I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 943 How much overseas box office can there be?

Chapter 943 How much overseas box office can there be?
Before Ma Qi gave his official feedback, the news that he was going to terminate the contract with Song Chi's company suddenly leaked out of nowhere.

Because of "A Thousand Gold Never Leaves the Court", Ma Qi is still known to many people on the Internet.

What's more, it involved Song Chi's company.

Therefore, after this incident spread on the Internet, it quickly attracted the attention of many people.

For a while, both Ma Qi and Song Chi were on the trending searches.

The termination of an actor's contract with a brokerage company is similar to the divorce of a celebrity couple. It is not uncommon, but every time it happens, it is always a very eye-catching and popular event.

After dinner, this kind of thing is not uncommon.

Many people discuss.

Why did Ma Qi terminate the contract with Song Chi's company?
Where is Ma Qi going?
What is the attitude of the two sides now?Is it a lot of tearing?

Discussions like this, such as locusts crossing the border, emerge endlessly on the Internet.

"Why did Ma Qi suddenly want to terminate the contract?" Yu Chu chatted with Zhou Yun, and also asked about it, "It is said on the Internet that Song Chi's company treated him badly, is it true?"

Zhou Yun said: "It's true to terminate the contract, but it's false to treat him badly. There must be a little misunderstanding. I don't know the specific situation."

Yu Chu: "Then Song Chi is really a big fan. I don't know what happened. Many people on the Internet said that Ma Qi was treated badly by Song Chi's company, so they wanted to terminate the contract."

"These people said that Song Chi's company treated Ma Qi badly, but they also made it clear why it treated him badly. It's just talking about bad treatment but not talking about bad treatment. Isn't this not pretending to be a hooligan?" Zhou Yun shook his head, "One is only 19 years old. For a newcomer, he was asked to act in "A Thousand Gold Never Goes Down" in the first play, and the next two plays arranged for him are also male leads, so how can you treat him badly?"

Yu Chu laughed: "That seems to be really nonsense, Xiaoyun, you are now filming "Night of the Truth", when will it be finished?"

"I don't know. I originally planned to shoot for more than ten days, but now the director has a new idea and the shooting time has to be extended." Zhou Yun said, "I think Zhang Zifan is really talented, and I didn't know why before. , did not make it out, and is not well-known, if you have the opportunity to cooperate with him in the future, you must cooperate with him."

Yu Chu said: "It's okay, after working with you, his reputation will definitely increase."

Zhou Yun smiled: "Stop coming."
Yu Chu's recent plays have been doing well.

Well, both.

Yu Chu's desperate Sanniang-style filming rhythm basically has new plays broadcast every season.

She doesn't pick leading roles or supporting roles, as long as there is a schedule, supporting roles will also be played.

Brushing the face is dizzying.

She can clearly feel that her acting skills have improved a lot.

It is also useful to transfer the sea of ​​questions tactics to acting.

Her fans are also increasing.

In comparison, Yin Zhou's filming is not so much.

He is currently filming a scene for Song Chi's company to save the scene.

Yu Chu didn't take on new plays at this time, one was to accompany the children, and the other was to catch his breath.

Otherwise, according to her habit, she will definitely take on a play that fills the schedule, and the leading role and supporting role are fine.

In the past two years, Yu Chu has devoted almost all his time to work without taking a break. He and Yin Zhou changed houses together, and the whole family lived in them.

That's why Yu Chu had time to come to Zhou Yun.

Under Zhou Yun's help, Yu Chu met Zhang Zifan.

"Hello director, Xiao Yun has been praising you for giving me the opportunity to work with you." Yu Chu also respected this unknown director, "If you have a suitable opportunity in the future, please think of me. "

Zhang Zifan laughed and said yes.

In front of Yu Chu, Zhang Zifan was not so nervous.

Zhang Zifan said: "I'm indeed still preparing a short drama and looking for a leading actress. If you have a schedule, I'll send you the script for a look?"

Yu Chu didn't expect that there were actually projects to be photographed in his hands, so he immediately agreed.

The current short series are usually eight to twelve episodes, which are very short and can be finished in about one to two months.

Yu Chu also likes to make such scenes, so he doesn't waste time.

Zhang Zifan suddenly thought of something, and said, "By the way, Yue Hai also came to me. They want to buy the right to adapt the series of "Night of Truth" and develop it into a web series."

Zhou Yun couldn't help frowning upon hearing this.

"Why do they adapt every movie I make into a drama?" Zhou Yun complained.

Zhang Zifan said with a smile: "Because everyone knows that you have a unique eye for drama, and the stories you fancy will definitely be very popular."

It was the same with "Idol Replica" last time.

"However, before this movie is released, I will not sell it." Zhang Zifan said, "I fully believe that the box office performance of this movie will be able to sell at a higher price after it is released."

Zhou Yun nodded.

Then she remembered that she could also share the other development proceeds of this play.

It's really about her.

Zhou Yun said: "I also think, don't worry, don't worry about other things anyway, let's make this film well first, and we are also in contact with overseas film companies, and it is best to release it in more countries and regions."

The film's overseas distribution is handled by Zhou Yun Studio.

Zhou Lan is connecting with overseas film producers.

Hearing this, Zhang Zifan asked, "Xiaoyun, do you think this movie will do well at the overseas box office?"

Zhou Yun shook his head: "I don't know. In fact, there has always been a market for this type of film overseas, but generally it is DVD and video platforms that sell well. They really go to the box office in theaters. There are no particularly popular examples. According to our It is estimated that if it can be released in several large markets, it will eventually get an overseas box office of [-] to [-] US dollars. This is a relatively normal and expected valuation, but even this box office data requires each place Only by earnestly doing a good job of publicity can it be possible to obtain it.”

Zhang Zifan was a little disappointed when he heard this.

He originally thought that this kind of commercial film could achieve excellent box office results in the global market.

This is also a misunderstanding that Zhang Zifan has never had a film shown overseas.

For Chinese-language films that have not established complete and powerful distribution channels in major ticket warehouses around the world, such box office results would be difficult to achieve if Zhou Yun did not have channels to promote them.

Moreover, relatively speaking, the production cost of this movie is not high. If it can really achieve such a box office result, it will be very popular.

Zhou Yun could see that Zhang Zifan was a little disappointed, but she didn't explain.

Only when he has personally experienced and seen these things, will he know what is going on.

There is no need to explain to him now.

Zhou Yun is still looking forward to the overseas performance of this film. If this type of film is well shot, it must be a masterpiece of word-of-mouth among the audience—and it can surpass the barriers of ideology and other things to win everyone's love.

Zhou Yun was thinking about when it would be better to release this movie.

She was thinking about whether she should take advantage of the wind of "Killing Song".

 Race against time to write a chapter

(End of this chapter)

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