I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 937 Start, Start Shooting

Chapter 937 Start, Start Shooting

The "Qiming Project" eventually became a recommendation system, with [-] referees, each with a recommendation indicator.

This is equivalent to two rounds of selection.

The first round of selection becomes the selection of recommenders.

Of course, this is definitely not the kind of registration selection system.

First, the Actors Association decides on a list to send up, and it will be considered finalized after the official approval.

Both Zhou Yun and Song Chi received calls asking them to be referees.

They are also the only two referees under the age of 30.

Of course, this list is not final. The Actors Association has to report it to the official, and ask other units that are co-organizing this plan to confirm.

In fact, there were a lot of internal disputes about Song Chi and Zhou Yun being the recommenders.

Because Song Chi and Zhou Yun are too young.

Both actors are too young to appear in the same sequence as those middle-aged and experienced people.

However, a group of old actors headed by Qin Zhong supported Zhou Yun and Song Chi.

They believe that qualifications are important in the profession of an actor, but it also depends on one's own achievements, status and influence.

In terms of achievements, industry status and influence, how many people can compare with Zhou Yun and Song Chi?

Song Chi made his debut early and has been popular for more than ten years. The quantity and quality of his works can even compete with actors in their 50s and [-]s.

Zhou Yunhong's age is a little less, but whether you say she is lucky or other things, she has won awards, filmed movies, and especially her international influence in recent years is second to none.

I really hope that the older generation of actors in this industry will get better and better. I am actually very happy to see young actors achieve such achievements.

They all sincerely hope that Song Chi and Zhou Yun can go higher and higher smoothly.

Qin Zhong said: "For an actor like Zhou Yun, don't you let her be a recommender and a member of the 'Qiming Project'? She will be a member of this project. How many young actors are shortlisted together? Can she be compared with her? She is a member, who will be her recommender? Which recommender has more achievements and influence than her? If you can’t be a member, and you don’t want her to be a recommender, then exclude her ? If actors like Zhou Yun were excluded from the "Qi Ming Project", do you think this plan will still be recognized by everyone? Will everyone buy it?"

Qin Zhong came out straight to the point, leaving everyone speechless.

Because of what she said, it's not that everyone doesn't understand, it's just that some people selectively ignore it.
In fact, for Zhou Yun, whether she joins the plan or not doesn't affect her at all.

Since her debut, apart from Jiang Xin and Cong Lan, she has never worked with other major directors.

She doesn't rely on mixing circles to fight for her resources.

Some veterans refused to admit it, but they had to admit that it was not Zhou Yun who needed their approval, but something they wanted to promote. Only when Zhou Yun was willing to play with them could this thing be recognized by others.

But it is precisely this situation that makes more people unwilling to compromise at this time.

Once he admits it, Zhou Yun has "entered the game" to some extent, and there will be one more person to share the cake in the future.

It's just that these people's ideas couldn't be put on the table, and in the end they were blocked by Qin Zhong and other seniors.

As the recommender, Zhou Yun wanted to recommend a young actor to join the "Qiming Project". She communicated with Zhou Lan and decided to recommend Wang Jing without much consideration.

On the one hand, Wang Jing is Zhou Lan's second actor besides Zhou Yun. On the other hand, Wang Jing is also Zhou Yun's well-known junior junior sister. She personally introduced Wang Jing to the crew of "Behind the Scenes" and brought Wang Jing to fame.

Song Chi did not choose his company's contracted actor, because there was no particularly suitable one, and Yu Zhiyang——Yu Zhiyang has not yet officially debuted, and "Year" has not yet been released to the public, so Song Chi finally recommended A young actor who has worked with him and admired him very much.

When the recommendation system spread widely in this circle, the recommendation lists of both of them were given out.

He Yong came to Zhou Yun and wanted her to recommend Zhang Mo. Zhou Yun directly said that he had submitted all the lists and had already recommended Wang Jing.

He Yong had no choice but to find someone else.

Sure enough, this incident set off a big storm in the entertainment industry.

Each brokerage company hopes that the actors they support will join this plan.

Knowing that Zhou Yun was the recommender, many people came to Zhou Yun.

After knowing that Zhou Yun's recommended spot was given to Wang Jing, he approached Zhou Yun to make a match, and wanted to find You Jiang.

You Jiang is also a recommender.

You Jiang accepted an American drama, and is currently filming in Australia, not in China.

Regarding this matter, Zhou Yun and Zhou Lan reached a consensus and did not answer anything.

Teacher You Jiang can recommend anyone he wants, this is his own business.

a mess.

Zhou Yun didn't care.

She just called Yu Chu and explained a little why she didn't recommend her.

Yu Chu smiled and said, "It's a good thing you didn't recommend me, I don't want to be the junior recommended by you, let me drag you down."

