."

"Okay, thank you, Mr. Qin, for your hard work, and please call me yourself."

"Then I have to call you personally." Qin Zhong said, "Young man whom I admire very much, if I don't call myself, should I ask someone else to make this call?"

Zhou Yun said with a smile: "It is my honor that my most respected senior called me."

(End of this chapter)

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