I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 938 Malicious speculation

Chapter 938 Malicious speculation
Seeing that Zhou Yun did not show any signs of impatience, Zhang Zifan was quietly relieved.

Ever since he got to know Zhou Yun, his attitude towards this big-name star has always been somewhat sincere and apprehensive.

This is also the attitude of practitioners like Zhang Zifan who have been in the industry for many years.

Unlike Xue Qin and Wen Bing, who have just entered the industry as film directors, even though Xue Qin and Wen Bing knew that Zhou Yun was a big-name star, they were more or less newborn calves who were not afraid of tigers, and had not yet formed a deep-rooted impression of these stars.

Zhang Zifan was different. He had worked as an assistant director, director, crew coordinator, and other jobs before.

The more people who have been in this industry for a long time, the more they know how troublesome these stars are.For a production crew, these people are the most difficult to serve, not one of them.No matter how violent the director is, he is also under the pressure of the whole film. No matter what, he hopes that the filming of this film will be completed smoothly.But these big-name star actors are not like this. In front of the media, they create a professional image for themselves, and create a professionalism that can make great sacrifices for the play.But in the actual process, if I am not satisfied with the food, I am picky, lose my temper, I am not satisfied with the living environment, picky, lose my temper, during the filming process, I can directly edit the lines that I can’t memorize on the spot, these are trivial matters.

The most troublesome thing is the kind of actors who stop acting at every turn.

They have all sorts of ways to legitimately cause very serious trouble for the crew.Unless the crew is determined to fire and replace people, otherwise, no matter how big the trouble is, in order to ensure that the show can meet the audience smoothly in the end, they will hide everything.Even during the publicity period, it is possible to do publicity in harmony.Any contradictions and dissatisfaction of the crew, especially the negative news of the leading actors, will have a negative impact on the show.

This is why even though Zhou Yun has always shown a very good attitude and cooperative spirit, Zhang Zifan still does not relax.

He has seen too many actors who are usually very friendly and look like a different person when they explode.

Zhou Yun could also feel Zhang Zifan's attitude towards her, "I'm afraid she will lose her temper and make a fool of herself".

It's useless for her to say more about this kind of thing.Zhang Zifan would not believe her.The only thing she can do is to continue to maintain her attitude and let Zhang Zifan slowly change his concept.

The scene took almost four hours to shoot before it was finally finished.

In the blink of an eye, it was 01:30 in the afternoon.

Zhou Yun didn't eat at noon, and didn't go back to his trailer to rest until the filming of the scene was over, and had lunch by the way.

Lunch is a box lunch provided by the crew, with pickles made by Liu Yun herself.

"When will the next scene be filmed?" Zhou Yun asked Liu Yun.

Liu Yun said, "Just go there at 03:30 in the afternoon."

"Then I'll sleep on the bed for a while, I'm a little tired, and I got up early this morning." Zhou Yun said.

"Yeah." Liu Yun nodded, "Sister Xiaoyun, I was watching the news just now, and some media sent the news that you were going to audition for "May [-]th."

"Huh?" Zhou Yun paused with his chopsticks, a little surprised, "Did you know so late?"

"Yeah, when Christina was interviewed by the Spanish media, she said that she was rejected for the "May [-]th" audition and mentioned you." Liu Yun said, "Did she greet you in advance?"

"No, but if you mention it, you mention it. It's not something shameful."

"A big V on the Internet said that the reason why you accepted "The Night of the Truth" was because "May [-]th" was rejected, so you accepted this movie to fill the schedule." Liu Yun said, "It's hard to say."

Zhou Yun felt a little unhappy.

"Oh, forget it, let them say, we can't control other people's mouths."
Yao Yuanfeng smiled and put down his phone when he saw the rumors on the Internet about Zhou Yun taking over the role in "The Night of the Truth".

He always read this kind of news.

Of course, sometimes the revelations are true.

Yao Yuanfeng doesn't think that Zhou Yun's role in "Night of Truth" is to fill the schedule.

He knew how picky Zhou Yun was about the script.In fact, Xindun had also taken a fancy to the script "Night of Truth" and wanted to buy it from Zhang Zifan. At that time, it was offered at a high price of 600 million. 600 million to buy a movie script, which is a very high price.Especially for a company like Xindun, this is almost a sky-high price, and this is also because everyone is optimistic about the commercial prospects of this script.However, Xindun did not want Zhang Zifan to be the director. They wanted to find a more mature and capable director to be in charge of the script instead of Zhang Zifan.

Zhang Zifan didn't have much directing experience before, and his independent director's works didn't have a good reputation, even bloody.

Therefore, after Zhang Zifan insisted that the script must be directed by himself, Xin Dun gave up the idea of ​​shooting this movie.

Yao Yuanfeng was not surprised that Zhou Yun would like this script, but she was surprised that she was willing to accept Zhang Zifan as the director of this movie.

Do you really think she is the director's lucky star?
Yao Yuanfeng suddenly realized something——

Thinking about it now, Zhou Yun seems to have never worked with a big director in a movie.


Yao Yuanfeng believes that with Zhou Yun's acting skills and popularity, there is absolutely no such opportunity.

Zhou Yun was not satisfied with the role he could only find in the past.

But also, the big directors themselves rarely shoot movies around female characters.

With Zhou Yun's current status, it is really unnecessary to support another leading actor.

The reason why Zhou Yun did not cooperate with big directors may be because of this on the one hand, and on the other hand... Is it also because Zhou Yun can't bear to listen to those big directors?

For a movie, the most important thing is definitely the director.

Because of this, when there is a big-name director in a movie, no matter how big-name the actors are, they can only play supporting roles.

Zhou Yun doesn't want his right to speak to be taken away?

This idea came to Yao Yuanfeng's mind.

He has been thinking that Xindun will carry out other cooperation projects with Zhou Yun in the future.

Currently, only the Killer series is in development.

Other than that, there are no other pending projects.

Yao Yuanfeng handed them notebooks almost every month, but Zhou Yun didn't like any of them.

It was the project of the old detective of the Republic of China. Zhou Lan came to look for him. When he heard that Zhou Yun himself would not act, he was not that interested.

Yao Yuanfeng thought for a while, then dialed Zhou Yun's phone number.

"Xiaoyun, are you on the set now? Haha, I saw the news and knew that you are filming "Night of the Truth" now, ouch, didn't you say you would take a good rest for a few months? Why did you suddenly join the filming team again? What a model worker, but you should take good care of your body. Even though you are young, you can’t work hard all the time. Acting is exhausting. The last time I saw you, I felt that you hadn’t recovered. I thought you were You need to rest for a while longer."

(End of this chapter)

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