In fact, Zhou Yun did not recommend Yu Chu because of this consideration.Yu Chu made his debut earlier than Wang Jing. In the past few years, he has acted like a model worker, and all of them are heroines. Although he has not won any awards or nominations, the industry's recognition is much greater than Wang Jing's.It is of course no problem to let her join this plan, but it is a bit inappropriate for Zhou Yun to recommend it.
The turmoil over the "Qiming Project" has not stopped, and Zhou Yun is about to join the filming group.

A movie with a fixed scene like "Truth Night" was all shot in this house, and the production budget was limited, so the shooting time required was not long.

Zhang Zifan only mentioned 20 days of shooting to Zhou Lan, but Zhou Lan was very generous and directly added 20 days to him.

"Don't worry, don't rush work." Zhou Lan said, "Director, let's work together to make a wonderful movie."

This movie is obviously not the kind of award-winning movie, very genre, and full of various reversals.

Zhou Lan just hopes that the movie will be liked by the audience.

Zhang Zifan still thinks it's unreal—since the preparation started three years ago, he never dared to expect that this movie would invite an actress of Zhou Yun's level.

The official start of filming is to film her and the two young actors first.

While waiting, Zhou Yun sat and talked with two children.

"Are you all still in elementary school?" Zhou Yun asked.

The two children snuggled into their parents' arms and nodded.

Although I am already very familiar with the environment of the crew, but the child is still a child, and I am still a little scared to meet strangers.

Zhou Yun laughed, "You guys are amazing, you can go to school and film outside at the same time, it's amazing."

"My grades are very good." The little girl Liu Luyao blinked and said.

"Really? That's even more remarkable." Zhou Yun asked, "How many plays have you acted in?"

Liu Luyao raised her hand for a "2" and said, "I have acted in two plays."

Her mother said with a smile: "Sister Xiaoyun has much more experience in acting than you, and she is very powerful. You have to seriously cooperate with Sister Xiaoyun later, you know?"

Liu Luyao didn't nod or shake her head, but just stared at her with big watery eyes.

Zhou Yun gently touched her head, and said, "I filmed a play with a kid who was about your age before. If I have a chance in the future, I'll introduce you to each other, okay?"

Liu Luyao asked: "Is she as beautiful as me?"

I knew I was beautiful at such a young age.

Zhou Yun couldn't help laughing.

Her mother also smiled and pinched her cheek, saying, "You're so stinky at such a young age."

Zhou Yun said: "She is as beautiful as you."

Liu Luyao nodded and said, "Then you have a chance to introduce us to each other in the future."

The little girl spoke in a childish voice, a little arrogant.

Zhou Yun said yes.

Zhang Zifan led people to lay the track and adjust the lights, and it took more than an hour to finish the preparation work profusely in sweat.

Zhou Yun has already started rehearsing with his two children.

When acting, Zhou Yun has always been selfless and only focused on himself.

But this time when she was acting with two children, half of her energy was devoted to the two children.

You can't ask them to be professional, you can only find ways to coax them, let them get close to you and cooperate with you.

Zhang Zifan was surprised to see Zhou Yun getting along well with the two children.He was worried that a big star like Zhou Yun would not have the patience to coax the two children.In filming, it is very difficult to film with children, because they are uncontrollable.The key is that in this movie, the two children still have a lot of scenes, throughout.In order to select these two children, they interviewed nearly two hundred children.

And the two kids do have acting talent.

In the first scene of filming, Zhou Yun found out that the house was haunted by two children.

The scene focuses on the two young children.

Zhang Zifan uses a door as the central axis of the camera. On the left are two children discussing in low voices how to scare Zhou Yun, and on the right is Zhou Yun sticking behind the door to eavesdrop on the two children's discussions.

This is a very simple literary play.

However, although the two children memorized the lines by heart, they always made mistakes in the process of playing against each other, missing a word, forgetting what to do next in the middle of the performance, or taking the other party's words as their own. Say it, there are a lot of situations.

If this shot is not planned to be shot like this, Zhou Yunda can rest on the sidelines and only shoot the part of the two children.

During the tenth NG, Zhang Zifan became a little irritable. He wiped the sweat from his forehead and looked at Zhou Yun worriedly.

He walked over, and when facing the two children, he suppressed the irritability in his heart, squatted down, and communicated with them again.

They themselves are a little irritable, always making mistakes, restless and irritable.

At this time, Zhou Yun came over, gently touched the heads of the two children, and said, "Are you tired? Let's rest for a while?"

The two children nodded and ran directly towards their parents.

Zhang Zifan smiled apologetically at Zhou Yun.

"That's what filming with children is like."

Zhou Yun said: "As adults, we can only be more patient."

(End of this chapter)

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