I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 939 1 New Movie Series

Chapter 939 A New Movie Series

Zhou Yun said: "Originally there was no filming plan. I received the script temporarily, and they decided to start filming at this time. Of course, I can only cooperate with the crew's time."

"How about Zhang Zifan? Can he control the scene?" Yao Yuanfeng asked, "I'm quite surprised that you would be willing to cooperate with such an unknown director. His previous works did not have many well-reviewed works." .”

Zhou Yun said: "Filming is something that will be affected by various factors. I have communicated with Zhang Zifan several times. I think his understanding and grasp of this drama is quite mature. Moreover, today we are filming on the spot. He It’s not the kind of perfunctory attitude, one shot can be patiently shot more than ten or twenty times, just to pursue the best effect, I quite like his work attitude.”

Yao Yuanfeng said: "You really like these directors who don't have much right to speak. How many are these? Haha, I think, after the movie "Night of Truth" is released, I'm afraid that all the people in China will not be able to catch up. Directors who are underappreciated are all lining up to work with you."

Zhou Yun smiled and shook his head: "It's not as exaggerated as you said."

"I'm not exaggerating." Yao Yuanfeng said, "By the way, I read a book in the past two days and I like it very much. I'll send you a copy. How about it?"

"Yao is always ready to buy it and make it into a movie?"

"Yes." Yao Yuanfeng nodded, "However, the investment in this movie is not small. If you don't act, I don't have that much confidence to make it."

"Huh? The Xindun family has a big business, how much investment should this film have?"

"It is estimated to be around [-] million." Yao Yuanfeng said, "This movie has very high requirements for special effects."

Hearing what Yao Yuanfeng said, Zhou Yun began to wonder what kind of story this would be.

"Oh, by the way, Xiaoyun, we plan to release "Female Assassin" on National Day." Yao Yuanfeng said, "You should leave your time for us to promote it at that time."

Zhou Yun thought for a while and said, "I don't know yet. I still have several plays in the future. I don't know how to coordinate the time. I will try to make time for it."

Yao Yuanfeng was very surprised: "What else did you play later?"

"It hasn't been announced yet. One is a film directed by Van der Schamp, and the other is a film directed by Spanish director Antonio Silra." Zhou Yun said, "There is also Yue Hai's "Flower City"."

Yao Yuanfeng's heart became more and more tense.

How can this be done.

Counting these few dramas, the schedule for the next one or two years is basically gone.

Yao Yuanfeng felt even more urgent.
It is not surprising that "Female Killer" will enter the National Day file.

The combination of Zhou Yun and Wen Bing belongs to the top Wang Zhan lineup in Chinese-language movies, and it must have a long schedule to be worthy of the vision of this movie project when it was established.

This blockbuster film co-operated with Wen Bing is finally about to be released.

However, this is something to do later, "Night of Truth" is still being filmed in an orderly manner.

Zhou Yun's appearance in this movie is literary and gentle, and most of the time he only hits the bottom line.

It's not that Zhou Yun's purpose is to create a character, but Zhou Yun's own conditions are very good. If the image is too beautiful, it doesn't fit her normal state at home.

Originally, there was an introduction about the cartoonist Su Man in the script. The reason why she wanted to move and rent this remote place was because a comic series she was creating was about to enter a critical period of plot development. The place she rented was too busy for her creative mood—she was creating a horror comic about ghosts.

Zhou Yun had a serious communication with Zhang Zifan, and she wanted to delete this background content.

"I don't know if this background has any special meaning to the whole story?"

Zhang Zifan said: "It's nothing else. When I was designing this script, the reason I wanted to design Su Man's professional background as a horror-themed cartoonist was to correspond to the later 'haunted' link. The movie I envisioned The opening chapter is a ghost story. In the scariest part, switch the camera to let everyone know that the previous scary story is a comic story created by Su Man. Let me breathe a sigh of relief. Then, a cartoonist who created ghost stories encountered a supernatural event. I wanted to create this back-and-forth reversal."

