I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 944 There is a good actor

Chapter 944 There is a good actor
Ma Qi finally decided to stay.

When the hustle and bustle on the Internet continued to boil, Song Chi's company did not make any explanation to the outside world.

Therefore, when Ma Qi finally decided to stay, they did not make any explanation.

Until a week later, everyone had almost forgotten about it. Song Chi's company suddenly announced that "The Order" will star Song Chi, and Yu Zhiyang, Ma Qi, and Liu Lingxin will participate in the performance.

As soon as the news was officially announced, people who knew about it immediately realized that Ma Qi would not leave Song Chi's company.

Otherwise, the movie will not be officially announced at this node.

Neither party made any response to the previous termination of the contract, and both wanted to let this matter pass in silence.

However, someone suddenly stared at the lineup and asked a question: Why is Ma Qi, a well-known actor, ranked behind Yu Zhiyang, whose work has not yet been aired?

When asked this way, many people were equally puzzled.

Indeed, Yu Zhiyang is an actor who has not yet become famous. So far, although he has heard his name several times, except for a movie starring him and Zhou Yun, no work has been released.

Ma Qi is an actor who has a hit drama in his hands.

No matter how you say it, he shouldn't be ranked behind Zhi Yang.

Many people held this idea and kept asking under the official announcement.

Everyone also did not make any response.

This non-response attitude angered some of Ma Qi's fans.

They persistently swiped the screen, demanding an explanation from Song Chi's company.

He even went to Song Chi's Weibo to make a fuss, scolding Song Chi for being an actor, but after becoming a capitalist, he also forgot his original intention of being an actor.

Song Chi: "..."

He didn't respond.

This is the advantage of staying in the showbiz for a long time. I have seen everything, and I have also experienced the bigger and louder scolding than this battle.

Song Chi didn't care.
"It's not a good thing not to respond all the time."

Zhou Lan told Zhou Yun.

Zhou Yun: "Respond now, no matter what, it's wrong. It's right to be cold first."

Zhou Lan: "Behind this, there must be someone buying a navy to create momentum. It's been several days, and the popularity can't go down. No one buys a navy to create popularity. I don't believe it."

"It doesn't matter who buys it." Zhou Yun said, "Sister Lan, the longer I stay in this industry, the more I feel that many things happen as they happen. It’s all about adding firewood to people, not only can’t put out the fire, but it will also build up the fire.”

Zhou Lan: "You are so pessimistic."

"The existence of the public relations matter actually shows that the truth is not important, and the truth is not important." Zhou Yun smiled.

Zhou Lan was silent for a moment, "However, the truth is still important. If it is not important, our work will lose its meaning."

Zhou Lan didn't expect that between her and Zhou Yun, she would become the one who believed that "the truth is important".

Zhou Yun: "Of course the truth is important, but it's not important to the media or the Internet. Really, Sister Lan, if you get this mentality right, you'll be relieved of those voices and won't take them to heart. "

There used to be a saying that said, if you close your heart, you won't get hurt.

That's probably what Zhou Yun meant now.

If you stop entangled in the truth, you will stop caring about those rumors and distorted news on the Internet.

Zhou Lan knew that Zhou Yun was right.

It just made her feel a little sad.

Anyone can give up, but Zhou Yun gave up his insistence on the truth, which made it hard for Zhou Lan to accept.

Perhaps it is because Zhou Yun is already the embodiment of ideals in her mind. No matter how mundane or realistic the world is, she will never compromise, and will face the world with her stubborn and firm attitude.But no matter how chaotic the world she faces, she will stick to her own heart and look at the world with her own values.

Since when did Zhou Yun change?

Zhou Lan was very surprised.
In June, the weather gradually gets hotter.

The filming environment is indoors, so that everyone can avoid the scorching sun. The crew of "Truth Night" are very fortunate that this film is all indoor scenes.

Moreover, it's all big night scenes.

In order not to affect the rest of the two children, all the scenes that need to be brought to the night scene are filmed between [-]:[-] and [-]:[-] in the evening, and the scenes that will stay up all night afterward are all shot by Zhou Yun, Cheng Yang and Zou Xingming. Individual contracted.