Zhou Yun nodded, "I understand. The reason why I want to delete this background is because I suddenly thought of it—a book based on ghost stories should be familiar with all kinds of 'haunting events'. She was frightened by the haunting made by two children pretending to be a ghost, which is a bit strange, not to say that it is untenable, but subconsciously thinks that it is untenable, just like a gravekeeper who is afraid of the grave, everyone thinks it is a bit strange when they hear it."

Zhang Zifan fell into deep thought.

"you're right."

Zhou Yun said: "Either way, we have to find a way to solve this problem. The opening of the movie you imagined is really interesting. Let's see if we can find a way to keep it."

This beginning has actually been used in many movies.

But tried and tested.

At least every movie Zhou Yun had seen that started like this surprised her.

This is also in line with Su Man's identity as a cartoonist.

Zhang Zifan thought for several days, found Zhou Yun, and said, "I thought of a point."

"What point?" Zhou Yun asked.

Zhang Zifan's eyes lit up: "The two children played by Su Tianqi and Liu Luyao are the readers of this comic created by Su Man. They are able to use the tricks of pretending to be ghosts and scaring people later, and they all learned from Su Man's comic. Su Man discovered that the haunting incident in this house was very similar to the content of the comics she created, so she frightened herself, worried that the comics would become a reality, and wanted to escape."

Zhou Yun immediately understood what Zhang Zifan was thinking.

"So your idea is to turn the scary story at the beginning into two children reading a cartoon created by Su Man?"

"Yes." Zhang Zifan said, "This can also explain why these two children can rely on them alone to make so many scary things."

Zhou Yun understood immediately.

"I have another idea, that is, when you are frightened by them, I don't plan to make parallels to these supernatural events that you encounter in the house. Run away, and tell the audience that all of this was done by those two brats." Zhang Zifan said, "In this way, it will resonate with the audience even more, why do you want to run away overnight."

Zhou Yun nodded: "This is good."

She said: "The more I think about this script, the more interesting I find it. In fact, the whole story is scary from the beginning to the end, but its scariness is divided into two stages, one is the scariness of fictional and comic stories, and the latter is the scariness from real stories. Yes, the scariness of the director of the orphanage also inspired me, and I want to make a distinction between the two stages of being scared."

"When I was frightened by the two children in the first stage, it was more of an immediate, sensory fright. I wanted to act a little more outwardly. In the second stage, when I faced the director of the orphanage I want to highlight a complex panic, similar to, how to say, the most terrifying thing is the human heart, this concept."

Zhang Zifan scratched his head and said, "This can only be distinguished in performance."

"I just want to ask, will my making such a distinction affect the overall style of the movie?" Zhou Yun said, "Because I don't know what kind of style you want to shoot it in the back, to be honest, I do If this kind of distinction is placed in a particularly fast-paced editing style, it cannot be done slowly. Sometimes, it can only be expressed through a lens with two eyes, so I would like to ask you about the second half I can only adjust what kind of performance I want to give if I think about it.”

Zhang Zifan was shocked.

"Can it still be like this?"

"I think that a long shot, a shot cut every ten seconds, or a shot cut every five seconds will give the audience a different feeling. Of course, a good editor can find what he wants to use from a lot of materials. I think, if you already have a well-formed plan, why don't I give something directly based on this plan, which will save a lot of effort in the future."

Zhang Zifan was amazed when he heard Zhou Yun's words.

Those great actors, you often hear them talk about the coherence of performance, to play characters, not status, and so on.

Zhang Zifan didn't dare to imagine that Zhou Yun would take the initiative to adjust his way of acting to suit his ideas.

However, Zhou Yun gave a very professional performance in the filming on the set these days.

What he was most afraid of was Zhou Yun's suggestion that a certain design was not enough to express humanity and not be real enough-to be honest, this is not a realistic movie that portrays characters.

And Zhou Yun never raised similar objections. On the contrary, she always came to confirm with him, his thoughts on this shot, on the big screen afterward, and then adjust her performance.