Zou Xingming's play was so good that Zhou Yun was shocked.

Zhou Yun felt that this movie could help Zou Xingming win an award.

Zou Xingming never got a good role before.Zhou Yun specifically searched the Internet for Zou Xingming's previous dramas. Basically, he has never taken a more important role in film and television dramas, and there are not many memorable dramas.This is bad resource.

Zhou Yun didn't understand, for an actor like Zou Xingming with such excellent acting skills and such deep qualifications, how come no producer or director has seen him?Give him a good role?

Zhou Yun specifically recommended Zou Xingming to Song Chi.

"This actor's acting is really good, every scene can shock me." Zhou Yun said to Song Chi, "I don't know how he acts in other plays, but his acting as a murderer makes my hair stand on end."

When Song Chi saw him, he said, "Ah, him? I know him. His plays are very good."

Zhou Yun was taken aback for a moment, and asked, "You know him? Then why haven't you approached him for a movie?"

Song Chi: "Because he... how should I put it, he offended people before, so no one dared to use him."

"Has he offended anyone?" Zhou Yun asked in surprise, "Who has he offended?"

Can make everyone dare not use him, is it possible to be some kind of big boss?
Song Chi said: "Jingdongtian, I remember it was him. Anyway, he had a big fight with Jingdongtian back then, everyone knows it."

"It's Jingdongtian again... What happened between him and Jingdongtian?"

"He once had dinner with Jing Dongtian. During the dinner, he probably drank too much. In front of everyone, he said that Jing Dongtian used his power for personal gain and suppressed young people who refused to accept him. He said a lot. Can't stop, it spread quickly." Song Chi said, "Jingdongtian, you know, has a lot of experience and connections, Zou Xingming offended Jingdongtian, and the people around Jingdongtian directly used their own power to suppress Zou Xingming , What are you playing big names, high-spirited, not easy to cooperate with, and so on, Zou Xingming's reputation has been bad for a while."

Zhou Yun was furious after hearing this: "This is too much!"

Song Chi: "It's basically impossible for Zou Xingming to cooperate with a big company's film and television drama in the future. Everyone doesn't want to cause trouble."

Zhou Yun said: "It's disgusting, I didn't expect such a thing to happen."

"If you hadn't suddenly acted in "Night of the Truth" this time, the film would actually be a very low-budget film, and it might not even be able to make it to the theaters, and it would end up on the Internet." Song Chi said, "Wait When this movie is released, many people can see him, maybe it can help him improve the situation."

Zhou Yun: "I really think that Mr. Zou Xingming's performance in this drama won an award. It's great. It's been a long time since I met an actor who gave me goosebumps."

"Well, it might be difficult to win the award. Jing Dongtian and his forces have a great influence on the domestic film and television awards. They will prevent Zou Xingming from winning the award." Song Chi said, "The rumors of Jing Dongtian's illegitimate child are so fierce. It didn't affect his status in the industry at all, so don't underestimate him."

"I just feel uncomfortable." Zhou Yun said, "Such a good actor was suppressed by him so much that he didn't show up at this time."
Zhou Yun couldn't understand many things, but although she couldn't understand some things, she put them in her heart, didn't say them out, and didn't intend to change them.But there are some things, she has a cavity of anger, she is unwilling to turn a blind eye, and wants to change it.

What happened to Zou Xingming was something that Zhou Yun could not understand and was unwilling to turn a blind eye to.

In fact, in the crew of "Night of the Truth", it seemed that no one knew how Zou Xingming was excluded and treated coldly.

If everyone knows, there will definitely be some rumors.

Therefore, Zhou Yun probably understood that Zou Xingming was just not liked by those "elite circles" in the film and television industry.

Jing Dongtian is incapable of banning Zou Xingming's entire industry, and his actions will not affect the "middle and lower levels" of the film and television industry.

In fact, the crew that Zhang Zifan assembled were not big names in the industry.

No industry leader will come to this kind of project with a production budget of only 2000 million at the beginning.

The investment of many Internet giants is larger than this.

Therefore, Jing Dongtian didn't bother to "block" Zou Xingming in this kind of drama.

Zhou Yun thought about this, and felt even colder in his heart.

She suddenly thought of the time when she first signed with Chengqian Entertainment.

At that time, because of Wei Ruxue's suppression, she could only play tricks for a year, playing roles that didn't even appear on the cast list.

Zhou Yun deeply remembered his aggrieved and depressed year.

So, why did Zhou Yun hate Jing Dongtian's behavior?
This is called smashing people's jobs.
After learning about Zou Xingming, Zhou Yun never talked about it with anyone in the crew.

Now Zou Xingming is doing well in the filming of the crew, no one knows, Zou Xingming himself didn't mention it, of course Zhou Yun will not change the status quo.

She just felt that after the movie was released, Zou Xingming must be well publicized. The most important thing was to win him nominations for mainstream awards, or even win awards.

Coincidentally, on this day, Wen Lanlan's self-media invited Zhou Yun to visit the class and chat.

The two are already very familiar old friends.

Wen Lanlan asked Zhou Yun: "There are many friends around me, including myself, who are very puzzled. It stands to reason that an actress of your level is acting in big productions and big directors. How about such a low-budget movie?"

Zhou Yun: "The script is good, and the director has good ideas."

Wen Lanlan said: "So even if the production cost is low, it doesn't matter?"

"The production cost is low, but believe me, this is a very carefully crafted film from beginning to end, nothing is compromised, in fact, like before, the director suddenly had a good idea, which will let us shoot It will be delayed for about seven days, and the film will immediately have an additional 1000 million budget." Zhou Yun said, "It doesn't mean that the high production cost will definitely do well. Some films do not require many gorgeous scenes because of their conception and design. Its cost is very low, even if you give it 2000 million, it only costs [-] million to complete the filming, so there is no need for you to pay such a large production cost, do you think?"

Wen Lanlan nodded: "It makes sense, but—I'm sorry, I know I'm unprofessional if I ask this, but I can't help but ask, haven't you received a bigger and better movie? Are you invited?"

"Of course I do, but it doesn't mean I make those movies, I won't make such movies." Zhou Yun said, "I don't want to be just an actor who appears in big productions, which is not too much for an actor. Healthy choice, in fact, you see, this time I acted in "Night of Truth", so far, I am very happy and very satisfied. I met a group of creative staff who are constantly working hard for film production, constantly changing and seeking new ideas. When creating in such a crew atmosphere, you will realize that you are also inspired. For example, Mr. Zou Xingming, I didn’t know him at all before. But it’s no exaggeration to say that every scene he plays with me gives me creeps, it’s so good.”

Wen Lanlan nodded seriously.

Wen Lanlan's class visit notes were soon published on her self-media.

Zhou Yun praised an actor's good acting skills - this made everyone subconsciously search for this actor.

As a result, as soon as the search results came out, well, they were all bad movies.


Zhou Yun, are you serious?
Or, were you kidnapped?

Why do you want to praise an actor who is full of bad movies so much?

The controversy is not small.

Even when Zou Xingming saw her, he half-jokingly said: "What do you mean by praising me so well, it's only adding trouble to yourself."

Zhou Yun said: "Why should I bother, anyway, after this movie is released, everyone will know why I said that, and I am not lying."

Zou Xingming was actually very moved in his heart.

He is just a bit reserved of a middle-aged man, and he can't express his touch and gratitude. He would rather joke with an indifferent attitude, and it is difficult to truly express his true emotions.

As I said before, Zou Xingming has never made any good films, nor has he ever worked with a big-name actor like Zhou Yun.

However, the more an actor is at the bottom of the show business circle, the more he can feel the coldness of the world.

Zhou Yun's ability to praise him like this in front of reporters is obviously an attitude.

Every actor will meet a lot of talented people, but not everyone will be directly performed, praised, and supported by them in this public way.

The more public figures you are, the more cautious you should be in your words and deeds.

The more public figures are, the more eyes they will stare at every word they say.

So, I would rather not say it.

But Zhou Yun said it.

Zhou Yun just wanted to let everyone know that there is a good actor named Zou Xingming.

(End of this chapter)

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