Zhang Zifan really liked Zhou Yun now.
The cooperation between Zhou Yun and the two children has also become more and more proficient.

After the two children got acquainted with her, they were not as reserved as they were at first, and started to make trouble.

Zhou Yun also knocked their heads unceremoniously.

During the pre-shooting process, the overall atmosphere was relatively relaxed and pleasant.

Even though many shots are scary, everyone knows that the two children are playing tricks, intentionally scaring people, and the shooting process is very joyful.

On the day Song Chi came to visit the set, the entire production crew happily took photos with him.

Song Chi never refused anyone who came.

He brought milk tea, coffee and snacks to everyone.

Zhang Zifan specially gave Zhou Yun a half-day off so that the two of them could enjoy the world of two.

Zhou Yun showed Song Chi the novel sent by Yao Yuanfeng.

"Word of the Wind".

Song Chi received it in surprise.

"Is he going to ask you to develop this movie together?"

Zhou Yun nodded.

"If I remember correctly, there seem to be six books in this series, and the author is still writing sequels," Song Chi said.

Zhou Yun showed a helpless smile, and said: "I also saw this news, Yao Yuanfeng is afraid that I will not have a role to cooperate with him in the future."

Song Chi: "But this novel is quite popular."

"Yes, I found out after receiving it that I have read the first three books of this series." Zhou Yun said, "I quite like this story, but I haven't decided yet whether I want to act it or not."

Song Chi: "That's right, I have to shoot so many movies in one go."

Zhou Yun: "There are already many scenes to follow, I think I'll take a break for now."

"It's up to you to think about it. The "Words of the Wind" series, once filmed, is expected to become a very classic film series. After all, its original story is good enough, but for you now Say, but you don’t necessarily need this movie series to help you accumulate box office results, of course, maybe this series can make you one of the actors with the highest box office in starring movies.” Song Chi said, “So I say, it’s up to you.”

A new film series, Zhou Yun's biggest concern is that it will take up a lot of his later filming time.

Maybe if I have the opportunity to participate in other movies in the future, I will also make concessions for this movie.

However, as Song Chi said, the original stories of this series are very good and rare, with a female as the first protagonist to tell her adventure stories.

This is destined to be a commercial blockbuster. At present, there is no adventure series with a female protagonist in Chinese-language movies.

Zhou Yun shook his head: "Let's not talk about this now, I'll think about it myself, why do you have time to come today? Haven't you been busy with the announcement of "Jian Yuntai"?"

Song Chi said: ""Jian Yuntai" got a good first day of filming, and I'm not that busy for the time being, so I came to see you, how is your filming going?"

"Very happy." Zhou Yun said with a smile, "It was very relaxing. For the first time, I was neither mentally nor physically tired."

"You take more movies like this, don't always torment yourself."

"It also needs a suitable script. This time I also came across it by accident. Otherwise, this script would never have been thought of asking me to act."

"When you acted in this movie, everyone was shocked, and some seniors came to ask me if you were short of money to take this kind of movie."

Zhou Yun smiled helplessly.


"I'm going to take Yu Zhiyang to film a movie." Song Chi said suddenly.

"Huh?" Zhou Yun looked at him in surprise, "Do you have a suitable notebook?"

"Yes, it's a movie about ancient costumes and conspiracy, ancient spy wars." Song Chi laughed, "It's a new script written by a screenwriter I worked with before, and it was sent to me immediately. I liked it very much, so I bought it. "

"That's good. After he finished filming "Year" with me, he hasn't filmed any other films. Zhou Lan said that she had brought him a pretty good movie script about youth and love, and they specially invited him to act as a film director. Actor, very good offer, but Yu Zhiyang refused without saying a word, and I don't know why."

When Song Chi heard the words, he hesitated for a moment.

"What's wrong?" Seeing this, Zhou Yun realized that Song Chi might know something.

Song Chi said: "He may have some resistance to intimate physical contact... I discovered it before."

(End of this chapter)

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